A Spanish-speaking mosaic – Broad Ways 1ère

A Spanish-speaking mosaic – Broad Ways 1ère – pages 34-35
1. Who the Hispanics are
All these people have one thing in common: they speak _________
The great majority of Hispanics come from ___________________
Caribbeans come from ___________________________________
Cubans come from ______________________________________
Puerto-Ricans come from _________________________________
Chicanos come from _____________________________________
The big river between the USA and Mexico is _________________
the Dominican Republic
Puerto Rico
the Rio Grande
2. A nation of many millions of … divisions
The official counting of the population is called a ___________________
a census
Which 4 American states have a common border (=frontier) with Mexico?
( California , Arizona, New Mexico, Texas)
Which 4 ethnic groups are most represented in the USA?
(Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians)
In 2000, there were officially _____________________________ Hispanics in the USA. (35.5m)
Nearly 7 Americans in 10 are _______________________ (Whites)
3. The many facets of the American Dream
Picture 3 and picture 4 were taken in
Mexico / the USA / Cuba
(the USA)
Salma Hayek is a famous _______________ whereas Cesar Chavez was a well-known ______________
A popular singer and actress born in New York of Puerto Rican parents ___________________________
(actress / leader / Jennifer Lopez)
Using the graph, we can make comparisons and say that …
it's ________________ for a non-Hispanic white male to find a job than for a Hispanic male.
it's ______ _______________ for a Hispanic male to find a job than for a non-Hispanic white male.
(easier / more difficult)
There are __________ unemployed Hispanic females than Hispanic males.
There are __________ unemployed Hispanic males than Hispanic females.
(fewer / more)
4. Open to debate
Bilingual education consisted in teaching Hispanics in English / Spanish / French (Spanish)
It was abolished in 1998 because it was too expensive / complicated / stupid. (costly)
Latino parents approved of the __________ because 'English is the language of advancement' (approved)
Today, all children in California are taught English / Spanish / French (English)