Background project - Physics Balsa Bridge Building Contest

Physics Balsa Bridge Building Contest
Background project
(1) Produce a one or two page report on a well-known bridge. Include a picture, facts and a
reference(s). The report must be suitable for presentation and must include a title page. The title
page must identify the bridge and its location, along with the date of construction.
If you are an ICT12 student you may produce this document in its entirety as a sub-folder in your sub-domain. If it is professionally completed, it will be cross-referenced on the web site.
Note: whether produced on paper or through a web site, all materials used in the report are to be
properly credited. Text is to be in your own words. Pictures and data tables must be credited with
their original source. Where applicable, web site credits are to be hyperlinked.
Alternative to (1): produce a web-based record of the construction of your bridge containing
photographs and text describing the various phases of the project.
(2) Produce a scale cross-sectional diagram of your bridge, preferably on grid paper. Indicate
dimensions. A diagram on a large white sheet or engineering grid paper is acceptable. The
diagram must contain the names of the engineers in this format:
Notre Dame Third Narrows Bridge (i.e. a name for your bridge)
Designed by:
Drawn by:
Checked by:
Approved by:
This data table may be accessed through the web site in case you wish to
complete it electronically. Design your own corporate logo.
This reference table should be positioned in the bottom right-hand corner of your diagram. The
“checked by:” field is normally filled out by another engineer and the “approved by:” field is
usually signed by a senior engineer. Leave both of these boxes unfilled.
Due date for Part 1: Friday prior to contest. For Part 2: Monday prior to contest. (a preliminary check may be requested)