1 BIOLOGY 224-01 GENETICS Syllabus and Course Policies FALL, 2015 COURSE MEETS MWF 11:00 - 11:50 IN MECC 270 TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF LECTURES Lecture # Date Chapter Subject 1 W Sept. 9 1 Introduction/Terms & Definitions 2 F Sept. 11 1 Nature of DNA/Gene 3 M Sept. 14 1 Transcription 4 W Sept. 16 1 Translation 5 F Sept. 18 2 Gene function/ Mutational types 6 M Sept. 21 2 Recombinant DNA 7 W Sept. 23 2 Recombinant DNA technology 8 F Sept. 25 2 Genomics/techniques 9 M Sept. 28 3 Mendelian genetics 10 W Sept. 30 3 Principles & probability F Oct. 2 (EXAM I) EXAM IN CLASS 11 M Oct. 5 3 Gene Interactions 12 W Oct. 7 3 Complementation 13 F Oct. 9 4 Gene segregation: Mitosis M Oct. 12 TRINITY DAYS W Oct. 14 4 14 Gamete formation 2 Lecture # Date Chapter Subject 15 F Oct. 16 4 X-Y inheritance 16 M Oct. 19 5 Linkage I 17 W Oct. 21 5 Linkage II 18 F Oct. 23 5 Tetrad analysis 19 M Oct. 26 5 Mitotic Recombination 20 W Oct. 28 6 DNA Replication F Oct. 30 (EXAM II) EXAM IN CLASS 21 M Nov. 2 6 Mechanisms of Recombination 22 W Nov. 4 7 Chromosome Structures 23 F Nov. 6 8 Chromosome mutation 24 M Nov. 9 8 Position effects and polyploidy 25 W Nov. 11 9 Bacterial Genetics/ Transformation 26 F Nov. 13 9 Hfr Mapping 27 M Nov. 16 9 Phage genetics 28 W Nov. 18 9 Transduction 29 F Nov. 20 14 Gene Mutation M Nov. 23 (Exam III) EXAM IN CLASS THANKSGIVING BREAK 30 M Nov. 30 14 Transposable elements 31 W Dec. 14 Molecular basis of Mutation/mutagens 2 3 Lecture # Date Chapter Subject 32 F Dec. 4 14 Mechanisms of DNA repair 33 M Dec. 7 10 Transcription and RNA processing 34 W Dec. 9 16 Extranuclear Inheritance 35 F Dec. 11 13 Maternal - effect genes 36 M Dec. 14 TBD Final Exam: Noon, Wednesday 12/16/2015 TEXTBOOKS: GENETICS: Analysis of genes and genomes. 8th Edition. Hartl, D.L and Ruvolo, M. Jones and Bartlett Publishers. ISBN 978-1-4496-3596-1 Student Solutions Manual and Supplemental Problems to accompany GENETICS (8th Edition): Analysis of genes and genomes. Lozovsky, E. R. Jones and Bartlett Publishers ISBN 978-1-4496-4470-3 A FEW TIPS ON HOW TO STUDY GENETICS: This course emphasizes the principles of genetic analysis. It is not possible to learn genetics by reading and memorizing facts. Genetics is a way of predicting and confirming the properties of living systems based on certain methods of analysis. Its study is meaningful only if you understand the methods of genetic analysis. Because of these conditions, it is necessary to know what material is stressed in class. Therefore, attendance is essential and absences will be noted. An understanding of genetics comes only through the practice of problem-solving. You should be prepared to study genetics as you would study physics or mathematics. As in those two disciplines, learning facts is important, but understanding the method of analysis is more important than the facts. In other words, come to the lecture after reading the chapter; try to understand the 4 principles notes. involved without attempting to take down verbatim At home, re-read the chapter, and then try solving the problems. DO NOT look up the solutions before giving your best effort to solving them by yourself. If you cannot solve any of the problems correctly, you did not understand the chapter. Read the chapter again and do the problems over. If you still cannot solve them, seek help. Ask a fellow student first. It is often best to attempt answering the problems in groups. If you are still in doubt, see me; THAT’S WHY I AM HERE! EXAMS: There will be three in-class exams during the course and a final exam at the end of the course. I will let you know in the class which sections will not be covered in a particular exam. Your final grade is determined from your completed homework problems, three hourly exams plus the final exam grade (counted as two (2) hourly exams). The lowest grade of the five exam scores is dropped from your final average (if the lowest grade is your final, then the final is counted as one exam, not two and the remaining hourly exams cannot be dropped). THERE WILL BE NO MAKE-UP EXAMS. IF YOU MISS AN HOURLY EXAM, THAT IS THE DROPPED GRADE (ZERO). I CANNOT ENTERTAIN PLEAS FOR AN EARLY OR LATE EXAM; MAKE SURE AHEAD OF TIME THAT YOU ARE ON CAMPUS FOR EACH OF THE EXAMS. YOU MUST TAKE ALL FOUR EXAMINATIONS. THE FINAL GRADE WILL BE BASED ON GRADES FROM ALL FOUR EXAMS. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY OF ANY KIND WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. GRADING: Corrected answer-sheets of assigned genetics problems and to the first three exams will be returned to students in class. OFFICE HOURS: Office hours of Dr. Fleming (in LSC 238) are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 – 11:30 AM and Wednesdays from 2:30-3:30 PM; other times by arrangement. You are strongly encouraged to utilize these office hours. Dr. Robert Fleming