Uglies Interface-computer interaction Revelers -those having fun Infiltrator-pass into Subsided -lessen Bemusement-confused Evolution-change Bogus -fake Unblemished-untouched Betrayed-go against Parameters-boundaries Morphological-change Generic-plain Grid-area you can be detected Symmetry-same Greenbelt-path around area Suburbs-residential area Rapids-water Catapulted-thrown forward Torrent-strong water; flowing water Serpentine-winding Levitation-floating Untenable-unfit to live in Glimmer-dim Insane-not sane Initiation-process to go through to get into an organization Splayed-sprayed Intimidating-to make someone afraid Maniacally-like in a manic mode Profile-side view Dehydrated-without water Tendrils-organ of a plant Surgical-having surgery Botched-messed up Putrid-foul Equilibrium-equal Biomass-living Vulpine-crafty; clever Defiance-go against Sustain,-keep or hold Ultimatum-demand Despise-hate Paranoia-suspicious Suppressed-hold back Anguish-worry Purgatory hell Duped-fooled Cryptic- secret, sometimes occult Rendezvous-meeting place Incantation-ceremony; magical powers Circuit-move around Relics-old things Disintegration-fall apart Precipitous-steep Chasm-fissure in earth Oblivion-unknown Contraptions-things made Tributary-stream that goes to a larger body of water Breaching-breaking Engulfed-swallowed Intensity-force; strength Maelstrom-violent whirlpool Hyperventilate-breathing too fast Monoculture-one crop Ordeal-problem Obscure-not clear Inhospitable-not friendly Chafing-scratch Grotesquely-gross Whorls-circular shapes Latrine-potty Rapt-with emotion Pyromaniac-starts/likes fires Legacy-leave behind Retracted-pull back Salvage-save; collect Fended-ward off Tenuous-thin, unclear Requisition- request Intercepted-block Pampered-spoiled; waited on Pliant-bend Treachery-betray Deliberately-on purpose Infirm-weak Bask-lie exposed Uncanny-mysterious Sealant-seals Genetics-genes Abstract-difficult to understand Coddled-babied Lesions-cuts/marks Immune-exempt Gender- male/female Controversies-arguments Exquisite- Expensive; rare Chaos-no order Invasion-to invade Artifacts-old Heritage-where you are from; customs can be part Barbarians-savage behavior Humanity-humans Addled-confused Resistor-resist Haggard-old; worn out Accomplice-partner Self-preservation-experience in caring for yourself; measures you take Provoke-start Incompetent-not capable Renegade-deserter; one who leaves Agility-flexible Crevice-crack Negotiated-talk out; discuss Unconscious-not conscious Swatch-piece of something to represent something else (like a wall color; carpet) Blackmailed-using something against another if he does not do what you wish Exiled-made to leave; banishment Bedraggled-limp; soiled Pilgrimages-trek Personality-what makes you you Perpetually-continual Schemes-plan Inroads-inside roads Manipulated-make into what you wish Consent-give your okay Comprehend-understand Scrawl-write awkwardly Fugitive-outlaw Tragic-awful