SPW 3031 (Section 2694) Introducción a la literatura hispanoamericana II Primavera 2013 FLI 121 MWF/PERIOD 3 Prof. Reynaldo Jiménez Ofc.Hrs.: Phone #: 392-2463 366 Grinter Hall Jimenez@ufl.edu IMPORTANT INFORMATION Prereq. for SPW 3031: SPN 3300 (Spanish Grammar and Composition 1 or SPN 3350 (Spanish Grammar for Native or Near-native Speakers) or SPW 3030 (Introduction to Spanish-American Literature I.)Last day to file S/U option: EACH STUDENT IS EXPECTED TO READ ALL THE ASSIGNED MATERIAL FOR A GIVEN WEEK IN ORDER TO DEMONSTRATE THEIR THOUGHTFUL READING THROUGH CLASS DISCUSSIONS. ATTENDANCE TO ALL CLASS MEETINGS IS CRUCIAL FOR UNDERSTANDING OF THE SUBJECT MATTER. STUDENTS MUST USE A SPANISH/SPANISH DICTIONARY AT ALL TIMES IN ORDER TO ASSURE UNDERSTANDING OF THE READINGS. IT IS ALSO RECOMMENDED TO CONSULT A SPANISH ENCYCLOPEDIA ( ESPASA-CALPE OR SIMILAR TITLE FOUND IN REFERENCE AREA OF LIBRARY WEST) IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND GEOGRAPHICAL, HISTORICAL, MYTHOLOGICAL REFERENCES IN SPANISH. ALSO: CHECK "GLOSARIO DE TERMINOS LITERARIOS"(Voces, pp.614-624. EVALUATION: Tests: 90%, 3 exams (short essay questions and objective sections) Participation: 10%, includes being prepared for class discussion as well as occasional quizzes, often drawn from video or other audio/visual aids (attendance 3%; quality and amount of participation: 8%) There will also be assigned written exercises which will be graded both in terms of content as well as of grammar and lexical accuracy. Attendance: Only 2 unexcused absences will be allowed without penalty. Every unexcused absence thereafter will cost 1 point off your final grade average for the course. Make-ups: There will be no make-ups on tests, quizzes, except when a valid medical excuse is submitted. In cases in which a make-up is offered, you may expect a different and, perhaps, more elaborate exam. TEXT: Raquel Chang-Rodríguez, Malva Filer. Voces de Hispanoamérica. Antología literaria Boston: Heinle & Heinle, 2013 Grade Scale The final grade scale is as follows: A = 100-93 C(S) = 76-73 A- = 92-90 C-(U) = 72-70 B+ = 89-87 D+ = 69-67 B = 86-83 D = 66-63 B- = 82-80 D- = 62-60 C+ = 79-77 E = 59-0 NOTE: A grade of C- will not be a qualifying grade for major, minor, Gen Ed, Gordon Rule or Basic Distribution Credit courses. For further information regarding passing grades and grade point equivalents, please refer to the Undergraduate Catalog at (http://www.registrar.ufl.edu/catalog/policies/regulationgrades.html). Any questions regarding this policy should be directed to Dr. Angel Kwolek-Folland, Associate Provost at 392-4792. Academic Integrity All students are required to abide by the Academic Honesty Guidelines which have been accepted by the University. The UF Honor Code reads: We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.” For more information please refer to http://www.dso.ufl.edu/studentguide. Accommodations Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation to the Instructor when requesting accommodation. For more information see http://www.dso.ufl.edu/drc. PROGRAMA DEL CURSO NOTAS: Repasar biografías de cada autor y preguntas generales y de análisis al final de cada autor Revisar el “Glosario de términos literarios”: pp. 614-624 Enero L 7 Introducción y trayectoria del curso. Características y análisis del texto literario M 9 El texto literario. Ver “figuras retóricas”(página web). Leer pp.204-211 V 11 Preparar Figuras retóricas ejercicios L 14 Rubén Darío (246-48). “Sonatina” (251-52) M 16 “El cisne” (252-3); “A Roosevelt” (256-7) V 18 “A Roosevelt”. Entregar ejercicio “Poesía. Figuras retóricas” ((página web) L 21 Martin Luther King Jr. Day. NO HAY CLASES M 23 Ejercicio página web (5 puntos hacia el primer examen). B.Lillo (263-64) V 25 “El Chiflón del diablo” (284-295) L 28 Leer pp. 297-98. Leer Horacio Quiroga (294-94) y “El hijo”(298-302) M 30 Pedro Henríquez Ureña (303-311) Febrero V 1 Pedro Henríquez Ureña. (303-311)Repaso para EXAMEN I L 4 EXAMEN I (Parte 1) M 6 EXAMEN I (Parte 2) V 8 Gabriela Mistral (323-325) “Los sonetos de la muerte”(325-326) L 11 Mistral “Los sonetos de la muerte” (325-26); “Sueño grande”(326-27) M 13 Alfonsina Storni (331-32). “Tú me quieres blanca” (332-33); V 15 “Cuadrados y ángulos” (333) L 18 “El hijo”(334-335) M 20 César Vallejo (336-37). “Los heraldos negros”(338) M 22 César Vallejo: “Los Heraldos negros”; “Trilce XXVIII” y “”Masa” (341) L 25 M 27. Borges (358-559). Video: El muerto. Leer “Comentario: El muerto) (pag web) M 27 Video: El muerto. Marzo V 1 “Borges y yo” (361-62) 2 de marzo a 9 de marzo----*****SPRING BREAK******** L M V L M V 11 “El sur”(362-67) 13 Nicolás Guillén (375-77); “Búcate plata” (377-78); “Sensemayá” (379-80) 15 “Balada de los dos abuelos”(380-381) 18 Pablo Neruda (396-998) “Walking Around”(399-400) 20 “Alturas de Machu Picchu” (401-403) 22 “Oda a los calcetines”(403-04) y Repaso para EXAMEN II L 25 EXAMEN II (Parte 1) M V Abril L M 27 EXAMEN II (Parte 2) 29 Juan Rulfo (406-407) “Nos han dado la tierra”(408-11) V L M V L M V L M 1 “Nos han dado la tierra” (408-411) 3 Consolidación y expansión (1960-75). Leer pp.414-417. Julio Cortázar (422424); “Continuidad de los parques” (424-25) o “La isla al mediodía (online) 5 “La isla al mediodía”; Rosario Castellanos (457-59); “Valium 10”(460-61) 8 Rosario Castellanos (457-59; “Valium”(460-61) 10 “Poesía no eres tú”(461) 12 Carlos Fuentes (466-67); “Chac Mool”(468-475) 15 “Chac Mool”(468-75); Gabriel García Márquez (476-77); “La increíble y triste historia….”(478-83) 17 “La increíble y trsite historia…”(478-83) 19 Repaso 22 EXAMEN III (Parte 1) 24 EXAMEN III (Parte 2)