December 13, 2004 - California State University, San Bernardino

California State University, San Bernardino President’s Office
Administrative Council Minutes
December 13, 2004
Arlin, Bowerman, Carlson, Clark, DeMauro, Fernandez, Jandt, Kamusikiri, Kray,
Langford, Mariam, McGowan, Peake, Summers, Takehara, West, Vicknair, Yasuhara,
Aguilar, Bonillas, Conley, Karnig, Pringle, Rincon, Robinson, Tracey
Others Present
Carolyn Aldana, Lorraine Frost, Shannon Kelley, Quentin Moses, Franschell Williams
Informational Handout
Dr. Fernandez discussed the following informational handout:
A chart with data on the Early Assessment Program passage rates for San Bernardino
County and Riverside County.
CSU Executive Council, December 7-8
Dr. Fernandez’ summary of the Executive Council meeting included:
Enrollment -- It was reported that CSU expects current year enrollment to
be 1,000 to 1,200 below target. Vice Chancellor West announced he’d do
what he can with the Legislature to sway them away from taxing
campuses for not meeting target.
Enrollment projections -- The projection is that in 10 years 82% of the
growth in high school graduates will be in Southern California. CSUSB’s
growth rate may be larger than the 2.5% growth agreed to in the Compact.
Chancellor Reed will meet individually with Presidents to review their
campus enrollment projections.
Pre-employment Background Checks -- The Unions are against
background checks. The Chancellor’s Office continues to push –
especially for child care personnel, counselors and police.
Teacher Education – Enrollment in teacher education programs continues
to decline across the state. Some believe it’s due to a decline in the job
market and in requiring the CSET exam. There is strong support for the
retention of the CSET. The data indicates that the job market should
improve with the potential retirement of one-third of the teaching workforce
in the next 10 years.
EAP – The 12th grade English course has been accepted and is available
on the web. Work is underway on the 12th grade math course.
Graduation Rates – The Chancellor emphasized that this is a high priority
item for the Trustees and urged the campuses to review and perhaps
stretch their goals.
Trustees – There are eight Trustees yet to be confirmed by the Senate.
The Chancellor will hold training sessions for the new Trustees when they
are confirmed.
Professional Doctorates – The CSU will push for legislative approval to
offer the doctorate in audiology and physical therapy. There was
discussion of also including the EDD in the mix.
Advancement – The Chancellor is hoping to have a Vice Chancellor for
Advancement hired by June of 2006. There continues to be discussion of
the three tier system for fundraising depending on the level and maturity of
the university. Fundraising goals will be reviewed every three years with
the presidents.
There was also discussion about naming of buildings. The policy is on the CSU
Stem Cell Research – Chancellor Reed will visit with the Governor and
lobby to get CSU representation on the Stem Cell Research project.
Parking Policy (revised)
Vice President DeMauro stated that the Campus Transportation Committee
recommended the following changes:
Effective July 1, 2005, permits are required for parking on campus at all
times 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.
Change all references of Public Safety to Parking Services.
Retired faculty and staff will continue to receive special parking permits,
but a form requesting the permit must be obtained and completed from
Parking Services.
Parking in the campus core area changed from 20 to 30 minutes.
In section 1.10 insert a qualifier, improperly parked or abandoned vehicles
from the university . . . at the expense of the owner.
Include a statement that visitors from other CSU campuses may obtain a
visitor’s pass at the Information Center.
Include a statement that this policy does not apply to the Palm Desert
Include language about how parking fees are established.
Mr. DeMauro will make modifications and return the policy for additional review.
Ms. Summers expressed appreciation to Franschell Williams for her professionalism in
accommodating requests.
Travel Service
Mr. Takehara stated that the Focus Group, with Shannon Kelley serving as chair, met to
identify problems and recommend solutions:
The amount of time to process travel claims is lengthy.
The need to resubmit claims more than once due to errors.
The complexity of the rules.
The problem with communication and receiving answers to questions
regarding travel.
Increase the travel advance minimum to $200.
Provide the travel advance directly to the traveler to use for airlines, hotel,
Use the procurement card to pay for registration fees.
Establish a travel ombudsperson to help with complaints. Mr. Takehara
will appoint Sheryl Pytlak to serve in this role.
There was interest expressed in a business credit card to use for all travel to be paid by
the university rather than the individual. Mr. DeMauro stated that this is not possible
and will find the language in the tax code regarding this issue.
Mr. Takehara stated that the travel website will include mileage from campus to
California cities and that a travel check list will be posted on line. On-line travel claims
are being worked on and travel advances will be the first to go on-line.
There is a 40% error rate on the submission of travel claims and it’s important that
claims be reviewed closely before submission.
Mr.Takehara recommended that a permanent Travel Committee be established to
review issues important to travel, and he expressed his appreciation to Shannon Kelley
for her work with the focus group.
Commencement Debriefing/Comments/Recommendations
A better job should be done in appointing readers.
Allow faculty to come to the base of the stage to congratulate students
and thus feel a connection with the ceremony.
Appoint a lead coordinator for each ceremony for the December
Leave the doors to the arena open until the time printed on the ticket.
Post volunteers outside to encourage guests to enter the arena in a timely
Do a better job of checking the sound system.
Locate disabled services closer to the parking area.
More ticket scanners will be required for the June commencement.
Ms. Frost expressed appreciation for the IT personnel who scanned the
New Business
Dean Jandt announced the PDC recently received a grant in the amount of $1
million from the Desert Health Care to go toward construction of the third
Dean Yasuhara announced the there are currently three very fine exhibits at the
Fullerton Art Museum.
Ms. Summers announced a reception scheduled for January 13th with the
delegation from Wuhan, China as they are interested in sharing information on
their city with people from campus.
Mr. West announced approval has been received from the Governor’s office to
close the campus at noon on the 23rd.
Dr. McGowan provided an update on enrollment.
Dean Arlin announced that the Wuhan delegation was invited to the Watson
reception this past weekend.
Mr. DeMauro announced the campus received approval to purchase the land
across Northpark for $29 million. Mr. DeMauro also requested that deans and
vice presidents remind faculty and staff to shutoff the equipment and lights before
they leave for the long holiday.