Part 2: Market Research

Part 2: Market Research:
1. Return to the website ( to link to
online stock quotes to fill in the following information:
General Electric (GE)
Whirlpool (WHR)
52 Week Hi:
52 Week Lo
Exchange: NYSE or NASDAQ
52 Week Hi:
52 Week Lo
Exchange: NYSE or NASDAQ
2. Look up the closing prices for GE and Whirlpool for the past ten days. Record them in
the table below:
General Electric
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
3. Based on all the information you have collected on General Electric and Whirlpool,
which stock would you invest in today? Why?
4. As an investor, do you think you want a stock to have a high or low PE ratio? Explain.
Assessment Activity:
Using the finance page of your choice (Ex: Google, Yahoo, NYSE)…
Choose one stock that you’ve invested in during the Stock Market Challenge. Answer the
following questions about the company you chose. Remember, this is information you
would typically know BEFORE ever investing real money in the company!
1. Tell me the name of the stock and some background on the company. What does
it produce? How long has it been around? How many offices does the company
have? Is it an international company? Where are the company’s offices?
2. Tell me details about the stock. What is it currently trading at? What has it done
over the past year?
3. Tell me at least two recent news items about the company. Is it releasing any new
products? Is it merging with somebody else? What is going on there?
4. Explain why you would or wouldn’t invest in this stock if you were putting up
real money. Use specific data to back up your decision. In your explanation, use
terms such as the P/E ratio, news items, historical figures, etc…