
Student Senate
October 28th, 2012
River Valley Room
6:00 pm
Lyndy Broomfield
Molly Bucher
Rhonda DeVries
Casey Furey
Jacob Gapp
Matt Grein***
Aaron Hommerding
Brett Johnson
Karl Johnson***
Joseph Kalka
Andrew Leizens
Sean McClain
Emma Meyer
Jacob Osterman
Kyle Slaathaug
Jacob Stutelberg**
Adam Swigost
Hannah Trosen**
Brian Tschosik
Jennifer Vetter
Eric Watne
Justin Glasser
Logan Fletcher
Shane Gerbert
Kylene Fitzsimmons
Brandon Myhre
Cassie Gerhardt
Shawn Wagner
Matthew Finley
Landon Adolphson
Josh Raynes
Kaitlin Bezdicek
Jane Croeker
Becky Lamboley
* Arrived after call to order
** Excused
*** Unexcused
**** Left before adjournment
Vice President Watne called the 10/28/12 meeting of the
UND Student Senate to order at 6:02 PM.
Senator Vetter moved to approve the 10/14/12 minutes
without objection.
MOTION CARRIES. (00:00:37)
A. Landon Adolphson
Landon introduced himself and stated why he would like
to be on UPC.
Senate Minutes 10/28/2012
Senator Osterman asked Matt Finley if Landon were
approved how many marketing associates would there
Matt Finley stated that there would be three including
Senator Hommerding asked Landon what interests him in
this position.
Landon stated that he loves getting involved, and this is
just one of the ways that he would like to get involved.
He would like to get students more connected to things
happening on campus.
PRC Fitzsimmons asked if he has any marketing
Landon stated that he does not have any formal marketing
Senator Vetter moved to approve Landon Adolphson as
a UPC Marketing Associate.
Senator Swigost Seconded.
MOTION CARRIES. (00:02:45)
No Guest Speakers were present.
Executive Reports
President Fletcher stated that the date for elections needs
to be picked by the end of this semester. With that there
also needs to be an elections chair that is voted on, has to
be a Senator that is not running for another senator spot
or exec. Did have co-chairs last year so if you would
like to do that again that is just fine.
Tuesday at 3:30 PM is the State of the University
address at the Gorecki Alumni Center.
Monday at 5:30PM in the Badlands room there will be 2
diversity consultants. President Kelley has given his
support to hire a Chief Diversity Officer on campus.
This person would be in charge of the diversity things
relating to campus. The consultants are here to see what
Senate Minutes 10/28/2012
this campus needs as far as a diversity consultant goes.
Not to talk about problems you have with a specific
group, but rather to talk about the characteristics that are
needed for this position.
The AA’s are getting done with minutes faster and
therefore need something else to do with their time. If
you have something as a Senator that you are working
on and would like some help with it, talk to Logan, Eric,
or Justin. They are going to start a task list for the AA’s
to work off of if they have free time.
Vice President
Vice President Watne stated that he and Shane are
starting to work on some timelines for the legislative
sessions. Getting ready for all of their lobbying goals to
be approved.
He and Kylene are working on getting the advertising
kiosks up on campus. If anyone would like to help they
would greatly appreciate it.
Senator Koriko resigned so they will be opening up the
University Apartments Senator applications.
Trying to see if the new Chief of Police, Eric Plummer,
would be willing to stop by a Senate meeting, so that
everyone can know who he is.
Senator Osterman asked if the office renovations were
under him.
Vice P. Watne stated that it is still being looked at, met
with UPC last week, and they are still waiting on a
couple of quotes.
Senator Gapp moved to move SB1213-18 to the floor.
Senator Vetter Seconded.
MOTION CARRIES. (00:11:02)
Pres. Fletcher talked about the background on the bill.
Left $12,500 of the Nightlife Programming money for
staffing dollars. Now one of the staff members that were
already hired has decided to leave, so they want take that
money back, and have Health and Wellness fund their
own staff and then use $3,000 of that staffing money for
the Virtual House Party Program.
Senate Minutes 10/28/2012
Becky Lamboley shared a list of the things that the 2
staff have been working on, with the biggest being the
Virtual House Party. Virtual House Party is a program
that simulates what a house party would be like, and
then they use it as an educational opportunity to teach
the dangers of alcohol and drugs. They would like the
$3,000 to fund the program.
Pres. Fletcher stated that if we fund their staffing dollars
now, it sets a precedent that student government funds
student staffing. By funding the program they are not
supporting paying for staff, and it is a program that
benefits students.
Senator Gapp asked what you have gotten from the other
groups that have agreed to help.
Becky Lamboley stated that the biggest thing that they
have asked from these other groups is getting the word
out that it is happening, and then staffing for it. They are
not prepared to help financially.
