Biology 121P: Biological Basis of Behavior (Spring 2014) General Information: Professor: Dr. Terrie Vasilopoulos, 207B Sage Hall, Office Hours: Wednesdays, 2:30-4:30 and by appointment. Lecture Schedule: MWF, 1:30-2:20 (213 Sage Hall) Lab Schedule: M, 2:30-5:15 or T, 8:30-11:15 (125 Sage Hall) Textbook: Behavioral Biology (Special Edition for Stetson University), Lab Manual Course Overview (from Catalogue): The study of behavior at all levels; from cellular processes to human cognition. Specifically, this course will cover the cell biology, genetics, organ systems, and physiology underlying animal behavior. Evolutionary and ecological influences on behavior also will be addressed. The laboratory exercises will provide hands-on experiences to reinforce the concepts covered in lecture and expose students to the use of the scientific method. This course is designed specifically for Psychology majors. Grades: Based on 4 lecture exams (40%), the final exam (15%), quizzes (10%), assignments (5%), and labs (30%). Exams: Exams will include material covered in the lectures and the assigned readings. The lecture exams will only include material covered since the last exam. The final exam will contain a section with specific questions on the material covered in the last section of the course and a cumulative section. You must be present the day of exams unless given permission by me beforehand or can prove a medical or personal emergency. If you know that you are going to miss an exam you need to arrange to take it before the scheduled date. Quizzes: There will be a 10 short quizzes administered via Blackboard (except 1st quiz which is in class). Typically each quiz will open after the specified lecture time and will be open for 2 days. Quizzes should be completed before midnight of the 2nd day (see class schedule below). The purpose of these is to help you keep up with the material and get feedback about your progress throughout the semester. You may drop 2 quizzes. Assignments: There will be several assignments relating to how scientific research is reported in the media. The class will be given a topic for which they are to find an online popular press article (e.g. NY Times, NPR, ABC News, etc.). It is important that the article contains a comments section for the general public. You will then be required to write a short review (750-1000 words, 10-12 pt. font) that: 1) summarizes the article, including the research question and findings, 2) comments on the impact of the findings, 3) comments on the clarity of the article, and 4) summarizes the general reaction to the research from the public (i.e. look through the comments section and summarize the most common positive and negative responses). The write-up must also include a link to the article. Assignments will be submitted to Blackboard. The assignment instructions will also be discussed in class. If you have trouble finding an article, I can help! Assignment descriptions can be found below the class schedule on this syllabus. Labs: All lab exercises are in the lab manual. Lab assignments will be due the week after they are assigned. More information will be given during the lab period. Note: There will not be a lab every week, so look at the lab schedule carefully! Attendance: Attendance will not be taken at the lectures; however, repeated absences will hurt your grade. You are required to attend your assigned lab each week. 1 Academic Honor: It is expected that all exams and assignments will be your own work. Obviously, on exams and quizzes you can neither give nor receive assistance of any kind. Although you should discuss your ideas for lab reports with your classmates, you must complete these items on your own. The contribution of others must be clearly recognized as literature citations or acknowledgements. You will be asked to sign your exams, quizzes and reports as a pledge of your academic honesty. Stetson Honor Code: As noted below, cell phones are prohibited from desks during exams. Any material that you need during an exam (pencils, tissues, etc.) should be on your desk at the start of the exam. If you need to get something else during an exam or need to go to the restroom, RAISE YOUR HAND. If you don’t, I will question you about if you are cheating. Cell Phone Usage: During class cell phones must be switched to silent or turned off. The first time that a cell phone interrupts the class, that individual will be given a warning. If an individual’s cell phone repeatedly interrupts class, he/she will be docked grade points. Conversely, if your instructor’s cell phone (Dr. Vasilopoulos) interrupts class, everyone will receive bonus points. Cell phones are prohibited from your desk during exams and must be put in a bag/purse or under your desk with the screen off. If there is a cell phone on the desk or if you are seen looking at one during an exam, the will be a 15% grade deduction from that