Answers to questions raised to the tender OSHA/NS/2010/T5 Welcome to the ‘answers to questions’ section related with the Open Call for tender: OSHA/NS/2010/T5 - Provision of evaluation and monitoring services to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. We invite you to consult it regularly. 1. QUESTION: Is there a specific budget approved for each of the lots? ANSWER: There is not a specific approved budget for each of the lots. There is, however, an estimated amount of work (see tender specifications) and a corresponding non-binding, indicative estimate on financial resources needed. These are (for the four years): Lot 1: 150.000 EUR; Lot 2: 480-600.000 EUR; Lot 3: 530-650.000 EUR; Lot 4: EUR 350-500.000 EUR. Please note, that consequently the total estimated amount over the four years is 1.500.000-1.900.000 EUR and not 1.100.000-1.500.000 EUR as indicated in the tender documentation. 2. QUESTION: Is there specific number of people to be included in the opinion survey (lot 4) and does EU-OSHA have specific criteria to set up the samples? ANSWER: At the moment, the only criteria defined are those in the Tender Specifications, in particular that the methodology must ensure validity and reliability of results, including when data are broken down on countries. As indicated in the award criteria (number 2) the issues raised in the question is one of the important elements for the award decision. 3. QUESTION: Can the same tenderer be awarded all the lots? ANSWER: Yes, the same tenderer can be awarded all the lots. 4. QUESTION: Can the Agency confirm that the maximum length of each PARF is three pages and that the numbering, when necessary, could be changed to “PARF No: …. page 1 of 3”? ANSWER: There is a typing error in point 6, page 37: “A PARF consists of the following three (3) pages. All three pages must be completed, without exceeding the maximum length of description specified in the form.” Where it says “three (3)” and “three” it should say “two (2)” and “two”. The limitation in extension is defined by the number of characters as indicated in the form rather than the number of pages. 5. QUESTION: Where can more specific information on the Agency’s campaigns be found? ANSWER: In addition to the campaigns website: information can be found in the evaluations carried on the previous campaigns (European Weeks): 6. QUESTION: How does the tenderer prove his/her capacity to carry out work in all languages, selection criteria 3? 1 ANSWER: As indicated in the Tender Specifications, the criteria includes the words, “to the extent relevant”. The tenderers are therefore invited to take into account proportionality when preparing their tenders. In the technical specifications, on pages 15-16 there is a description of how the tenderer can show he/she complies with the selection criteria. 7. QUESTION: The sentence, “implementing EU-OSHA’s monitoring and evaluation policy, e.g. assistance with refinement of evaluation plan, monitoring system, and/or technical and methodological support for staff with internal evaluation or monitoring duties” on page 2 about lot 1: Does technical refer to a technological tool? ANSWER: No, “technical” here refers to provision of expertise to help staff carry out their monitoring and evaluation duties in a satisfactory way. 8. QUESTION: The tender specifications specify what sections need to be included in the tender. Please clarify what should or can be included in Section IV: Annexes ANSWER: Section IV: Annexes is meant for documentation requested for the three sections (Administrative information, Technical Offer, Financial Offer). 9. QUESTION: The tender specifications ask the tenderer to ensure that all the documents submitted in the bid are numbered and included on a list to be submitted as part of the tender. At the same time it is stated that the checklist in annex III must be filled and signed. Does this mean that filling in and signing the checklist is sufficient or should a separate table listing and numbering all documents be included as well as numbering the documents themselves? ANSWER: A separate list of the documents and numbering of the documents is needed in addition to the signed checklist from annex III. 10. QUESTION: For consortia: The tender specifications states that a written statement whereby the entity or entities concerned confirm(s) that financial and technical resources will be placed at disposal of the tenderer must be included. What should this statement look like and should it be signed by all consortium partners? ANSWER: In general, this requirement can be met by using the Consortium Form in Annex III together with adequate documentation for the selection criteria. 11. QUESTION: Should the template for administrative data in annex III be provided for both the lead partner and the consortium partners? ANSWER: Please refer to page 11 of the tender specifications (about the administrative information) where it says: “For consortia, documents for each member of the consortium have to be submitted, for assessment of eligibility and selection. Also, for consortia please use the form in Annex III.” 12. QUESTION: The terms of reference in Section 5.3 ("Selection Criteria") requests the submission of a "short description of the main relevant services provided over the last three years in 2 areas relating to those covered by the relevant lot (...) The Project Activity Reference Forms - PARFs in Annex III must be used to provide this information". In this respect, Annex III states that "PARFs should not be outdated, the project having been executed during the last three years". Does it mean that the projects should have been completed within the period 2007-2010 or does it mean that also ongoing projects (projects that have started within this period but have not finished yet) can be included? ANSWER: Preferably the projects should be finalised within the period indicated. However, also projects which are not yet finalised can be included. 13. QUESTION: What is the number of contacts in your data base which may be used for online surveys? ANSWER: Currently, there are around 45.000 contacts in the database mentioned. This number may, however, continue to increase. 14. QUESTION: Does the Agency expect to have 75.000 responses to its online surveys? ANSWER: No. As mentioned in our answer to question 13, currently there are 45.000 contacts in the database. Recently we have had around 6.000 responses to surveys which we find satisfactory. However, as indicated, the population to survey may vary. 15. QUESTION: Is there a minimum number of responses expected per country for the online surveys? ANSWER: There is no pre-defined minimum number of responses per country. This will depend on the purpose of the survey which will be defined between the contractor and EU-OSHA before the survey – see on page 4 about lot 3. 16. QUESTION: Which parts of the offer should go into which envelope? ANSWER: The ‘double envelope’ system is explained on page 9. The envelope with the technical offer should include Section I: Administrative Information and Section II: Technical Offer, whereas the envelope with the financial offer should include section III: Financial Offer. Annex IV will most likely refer to the technical offer in which case the documents can go into the envelope with the technical offer. If any of the annexes refer to the financial offer they should go into the envelope with the financial offer. 17. QUESTION: The tenderer is asked to provide proof of enrolment in the professional or trade register pursuant to the legislation of the Member State in which the tenderer is established. Can the Agency provide information on what this means for Spain? ANSWER: The tenderer should be registered in the “Registro Mercantil” 18. QUESTION: If a tenderer wants to bid for more than one lot, does he/she have to present more than one offer? ANSWER: 3 Yes. On page 9 of the tender specifications it is specified that a separate tender must be submitted for each lot the tenderer wants to bid for. As a consequence, the offers should go in separate envelopes. 19. QUESTION: Is it necessary to split the tenderer in various documents? ANSWER: The preparation of the tender should follow the guidelines in the tender specifications, see in particular section 4. This means that it the system with two envelopes must be respected and that the information follows the structured outline with three sections. 20. QUESTION: Is there an established structure for presentation of the technical offer? ANSWER: The requirements to section II: Technical Offer are outlined on the pages 11-12. Please note the reference to other sections, in particular 5.4 and 2. 21. QUESTION: What does the limit of 12.000 characters refer to regarding the technical offer? ANSWER: The 12.000 characters limit refers to the description of each of the scenarios mentioned on pages 11-12. 22. QUESTION: In which geographical areas will the 6 major projects (see section 2.2.3) be implemented? ANSWER: The Agency projects are in principle covering all Member States plus Iceland, Norway and Lichtenstein. They may also cover other countries. It is, however, important to understand that a EU-OSHA deals with collection, analysis and/or dissemination of information. The main working language of the Agency is English. An example of a project could be the ESENER project, see here: 4