Name____________________ Date____________ Period_____________ Chapter 18 Define the following vocabulary terms Lesson 18-1 Page 263-268 Marriage: Common-Law Marriage: Marital Consortium: Adoption: Prenuptial Agreement: What are the legal consequences of consensual premarital sexual intercourse that results in pregnancy? What is the status of gifts given when there is a binding contract to marry? What are the legal duties of parenthood? How does the law affect of premarital and marital relationships? What are the uses of prenuptial agreements? Lesson 18-2 Page 269-273 Annulment: Voidable Marriage: Bigamist: Divorce: Dissolution: No-fault Divorce: Separation: Child Custody: Child Support: Alimony: What are the major differences between a voidable marriage and void marriage? What factors does a judge consider when distributing property in a divorce? What topics are usually covered in a separation agreement?