1 CYTOLOGY. CYTOPLASM 1. Establish accordance: 1) Organelles are a) Constant structures of cell 2) Inclusions are b) Nonconstant structures of cell 2. Establish accordance: 1) Membranous organelles include: a) Ribosomes 2) Nonmembranous organelles include: b) Endoplasmic reticulum c) Golgi apparatus d) Mitochondria e) Lysosomes f) Microtubules 3. Establish accordance: Organelles: Basic functions: 1) Rough endoplasmic reticulum a) Synthesis of proteins 2) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum b) Synthesis of lipids c) Synthesis of glycogen 4. Establish accordance: Structural components of cell: Function: 1) Plasmalemma a) Processes of intracellular digestion 2) Mitochondria b) Transport of substances 3) Lysosomes c) Synthesis of energy 4) Golgi apparatus d) Formation of cilia 5) Centrioles e) Formation of primary lysosomes 5. Choose the right answers: The functions of plasmalemma are: 1. Transport various substances 2. Maintenance of the shape of cell 3. Barrier function 4. Synthesis of proteins 5. Formation of primary lysosomes 1,2,3 6. Choose the right answers: Microvilli are: 1. Finger-like projections of cell surface 2. Components of flagella 3. Components of ciliated cells 4. Components of intestinal cells 5. Components of myocytes 1,4 7. Choose the right answer: Glycogen is: 1. Pigment inclusion 2. Secretory inclusion 3. Nutritive inclusion 4. Excretory inclusion 5. Enzyme 3 8. Choose the right answer: Melanin is: 1. Secretory inclusion 2. Nutritive inclusion 3. Excretory inclusion 4. Pigment inclusion 5. Enzyme 4 9. Choose the right answers: Secretory inclusions of tissue cells are: 1. Hormones 2. Enzymes 3. Products of metabolism 4. Lysosomes 5. Ribosomes 1,2 10. Establish accordance: Type of inclusion: Contents: 1. Excretory a) Hormones 2. Secretory b) Enzymes 3. Nutritive c) Products of metabolism 1а,2b 1b,c,d,e; 2a,f 1a; 2b,c 1b,2c,3a,4 2 4. Pigment d) Melanin e) Lipids 1c; 2a,b; 3e, 4d 11. Establish accordance: Structural components of cell: Function: 1) Nucleus a) Storage of genetic information 2) Ribosomes b) Formation of cytoskeleton 3) Microtubules c) Synthesis of proteins 4) Centrioles d) Take part in cell division 1a,2c,3b,4d 12. Choose the right answer: Neutral fat is: 1. Secretory inclusion 2. Nutritive inclusion 3. Excretory inclusion 2 13. Choose the right answers: One-limited organelles are: 1. Endoplasmic reticulum 2. Mitochondria 3. Golgi complex 4. Lysosomes 5. Peroxisomes 1,3,4,5 14. Choose the right answer: The function of mitochondria is: 1. Processes of intracellular digestion 2. Synthesis of energy 3. Formation of cytoskeleton 2 15. Choose the right answer: Double-membrane organelle is: 1. Endoplasmic reticulum 2. Mitochondria 3. Golgi complex 4. Lysosomes 5. Peroxisomes 2 16. Choose the right answer: Cell which has a well-developed granular endoplasmic reticulum actively synthesize: 1. Lipids 2. Proteins 3. Glycogen 2 17. Choose the right answers: Cell which has a well-developed smooth endoplasmic reticulum actively synthesize: 1. Lipids 2. Proteins 3. Glycogen 1,3 18. Choose the right answer: Lysosomes are well-developed into: 1. Fibroblasts 2. Macrophages 3. Plasma cells 2 19. Choose the right answers: The functions of lysosomes are: 1. Breaking down different materials 2. Taking part in phagocytosis 3. Providing autolysis 4. Formation of cytoskeleton 1,2,3 20. Choose the right answer: Cilia consist of: 1. Microtubules 2. Microfilaments 3. Intermediate filaments 1 21. Choose the right answer: Microtubules consist of: 1. Protein actin 2. Protein tubulin 3. Protein myosin 2 22. Choose the right answers: Glycocalyx consists of: 1. Glycoproteins 2. Glycogen 3 3. Glycolipids 4. Cholesterol 1,3 23. Choose the right answers: The functions of Golgi apparatus are: 1. Synthesis of energy 2. Excretion of secretory granules 3. Synthesis of membrane proteins 4. Formation of glycoproteins, lipoproteins, and glycolipids 5. Formation of primary lysosomes 2,4,5 24. Choose the right answers: The cytoskeleton includes: 1. Intermediate filaments 2. Microtubules 3. Centrioles 4. Microfilaments 1,2,4 25. Choose the right answers: Lysosome enzymes are formed in the: 1. Rough endoplasmic reticulum 2. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum 3. Golgi apparatus 4. Free ribosomes 1,3 26. Choose the right answer: Flagella are: 1. Spesial organelles of intestinal cells 2. Spesial organelles of respiratory cells 3. Sperms 3 27. Choose the right answer: Ribosomes are formed in the: 1. Endoplasmic reticulum 2. Golgi apparatus 3. Nucleolus 3 28. Choose the right answer: The residual bodies are the variety of: 1. Peroxisomes 2. Lysosomes 3. Ribosomes 2 29. Choose the right answer: Ribosomes are presented on the membranes of: 1. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum 2. Rough endoplasmic reticulum 2 30. Choose the right answer: The function of substances excretion from cell is fulfilled by: 1. Endoplasmic reticulum 2. Lysosomes 3. Golgi apparatus 3 NUCLEUS. 1. 2. 3. 4. Complete the answer: Cell cycle consists of: __________ and ___________. Interphase, mitosis Complete the answer: Interphase consists of: ______, ______, and ______. G1,S,G2 Complete the answer: Mitosis consists of: _______, ______, ______, and _______. P,M,A,T Establish accordance: Type of chromatin: Degree of its condensation: 1) Euchromatin a) Zone of total condensation 2) Heterochromatin b) Zone of extended chromatin 3) Sex chromatin c) One of the pair of X chromosomes 1b,2a,3c 5. Choose the right answer: Numerous number of euchromatin in the interphase cell nucleus evidences about: 1. Low level of synthetic processes in it 2. High level of synthetic processes in it 2 6. Choose the right answer: Euchromatin is: 1. Extended chromatin 2. Condensed chromatin 1 7. Choose the right answer: Heterochromatin is: 1. Extended chromatin 2. Condensed chromatin 2 8. Choose the right answer: Euchromatin is: 1. Light-stained and dispersed 2. Densely stained and condensed 1 4 9. Choose the right answer: Heterochromatin is: 1. Light-stained and dispersed 2. Densely stained and condenses 2 10. Choose the right answers: Structural components of the nucleus are: 1. Nuclear envelope 2. Nucleoplasma 3. Mitochondria 4. Nucleolus 5. Chromatin 1,2,4,5 11. Choose the right answer: Nucleolus synthesizes: 1. Lysosomes 2. Ribosomes 3. Peroxisomes 4. Lipids 5. Enzymes 2 12. Choose the right answers: Nuclear envelope consists of: 1. Two membranes separated by the perinuclear space 2. Nuclear pores 3. Microtubules 4. Myofibrils 5. Neurofibrils 1,2 13. Choose the right answer: Nuclei of tissue cells are stained by: 1. Basic dyes 2. Sour dyes 3. Silver salts 1 14. Complete the answer: Time of the cell existence from division to division or from division to death is called______________. Cell cycle 15. Establish accordance: Periods of interphase: Basic processes: 1) Presynthetic a) Reduplication of DNA 2) Synthetic b) Synthesis of proteins and RNA 3) Postsynthetic c) Synthesis of proteins tubulins and energy 1b,2a,3c 16. Choose the right answers: The basic events of presynthetic interphase period are: 1. Synthesis of RNA 2. Synthesis of proteins and growth of cell 3. Synthesis