Senator Vetter asked where it is going to take place and
how many students they are expecting to get through this
Becky stated that it is going to take place in the River
Valley Room, and they are expecting to get about 1,500
students to come through. They typically like to do it
Thursday-Saturday which are nights that students would
typically be out drinking anyway.
Senator Vetter asked if she plans on this being an annual
Becky stated that it will be done every year. They would
typically do it in the first part of spring semester to get
that information out to students right away. She also
stated that the cost of the program would go down the
second semester doing the program.
Senator Osterman asked if she worked with UWMilwaukee to have them send her the program or if she
actually helped make the program.
Becky stated that she was one of the people that created
the program with the people at UW-Milwaukee. She ran
it with them for over 5 years, and now she would like to
do it here.
Senator Slaathaug asked what the sexual fishbowl is.
Senate Minutes 10/28/2012
Becky stated that it is a program that they are hoping to
do in the spring. It is a program where students can put
questions into the fishbowl and then they have a panel
that would be there to answer the questions.
Senator Gapp asked about when she did this program at
other schools, what kind of success have you seen.
Becky stated that the biggest change they saw was more
students reaching out to ask for help in those situations
where in the past they would have just tried to deal with
it themselves. Stronger bridge built between students
and the emergency response teams. Also saw a strong
interest by the community and staff as to what the
program was doing. So they had a night where it was
open to the community/faculty so that they could see
what exactly the program was about.
Senator Vetter asked if she has a budget of what she
expects to spend on this event.
Becky stated she is expecting to spend $3,000.
Senator Gapp moved to approve SB1213-18.
Senator Vetter Seconded.
Senator Gapp stated that he thinks this would be a great
program to build awareness on campus and increasing
the safety of our students is a goal of the Student
Senator Vetter thanked Becky for all the work that she
has done with Health and Wellness, especially the
Virtual House Party. She stated that she thinks student
government should get involved with this program. As
far as the bill goes, she liked that it was a trade of
staffing and funding the program.
MOTION CARRIES. (00:29:22)
Chief of Staff
Senate Minutes 10/28/2012
Chief of Staff Glaser stated that he hasn’t really done
much more with the student government website, but will
do more after Get out the Vote is done. He will be
putting the bills and resolutions, and voting records up
there. Got an email involving University of Maryland,
and how they get their constituents involved. Would
have a survey on collegiate link for students to take. For
example could put bills up there and let students vote on
them, so that you could see how your constituents want to
Senator Vetter asked how that would work for residential
COS Glasser stated that you could break it down by
where you live as well. The other program aims to get
1000 students per week, we could have less.
Treasurer Myhre handed out the most current statements.
At the bottom there is a line for unallocated funds which
is now under $1,000 for Senators to use for the rest of the
school year.
Senator Osterman asked for clarification on what amount
Treasurer Myhre was talking about.
Governmental Affairs Commissioner
GAC Gerbert stated that since the last meeting he went to
the Interim Higher Education Committee, the governor
dropped his funding mechanism for the universities, he
will be sending that out soon. Went to NDSA, took
stances on the Governor’s budget, advocating for mental
health services to the smaller campuses, and Notifind
system and making it mandatory for everyone. Working
on getting Monster Patrol finalized.
Working with Vice P. Watne on our lobbying goals, and
everyone will be seeing those soon. Will try to be as
proactive as possible.
NDSA Nov 16-17 at the Alumni Center. He is going to
automatically enroll everyone to go. Thanked Senators
DeVries, Kalka, Johnson, Gapp, Vetter, and Osterman.
Also Thanked Pres. Fletcher and Vice P. Watne for
being there.
Don’t forget about Rocky Horror Picture Show on
Public Relations Coordinator
P.R.C Fitzsimmons stated that everyone should come to
monster patrol. Can sign up the day of. Gave posters to
everyone to hang up. Needs sizes for polos if you
haven’t given them to her yet. Next Strategic Planning
Committee meeting will be next Sunday at 5 in the
Student Government office.
Senate Minutes 10/28/2012
Vice President Watne yielded to Senator Osterman, Chair
of the Judicial Committee.
Senator Osterman stated they approved the UPC
marketing associate. They are going to start going
through the constitution and bylaws and looking for
anything that needs clarification.
Vice President Watne yielded to Senator Gapp, Chair of
the Appropriations Committee.
Senator Gapp stated they approved SB1213-18, SB121320 (some changes made in committee). Tabled SB121319, SB1213-22.
State & Local
Vice President Watne yielded to Senator Hommerding,
Chair of the State and Local subcommittee.
Senator Hommerding stated they tabled SB1213-21.
Passed SR1213-10. Started brainstorming about some
general legislature that they can work on as a committee.
The big thing they are going to work on is a student
stance on Higher One.
