Chapter 15 – Understanding Sexual Behavior/Rel’n
Sexual Orientation: Direction in which people focus
their sexual interests.
Heterosexuality: Most common orientation –
opposite sex
Homosexuality: Less than ___________ - same sex
Bisexuality: a. genuinely attracted to ______genders
b. homosexual but occasional hetero
c. aroused physically by _____gender but
attracted ________ to the opposite gender
Bonds between Individuals
- Rel’n move from ________ to love
- Friendship based upon shared common
experiences, _____, tolerance, empathy, support,
cultural bonds
- traditional – ___ asked ____ out – move to
“going ______”- exchange of ______ items
- Engagement by seeking permission of
_______…then marriage
- Women have a more _______ role in
contemporary society
- Contemporary trend is to “____ ___” in group,
then move to couples
a. Serial Monogamy – Series of ______
relationships – linked to spread of ____
b. Mutual Monogamy –________ exclusive
c. Intimacy – Any close, mutual, verbal or
nonverbal behavior w/in a relationship – helps us
feel _______- present in both friendship and love
d. Love – Text outlines two types: Passionate
(extreme absorption) and Compassionate
(friendly affection, deep attachment with long
term mutual growth)
These can be further divided to include:
i. ____ – partner seen as sexual object for
self gratification (real or unreal)
ii. _____ – Romatic love (requited or
iii. ______ – Brotherly love
iv. _______ – Jesus Christ – love for all (give
up life)
Relationships and Lifestyles
Affirmation of one ___ and one ______ as a legal,
physical, spiritual and emotional ____ so
designated for family________, ________, care
and support. The ________of contemporary
*Avg. age for Men for first marriage is
26…Women’s age is ____
*_____ of adulsts 18 or older are married, divorced
or widowed
*Last 10 years..number of adult deciding to remain
single has ____
*Traditional marriage now challenged by
____________ _______ _________
Classic Forms of Behavior Within Marriage
a. Conflict-Habituated Marriage
- characterized by conflict, disagreement, conflict,
- couples simply agree to _________
- one person may _______ or ______ other
b. Devitalized Marriage
- Lost its sign of life, “spunk” or “élan”
- Dynamics of interaction are gone
- Seeking outside ______..often ends in______
divorce..even _________develop
c. Passive-Congenial Marriage
- Most sought after type of marriage (is it??
Author bias) – requires less time and energy
because of mutual __________ to
- People focus on the “______” for their marriage
(_________. ________)
d. Total Marriage
- all aspects of ________ gone with all energy
focused on “us”
- life outside marriage does ___exist
e. Vital Marriage
- Serves as arena for individual growth and growth
of couple
- Equality of opportunity – _________ to maintain
*In 2000, _______ of all relationships ended in
divorce – most common given reason was
Five beliefs:
a. Marriage will ease your need to deal with your
_____ faults and that failures can be ______
b. Marriage will change partner’s _______
c. High level of romance ____ __ ________
d. Marriage will help one develop personal_______
e. Belief that marital partner will meet all your
- 42% of women and 38% of men over 18 are
currently single, many __ _______
- Others single b/c of divorce, death or separation
(lifestyle greatly _______)
*sharing of residence by unrelated, unmarried
*Close friends, retirees, homosexuals
*can be ________ or ________
Single Parenthood:
*Many are planned – middle aged, single women
*Surrogate motherhood/____________
*Homosexual __________or __________
Communication in Relationships
*Many say this is the key to a successful rel’n
within families, jobs, relatives, social experiences