Vocabulary Root Words Keep this list in your notebook. Latin roots are present in many of our English language words, especially in science. Whenever you encounter a new term in this class you break down the word into its parts and use these prefixes, suffixes, and stems to figure out its meaning. You will have a vocabulary quiz EVERY Tuesday! Section 1 a-, anabacacouadenoagri-al alb- no; lacking; none away from; out from to; toward hearing gland field, soil having character of white -algia amphibiananaangio antho anti- pain double life not; without up vessel flower against benebibiobrachibranchibronchicalor- well; good two, twice life, living having arms having fins windpipe heat chemchlorchrom-cide circum cococc- refers to chemistry green color killing around, about with, together seed Section 2 anthropoaquarchaeoarthroaster; astro audiautobaro- man water primitive, ancient joint stars hear self weight Section 3 cardicarpal caudcellcenticentrcephalcervic- heart wrist tail chamber hundredth center head neck Section 4 contracosmocotyl-cycly cyst-cyte dactyldeca- against world; order cup ring, circle bladder, pouch cell, receptacle finger ten demidendrdentdermdidiadigit half tree tooth skin two across finger, toe enencephalend; ent enterethnoextraex- in; into brain within intestines race, people outside out of geoglob-gon -gony -grade gravgymno- land; earth ball; round angle; corner generation step; division heavy naked histhomohydrhypohyperichthyim- tissue man; same/alike water beneath, less above, over fish not Section 5 disdormdors-duct echinecoectelectro- apart, out sleep back lead spiny, prickly house outside electricity Section 6 -fid; fis-flect; -flex florfluorfolifractgalactgastro- divided, split bend flower fluorine leaf break milk, milky fluid stomach Section 7 gyngyrhemhepatherbheterohexhibern- female ring; circle blood liver grass different; other six winter Section 8 ininterintra-ism isokilolactlat- to, not, toward, into between within, inside a state or condition equal; same thousand milk side; flat mammmargmedmegmelamesmetameteor- breast border; edge middle great; million black; dark middle; half between; along lofty; high; in air -less leuclinguliqulip-logy macr- without white; bright; light tongue become fluid, liquid fat study of large micromillimismitomolemonomov- small thousandth wrong thread; filament mass one; single move nucoculoctolfomniooopthal- center eye eight smell all egg eye -pedpentperphagphilphoto-phyll foot five through feed; eat living; fond of light leaf Section 9 Section 10 morphmycelmyrianematneonephronoctnon- shape; form threadlike many thread new; recent kidney night not Section 11 orboscuovoxypaleopalmpanpath- circle; ring mouth egg sharp; acid; oxygen old; ancient broad; flat all disease; suffering Section 12 physi-phyt-pod polypompreproprocto- nature ; qualities plant foot many; several fruit before; ahead of time forward; favoring rectum; anus protopseudpulmopyrquadrquinre- first; primary false; deceptive lung heat; fire four five again; back semiseptsexsolsomnspecsphere- half; partly partition; seven six sun sleep look at ball tarsotaxteleterrtetrthermtoxico- ankle arrangement far off; at a distance earth four heat poison vasventrvitzozygo- vessel belly life animal yolk Section 13 renrhinrhizsaprsclersci-scope -scribe kidney nose root rotten hard know look; observe write Section 14 -spire spore stellsternstratsubsursym; syn breathe seed stars breast; chest layer under; below over; above; on top together Section 15 transtritrophultraur- across three one who feeds; well fed beyond urine