Standing Committees
Vice President Watne yielded to the senate liaison of
SOFA, Senator Gapp.
Senator Gapp stated gave funding to 5 organizations.
After allocations about $18,000 left this semester, about
$54,000 left for spring transfers.
Vice President Watne yielded to the senate liaison of
SCFC, Senator Hommerding.
Senator Hommerding had no report.
Vice President Watne yielded to the Chair of UPC, Matt
Matt Finley stated that UPC is looking into making some
constitution changes and changing the amount of voting
members on UPC. Right now all positions are currently
open, will be doing interviews November 14th, and
applications are due November 9th. Meetings are at 6PM
on Wednesdays in the leadership room, looking for
someone to keep them updated on what is happening in
Senator Hommerding nominated Senator Vetter.
Senator Vetter accepted.
Senate Minutes 10/28/2012
Senator Osterman moved to approve Senator Vetter as the
liaison for UPC.
Senator Hommerding Seconded.
MOTION CARRIES. (00:52:33)
Special Reports
Constituent Reports
Other Matters Arising
Senator Osterman stated that he and the President of IFC
made a brief visit with Chief Plummer, and they had a
discussion about what IFC thinks about UPD. He will
attend their meeting on Wednesday. After talking to him,
it sounds like there is going to be a lot of things changing.
Senator Vetter stated his Thursday is the Constituent
Outreach event, from 8 to whenever they run out of hot
chocolate. Show up and help them meet constituents.
Also there is a group getting together to talk about
parking since it has come up a lot lately, if you have
parking issues come to her, and hopefully they can set up
a town hall meeting with the students to get their opinions
on the situation.
Senator DeVries asked who is responsible for the painting
of the street on the west side of University.
Senator Hommerding stated that he will be tackling this
issue. Will give more information when he figures stuff
Pres. Fletcher stated that Chief of Staff and Treasurer will
not be with us next semester. Treasurer applications open
up on Monday, Chief of Staff applications open up next
week. Need people to apply that can learn quickly and be
ready to go by the spring semester.
Senator Bucher stated she has been in contact with Peggy
Lucke, and the parking lot behind archives has been
fixed. She is looking into possibly getting lines painted
or some sort of signage put up so that there are clearly
defined parking spots.
Senator Leizens stated that he will need someone to fill
his position in the spring semester as well.
A. SB1213-20
Senator Vetter stated that they made changes in
appropriations. Line 7 change 200 to 400. Line 9
Senate Minutes 10/28/2012
furthest has been changed to further and a “,and added to
the end. Line 11 added reading “Therefore, be it furthest
moved that any unused funds will be returned to the
student fees account.” This is the constituent outreach
program that she has been talking about.
Senator Osterman asked what all the money is going to
Senator Vetter stated that dining services will prepare the
hot chocolate and she will pick it up, she has 2 different
orders so that it stays fresh.
Senator McClain moved to approve SB1213-20.
Senator Kalka Seconded.
MOTION CARRIES. (01:02:20)
B. SR1213-10
Senator Vetter stated that she is a tour guide, and she has
noticed that most tour guides don’t know what Student
Government does. This is towards the end of the tour so
it would be something that they would remember. There
are talking points on the second page of the bill
Senator McClain asked if there is a way to make the
language more forceful.
Senator Vetter stated that there is no way that they can
force admissions to change what they say, we can only
strongly recommend. Making it more forceful would
most likely cast a negative shadow on Student
Senator Hommerding moved to approve SR1213-10.
Senator Osterman Seconded.
Senator Osterman stated that he likes this because he sees
tour guides walk by and not say anything, or they will just
say that this is where you get your bus pass. Giving them
a sheet would give them more to talk about when they
walk by.
Senator DeVries asked if the resolution is really
necessary for this or if we could just ask them to add this
to their training.
Senator Vetter stated she thinks the resolution is the best
way because we can use our legislative power, and using
Senate Minutes 10/28/2012
this will show that we are doing this in the best interest of
Chief of Staff Glaser stated that this is the first step in
fixing the problem. He has seen and heard many tour
guides give false, or incomplete information about things
in the union.
MOTION CARRIES. (01:10:46)
No new business.
Vice P. Watne stated that Delta Upsilon raised about
$1,100, and Delta Tau Delta raised $2,400 at their
haunted house this past weekend.
Cassie Gerhardt stated that there is a new Assistant Vice
President being interviewed this week, who will be over
financial aid and admissions. Open forum Wednesday
and Thursday at 2:30.
PRC Fitzsimmons stated that if there are any businesses
that you think should offer a discount and doesn’t right
now send her an email and she will look into it.
The 10/28/12 meeting of the Student Senate was
adjourned without objection at 7:15.
Respectfully Submitted,
Eric Watne
Senate Minutes 10/28/2012
Megan Beneke
Recording Secretary