Chapter 16

AP United States History
Chapter 16
Reconstruction Abandoned, 1867 - 1877
Section 1: From Johnson to Grant
(pgs. 467 – 470)
1. Regarding national politics by 1867:
a. What were 2 main goals of Southern blacks?
b. What was a main goal of Southern whites?
c. List 3 main reasons why the South gave up on Reconstruction.
d. List 3 reasons why the North gave up on Reconstruction.
e. What 2 emerging challenges in the West diverted the attention of the
nation from black equality?
2. Regarding Radical Republicans and Johnson:
a. Who were Radical Republicans?
b. By 1867, what was the plan of the Radical Republicans in handling
President Johnson?
c. List the 2 main charges the Radical republicans had against Johnson?
d. What was the official verdict from Johnson impeachment trial?
3. What northern territory did the United States purchase in 1868?
1868 Election / 15th Amendment
4. Name the following candidates of the 1868 election:
a. Democrat (Pres and VP)
b. Republican (Pres and VP)
c. % of Republican popular vote
d. % of Democrat popular vote
5. Regarding the 15th Amendment:
a. Which party supported the passage of the 15th amendment?
b. What did the 15th amendment secure?
Section 2: The Grant Era
(pgs. 470 – 475)
6. Regarding Grant’s administration:
a. Describe Grant’s view of the presidency?
b. Which branch of the government dominated politics after the Civil War?
c. By 1870, whom did Blacks have to rely on for advancement of civil
d. Describe Grant’s administrative style.
e. After 1870, which political party began to re-emerge in the South?
Troubled Administration / Grant and Congress/ Republican Party
7. Regarding Congress and the Republican Party:
a. Describe the gold market scandal of 1869
b. List the 2 Caribbean nations that the United States considered annexing?
c. What were the 2 leading political issues that divided Republicans?
d. Describe the civil service system
e. List 4 issues supported by liberal Republicans
f. Describe the decline of Republicans in Congress after the 1870 mid-term
The Rise of The Ku Klux Klan
8. Regarding The Ku Klux Klan:
a. When was the KKK formed?
b. List 3 common offshoot groups of the KKK.
c. Explain how the Democratic Party used these offshoot groups.
d. Politically, describe the KKK influence by 1870.
e. List 3 aspects of the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871.
f. What Cabinet position was created in 1870?
g. By the 1870’s describe how most Northerners viewed Reconstruction
Farmers and Railroads
9. Regarding the rapid rise of the railroad industry:
a. What 2 railroad lines made up the first transcontinental railroad?
b. List the 2 immigrant groups largely responsible for the labor of railroad
c. When and where was the transcontinental railroad finally completed?
d. What enabled these railroad lines to be constructed so quickly?
e. Describe the economic affect the railroad industry had on the US
10. Regarding complaints against the railroad industry:
a. What were the Grange and their 3 complaints of the railroads?
b. How did the states respond in order to regulate the railroad industries?
Section 3: Indian Policies
(473 – 475)
11. What 2 white forces threatened Native Americans in the West between the 1830’s
and 1850’s?
12. What 2 territories had been reserved for hostile Indian tribes?
13. Regarding Grant’s Indian policy:
a. List the 3 aspects of Grant’s “peace policy”.
b. Who was appointed to head the Commission of Indian Affairs?
c. What institutions were directed to work closely with the Indians?
d. Describe both Indian and White views on Grant’s peace policy.
e. What 2 specific agricultural activities began to squeeze Indians off their
f. What plains animal did the Indian culture rely on for survival?
14. Regarding Indian resistance of the 1870’s:
a. List the 3 Indian tribes who allied together in the Red River War in the
mid 1870’s.
b. What was discovered in the Black Hills of the Dakota Territory in 1872?
c. List the 2 leading Sioux chiefs who decided to make a stand against white
d. Describe “Custer’s Last Stand”?
e. What Indian tribe of the southwestern United States also continued to
resist white advancement?
f. List 3 forms of discrimination did Indians face in the late 1800’s.
Section 4: Women of the 1870’s
(475 – 480)
15. Regarding the advancements of women:
a. What was the political position of the NWSA on the 15th Amendment?
b. Name the 2 women who headed the NWSA?
c. What was the political position of the AWSA on the 15th Amendment?
d. Name the 2 women who headed the AWSA?
e. What state granted women the right to vote in state elections in 1869?
f. Describe Victoria Woodhull’s campaign for President of the United States
in 1870.