of DNA 1,2 17. Choose the right answers: The basic events of postsynthetic interphase period are: 1. Synthesis of proteins tubulins 2. Synthesis of energy 3. Synthesis of DNA 1,2 18. Choose the right answer: The basic process of synthetic interphase period is: 1. Synthesis of protein 2. Synthesis of DNA 3. Synthesis of RNA 2 19. Choose the right answer: Mitotic spindle consists of: 1. Microfilaments 2. Microtubules 3. Intermediate filaments 4. Myofibrils 5. Neurofibrils 2 20. Establish the right sequence of the basic phases of mitosis: 1. Prophase 2. Anaphase 3. Telophase 4. Metaphase 1,4,2,3 21. Choose the right answers: In the prophase of mitosis occur the following: 1. Formation of the equatorial plate 2. Coiling of chromosomes 5 3. Disappearance of nucleolus 4. Destruction of nuclear envelope 5. Formation of mitotic spindle begin 6. Separation of the sister chromosomes 2,3,4,5 22. Choose the right answers: In the metaphase of mitosis occur the following: 1. Coiling of chromosomes 2. Destruction of nuclear envelope 3. Formation of the equatorial plate 4. Disappearance of nucleolus 5. Separation of the sister chromosomes 6. Formation of mitotic spindle end 3,6 23. Choose the right answer: Chromosomes in the anaphase of mitosis: 1. Coil 2. Migrate toward the opposite poles of cell 3. Dispose at the equatorial plane 4. Disappear 5. Appear 2 24. Choose the right answers: In the telophase of mitosis occur the following: 1. Migration of chromosomes toward the opposite poles of cell 2. Reconstruction of the interphase nucleus 3. Cytokinesis 4. Formation of mitotic spindle 5. Coiling of chromosomes 2,3 25. Choose the right answer: In the presynthetic period of interphase cells contain: 1. Diploid set of chromosomes 2. Haploid set of chromosomes 3. Tetraploid set of chromosomes 1 26. Choose the right answers: The types of somatic differentiated cells division are: 1. Mitosis 2. Endomitosis 3. Meiosis 1,2 27. Choose the right answer: The type of gametes division is: 1. Mitosis 2. Endomitosis 3. Meiosis 3 28. Choose the right answer: The number of human chromosomes in each somatic cell is: 1. 46 2. 28 3. 48 4. 23 1 29. Choose the right answer: The result of endomitosis is formation of: 1. Haploid cells 2. Poliploid cells 3. Diploid cells 2 СOMMON EMBRYOLOGY. PROGENESIS 1. Choose the right answer: The number of chromosomes in the spermatozoon nucleus is: 1. Diploid 2. Haploid 2 2. Choose the right answer: The number of chromosomes in the ovum nucleus is: 1. Haploid 2. Diploid 1 3. Complete the answer: The spermatozoon consists of the following main components: ______, ______, ______. Head,neck,tail 4. Complete the answer: The tail of sperm consists of the following segments: ________, _______, _______. Middle,principal,end(terminal) 5. Choose the right answer: The tail of spermatozoon contains: 1. Flagellum 2. Cilium 1 6 6. Choose the right answer: The flagellum of spermatozoon consists of: 1. Microfilaments 2. Microtubules 3. Intermediate filaments 2 7. Choose the right answer: The acrosome of the sperm head contains: 1. Hormones 2. Enzymes 3. Lipids 2 8. Choose the right answer: The head of spermatozoon does not contain: 1. Acrosome 2. Nucleus 3. Axoneme 3 9. Choose the right answer: The ovum does not contain: 1. Mitochondria 2. Endoplasmic reticulum 3. Golgi complex 4. Centrioles 4 10. Choose the right answers: The ovum is surrounded by: 1. Zona pellucida 2. Corona radiate 3. Connective tissue 1,2 11. Establish accordance: Gametogenesis: Stages of gametogenesis: 1. Spermatogenesis a) Proliferation 2. Oogenesis b) Growth c) Maturation d) Formation 1a,b,c,d; 2a,b,c 12. Choose the right answers: The oogenesis consists of the following stages: 1. Proliferation 2. Growth 3. Maturation 4. Formation 1,2,3 13. Choose the right answer: The phase of growth is divided into the small growth and large growth during: 1. Spermatogenesis 2. Oogenesis 2 14. Choose the right answer: The result of meiotic division is: 1. Formation of diploid gametes 2. Formation of polyploid gametes 3. Formation of haploid gametes 3 15. Choose the right answer: The spermatogonia contain: 1. Haploid set of chromosomes 2. Diploid set of chromosomes 2 16. Choose the right answer: The oogonia contain: 1. Haploid set of chromosomes 2. Diploid set of chromosomes 2 17. Choose the right answer: Corona radiata of the oocyte consists of: 1. Glycosaminoglycans 2. Glycoproteins 3. Follicular cells 3 18. Choose the right answers: Zona pellucida of the oocyte consists of: 1. Glycosaminoglycans 2. Glycoproteins 3. Follicular cells 1,2 19. Choose the right answer: The method of spermatogonia division is: 1. Mitosis 2. Meiosis 3. Endomitosis 1 7 20. Choose the right answer: The method of oogonia division is: 1. Meiosis 2. Endomitosis 3. Mitosis 3 21. Choose the right answer: The result of the spermatogenesis is the formation of: 1. Spermatogonia 2. Spermatocytes 3. Spermatids 4. Sperms 4 22. Choose the right answer: Male gametes on the stage of proliferation are called: 1. Spermatocytes 2. Spermatids 3. Spermatogonia 4. Sperms 3 23. Choose the right answer: Male gametes on the stage of growth are called: 1. Spermatocytes 2. Spermatids 3. Spermatogonia 4. Sperms 1 24. Choose the right answer: Female gametes on the stage of small growth are called: 1. Oogonia 2. Primary oocytes 3. Secondary oocytes 4. Ovum 2 25. Choose the right answer: The result of the spermatogenesis is the formation of: 1. Oogonia 2. Primary oocytes 3. Secondary oocytes 4. Ovum 4 26. Choose the right answer: Female gametes on the stage of proliferation are called: 1. Oogonia 2. Primary oocytes 3. Secondary oocytes 4. Ovum 1 27. Choose the right answers: The flagellum of spermatozoon consists of: 1. Axoneme 2. Basal body 3. Acrosoma 1,2 28. Choose the right answer: The axoneme of spermatozoon is formed by: 1. Microfilaments 2. Microtubules 3. Intermediate filaments 2 29. Choose the right answer: Human fertilization is characterized by: 1. Polyspermy 2. Monospermy 2 30. Choose the right answer: The zygote contains: 1. Haploid set of chromosomes 2. Diploid set of chromosomes 2 31. Choose the right answer: The ovum synthesizes: 1. Hormones 2. Enzymes 3. Yolk granules 3 32. Complete the answer: The process of confluence of a sperm with an ovum is called _______. fertilization 33. Complete the answer: The result of fertilization is the formation of unicellular organism called ____. zygote 34. Choose the right answer: The fertilization by X-bearing sperm produces: 1. Male zygote 2. Female zygote 2 8 35. Choose the right answer: The fertilization by Y-bearing sperm produces: 1. Female zygote 2. Male zygote 2 EMBRYOGENESIS 1. Complete the answer: The process of successive rapid mitotic divisions without the growth of the daughter cells is called _________. Cleavage 2. Complete the answer: Cells which are formed during the cleavage are called _______. Blastomeres 3. Choose the right answer: Human cleavage begins in the: 1. Ovary 2. Oviduct 3. Uterus 4. Abdominal cavity 2 4. Choose the right answer: During the human unequal cleavage are formed: 1. Blastomeres which have identical size 2. Blastomeres which have different size 2 5. Complete the answer: The embryo which looks like a mulberry is called _______. Morula 6. Choose the right answer: The morula consists of: 1. 