(INGLÉ UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE EDUCACIÓN A DISTANCIA CUID (INTERMEDIO ORIGINAL) -- JUNIO 2009 -- DURACIÓN DEL EXAMEN: 2 HORAS NO SE PERMITE EL USO DE DICCIONARIO NI DE NINGÚN OTRO MATERIAL INSTRUCCIONES y PUNTUACIÓN Conteste a TODAS las preguntas de tipo test ÚNICAMENTE en la hoja de lectura óptica. Al final del examen, entregue ÚNICAMENTE la hoja de lectura óptica y LA ÚLTIMA HOJA de este examen, donde escribirá la redacción. No olvide consignar sus datos personales en ambas hojas. Puede llevarse el resto del examen. Las preguntas con respuesta múltiple valen 60 puntos y la redacción vale 40 puntos. El examen escrito se califica en total sobre 100 puntos. El mínimo para aprobar este nivel se establece en 40 puntos para las preguntas con respuesta múltiple y 20 puntos en la redacción. Hay que superar los mínimos en ambas partes para poder aprobar el examen. Las respuestas incorrectas no restan puntos. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. USE OF ENGLISH. Elija la respuesta correcta. 1. You finally got married, (a) weren’t you? (c) haven’t (b) were 2. I spent an enormous amount of money (a) at (b) in my new car. (c) about (d) on pay for this information. It’s free. 3. You (a) mustn’t 4. She (d) didn’t (b) don’t have to (c) can’t (d) shouldn’t her mail by the time the meeting started. (a) had checked (b) checked (c) was checking (d) will check 5. I was unemployed from January to October, but I’m working (a) as 6. If he (b) like (c) of (d) at for his egocentric behaviour, Susan (a) apologised/would (b) apologises/ Ø an air hostess now. forgive him. (c) apologised/will 7. My brother refused the job because he didn’t want to work on (a) flexitime 8. The salesman (a) which 9. The police (a) made/let (b) strike 11. John has (a) a lot of 12. Sarah . (d) duty helped me was very efficient. (b) Ø (c) what (d) who us stop the car and open the boot. Then they (b) let/allowed 10. The documentary was so (a) depressed (c) commission (d) would apologise/would (c) allowed/let us go. (d) forced/let that we turned the television off. (b) depression (c) depressing (d) depress money in his pocket. (b) much of (c) many (d) lots her mother. They have the same green eyes and nice smile. (a) looks after (b) takes after (c) looks as 13. Unless you the document in your computer, you won’t be able to find it later. (a) saved (b) will save (c) save (d) takes for (d) were saving 14. I’ll have to a wild guess because I don’t know the solution to this problem. (a) take (b) make 15. He has been doing karate after work (a) since (b) during (c) do (d) get the last six months. (c) in (d) for (we also accepted answer b)) 2. READING COMPREHENSION: Lea el siguiente texto y conteste a las preguntas que siguen. Generally, people are not born with the ability to be good at public speaking. Great speakers are instinctive and inspired, but they also prepare well, learn performance technique, and draw heavily on past experience to develop their capacity. Their “natural” ease when they give public talks is usually the result of training their skills. You could learn to speak effectively in public by going on courses and reading manuals. But there is no substitute for going out and doing it. If you dislike speaking in public, then take every opportunity to do so. When you speak in public, almost all the aspects that constitute your total image come under scrutiny. Your posture, body language, facial expression, use of voice and appearance are relevant. The focus of attention is so immense that you can feel like your presentation is examined through a microscope. The situation can be very stressful, because the speaker is being observed and judged by others. Small habits, like speaking too quietly or clearing your throat, which are not particularly perceptible in everyday communication, become exaggerated in front of an audience. 16. The author says that the best public speakers (a) are good actors (c) are born with the capacity to speak in public (b) don’t need to practice their presentations (d) learn from the presentations they give 17. The text’s main recommendation is (a) taking a course on public speaking (c) reading manuals on public talks (b) getting as much practice as possible (d) not speaking in public unless we’re well prepared 18. From the information given by the text, “draw heavily on” (line 2) means that good speakers (a) make use of past talks (b) repeat their talks like actors (c) forget mistakes from the past (d) practice a lot 19. According to the text, speaking in public can be stressful because (a) the audience criticizes the speaker (b) speakers usually speak too softly (c) speakers exaggerate in public (d) speakers don’t notice their particular gestures 20. Which of the following words from the text means the same as “comfort”? (a) skill (b) ease (c) focus (d) posture REDACCIÓN (COMPOSITION) Escriba unas 100 palabras sobre el siguiente tema: ‘The funniest experience I have ever had’. NO OLVIDE CONSIGNAR SUS DATOS NOMBRE: ………………………………………………………………………………………………… DNI:…………………………………………………… TELÉFONO:………………………………… CENTRO ASOCIADO: