English 7 Unit 3 Hiroshima Project Works Cited FOLDER 1 “America at War: The War Ends in the Pacific; Were the Atomic Bombings Necessary?” American Decades: 1940 - 1949. Ed. Victor Bondi. Washington, D.C.: Gale Research, Inc., 1995. 236-237. FOLDER 2 Bigelow, Barbara C. “Harry S. Truman.” World War II: Primary Sources. Boston: UXL, 1999. 117-127. FOLDER 3 Bird, Kai and Sherwin, Martin. “The Historians’ Letter to the Smithsonian.” Letter to I. Michael Heyman. 31 July 1995. Gene Dannen. Washington, DC: Gene Dannen, 1998. Gene Dannen. 1995 - 1998. 26 Apr. 2005 <http://www.dannen.com>. FOLDER 4 Boyer, Paul. “Birth of the Atomic Age.” National Geographic Eyewitness to the 20th Century. By National Geographic Society. Washington, D. C.: National Geographic Society, 1998. 163-166. FOLDER 5 Ferrell, Robert. “Truman and the Bomb, A Documentary History Chapter 5: From the President’s Diary, July 17, 18 and 25.” Truman Presidential Museum and Library. Ed. Robert H. Ferrell. 28 Feb. 2003 <http://www.truman library. org>. FOLDER 6 Gray, Paul. “V-J Day: Doomsdays, A Merciless War Comes to an Appalling End with the Use of the Atomic Bombs and the Instant Incineration of Two Cities.” Time 7 Aug. 1995: 1-8. eLibrary. ProQuest Information and Learning. 26 Apr. 2007 <http://elibrary.bigchalk.com/>. FOLDER 7 Hakim, Joy. “Little Boy.” A History of Us: War, Peace, and All That Jazz. 1995. New York City: Oxford UP, 1999. 178-182. FOLDER 8 Kenney, Andrew. “Giving Thanks for Hiroshima: Sixty Years Later Andrew Kenny Says That the Atomic Bomb Saved Millions of Lives.” The Spectator. July 20, 2005. FOLDER 9 Kindall, James. “Hiroshima: The Day the Bomb Dropped.” 23 July 1995. ELibrary. ProQuest Information and Learning. 20 Apr. 2005 <http://elibrary.bigchalk.com/>. FOLDER 10 Kristof, Nicholas D. “Blood on Our Hands?” The New York Times 5 Aug. 2003: A19. FOLDER 11 League of Nations. Protection of Civilian Populations Against Bombing from the Air in Cases of War. September 30, 1938. FOLDER 12 Long, Doug. Hiroshima: Who Disagreed with the Atomic Bombing? doug-long.com March 3, 2008. FOLDER 13 Long, Doug. Hiroshima: Was It Necessary? Part 1 doug-long.com March 3, 2008. FOLDER 14 Long, Doug. Hiroshima: Was It Necessary? Part 2 doug-long.com March 3, 2008. FOLDER 15 Mitchell, Greg. “World War II in the Pacific.” On the Wings of Peace. Ed. Sheila Hamanaka. New York: Clarion Books, 1995. 15 -20. FOLDER 16 Szilard, Leo, Ph.D. “A Petition to the President of the United States.” Leo Szilard Online. 23 Dec. 2000. 26 Apr. 2007 <http://www.dannen.com/>. FOLDER 17 Szilard, Leo, Ph.D. “President Truman Did Not Understand.” Leo Szilard Online. January 26, 1996. <http://www.dannen.com/>. FOLDER 18 Truman, Harry S., Pres. “Truman Speech, August 9, 1945.” The Truman Presidential Museum andLibrary. Ed. Robert H. Ferrell. 28 Feb. 2003 <http://www.trumanlibrary.org>. FOLDER 19 Truman, Harry S., President. “President Harry S. Truman’s Letter to Mr. Bohnen’s Objection to the Film Because It Made the Decision to Drop the Bomb Look Like a Snap Judgment, December 12, 1946.” Truman Presidential Museum and Library. 10 May 2002 <http://www.trumanlibrary.org>. FOLDER 20 Uschan, Michael V. “The Atomic Bomb; The Price of Victory.” A Cultural History of the United States Through the Decades: The 1940s. San Diego: Lucent, 1999. 5154. FOLDER 21 Warner, Gary A. “Haunting Hiroshima:Sentimental Journey, but No Guilt Trip.” 31 Oct. 1997. eLibrary. ProQuest Information and Learning. North Bethesda Middle School. 20 Apr. 2005 <http://elibrary.bigchalk.com/>.