2012app - He's A Doll!

Club Member Application
Dwane Adle/President * Jim Taylor/Vice-President * Peter Harrigan/Secretary * Jack Wootten/Treasurer
Our club Mission Statement: While Ken Doll is our club’s main emphasis; our goal is to
provide a fun and friendly structured club environment for anyone that collects male fashion
dolls. The environment our club creates will promote an admirable image for Ken and other
male fashion dolls. He's A Doll! Club is an officially recognized Mattel independent Ken® doll
club formed in 2007. Membership is required.
2012 club membership is effective March 13, 2012 to March 12, 2013. This year, our new
membership drive is scheduled earlier for January 20, 2012 to March 12, 2012. Please
send your new member application during the membership drive dates so we can
account for 2012 member numbers. Upon receipt and approval of your application, you
will officially become a 2012 He’s A Doll! club member.
1. Do you own or collect Ken dolls?
 Yes  No
2. If so, about how many Ken dolls are in your collection?
 1-10  11-30  31-60  61-90  91-120  120 or more
3. What era Ken dolls do you own or collect (check all that apply):
 Vintage 1961-1966
 Collectible Two 1988-1992
 Mod 1969-1973
 Now 1993-1998
 Spirit/Urban 1974-1982
 Millennium and Beyond 1999-Present
 Collectible 1983-1987
4. Are you planning on attending the 2012 Kenvention in Chicago, IL September 13-15?
 Yes  No
5. Are you a member of another Barbie/Doll collecting club?
 Yes  No
If Yes, name of club(s) _________________________________________________________
6. Would you be interested in serving on any of the following He’s A Doll! Committees (check
all that apply):
 Promotions Committee
 Newsletter Committee
 Outreach Committee
 Steering Committee
 Executive Committee
 Conventions Committee
Please include this entire application form with your $24 USD payment between January 20,
2012-March 12, 2012. Upon receipt of payment and application approval, you will become a
2012 He’s A Doll! club member.
You may either mail your application and payment in the form of a personal check or money order
OR, send the application and payment electronically to the addresses provided below.
Please use a separate form for each membership application.
He’s A Doll!
c/o Jack Wootten
18 Jonathan Dr
Newark, DE 19702
Send $24 to PayPal account club@hesadoll.com
Send application to kensbuddy@comcast.net
(Send application and PayPal payments separately)
(Send application and payment together. $USD
Doll! Club”)
Name ____________________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________
Country __________________City _____________________________________
State/Province ____________ Postal Code _______________
Telephone _________________________________________
Email Address _____________________________________________________
Yahoo User Name __________________________________________________
 $24 USD Enclosed
 $24 USD Sent via PayPal (date) ___________________
Article II: Members & Dues
1. Dues, Remission and Non-Payment. Dues: The Board of Trustees may elect to charge membership dues. If the board initiates
dues, the same dues are payable advance during the month of April of each year shall be in an amount as may be determined by
the Board. A member initiated after the first day in October shall pay one-half of the dues for the year. No new memberships or
renewals will be accepted after the last day of December of the membership year. 2012 club membership is effective March 13,
2012 to March 12, 2013.
1.1 Remission of Dues: In special cases and for special reasons, the Board of Trustees is empowered to grant a remission of all or a
portion of the annual dues of a member, should a majority of the full Board of Trustees deem such an action to be in the best
interest of the Club.
1.2 Effect of Non-Payment of Dues: Any member neglecting to pay dues or other obligations of any kind for a period of three months
after they are due, and provided written notice of such failure shall have been given to the member, shall forfeit his or her right of
membership. After one additional month, if such dues or other obligations are still unpaid, the member may be dropped from the
club at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.
2. Members. There is no limit on the number at this time. All are considered voting members at this time.
2.1 Elections. There is no election of members. All who collect Ken® and related products are welcome to join.
2.2 Those who participate or volunteer for a club event and/or with any committee shall be considered “general members” of this
club. No initiations of dues or voting privileges are allowed for general members of the club.
2.3 Membership is considered a privilege. Any member who defames or causes damage to the club, its members, general
members, board of trustees or executive committee members will be expelled from the club with a majority vote of the board of
trustees. Intellectual and other properties of the club must be surrendered to the board of trustees and any payments due to the club
must be paid upon expulsion. Membership dues paid will not be refunded. The email addresses listed on the Yahoo group shall be
used for the sole purpose of He’s A Doll! official club communication, any other use is prohibited.
 I have read the He’s A Doll! Members & Dues By-laws and agree to all terms of membership.
Your application must be signed!