exam. Online Availability: I will answer all emailed questions within 24 hours. I will also hold virtual office hours the evening before exams, in which I will respond to emails within 2 hours. However, I will not respond to emails after 11:00pm on any day; emails sent later than that will be addressed the following morning. Assessment: In order to assure that Stetson University is meeting its goals in providing an excellent General Education, the College has established specific General Education Learning Outcomes for all courses meeting a particular area requirement in the General Education curriculum. To monitor how well students are meeting those outcomes, instructors of those courses regularly submit work to the committees assessing each outcome. While the outcomes of these assessments are primarily for our internal use in monitoring and enhancing our curriculum, we may occasionally report the results of these assessments in published research or academic conferences. All such reports will include aggregate (not individual) data and will not include information that could identify the student or the instructor. While the use of this information within the institution is part of normal educational practice, you may choose not to allow data derived from your own work to be used for published reports or presentations by signing an “opt out” form in the Registrar’s office. Accommodations for Special Needs: If you anticipate barriers related to the format or requirements of this course, please meet with me so that we can discuss ways to ensure your full participation in the course. If you determine that disabilityrelated accommodations are necessary, please register with the Academic Resources Center (822-7127; and notify me of your eligibility for reasonable accommodations. We can then plan how best to coordinate your accommodations. 2 Class and Assignment Schedule: 13-Jan 15-Jan 17-Jan 20-Jan 22-Jan 24-Jan 27-Jan 29-Jan 31-Jan 3-Feb 5-Feb 7-Feb 10-Feb 12-Feb 14-Feb 17-Feb 19-Feb 21-Feb 24-Feb 26-Feb 28-Feb 3-Mar 5-Mar 7-Mar 10-Mar 12-Mar 14-Mar 17-Mar 19-Mar 21-Mar 24-Mar 26-Mar 28-Mar 31-Mar 2-Apr 4-Apr 7-Apr 9-Apr 11-Apr Topic Introduction Science of Biology Cell Structure NO CLASSES (MLK Day) Cell Structure/Membranes Energy and Metabolism Energy and Metabolism/Cellular Comm. Mitosis and Meiosis Catch-up on lecture notes/Review EXAM 1 Patterns of Inheritance Chromosomes/Genes and How They Work Genes and How They Work Genes and How They Work/Evolution Genes Within Populations Evidence for Evolution Behavior Genetics TBA Catch-up on lecture notes/Review EXAM 2 Animal Development Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break Nervous System Nervous System Nervous System/Sensory Systems Sensory Systems Behavioral Biology The Study of Behavior Development of Behavior Catch-up on lecture notes/Review EXAM 3 Endocrine System/Hormones Hormones NO CLASS Reproductive System Sexual Reproduction Mating and Parental Care Readings Quiz 1 Quiz Deadline in class 2 11:59pm 24-Jan 3 11:59pm 31-Jan 4 11:59pm 12-Feb Assignment Deadline Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 2 & 3 Ch. 4 Ch. 4 & 5 Ch. 6 Ch. 7 Ch. 8 Ch. 9 Ch. 9 & 11 Ch. 10 Ch. 11 Ch. 18 Assignment #1 5 11:59pm 19-Feb 6 11:59pm 14-Mar Ch. 17 Handout Handout Ch. 12 Ch. 12 &18 Ch. 18 Ch. 19 Ch. 22 Assignment #2 7 11:59pm 23-Mar 8 11:59pm 9-Apr Ch. 13 &20 Ch. 20 Ch. 16 Ch. 25 Ch. 26 3 14-Apr 16-Apr 18-Apr 21-Apr 23-Apr 25-Apr 28-Apr 30-Apr 2-May Digestive System Biological Rhythms NO CLASS (Good Friday) Catch-up on lecture notes/Review EXAM 4 Communication/Conflict Conflict/Social Behavior Social Behavior/Review FINAL EXAM 2-4 PM Assignment 1 2 3 Ch. 15 Ch. 21 Ch. 23 &24 Ch. 24 &27 Ch. 27 Assignment #3 9 11:59pm 18-Apr 10 11:59pm 30-Apr Topic Genes related to a Psychiatric Condition (e.g. schizophrenia, depression, OCD, eating disorder, etc.) Effects of psychiatric conditions (depression, schizophrenia) on sensory perception (sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing). Effects of environmental factors (diet, smoking, exercise, toxins, etc.) on hormone levels. Due 14-Feb 19-Mar 14-Apr Lab schedule: Date (Mon/Thurs) 13-Jan/16-Jan 20-Jan/23-Jan 27-Jan/30-Jan 3-Feb/6-Feb 10-Feb/13-Feb 17-Feb/20-Feb 24-Feb/27-Feb 3-Mar/7-Mar 10-Mar/13-Mar 17-Mar/20-Mar 24-Mar/27-Mar 31-Mar/3-Apr 7-Apr/10-Apr 14-Apr/17-Apr 21-Apr/24-Apri 28-Apr/1-May Lab NO LAB NO LAB Topic 1 2 3 4 5 Presentation of Data Through Graphs (Please bring laptop w/ Excel if you can) Scientific Method & Studying Animal Behavior Natural Selection Comparative Behavior of Squirrels and Anoles Diffusion and Osmosis Exercises/Reports Exercise #1 Due Exercise #2 Due Exercise #3 Due Exercise #4 Due NO LAB 6 7 8 9 10 NO LAB NO LAB NO LAB Mitosis and Meosis Mendelian Genetics Memory Sensory Systems Autonomic Nervous System Exercise #5 Due Exercise #6 Due Exercise #7 Due Exercise #8 Due Exercise #9 Due Exercise #10 Due 4