5-10 blastomeres 2. 12-16 blastomeres 3. 20-25 blastomeres 4. 30-50 blastomeres 5. 55-65 blastomeres 2 7. Complete the answer: The result of cleavage is the formation of the embryo which is called______. Blastula 8. Complete the answer: The process of highly integrated cell movements whereby the germ layers are formed is called _________. Gastrulation 9. Complete the answer: The outer layer of the embryo is called _________. Ectoderm 10. Complete the answer: The inner layer of the embryo is called _________. Entoderm 11. Complete the answer: The middle layer of the embryo is called _________. Mesoderm 12. Complete the answer: The process of a neural tube formation is called _________. Neurulation 13. Complete the answer: The complex of axial organs includes the following structures: _________, __________, and __________. Notochord,neural tube,mesodermal somites 14. Complete the answer: The mesoderm includes the following parts: ______, ______, and ______. Proximal,intermediate,lateral 15. Choose the right answer: The somites are the structural part of the: 1. Ectoderm 2. Mesoderm 3. Entoderm 4. Mesenchyme 2 16. Choose the right answer: The nephrogonadotome is the structural part of the: 1. Paraxial mesoderm 2. Lateral mesoderm 3. Intermediate mesoderm 4. Entoderm 5. Ectoderm 3 17. Complete the answer: The somites of mesoderm are divided into following regions: _______, _______, and _______. Myotome,dermatome,sclerotome 18. Choose the right answer: The dermis of the skin is derived from: 1. Sclerotome 2. Myotome 3. Dermatome 4. Nephrogonadotome 5. Entoderm 3 19. Choose the right answer: The skeletal muscles are derived from: 1. Sclerotome 2. Myotome 3. Dermatome 4. Nephrogonadotome 5. Entoderm 2 9 20. Choose the right answer: The bone and cartilaginous tissues are derived from: 1. Sclerotome 2. Myotome 3. Dermatome 4. Entoderm 5. Ectoderm 1 21. Choose the right answer: During the embryonal development ectoderm gives rise to: 1. Bone tissue 2. Muscular tissue 3. Epidermis of skin 4. Blood 3 22. Choose the right answers: Hephrogonadotome of mesoderm gives rise to: 1. Epidermis of skin 2. Bones and cartilages 3. Kidneys 4. Gonads 5. Pancreas 3,4 23. Complete the answer: The parietal layer of the lateral mesoderm is called _______. Somatopleure 24. Complete the answer: The visceral layer of the lateral mesoderm is called _______. Splanchnopleure 25. Choose the right answer: The mesothelial lining of the body cavities is derived from: 1. Nephrogonadotome 2. Myotome 3. Sclerotome 4. Parietal and visceral layer of mesoderm 5. Mesenchyme 4 26. Choose the right answer: The coelom is a space which lies between: 1. Ectoderm and entoderm 2. Somatopleure and splanchnopleure 2 27. Choose the right answer: The myocardium and the epicardium are derived from: 1. Mesenchyme 2. Myotome of mesoderm 3. Splanchnopleure 4. Somatopleure 5. Entoderm 3 28. Choose the right answer: The liver is developed from: 1. Ectoderm 2. Entoderm 3. Mesoderm 4. Mesenchyme 5. Sclerotome 2 29. Choose the right answer: The pancreas is developed from: 1. Ectoderm 2. Entoderm 3. Mesoderm 4. Mesenchyme 5. Somatopleure 2 30. Choose the right answer: The blood is developed from: 1. Ectoderm 2. Entoderm 3. Mesoderm 4. Mesenchyme 5. Splanchnopleure 4 31. Choose the right answer: Connective tissues are developed from: 1. Ectoderm 2. Entoderm 3. Mesoderm 4. Mesenchyme 5. Nephrogonadotome 4 10 32. Choose the right answer: Smooth muscle cells are developed from: 1. Myotome of mesoderm 2. Entoderm 3. Mesenchyme 4. Dermatome 5. Nephrogonadotome 3 33. Choose the right answer: The result of the cleavage is the formation of: 1. Zygote 2. Morula 3. Blastula 4. Gastrula 3 34. Choose the right answer: The trophoblast of blastocyst consists of: 1. Small light blastomeres 2. Large dark blastomeres 1 35. Choose the right answer: The embryoblast of blastocyst consists of: 1. Small light blastomeres 2. Large dark blastomeres 2 36. Choose the right answer: Small light blastomeres form: 1. Trophoblast 2. Embryoblast 1 37. Choose the right answer: Large dark blastomeres form: 1. Embryoblast 2. Trophoblast 1 38. Choose the right answer: The first stage of gastrulation begins: 1. On the 5th day of development 2. On the 7th day of development 3. On the 15th day of development 2 39. Choose the right answer: The second stage of gastrulation begins: 1. On the 5th day of development 2. On the 7th day of development 3. On the 15th day of development 3 40. Choose the right answer: The second stage of gastrulation is characterized by the formation of: 1. Epiblast 2. Primitive streak 3. Hypoblast 2 41. Choose the right answers: The first stage of gastrulation is characterized by the formation of: 1. Primitive streak 2. Epiblast 3. Hypoblast 2,3 42. Choose the right answer: The superior layer of embryonic disk is: 1. Hypoblast 2. Epiblast 2 43. Choose the right answer: The inferior layer of embryonic disk is: 1. Hypoblast 2. Epiblast 1 44. Choose the right answer: The placenta is developed from: 1. Embryoblast 2. Trophoblast 2 45. Choose the right answer: The embryo is developed from: 1. Embryoblast 2. Trophoblast 1 TISSUES. EPITHELIAL TISSUE 1. Establish accordance: The localization of the epithelium 1. Pleura 2. Trachea 3. Urinary tract 4. Intestine The structure of the epithelium: a) Transitional epithelium b) Simple squamous epithelium c) Simple columnar ciliated epithelium d) Simple columnar epithelium 1b,2c,3a,4d 11 2. Establish accordance: Origin of development: Localization of epithelium: 1. Mesoderm a) Epidermis 2. Ectoderm b) Pleura 3. Entoderm c) Intestine 4. Mesenchyme d) Vessels 1b,2a,3c,4d 3. Complete the answer: Unicellular glands are _______. Goblet cells 4. Complete the answer: The glands which have no ducts are called _______. Endocrine 5. Complete the answer: The glands which have ducts are called _______. Exocrine 6. Complete the answer: If the secretory part of the gland has a rounded form it is called _______. Alveoli or acini 7. Complete the answer: The method of discharge of the secretory products together with apical part of the secretory cell is called ________. Apocrine 8. Complete the answer: The method of discharge of the secretory products by exocytosis with no loses of the secretory cell is called ________. Merocrine or eccrine 9. Complete the answer: The method of discharge of the secretory products with the whole secretory cell is called _______. Holocrine 10. Complete the answer: The glands which have one unbranched duct are called _______. Simple 11. Complete the answer: The glands which have branched ducts are called _______. Compound 12. Establish accordance: Localization of epithelium: Type of epithelium: 1. Pericardium a) Transitional epithelium 2. Urinaty tract b) Simple columnar ciliated epithelium 3. Trachea c) Simple squamous epithelium 4. Epidermis d) Stratified squamous keratinized epithelium 1c,2a,3b,4d 13. Choose the right answer: The mesothelium of serous covers is: 1. Simple columnar epithelium 2. Simple squamous epithelium 3. Pseudostratified columnar epithelium 4. Stratified