California State University, San Bernardino President’s Office
Administrative Council Minutes
December 3, 2001
Aguilar, Arlin, Carlson, M. Clark, S. Clark, Conley, Delgado, DeMauro, Fernandez,
Karnig, McGowan, McNamara, Moran, Pringle, Pritchard, Rincon, Ruml, Sarangapani,
Takehara, Vicknair, Wilson, Yasuhara, Wang, West, Young
Jackson, Patzer, Portillo
Others Present
Don Drost, Associate Dean, Business & Public Administration; Steve Hull,
Administrative Analyst/Specialist, Academic Affairs; Sid Kushner, Director, Research &
Sponsored Programs; Susan Summers, Associate Dean, Extended Learning
Informational Handouts
President Karnig discussed the following informational handouts:
An article from ACE dated November 19, 2001 entitled “Facts in Brief,” and
“Report Shows Record Increase in Enrollment of International Students.”
An article from The Press Enterprise dated November 20, 2001 entitled
“Census paints Inland profile.”
An article from the Los Angeles Times dated November 25, 2001 entitled
“Paying Price of Growth in Inland Empire.”
An article from The Sun dated November 24, 2001 entitled “Council pushes
college study.” Dr. Herb Fischer, County Superintendent of Schools, and
representatives from Fontana and San Bernardino Unified School Districts
and CSUSB and community colleges have joined together to form the K-16
An article from The Business Press dated November 16, 2001 entitled “New
Campus may boost desert workforce,” which gives an update on the
construction of the first building at the new Palm Desert Campus, which is set
to open in Spring 2002.
An article from The Press Enterprise dated November 22, 2001 entitled
“UCR’s Orbach plans to leave.”
An article from The Press Enterprise dated November 16, 2001 entitled
“Continued downturn in state may mean UC enrollment cap.” The UCR was
asked to cut back $86 million for next year’s budget.
An article from The Sun dated November 16, 2001 entitled “UC regents OK
$3.65 billion plan.”
Policy on Wireless Networks
Dr. Torner reported that this policy has been revised again since the last review at the
October 29, 2001 Council meeting. The Faculty Senate had some concerns with the
language of the policy and made a recommendation, which has been incorporated into
the policy. The current draft includes the revision of faculty and faculty-student research
projects on wireless networks to be evaluated and approved by the IRT Committee of
the Faculty Senate. Also, the committee has added the Information Security Officer as
one of its members.
Council members discussed problems with faculty bringing wireless equipment to class
because it may interfere with other equipment already installed within a certain radius.
IRT is looking at a two initiatives for next year. One will be to change the current e-mail
system to allow additional functionality and features. The new e-mail system will provide
faculty/staff with a better interface to gain secure access to their e-mail from off-campus.
The new e-mail system is currently being tested with plans for transition during the
spring break. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) device is currently being tested for use
some time next year. The VPN will provide additional functionality for secure remote
access to the campus network. Faculty and staff will be able to establish a secure
connection to the campus through their Internet providers (e.g. AOL, Netscape,
Earthlink). Hopefully within a year, students will be able to use wireless devices in the
Pfau Library to gain access to the CSUSB network. Jacks are already installed in the
library but not activated at this point. IRT will give the Council members a presentation
in January 2002.
Mr. Dale West has already sent this to CSU Collective Bargaining Unit 4 in accord with
the 30-day notice needed to review changes affecting working conditions. They have
responded back and asked that this be deferred until 2003. The Council approved the
policy effective today.
Additional Employment Policy
Dr. Vicknair and Mr. West presented this policy to Council members for their review. Dr.
Vicknair reported he and Provost Fernandez have spoken with Ms. Jackie McClain,
CSU Human Resources, on clarifying this policy. Council members discussed the
policy. Dr. Vicknair defined outside employment as anything other than State
employment. Additional employment refers to any CSU employment, including CSU
Foundations and auxiliaries. A maximum of 125% time-base is allowed under certain
circumstances. This also applies to Federal Grant positions, which have a base rate of
1.0. Any questions re: MPP working hours should be directed to Mr. West. Dr.
Fernandez reported that Laurel Lilienthal is currently working on a PeopleSoft system
for tracking faculty hours. Faculty hours on the State-side and hours worked through
Extended Learning will be monitored by the Office of Academic Personnel. The Office of
Academic Personnel will also need to meet with the Foundation to find a way to track
faculty time.
Summer 4/10 Work Schedule
President Karnig asked Council members to report on the feedback they received from
their departments if the 4/10 work schedule is implemented for Summer 2002. The
Council members reported minimal complaints, and that a great majority of staff are in
favor of the 4/10 work schedule. The Council discussed shortening the schedule by two
weeks, thereby beginning June 24, 2002 and ending August 29, 2002. The President
approved the schedule for 2002, and Mr. DeMauro will draft language for
implementation to include a cost mechanism.
Draft Interim Policy on Hiring Freeze
Mr. DeMauro distributed draft policy to Council members for their review. Council
members reviewed policy and recommended various revisions. The President approved
the policy, and Mr. DeMauro will make recommended changes with an effective date of
December 3, 2001.
Other Business
December 8, 2001 Commencement. President Karnig reminded Council
members of the December 8 Commencement and asked if they had any
questions regarding the exercises. A sound-check is scheduled for this Friday,
December 7 at 2:00 pm in the arena.
Lynda McNamara reported that The Press Enterprise had donated $8,000 for the
Business Partners and $37,000 will go to the College of Education.
Dr. Ruml reported that Dr. Salmi had made a presentation on the Model UN at
the Academic Conference in San Diego.
Dr. Wilson circulated a “Save the Date” card regarding the 5th Annual
Conference of Western Association of Branch Campus Administrators (WABCA)
to take place on April 25-27, 2002. This is hosted by CSU Northridge. Also, Ms.
Florence Rigdon passed away yesterday. She had donated a $1 million gift for
the first building on the Palm Desert Campus. This in turn, triggered the Berger
Foundation to finish off with the remainder of the monies for that building.
See’s Candy gift certificates are available through Human Resources again for
the holiday season.
Mr. DeMauro reported that Enron has filed for bankruptcy. Mr. DeMauro
reminded everyone of the importance to keep conserving our energy.