g. What field of opportunity did open up for women in the 1870’s
16. Describe the following US Supreme Court cases:
a. Bradwell v Illinois 1873
b. Minor v Happersett 1875
Volunteer and Workplace
17. Regarding volunteer organizations:
a. Focus of black women
b. Focus for white women (2)
c. Focus of New England Women’s clubs
d. Function of WCTU
18. Regarding women’s employment:
a. Job openings due to Remington typewriters
b. Percent of female employees as typist-stenographers by 1880’s
c. Rural employment opportunities
d. 3 leading urban employment opportunities
19. Regarding women’s social status as housewives:
a. Message of Catherine Beecher’s The American Woman’s Home (1869)
b. List 3 associated trends that emerged with women’s issues in order to
bolster the family unit
c. Describe the efforts of Anthony Comstock
(480 – 482)
Section 5: Grant and the 1872 Election
20. Regarding the political issues of the 1872 election:
a. Cite the common quote that was used to describe the way of all Republic
b. Describe the goal of the Liberal Republicans
c. List the 3 leading spokespersons for civil service reforms
d. Describe Godkin’s view of the protective tariff
e. Describe Cox’s views on Reconstructionist’s efforts for “racial
f. Who was the candidate for the Liberal Republicans in the 1872 election?
g. What was the central goal of Grant and the Republicans?
21. Regarding the 1872 Election:
a. Democrat candidate
b. Republican candidate
c. Winner
22. Regarding scandals during the Grant administration:
a. Explain the Credit Mobilizer Scandal of 1872
b. Explain the “Salary Grab” scandal of 1873
c. How did Mark Twain describe the 1872 Congress
d. Explain the Whiskey Ring scandal of 1873
e. Explain the Belknap scandal of 1873
23. Regarding the Gilded Age of America:
a. Who coined the pharse “Gilded Age”
b. When was the Gilded Age
c. List 3 leading aspects of the Gilded Age
Section 6: The Panic of 1873 and It’s Consequences
(pgs. 482 – 484)
24. Regarding The Panic of 1873:
a. What event triggered the panic of 1873?
b. How long would this “great depression” last?
c. Explain why labor was so cheap during this time period
Plight of the Unemployed
25. Regarding unemployment during the Panic of 1873:
a. Describe the collapse of business in 1878
b. What did Grant propose in order to alleviate unemployment?
c. List 2 methods used by labor in order to improve their conditions.
Distress and Protest from Farmers
26. Regarding agricultural depression:
a. List the 2 agricultural commodities that dropped in price drastically.
b. List the 3 focused endeavors of The Grange
Inflationary Solutions
27. Regarding Congressional actions to curb inflation:
a. Explain the goal of the Congressional Currency Bill of 1875
b. How did Grant respond to the Currency Bill?
Section 7: The Failure of Reconstruction
(pgs. 484 – 485)
28. Regarding the failure of Reconstruction:
a. How did the economic woes of the 1870’s affect the advancement of black
civil rights?
b. Describe the propaganda advanced by Liberal Republicans and Northern
Democrats to curb civil rights to blacks.
c. Explain how the collapse of the Freedom’s Savings and Trust Company
affected economic conditions of black Americans
The Stigma of Corruption
29. What was the southern white attitude toward biracial communities?
30. Regarding black political participation:
a. Blacks serving in Congress
b. Service in state legislatures
c. Black majorities in state legislatures
d. Number of black governors
e. Number of black US Senators
f. How did the decline of Reconstruction affect black political participation?
Resurgence of the Democrats
31. Regarding the return of Democrats in Congress:
a. What 2 issues hurt Republicans in the 1874 Congressional elections?
b. List 2 states that employed intimidation and violence to keep blacks from
c. Describe the ultimate goal of US House Democrats
d. List 3 social areas that southern whites wished to place limits on blacks
Why Reconstruction Failed
32. Regarding why Reconstruction failed:
a. List 3 reasons why Americans backed away from advancing the civil
rights of blacks.
b. What would have had to taken place in the 1870’s in order to insure racial
c. According to black Americans, list the 2 constitutional amendments that
went unfulfilled.
Section 8: The Centennial Year
(pgs. 485 – 489)
33. Regarding the Centennial Exposition of 1876:
a. What city hosted the centennial celebration?
b. List 2 new inventions displayed
c. Describe the Native American display
d. List the 2 women who protested for women’s rights
e. Total number of Americans that attended the Centennial Exposition
f. List 2 new “fad” foods introduced at the Centennial
g. Describe the 2 aspects of inspired nationalistic feelings
The Race for the White House
34. Regarding the 1876 election:
a. List the 2 extra issues present in the 1876 election.
b. Democratic candidate
c. Leading Republican candidate dropped due to scandals
d. Ultimate Republican candidate
e. Which party used the recent Civil War/patriotic theme?
f. After early counts, which candidate appeared as a winner?
g. List 3 states with a disputed vote count
35. Regarding the disputed election:
a. Responsibilities of the House of Representatives
b. Responsibilities of the Senate
c. Final electoral vote count
d. List 2 components of the “deal” between Democrats and Republicans to
get Hayes elected as President.
36. Regarding the affects of the “deal”:
a. Use of Federal Troops
b. Enforcement of Reconstruction policies
c. White political power
d. Black political power
37. Regarding the legacy of Reconstruction:
a. List 2 positive legacies of the Civil War and Reconstruction
b. What 2 amendments gave hope for future expanded civil rights for black
c. After Reconstruction, list 4 areas of concerns the Civil War generation
focused their attention toward.