squamous keratinized epithelium 5. Transitional epithelium 2 14. Choose the right answer: The ciliated epithelium of the respiratory tract is: 1. Simple columnar epithelium 2. Simple squamous epithelium 3. Pseudostratified columnar epithelium 4. Stratified squamous keratinized epithelium 5. Transitional epithelium 3 15. Choose the right answer: The epithelium of the urinary tract is: 1. Simple columnar epithelium 2. Simple squamous epithelium 3. Pseudostratified columnar epithelium 4. Stratified squamous keratinized epithelium 5. Transitional epithelium 5 16. Choose the right answer: The epidermis of the skin is: 1. Simple columnar epithelium 2. Simple squamous epithelium 3. Pseudostratified columnar epithelium 4. Stratified squamous keratinized epithelium 5. Transitional epithelium 4 17. Choose the right answer: The epidermis of the skin is developed from: 1. Mesoderm 2. Ectoderm 3. Entoderm 4. Mesenchyme 2 18. Choose the right answer: The mesothelium of serous covers is developed from: 1. Mesoderm 2. Ectoderm 3. Entoderm 12 4. Mesenchyme 1 19. Choose the right answer: The epithelium of intestine is developed from: 1. Mesoderm 2. Ectoderm 3. Entoderm 4. Mesenchyme 3 20. Choose the right answer: Epithelial tissues have no: 1. Basement membrane 2. Blood vessels 3. Nerve endings 4. Ability for regeneration 5. Polarity 2 21. Establish accordance: Structure of epithelial apical surface: Localization of epithelium: 1. Cilia a) Intestine 2. Microvilli b) Trachea 1b,2a 22. Complete the answer: Special organelles fulfilling the absorptive function are called ______. Microvilli 23. Choose the right answers: Epithelial tissues have many: 1. Blood vessels 2. Nerve endings 3. Intercellular junctions 4. Intercellular substance 2,3 24. Complete the answer: The epithelium of urinary tract is called ________. Transitional epithelium 25. Complete the answer: The epithelium of respiratory tract is called ________. Ciliated epithelium 26. Complete the answer: Stratified squamous keratinized epithelium is called ________. Epidermis 27. Choose the right answer: Epithelial tissues have a very high ability for regeneration: 1. No 2. Yes 2 28. Choose the right answers: All secretory cells of glands have well-developed: 1. Mitochondria 2. Endoplasmic reticulum 3. Lysosomes 4. Golgi complex 5. Microtubules 1,2,4 29. Choose the right answer: Cell membranes of mesotheliocytes are dyed by: 1. Haematoxylin 2. Eosin 3. Silver salts 3 30. Establish accordance: Type of epithelium: Function: 1. Epithelium of stomach a) Protection 2. Epithelium of intestine b) Secretion 3. Epidermis of skin c) Absorption 1b,2c,3a 31. Choose the right answer: Lamina densa of epithelial basement membrane consists of: 1. Collagen fibrils 2. Amorphous matter 1 32. Choose the right answer: Lamina lucida of epithelial basement membrane consists of: 1. Collagen fibrils 2. Amorphous matter 2 33. Choose the right answer: The mesothelium is: 1. Simple squamous epithelium 2. Simple cuboidal epithelium 3. Simple columnar epithelium 1 34. Choose the right answer: The endothelium is: 1. Simple cuboidal epithelium 2. Simple columnar epithelium 3. Simple squamous epithelium 3 35. Choose the right answer: The ciliated epithelium is: 13 1. Stratified squamous nonkeratinized epithelium 2. Stratified squamous keratinized epithelium 3. Pseudostratified columnar epithelium 3 36. Choose the right answer: The mesothelium lines: 1. Blood vessels 2. Serous covers 3. Urinary tract 4. Skin 5. Respiratory tract 2 37. Choose the right answer: The endothelium lines: 1. Blood vessels 2. Serous covers 3. Urinary tract 4. Skin 5. Respiratory tract 1 38. Choose the right answer: The transitional epithelium lines: 1. Blood vessels 2. Serous covers 3. Urinary tract 4. Skin 5. Respiratory tract 3 39. Choose the right answer: The ciliated columnar epithelium lines: 1. Blood vessels 2. Serous covers 3. Urinary tract 4. Skin 5. Respiratory tract 5 40. Choose the right answer: The epidermis lines: 1. Blood vessels 2. Serous covers 3. Urinary tract 4. Skin 5. Respiratory tract 4 41. Choose the right answer: The wall of blood vessels is lined by: 1. Ciliated columnar epithelium 2. Mesothelium 3. Endothelium 4. Simple cuboidal epithelium 5. Transitional epithelium 3 42. Choose the right answer: The serous covers are lined by: 1. Ciliated columnar epithelium 2. Mesothelium 3. Endothelium 4. Simple cuboidal epithelium 5. Transitional epithelium 2 43. Choose the right answer: The wall of the respiratory tract is lined by: 1. Ciliated columnar epithelium 2. Mesothelium 3. Endothelium 4. Simple cuboidal epithelium 5. Transitional epithelium 1 44. Choose the right answer: The wall of the urinary tract is lined by: 1. Ciliated columnar epithelium 2. Mesothelium 3. Endothelium 4. Transitional epithelium 5. Simple cuboidal epithelium 4 14 BLOOD 1. Choose the right answer: The number of erythrocytes in the male blood is: 1. 2,5-4,5 x 1012/l 2. 3,9-5,5 x 1012/l 3. 3,7-4,9 x 1012/l 4. 4,5-5,0 x 1012/l 2 2. Choose the right answer: The number of erythrocytes in the female blood is: 1. 2,5-4,5 x 1012/l 2. 3,9-5,5 x 1012/l 3. 3,7-4,9 x 1012/l 4. 4,5-5,0 x 1012/l 3 3. Choose the right answer: The number of eosinophils in the blood is: 1. 1-5% 2. 0-1% 3. 5-10% 4. 10-15% 1 4. Choose the right answer: The number of basophils in the blood is: 1. 1-5% 2. 0-1% 3. 5-10% 4. 10-15% 2 5. Choose the right answer: The number of neutrophils in the blood is: 1. 6-8% 2. 2-5% 3. 48-78% 4. 3-11% 3 6. Choose the right answer: The number of lymphocytes in the blood is: 1. 20-30% 2. 1-5% 3. 30-50% 4. 50-70% 1 7. Choose the right answer: The number of monocytes in the blood is: 1. 12-15% 2. 6-8% 3. 15-25% 4. 60-70% 2 8. Choose the right answer: The number of leukocytes the blood is: 1. 2-5 x 109/l 2. 4-9 x 109/l 3. 5-15 x 109/l 4. 20-30 x 109/l 2 9. Choose the right answer: The number of plateles in the blood is: 1. 50-120 x 109/l 2. 100-150 x 109/l 3. 180-320 x 109/l 4. 200-400 x 109/l 3 10. Choose the right answer: The nucleus of lymphocyte has: 1. Rounded shape 2. 3-5 lobes 3. 2-3 lobes 4. Absent 1 11. Choose the right answer: The nucleus of monocyte has: 1. Rounded shape 2. Absent 3. 2-3 lobes 4. Kidney-shaped 4 12. Choose the right answer: The nucleus of the mature neutrophil has: 1. Rounded shape 15 2. 3-5 lobes 3. 2-3 lobes 4. Kidney-shaped 2 13. Choose the right answer: The nucleus of eosinophil has: 1. Rounded shape 2. 3-5 lobes 3. 2-3 lobes 4. Kidney-shaped 3 14. Choose the right answer: The nucleus of erythrocyte has: 1. Rounded shape 2. 