AP English Language and Composition 2013 “Democracy”—complete the following on your own paper. This is due Friday, Sept. 20. Pre-reading work: I. Describe your relationship with politics. Your response must be at least one-half page long—aim for a full page. ********************************************************************************************* II. Actively read “Democracy” by E. B. White in The Norton Reader. Read the selection several times. Be sure to look up all unknown words. Post-reading work: III. Answer the questions(1-3) found after the reading. Stuffed shirt: Informal A person regarded as pompous or stiff. High hat Analytical considerations: IV. White creates his definition with a series of examples. Can you group them? Is there a principle that orders them, or do you consider them random? V. Consider the date of the essay: 1943. Many of White’s examples are dated, meaning “old-fashioned.” Create a chart of examples on which you list the dated ones and then suggest contemporary substitutes. VI. Imagine someone without textual know-how who takes White’s metaphors literally and finds the essay silly. Write an explanation of one of the metaphors, but do it without giving a general explanation of how a metaphor works.