Annexes?? The graph (cfr annexes) shows the most significant variables selected by the Principal Component Analysis in order to construct the two first factors. The interpretation is quite simple: the most significant variables are near the unit circle and the projection of each vector on the axes represents the contribution of the variable to the construction of the axe. Figure 1: Representation of the variables on the first 2 factors As we can see, the ratios “loan loss provisions/average assets” and “loan loss provisions/average net loans” are the most important for the construction of the first factor, which ratios related tot the asset quality of the bank. The highest values of the vector-projection on the second factor are for the ratios “liquid assets/total assets” and “liquid assets/total dep & borrowing”. The second indicates thus the liquidity of the bank. Variables We selected 12 variables relating to the profitability, capital, liquidity, asset quality and the growth in order to see if those variables can explain the ratings, as shown in the following table. Table 1: Variables included in the PCA Return On Equity Profitability Non interest income/revenues Non interest expenses/revenues Equity/net loans Capital Common equity/net loans Liquid assets/total dep and bor Liquidity Liquid assets/total assets Loan loss provisions/average assets Asset quality Loan loss provisions/average net loans Growth Pretax income growth 1 7 8 2 4 11 3 5 6 10 Profitability: The higher profitability the better a banks rating. We expect thus those variables having a positive impact on the ratings. Capital adequacy and leverage: The more equity an institution has the more buffer they have against the risk. We expect that the less the capital ratios are the worse the rating will be. Asset quality: Default risk gives a lower rating and has an important influence on the rating especially in commercial and saving banks. Good proxies to measure that risk are: o Loan loss provisions/total assets: As already explained this measure seems us more a measure for credit risk than for profitability. The reason to include it is obvious. The higher this ratio the more it is exposed to the risks that the illiquid loans have. o Loan loss provisions/Total loans(expected): We look at the influence of the provision make on the expected total loans. The higher this ratio the more defaults they expect and it is thus a negative relation to the rating. Methodology The Factor Analysis The purpose of the Factor Analysis is to reduce the dataset. We are going to use this statistical method in order to replace our set of variables by several principal components. The advantage of this methodology is that we make a data-reduction and that we get components that are not linearly correlated with each other. The second step will be to analyze the way these factors were constructed to understand what they represent (in our case, liquidity, profitability, capital, asset quality, growth).The last part of our analysis will be to introduce the factor scores into a Logit Model. The Logit Model Results Communalities Initial 1.000 Extraction .399 EQULOAN 1.000 .646 LIQASSET 1.000 .896 COMEQLOA 1.000 .667 LLPASSET 1.000 .890 LLPLOANS 1.000 .792 NONININC 1.000 .610 NONINEXP 1.000 .526 PRETAXIN 1.000 .246 ROE DEPBOR 1.000 .907 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. The extraction column shows the variance of each variable explained by the principal components. We can notice that most of the variables are well represented by the factors, except the pretax income growth. Table 2: KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square df Sig. ,488 870,622 45 ,000 In order to do a Factor Analysis, we need sufficient correlation between the variables included in the model. This is the reason why we ask for the Bartlett’s test before running the program. Indeed, the two tests above indicate the suitability of our data for structure detection. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of sampling adequacy indicates the proportion of variance in our variables that might be caused by underlying factors. Table 3: Variability explained Component Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings 1 Total 2.810 % of Variance 28.103 Cumulative % 28.103 2 2.452 24.524 52.627 3 1.316 13.160 65.787 4 .904 9.044 74.831 5 .863 8.625 83.456 6 .814 8.144 91.600 7 .472 4.720 96.320 8 .317 3.170 99.489 9 .044 .440 99.930 10 .007 .070 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. 100.000 This table shows the percentage of variability of the initial variables explained by each component. As we can see, the four first factors represent more or less 75% of the total information. This also means that we will loose 25% of the information by introduce these factors instead of the initial variables in the Logit Model. The following graph gives an indication about the number of factors that should be used. Indeed, it illustrates the eigenvalue of each component. As we can see, there is a sharp decline of the curve until the fourth factor. This is the reason why we will limit ourselves to the use of four factors in the Logit Model, which is the next step of our analysis. Figure 2: Scree plot Scree Plot 3,0 2,5 2,0 1,5 Eigenvalue 1,0 ,5 0,0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Component Number The next table shows the components of each variable for each factor. Table 4: Rotated Component Matrix(a) ROE EQULOAN LIQASSET COMEQLOA LLPASSET LLPLOANS NONININC NONINEXP PRETAXIN DEPBOR 1 0.086 0.299 0.982 0.107 -0.065 0.111 0.000 0.142 -0.054 0.976 Component 2 3 -0.008 -0.044 -0.015 0.283 0.014 0.055 -0.021 0.945 0.925 -0.027 0.973 -0.005 0.280 -0.199 0.257 0.002 -0.063 0.036 0.043 0.073 4 0.993 -0.012 0.051 -0.051 0.046 -0.049 0.066 -0.004 -0.047 0.059 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. a Rotation converged in 4 iterations. This table gives an indication of what the factors represent. From the analysis of this table, the variables that are most highly correlated with the first component are “Loan loss provisions/average assets” and “Loan loss provisions/average net loans”. We can thus interpret the first factor as representing the asset quality. We would expect a negative impact of those variables on the ratings because large loan loss provisions ratios mean that the bank faces a large default risk. This factor gives an indication of the liquidity of the banks because it was mainly constructed by the ratios “Liquid assets/total deposits and borrowings” and “Liquid assets/total assets”. On one hand, we would expect this factor having a negative impact on the ratings because high liquid assets also mean lower return of those assets. On the other hand, high liquidity can be a good thing for a bank. The third factor is mostly correlated with the variable “Common equity/net loans”, which is a variable describing the capital. We expect this component having a positive impact on the ratings. Concerning the fourth component, we can say that the highest correlation concerns the variable “Return on Equity”. We can thus interpret this factor as representing the profitability of the banks. We expect a positive influence of this component on the ratings but must be kept in mind that this factor explains only 9% of the total variability. The Logit model Dependent Variable: RATINGS Method: ML - Ordered Logit Date: 03/08/04 Time: 18:43 Sample(adjusted): 1 127 Included observations: 111 Excluded observations: 16 after adjusting endpoints Number of ordered indicator values: 7 Convergence achieved after 4 iterations Covariance matrix computed using second derivatives Coefficient Std. Error z-Statistic Prob. FAC1 FAC2 FAC3 FAC4 -0.327560 -0.254750 -0.232040 0.444867 0.175489 0.165797 0.170704 0.165707 -1.866553 -1.536521 -1.359314 2.684660 0.0620 0.1244 0.1740 0.0073 -6.716827 -6.646280 -1.958915 3.816357 6.988979 7.119057 0.0000 0.0000 0.0501 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 Limit Points LIMIT_4:C(5) LIMIT_5:C(6) LIMIT_6:C(7) LIMIT_7:C(8) LIMIT_8:C(9) LIMIT_9:C(10) Akaike info criterion Log likelihood Restr. log likelihood LR statistic (4 df) Probability(LR stat) -3.475092 -1.793099 -0.395201 0.810834 2.013006 3.040442 3.555554 -187.3333 -194.8520 15.03751 0.004624 0.517371 0.269790 0.201745 0.212463 0.288026 0.427085 Schwarz criterion Hannan-Quinn criter. Avg. log likelihood LR index (Pseudo-R2) 3.799656 3.654579 -1.687687 0.038587