Spring, 2005 Student Name: _______________________________________ Spanish 4322,MWF, 12:00pm to 1:00pm, Sect.05785, Room 303 AH Professor: Dr. Carlos H. Monsanto, 420AH, Tel 743-3061; fax 7430935, Email: chmonsanto@hotmail.com Home Fax: 281-494-6948. OFFICE HOURS: MWF 9:30AM to 11:00AM and 1:00PM to 2:00PM. TEXTS AND SUPPLIES: VOCES DE HISPANOAMERICA, Third Edition. Strongly recommended: APROXIMACIONES AL ESTUDIO DE LA LITERATURA HISPANA, any edition. OBJECTIVES: A. The textual analysis of works by major Latin American writers from Modernism to the present, (1882 to now). B. An introduction to literary theory will be presented. All students will also be guided to plan, research, organize and write a quality term paper, and to integrate Latin American Literature to its social and cultural contexts. PREREQUISITES: Spa 3302, 3304. If you have not taken Spa 3304, you cannot be in this class. REQUIREMENTS AND ACADEMIC REGULATIONS: Four hours of UNEXCUSED absences may result in dismissal from course. B. All exams, term paper, etc. must be original works. Academic dishonesty of any kind will result in an F for the course. C. No make-ups of any test or quiz unless proper written proof is provided to document the reason why the student was unable to take the exam. The term paper must be developed according to the following schedule, no exceptions: February 4: Submit title and bibliography; March 4: Submit a complete outline of the paper; April 4: Submit rough draft; May 1: Submit final draft. All term papers must be submitted to www.turnitin.com, according to instructions provided by the Professor. The term paper must include references to three (3) critical sources. No two students may write a term paper on the same writer. All exams will be written at the Language Resource Center. PLEASE NOTE Dr. Monsanto is legally blind and as a result he has poor handwriting. He will be glad to correct orally your examinations, either by phone or in the office. Any questions regarding grades, or any suggestions or other issues must be discussed in private. There is to be no unnecessary talking during the class, PARTICULARLY, when Dr. Monsanto is lecturing, or a student is making an oral presentation. Students are expected to study 3 hours per week, per semester credit, which means you are expected to study nine hours a week for this class, as per the UH student handbook. GRADE CUTOFFS: 97-100 A+, 93-96, 90-92:A-, 87-89:B+, 83-86:B, 8082:B-, 77-79:C+, 73-76: C, 70-72:C-, 67-69: D+, 63-66: D, 60-62: D-0-59: Sorry, F. GRADE DISTRIBUTION: Two Major Exams: 40%; Oral Presentation: 20%; Term Paper: 20%; Final Exam: 20%. The oral presentation is to focus on the writers being studied in class. The presentations must answer the questions at the end of each writer being studied. Two critical sources must be consulted. Students who do not make presentations on the day schedule may suffer loss of points. The final draft of the term paper must be submitted to www.turnitin.com ON THE DATE IT IS DUE. A student plagiarizing more than 10% of their papers will receive an F for the class. Students with disabilities who request a reasonable accommodations must present at the beginning of the course the proper documentation from the UH Office of Students with Disabilities. STUDY PLAN: INTRODUCTION: Since all students have to make an oral presentation, PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOUR PRESENTATION IS ON THE DATES WHEN THE WRITER YOU HAVE CHOSEN WILL BE STUDIED IN CLASS. FURTHERMORE, MAKE SURE THAT YOU WRITE THE INFORMATION CORRECTLY ABOUT THIS ORAL PRESENTATION AND YOUR TERM PAPER ALL EXAMINATIONS MUST BE WRITTEN IN BLUE BOOKS, IN EITHER BLUE OR BLACK INK, OR STRONG PENCIL. My oral prsentation ___________________. will be on the following writer: It will include the following critical sources: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ___ STUDY PLAN: January 18-21 “La realidad americana y la renovación literaria, (1882-1910)”, pp.197-206. Baldomero Lillo: “El chiflón del diablo”. José Martí "Versos Sencillos" "Copa con alas” January 24-28 Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera: "Para Entonces" "De blanco" José Asunción Silva: "Nocturno (III) Rubén Darío: Etapas de su vida y su obra. 1. 2. 3. January 31-February 4 Rubén Darío: Era Un Aire Suave" "Sonatina" "Lo Fatal" "Los cisnes" 1. 2. 3. February 7-11 PRIMER EXAMEN: Exams will include identifications, and essay questions. February 14- 18 “Continuidad y ruptura: Hacia una nueva expresión, (1910-1960” pp. 280-292. Horacio Quiroga: “El hijo” 1. 2. 3. February 21-25 Delmira Agustini: "El Intruso""Las alas" "Tu amor" Gabriela Mistral: "Los sonetos de la muerte" 1. 2. 3. February 28-March 4 Gabriela Mistral: "Pan" "La desvelada" Alfonsina Storni: "Tu me quieres blanca" "Peso ancestral" "Hombre pequeñito" 1. 2. 3. March 7-11 Cesar Vallejo: "Los heraldos negros" "XXVIII" "Masa" Nicolás Guillén: “Balada de los dos abuelos” 1. 2. 3. March 21-25 SEGUNDO EXAMEN March 28-April 1 Jorge Luis Borges: "Borges y yo""El sur April 4-8 Alejo Carpentier: "Semejanate a la noche" Juan Rulfo: "Nos han dado la tierra" 1. 2. 3. April 11-15 “Consolidación y expansión, (1960-1975)”, pp. 409-426. Julio Cortázar "La isla a media noche" 1. 2. 3. April 18-22 Carlos Fuentes "Chac Mool" Gabriel García Márquez: “La prodigiosa tarde de Baltazar”. 1. 2. 3. April 25-29 Elena Poniatowska: “Las lavanderas”,“Esperanza número quivocado”. Asimilación y Diferencia, pp. 503-510. Rosario Ferré: “La muñeca menor” 1. 2. May 2 Isabel Allende: “Clarisa” 1. MAY 11 FINAL EXAMINATION: 11am to 2pm