WILLIAM AND MARY LAW SCHOOL Non-Degree Seeking, Visiting Student Law School Course Registration Upon completing the form, please return it to the address below. NAME ________________________________________ TERM THE COURSE WILL BE TAKEN: FALL Social Security Number ___________________________________ SPRING SUMMER YEAR: 20__ COURSE #1 TITLE: _________________________ COURSE NUMBER: ______ CREDIT HOURS: ____ COURSE MEETING TIME: DAYS _________ TIMES ________ INSTRUCTOR: ________________________________ COURSE #2 TITLE: _________________________ COURSE NUMBER: ______ CREDIT HOURS: ____ COURSE MEETING TIME: DAYS _________ TIMES ________ INSTRUCTOR: ________________________________ Home Law School: ______________________________________________________________ Present address: Permanent address (if different from above): Telephone number: (Residence) ( ) (Cell) ( ) Preferred Email: _____________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____/_____/____ (mm/dd/yy) Country of Citizenship: _ ___ _________ Racial/Ethnic Category* (Check one): ( ) Asian or Pacific Islander ( ) Hispanic ( ) White, not of Hispanic Origin ( ) African American/Black ( ) American Indian or Alaskan Native *This information is needed by the school for statistical purposes. It will not be used in any unlawfully discriminatory manner. You are assured both by school policy and by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act that the information will be confidential and accessible only to school officials, government agencies and others with a legitimate educational interest in the information. RETURN FORM(S) TO: LAW SCHOOL REGISTRAR, COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY, PO BOX 8795, WILLIAMSBURG, VA 23187-8795 regis/nondegre/courseregistrationform 5/12