3-5 lobes 3. Absent 4. Kidney-shaped 3 15. Complete the answer: The monocytes migrate from blood to tissues and differentiate into ________. Macrophages 16. Establish accordance: Specific granules of: Contents: 1. Eosinophil a) Bactericidal substances 2. Basophil b) Major basic protein 3. Neutrophil c) Heparin and histamine 1b,2c,3a 17. Choose the right answer: The cytoplasm of lymphocytes is: 1. Oxyphilic 2. Basophilic 3. Polychromatophilic 2 18. Choose the right answer: Special granules of neutrophils are stained: 1. Oxyphilic 2. Basophilic 3. Polychromatophilic 3 19. Choose the right answer: Special granules of eosinophils are stained: 1. Oxyphilic 2. Basophilic 3. Polychromatophilic 1 20. Choose the right answer: Special granules of basophils are stained: 1. Oxyphilic 2. Basophilic 3. Polychromatophilic 2 21. Choose the right answer: The specific granules of basophils are: 1. Small and do not stain well 2. Large and oxyphilic 3. Large and basophilic 3 22. Choose the right answer: Granules of neutrophils are: 1. Small and do not stain well 2. Large and oxyphilic 3. Large and basophilic 1 23. Choose the right answer: The specific granules of eosinophils are: 1. Small and do not stain well 2. Large and oxyphilic 3. Large and basophilic 2 24. Complete the answer: The blood is developed from ________. Mesenchyme 25. Complete the answer: Formed elements of the blood are _______, _______, ________. Erythrocytes,leukocytes,platelets 26. Establish accordance: Granules of neutrophils: Contents: 1. Specific a) Bactericidal substances 2. Azurophilic b) Hydrolitic enzymes 1a,2b 27. Establish accordance: Leukocytes: Function: 1. Neutrophils a) Phagocytosis of bacteria 16 2. Eosinophils b) Antiparasitic 3. Lymphocytes c) Immune reactions 28. Choose the right answer: The cytoplasm of monocytes is: 1. Oxyphilic 2. Basophilic 3. Polychromatophilic 2 29. Establish accordance: Formed elements Function: 1. Erythrocyts a) Protective reactions 2. Leukocytes b) Transport of gases 3. Platelets c) Formation of clot 30. Choose the right answer: The origin of platelets is: 1. Mitosis 2. Endomitosis 3. Fragmentation of megakaryocytes cytoplasm 3 31. Choose the right answers: Granulocytes are: 1. Lymphocytes 2. Neutrophils 3. Eosinophils 4. Monocytes 5. Basophils 2,3,5 32. Choose the right answers: Agranulocytes are: 1. Lymphocytes 2. Neutrophils 3. Eosinophils 4. Monocytes 5. Basophils 1,4 33. Choose the right answer: The basic function of erythrocytes is: 1. Formation of clot 2. Phagocytosis of bacteria 3. Immune reactions 4. Allergic reactions 5. Transport of gases 5 34. Choose the right answer: The basic function of neutrophils is: 1. Formation of clot 2. Phagocytosis of bacteria 3. Immune reactions 4. Allergic reactions 5. Transport of gases 2 35. Choose the right answer: The basic function of platelets is: 1. Formation of clot 2. Phagocytosis of bacteria 3. Immune reactions 4. Allergic reactions 5. Transport of gases 1 36. Choose the right answer: The basic function of basophils is: 1. Formation of clot 2. Allergic reactions 3. Transport of gases 2 37. Choose the right answer: The basic function of eosinophils is: 1. Formation of clot 2. Antiparasitic 3. Immune reactions 4. Transport of gases 2 38. Choose the right answer: The basic function of lymphocytes is: 1. Formation of clot 2. Phagocytosis 3. Transport of gases 1a,2b,3c 1b,2a,3c 17 4. Immune reactions 4 39. Choose the right answer: Hyalomere and granulomere are the structural components of: 1. Erythrocyte 2. Leukocytes 3. Platelets 3 40. Choose the right answer: The nuclear-free cells of the human blood are: 1. Monocytes 2. Erythrocytes 3. Lymphocytes 4. Neutrophils 5. Eosinophils 2 CONNECTIVE TISSUE 1. Choose the right answers: The functions of connective tissues are: 1. Protective 2. Nutritive 3. Mechanical 4. Absorptive 5. Plastic 1,2,3,5 2. Choose the right answers: The connective tissue proper includes: 1. Dense connective tissue 2. Adipose tissue 3. Reticular tissue 4. Cartilage 5. Loose connective tissue 1,5 3. Choose the right answers: The supporting connective tissues are: 1. Bone 2. Adipose tissue 3. Reticular tissue 4. Cartilage 5. Loose connective tissue 1,4 4. Choose the right answers: The special connective tissues are: 1. Bone 2. Adipose tissue 3. Reticular tissue 4. Cartilage 5. Mucoid tissue 2,3,5 5. Choose the right answer: The adipose tissue is related to: 1. Connective tissue proper 2. Special connective tissue 3. Supporting connective tissue 2 6. Choose the right answer: The reticular tissue is related to: 1. Special connective tissue 2. Supporting connective tissue 3. Connective tissue proper 1 7. Choose the right answer: The mucous tissue is related to: 1. Connective tissue proper 2. Supporting connective tissue 3. Special connective tissue 3 8. Choose the right answer: The cartilage is related to: 1. Connective tissue proper 2. Supporting connective tissue 3. Special connective tissue 2 9. Choose the right answer: The bone is related to: 1. Connective tissue proper 2. Special connective tissue 3. Supporting connective tissue 3 10. Choose the right answer: Loose and dense connective tissues are related to: 1. Supporting connective tissue 18 2. Special connective tissue 3. Connective tissue proper 3 11. Complete the answer: Connective tissues consist of _______, and _______. Cells,exstracellular matrix 12. Complete the answer: The extracellular matrix of connective tissues consists of _______, and _______. Fibers, ground substance 13. Complete the answer: The main types of connective tissue fibers are _____, _____, and ____. Collagen,reticular,elastic 14. Establish accordance: Type of fiber: Localization: 1. Collagen a) Hemopoietic organs 2. Reticular b) Ligaments 3. Elastic c) Bones 1c,2a,3b 15. Establish accordance: Type of collagen: Localization: 1. Collagen I a) Hyaline cartilage 2. Collagen II b) Reticular fibers 3. Collagen III c) Bones 4. Сollagen IV d) Blood vessels 5. Collagen V e) Basement membranes 1c,2a,3b,4e,5d 16. Choose the right answer: The connective tissues are derived from: 1. Entoderm 2. Ectoderm 3. Mesenchyme 4. Mesoderm 3 17. Choose right answer: The bone extracellular matrix contains collagen fibers of: 1. I type 2. II type 3. II type 4. IV type 1 18. Choose the right answer: The cartilage extracellular matrix contains collagen fibers of: 1. I type 2. II type 3. III type 4. IV type 2 19. Choose the right answer: Basement membrane contains collagen fibers of: 1. I type 2. II type 3. III type 4. IV type 4 20. Choose the right answer: The reticular fibers are formed by: 1. I type of collagen 2. II type of collagen 3. III type of collagen 4. IV type of collagen 3 21. Complete the answer: The types of fibroblast cells are: _____, _____, _____. Active,fibrocyte,myofibroblast 22. Choose the right answer: The fibers of connective tissue are synthesized by: 1. Macrophages 2. Plasma cells 3. Fibroblasts 4. Mast cells 3 23. Choose the right answer: The amorphous intercellular substance of the connective tissue is synthesized by: 1. Plasma cells 2. Fibroblasts 3. Mast cells 4. Macrophages 2 24. Choose the right answer: The derivatives of blood monocytes are: 1. Plasma cells 2. Fibroblasts 19 3. Mast cells 4. Macrophages 4 25. Choose the right answers: System of mononuclear phagocytes includes: 1. Kupffer cells of liver 2. Granulocytes of blood 3. Fibroblasts of connective tissue 4. Alveolar macrophages of lungs 5. Osteoclasts of bone 1,4,5 26. Choose the right answer: The function of the connective tissue macrophages is: 1. Synthesis of fibers 2. Allergic reactions 3. Synthesis of antibodies 4. Phagocytosis 4 27. Choose the right answer: The function of the plasma cells is: 1. Synthesis of fibers 2. Allergic reactions 3. Synthesis of antibodies 4. Phagocytosis 3 28. Choose the right answer: The function of the mast cells is: 1. Synthesis of fibers 2. Allergic reactions 3. Synthesis of antibodies 4. Phagocytosis 2 29. Choose the right answer: Heparin and histamine are synthesized by: 1. Macrophages 2. Plasma cells 3. Fibroblasts 4. Mast cells 4 30. Choose the right answer: The antibodies are synthesized by: 1. Fibroblasts 2. Mast cells 3. Macrophages 4. Plasma cells 4 31. Choose the right answer: The derivatives of B-lymphocytes are: 1. Plasma cells 2. Fibroblasts 3. Mast cells 4. Macrophages 1 32. Choose the right answer: The structure of the mast cells tissue is similar to: 1. Eosinophilic leukocytess 2. Neutrophils leukocytes 3. Basophils leukocytes 3 33. Establish accordance: Type of cell: Basic function: 1. Mast cell a) Phagosytosis 2. Fibroblast b) Synthesis of antibodies 3. Macrophage c) Synthesis of heparin and histamine 4. Plasma cell d) Synthesis of collagen fibers 34. Choose the right answers: Granules of mast cell contain: 1. Lipids 2. Heparin 3. Histamine 4. Glycogen 2,3 35. Choose the right answer: Bundles of fibers are arranged parallel to one another in the: 1. Dense irregular connective tissue 2. Dense regular connective tissue 2 36. Choose the right answer: The ligaments, tendons, aponeuroses are related to: 1. Loose connective tissue 1c,2d,3a,4b 20 2. Dense irregular connective tissue 3. Dense regular connective tissue 3 37. Choose the right answer: The dermis of skin is related to: 1. Dense irregular connective tissue 2..Dense regular connective tissue 1 38. Choose the right answer: The stroma of the bone marrow, lymph nodes and spleen is formed by: 1. Loose connective tissue 2. Reticular tissue 3. Adipose tissue 2 39. Complete the answer: The adipose tissue is divided into following types: ______, and______. White,brown 40. Choose the right answer: White adipose cell contains: 1. One large lipid droplet 2. Many small lipid droplets 1 41. Choose the right answer: Brown adipose cell contains: 1. One large lipid droplet 2. Many small lipid droplets 2 42. Choose the right answer: Brown adipose tissue is abundant in the: 1. New-born 2. Adult organism 1 43. Choose the right answer: White adipose tissue is abundant in the: 1. New-born 2. Adult organism 2 44. Choose the right answer: The mucoid connective tissue is found in the: 1. Vessels 2. Hemopoietic organs 3. Umbilical cord 3 45. Choose the right answer: The mucoid connective tissue of the umbilical cord fulfils following function: 1. Synthesis of antibodies 2. Protective function 3. Nutritive function 2 CARTILAGE, BONE 1. Choose the right answer: The bone tissue is derived from: 1. Myotome of mesoderm 2. Dermatome of mesoderm 3. Sclerotome of mesoderm 3 2. Choose the right answer: The cartilage tissue is derived from: 1. Sclerotome of mesoderm 2. Myotome of mesoderm 3. Dermatome of mesoderm 1 3. Establish accordance: Type of cartilage: Localization: 1. Hyaline a) Auricle of the ear 2. Elastic b) Trachea 3. Fibrocartilage c) Intervertebral disks 1b,2a,3c 4. Choose the right answer: The cartilage tissue has no: 1. Collagen fibers 2. Ground substance 3. Blood vessels 3 5. Choose the right answer: Articular surfaces of the movable joints are covered by: 1. Elastic cartilage 2. Hyaline cartilage 3. Fibrocartilage 2 6. Choose the right answers: The nutrition of the cartilage is provided by: 1. Capillaries of perichondrium 2. Synovial fluid 3. Blood vessels of cartilage tissue 1,2 7. Complete the answer: The perichondrium consists of two layers: ___, and ___. Outer fibrous,inner cellular 8. Establish accordance: 21 Layer of perichondrium: Structure: 1. Outer layer a) Chondrogenic cells 2. Inner layer b) Fibrous tissue 1b,2a 9. Choose the right answer: Isogenic groups of a cartilage consist of: 1. Chondroblasts 2. Chondrocytes 2 10. Choose the right answer: Isogenic groups of a cartilage are located in the: 1. Superfitial layer of a cartilage 2. Deep layer of a cartilage 2 11. Choose the right answers: The extracellular matrix of a cartilage consists of: 1. Fibers 2. Blood vessels 3. Ground substance 1,3 12. Choose the right answer: The extracellular matrix of the hyaline cartilage consists of: 1. Type I collagen fibers 2. Type II collagen fibers 3. Type III collagen fibers 2 13. Choose the right answer: The extracellular matrix of the elastic cartilage: 1. Undergoes calcification 2. Never undergoes calcification 2 14. Choose the right answer: The extracellular matrix of the hyaline cartilage: 1. Undergoes calcification 2. Never undergoes calcification 1 15. Choose the right answer: The interstitial growth of the cartilage is realized by: 1. Mitotic division of chondrocytes into isogenous groups 2. Differentiation of perichondrial cells 1 16. Choose the right answer: The appositional growth of the cartilage is realized by: 1. Mitotic division of chondrocytes into isogenous groups 2. Differentiation of perichondrial cells 2 17. Choose the right answers: The bone tissue fulfils the following functions: 1. Support the body 2. Protect function 3. Accumulation of calcium ions 4. Taking part in the exchange of gases 1,2,3 18. Establish accordance: Bone cell: Origin of development: 1. Osteoblast a) Mesenchyme 2. Osteocyte b) Stem cell of blood 3. Osteoclast 1a,2a,3b 19. Choose the right answer: Osteoclasts are derived from: 1. Monocytes of the blood 2. Mesenchyme 1 20. Choose the right answer: The internal surface of bone is lined by: 1. Endosteum 2. Periosteum 1 21. Choose the right answer: The external surface of bone is lined by: 1. Endosteum 2. Periosteum 2 22. Choose the right answer: The outer layer of peritoneum consists of: 1. Osteoblasts 2. Collagen fibers 2 23. Choose the right answer: The inner layer of peritoneum consists of: 1. Osteoblasts 2. Collagen fibers 1 24. Choose the right answers: The endosteum consists of: 1. Osteogenic cells 2. Connective tissue 3. Mucoid tissue 1,2 22 25. Establish accordance: Type of bone cell: Structure: 1. Osteoblast a) Large polynuclear cell 2. Osteocyte b) Cuboidal or columnar cell with basophilic cytoplasm 3. Osteoclast c) Cell with narrow cytoplasmic processes 1b,2c,3a 26. Choose the right answer: The osteoblast takes part in the: 1. Bone resorption 2. Nutrition of bone 3. Synthesis of bone matrix 3 27. Choose the right answer: The osteocyte takes part in the: 1. Bone resorption 2. Nutrition of bone 3. Synthesis of bone matrix 2 28. Choose the right answer: The osteoclast takes part in the: 1. Bone resorption 2. Nutrition of bone 3. Synthesis of bone matrix 1 29. Complete the answer: The bone cells are: _______, _______, and _______. Osteoblast,osteosyte,osteoclast 30. Choose the right answer: The bone cell which has many narrow cytoplasmic processes is called: 1. Osteoblast 2. Osteocyte 3. Osteoclast 2 31. Choose the right answer: The bone cell which is a large polynuclear cell is called: 1. Osteoblast 2. Osteocyte 3. Osteoclast 3 32. Choose the right answer: The bone cell which has basophilic cytoplasm and well-developed RER and Golgi complex is called: 1. Osteoblast 2. Osteocyte 3. Osteoclast 1 33. Choose the right answer: The extracellular matrix of bone consists of: 1. Type I collagen fibers 2. Type II collagen fibers 3. Type III collagen fibers 1 34. Establish accordance: Type of bone tissue: Localization: 1. Primary bone tissue a) In organism of embryo 2. Secondary bone tissue b) In adult organism 1a,2b 35. Choose the right answer: The lamellar bone tissue is: 1. Primary bone tissue 2. Secondary bone tissue 2 36. Choose the right answer: The immature bone tissue is: 1. Primary bone tissue 2. Secondary bone tissue 1 37. Choose the right answers: The spongy substance of the lamellar bone is located in the: 1. Diaphysis of long bones 2. Epiphisis of long bones 3. Flat bones 2,3 38. Choose the right answer: The compact substance of lamellar bone is located in the: 1. Diaphysis 2. Epiphisis 3. Flat bones 1 39. Complete the answer: The canal of the secondary bone which has concentrically organized lamellae around it is called _________. Haversian 40. Complete the answer: The canal of the secondary bone which has no concentrically organized lamellae around it is called _________. Volkmann 23 MUSCLE TISSUES. 1. Choose the right answer: The skeletal muscle tissue is developed from: 1. Mesenchyme 2. Ectoderm 3. Myotome of mesoderm 4. Slanchnopleure of mesoderm 3 2. Choose the right answer: The cardiac muscle tissue is developed from: 1. Ectoderm 2. Slanchnopleure of mesoderm 3. Mesenchyme 4. Myotome of mesoderm 2 3. Choose the right answer: The myocytes of the smooth muscle tissue is developed from: 1. Mesenchyme 2. Myotome of mesoderm 3. Slanchnopleure of mesoderm 4. Ectoderm 1 4. Choose the right answer: The myoepithelial cells of the some exocrine glands are developed from: 1. Mesenchyme 2. Myotome of mesoderm 3. Slanchnopleure of mesoderm 4. Ectoderm 4 5. Establish accordance: Origin of development: Type of the muscle tissue: 1. Mesenchyme a) Skeletal muscle tissue 2. Myotome of mesoderm b) Cardiac muscle tissue 3. Slanchnopleure of mesoderm c) Myoepithelial cells 4. Ectoderm d) Smooth muscle tissue 1d,2a,3b,4c 6. Choose the right answer: The skeletal muscle tissue consists of: 1. Myocytes 2. Multinucleated muscle fibers 3. Mononuclear cardiac cells 2 7. Choose the right answer: The cardiac muscle tissue consists of: 1. Cardiac cells 2. Myocytes 3. Multinucleated muscle fibers 1 8. Choose the right answer: The smooth muscle tissue consists of: 1. Cardiac cells 2. Myocytes 3. Multinucleated muscle fibers 2 9. Choose the right answer: The nuclei of the smooth muscle cells are located: 1. In the centre of cells 2. To the periphery of cells 1 10. Choose the right answer: The nuclei of the cardiac muscle cells are located: 1. To the periphery of cells 2. In the centre of cells 2 11. Choose the right answer: The nuclei of the skeletal muscle fibers are located: 1. In the centre of fibers 2. To the periphery of fibers 2 12. Choose the right answer: The thick filaments of the skeletal muscle tissues consist of protein: 1. Myosin 2. Actin 3. Tropomyosin 4. Troponin 1 13. Choose the right answers: The thin filaments of the skeletal muscle tissues consist of protein: 1. Myosin 2. Actin 3. Troponin 4. Tropomyosin 2,3,4 24 14. Choose the right answer: The thick filaments of the skeletal muscle occupy: 1. The I bands 2. The A bands 2 15. Choose the right answer: The H bands of the skeletal muscle occupy: 1. The A bands 2. The I bands 1 16. Choose the right answer: The anisotropic bands of the skeletal muscle are formed by: 1. Protein actin 2. Protein myosin 2 17. Choose the right answer: The isotropic bands of the skeletal muscle are formed by: 1. Protein actin 2. Protein myosin 1 18. Choose the right answer: The thick myosin filaments of the skeletal muscle are attached to the: 1. Z line 2. M line 2 19. Choose the right answer: The thin actin filaments of the skeletal muscle are attached to the: 1. Z line 2. M line 1 20. Choose the right answer: The isotropic bands of the skeletal muscle consist of: 1. Actin filaments 2. Myosin filaments 3. Actin and myosin filaments 1 21. Choose the right answer: The anisotropic bands of the skeletal muscle contain: 1. Only actin filaments 2. Only myosin filaments 3. Actin and myosin filaments 3 22. Choose the right answer: H band of the skeletal muscle is located in the centre of: 1. Anisotropic band 2. Isotropic band 1 23. Choose the right answer: The multinucleated muscle fiber is the structural unit of the: 1. Smooth muscle tissue 2. Cardiac muscle tissue 3. Skeletal muscle tissue 3 24. Choose the right answer: The myocyte is the structural unit of the: 1. Smooth muscle tissue 2. Cardiac muscle tissue 3. Skeletal muscle tissue 1 25. Complete the answer: The part of the myofibrils situated between two consecutive Z lines is called ________. Sarcomere 26. Complete the answer: The skeletal muscle tissue is developed from _____. Myotome of mesoderm 27. Complete the answer: The smooth muscle tissue of the hollow organs αis developed from _____. Mesenchyme 28. Complete the answer: The cardiac muscle tissue is developed from ____. Splanchnotome of mesoderm 29. Choose the right answer: The intercalated disks are found in the structure of: 1. Skeletal muscle tissue 2. Cardiac muscle tissue 3. Smooth muscle tissue 2 30. Choose the right answer: The desmosomes, tight junctions, and nexuses are typical for the structure of: 1. Smooth muscle tissue 2. Skeletal muscle tissue 3. Cardiac muscle tissue 3 31. Choose the right answer: The origin of the skeletal muscle regeneration is: 1. Mitosis 2. Satellite cells 3. No regeneration 2 32. Choose the right answer: The origin of the cardiac muscle regeneration is: 1. Cell division 25 2. Satellite cells 3. No regeneration 3 33. Choose the right answer: The origin of the smooth muscle regeneration is: 1. Satellite cells 2. No regeneration 3. Cell division 3 34. Choose the right answers: The localization of the nuclei in the centre of cells is typical for: 1. Smooth muscle tissue 2. Skeletal muscle tissue 3. Cardiac muscle tissue 1,3 35. Choose the right answer: The endomysium of the skeletal muscle surrounds: 1. Groups of fibers 2. Whole muscle 3. Each muscle fiber 3 36. Choose the right answer: The perimysium of the skeletal muscle surrounds: 1. Groups of fibers 2. Whole muscle 3. Each muscle fiber 1 37. Choose the right answer: The epimysium of the skeletal muscle surrounds: 1. Groups of fibers 2. Each muscle fiber 3. Whole muscle 3 38. Choose the right answer: The sarcoplasmic reticulum is well-developed in the: 1. Skeletal muscle tissue 2. Smooth muscle tissue 1 39. Choose the right answer: T-tubules are not present in the: 1. Skeletal muscle tissue 2. Smooth muscle tissue 2 40. Choose the right answer: The myocytes of the smooth muscle tissue are: 1. Striated cells 2. Nonstriated cells 2 41. Choose the right answer: The dense bodies are found in the: 1. Skeletal muscle tissue 2. Cardiac muscle tissue 3. Smooth muscle tissue 3 42. Choose the right answer: The dense bodies of the smooth muscle cells contain: 1. Protein actin 2. Protein myosin 3. Protein α-actinin 3 43. Choose the right answer: The protein titin links: 1. Head ends of myosin filaments to the Z line 2. Myofibrils to each other 3. Myofibrils to the plasmalemma 1 44. Choose the right answers: The protein desmin links: 1. Head ends of myosin filaments to the Z line 2. Myofibrils to each other 3. Myofibrils to the plasmalemma 2,3 45. Choose the right answer: L-tubules are: 1. The tubules of smooth endoplasmic reticulum 2. Invaginations of sarcolemma 1 46. Choose the right answer: T-tubules are: 1. The tubules of smooth endoplasmic reticulum 2. Invaginations of sarcolemma into the sarcoplasm 2 47. Choose the right answer: The function of serving calcium ions is fulfilled by: 1. T-tubules 2. L-tubules 2 48. Choose the right answer: The triads of the skeletal muscle take part in the: 1. Supporting of myofibrils 26 2. Nutrition of muscle fibers 3. Muscle contraction 3 49. Complete the answer: The specialized complex, consisting of T-tubule and two lateral portions of L-tubules, is called _______. Triad 50. Choose the right answer: The walls of the hollow organs are formed by: 1. Skeletal muscle tissue 2. Smooth muscle tissue 2 NERVOUS TISSUE 1. Choose the right answer: The nervous tissue consists of: 1. Only neurons 2. Neurons and glial cells 3. Only glial cells 2 2. Complete the answer: According to the number of processes the neurons are divided into the three types: ________, ________, and ________. Unipolar,bipolar,multipolar 3. Complete the answer: According to the function the neurons are divided into the three types: ________, ________, and ________. Sensory,motor,interneuron 4. Choose the right answer: The multipolar neurons have: 1. 1 process 2. 2 processes 3. Many processes 3 5. Choose the right answer: The bipolar neurons have: 1. 1 process 2. 2 processes 3. Many processes 2 6. Choose the right answer: The unipolar neurons have: 1. 1 process 2. 2 processes 3. Many processes 1 7. Complete the answer: The neurons which convey impulses from the receptors to the central nervous system are called ________. Sensore 8. Complete the answer: The neurons which convey impulses from the central nervous system to the effector cells are called ________. Motor 9. Complete the answer: The neurons which form a communicating and integrating network between the sensory and motor neurons are called ________. Interneuron 10. Complete the answer: The neuron body is called _______. Perikaryon 11. Complete the answer: According to the number of processes the majority of body’s neurons are ________. Multipolar 12. Choose the right answer: The majority of body’s neurons of an adult organism are: 1. Unipolar 2. Bipolar 3. Multipolar 3 13. Choose the right answer: The special organelles of a neuron are: 1. Mitochondria 2. Myofibrils 3. Neurofibrils 4. Lysosomes 5. Tonofibrils 3 14. Choose the right answer: The Nissl bodies of a neuron are: 1. Golgi apparatus 2. Rough endoplasmic reticulum 3. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum 4. Lysosomes 5. Peroxisomes 2 15. Choose the right answers: The neurofibrils perform the functions of: 1. Cytoskeleton 2. Convey the impulses 3. Transport of substances 27 4. Synthesis of proteins 5. Synthesis of lipids 1,3 16. Choose the right answers: The Nissl bodies of a neuron are located into the: 1. Dendrites 2. Perikaryon 3. Axons 4. Axon hillock 1,2 17. Choose the right answers: The Nissl bodies of a neuron are absent in the: 1. Dendrites 2. Axons 3. Axon hillock 4. Perikaryon 2,3 18. Choose the right answer: The Nissl bodies of a neuron are stained with: 1. Thionine 2. Silver salts 3. Haematoxylin 4. Eosin 5. Orcein 1 19. Choose the right answer: The neurofibrils of a neuron are stained with: 1. Thionine 2. Silver salts 3. Haematoxylin 4. Eosin 5. Orcein 2 20. Complete the answer: The process of a neuron which receives stimuli from the periphery to the neuron’s body is called _______. Dendrite 21. Complete the answer: The process of a neuron which transmits stimuli to other neurons is called ___. Axon 22. Complete the answer: The process of a neuron which forms receptors is called _______. Dendrite 23. Complete the answer: The process of a neuron which transmits stimuli to the effector cells is called _______. Axon 24. Complete the answer: The two types of the neuroglia are called: _____ and _____. Macroglia,microglia 25. Complete the answer: The types of macroglial cells are called: ________, _________, and ________. Oligodendrocyte,astrocyte,ependimal cell 26. Complete the answer: The astrocytes are divided into two types: ______, and _____. Protoplasmic,fibrous 27. Choose the right answer: The Schwann cells are the type of: 1. Microglial cells 2. Ependimal cells 3. Protoplasmic astrocytes 4. Fibrous astrocytes 5. Oligodendrocytes 5 28. Complete the answer: The microglial cells take part in the: 1. Provision physical support for the neurons 2. Formation of myelinated nervous fibrils 3. Formation of unmyelinated nervous fibrils 4. Phagocytosis 5. Maintenance of neuronal cell 4 29. Choose the right answers: The ependimal cells lie in the: 1. Gray matter 2. White matter 3. Brain ventricles 4. Spinal canal 5. Spinal ganglia 3,4 30. Choose the right answer: The blood-brain barrier is formed by processes of: 1. Microglial cells 2. Ependimal cells 3. Protoplasmic astrocytes 4. Oligodendrocytes 3 31. Choose the right answer: The cells of the mononuclear phagocytic system are: 28 1. Microglial cells 2. Ependimal cells 3. Protoplasmic astrocytes 4. Fibrous astrocytes 5. Oligodendrocytes 1 32. Choose the right answer: The protoplasmatic glial cells are the type of: 1. Oligodendrocytes 2. Ependimal cells 3. Astrocytes 4. Microglial cells 5. Schwann cells 3 33. Choose the right answer: The fibrous glial cells are the type of: 1. Oligodendrocytes 2. Ependimal cells 3. Microglial cells 4. Schwann cells 5. Astrocytes 5 34. Complete the answer: The nervous fibers are divided in the: _____, and _____. Myelinated,unmyelinated 35. Choose the right answer: The myelinated axons have: 1. One axon 2. Some axons 1 36. Choose the right answer: The unmyelinated axons have: 1. One axon 2. Some axons 2 37. Complete the answer: The specialized contact between the neural cells is called ____. Synapses 38. Choose the right answer: The specialized contacts between the neurons are called: 1. Desmosomes 2. Hemidesmosomes 3. Synapses 4. Gap junctions 5. Tight junctions 3 39. Complete the answer: According to the mechanism of the nervous impulse transmission synapses are classified as _______, and ________. Chemical,electrical 40. Choose the right answer: The synapse which occurs between the axon and the cell body is called: 1. Axodenritic 2. Axosomatic 3. Axoaxonic 4. Dendrodendritic 2 41. Complete the answer: The chemical synapse consists of the three components: ________, _______, and _______. Presynaptic knob,syneptic cleft,postsynaptic membrane 42. Choose the right answer: The mesaxon is formed by the cell membrane of the: 1. Ependymal cell 2. Astrocytes 3. Schwann cells 4. Microglial cells 3 43. Choose the right answer: There are two types of the nervous endings: _______, and _______. Efferent,afferent 44. Choose the right answer: The afferent nervous ending is formed by: 1. Peripheral process of sensory neuron 2. Peripheral process of motor neuron 3. The process of interneuron 1 45. Choose the right answer: The efferent nervous ending is formed by: 1. Peripheral process of sensory neuron 2. Peripheral process of motor neuron 3. The process of interneuron 2