华南理工大学社科类被SSCI收录的情况: 1. 1/3/1 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05298841 Genuine Article#: 647XA No. References: 40 Title: Supply chain coordination with two production modes and random demand depending on advertising expenditure and selling price Author: Wang SD (REPRINT); Zhou YW; Wang JP Author Email Address: mswangsd@sina.com.cn Corporate Source: Hefei Elect Engn Inst,Dept Math,Hefei 230037//Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Hefei Elect Engn Inst,Dept Math,Hefei 230037//Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510641 /Guangdong/Peoples R China/; Hefei Univ Technol,Sch Management,Hefei 230009//Peoples R China/ Journal: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE , 2010 , V 41 , N10 , P 1257-1272 Publisher: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD , 4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OX14 4RN, OXON, ENGLAND ISSN: 0020-7721 Funding: The authors gratefully acknowledge an anonymous associate editor and three anonymous referees for their many insightful comments, which have significantly improved this article. This research was supported in part by National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant number 70771034, 70772029and 70631003, a Foundation for the Author of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of PR China under grant number 200565, and Project for Social Science Study of Guangdong under grant number 08JDXM63003. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Natural Science Foundation of China -- 70771034; 70772029; 70631003 Foundation for the Author of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of PR China -- 200565 Project for Social Science Study of Guangdong -- 08JDXM63003 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 2. 1/3/2 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05297685 Genuine Article#: 648DP No. References: 18 Title: Possibilistic Approaches to Portfolio Selection Problem with General Transaction Costs and a CLPSO Algorithm Author: Zhang XL; Zhang WG (REPRINT); Xu WJ; Xiao WL Author Email Address: wgzhang@scut.edu.cn Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ Journal: COMPUTATIONAL ECONOMICS , 2010 , V 36 , N3 ( OCT ) , P 191-200 Publisher: SPRINGER , VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0927-7099 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/s10614-010-9220-4 Funding: This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 70825005, 70571024), NCET (06-0749), the Humanities and Social Science Foundation of the Ministry of Education of China ( No. 07JA630048,07JC630059). Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Natural Science Foundation of China -- 70825005; 70571024 NCET -- 06-0749 Humanities and Social Science Foundation of the Ministry of Education of China -07JA630048; 07JC630059 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 3. 1/3/3 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05291638 Genuine Article#: 642ZG No. References: 39 Title: Analysis on the spatial distribution of logistics industry in the developed East Coast Area in China Author: Jing N (REPRINT); Cai WX Author Email Address: jingnan@scut.edu.cn Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Dept Logist Engn, Sch Econ & Commerce,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Dept Logist Engn, Sch Econ & Commerce,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ Journal: ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE , 2010 , V 45 , N2 ( OCT ) , P 331-350 Publisher: SPRINGER , 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USA ISSN: 0570-1864 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/s00168-009-0307-6 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 4. 1/3/4 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05289044 Genuine Article#: 641EI No. References: 31 Title: A method for stochastic multiple criteria decision making based on pairwise comparisons of alternatives with random evaluations Author: Fan ZP; Liu Y (REPRINT); Feng B Author Email Address: liuy@mail.neu.edu.cn Corporate Source: Northeastern Univ,Dept Management Sci & Engn, Sch Business Adm,Shenyang 110004//Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Northeastern Univ,Dept Management Sci & Engn, Sch Business Adm,Shenyang 110004//Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Dept Decis Sci, Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510640//Peoples R China/ Journal: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH , 2010 , V 207 , N2 ( DEC 1 ) , P 906-915 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0377-2217 Funding: This work was partly supported by the National Natural Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists of China (Project No. 70525002), National Natural Science Funds for Creative Research Groups of China (Project No. 70721001) and National Natural Science Funds of China (Project Nos. 70901027 and90924016), Philosophy and Social Science Funds of Guangdong Province (Project No. 09005) and Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities,SCUT (Project No. 2009ZM0025). Gratitude is also extended to Editor Roman Slowinski and the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Natural Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists of China -- 70525002 National Natural Science Funds for Creative Research Groups of China -- 70721001 National Natural Science Funds of China -- 70901027 ; 90924016 Philosophy and Social Science Funds of Guangdong Province -- 09005 SCUT -- 2009ZM0025 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 5. 1/3/5 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05288793 Genuine Article#: 641EB No. References: 34 Title: Pricing currency options in a fractional Brownian motion with jumps Author: Xiao WL; Zhang WG (REPRINT); Zhang XL; Wang YL Author Email Address: wgzhang@scut.edu.cn Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510641 /Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510641 /Guangdong/Peoples R China/; Xi An Jiao Tong Univ,Sch Management,Xian 710049//Peoples R China/ Journal: ECONOMIC MODELLING , 2010 , V 27 , N5 ( SEP ) , P 935-942 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0264-9993 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.econmod.2010.05.010 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 6. 1/3/6 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05279322 Genuine Article#: 634FB No. References: 22 Title: Option-game-based method for generation investment analysis considering uncertain carbon reduction policy in the electricity market Author: Liu G (REPRINT); Zhao JH; Wen F; Yin X; Dong ZY Author Email Address: zydong@ieee.org Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Elect Engn,Guangzhou//Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Elect Engn,Guangzhou//Peoples R China/; Zhejiang Univ,Sch Elect Engn,Hangzhou 310027//Peoples R China/; Univ New S Wales,Sch Elect Engn & Telecommun,Sydney/NSW 2052/Australia/ ; Stanwell Corp Ltd,Brisbane/Qld/Australia/; Hong Kong Polytech Univ,Dept Elect Engn,Hong Kong/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/ Journal: IET GENERATION TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION , 2010 , V 4 , N8 ( AUG ) , P 917-927 Publisher: INST ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY-IET , MICHAEL FARADAY HOUSE SIX HILLS WAY STEVENAGE, HERTFORD SG1 2AY, ENGLAND ISSN: 1751-8687 Funding: This work is jointly supported by Special Fund of the National Basic Research Program of China (No. 2004CB217905), National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 70673023) and Hong Kong Polytechnic University Grant #ZV3E. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Basic Research Program of China -- 2004CB217905 National Natural Science Foundation of China -- 70673023 Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- ZV3E Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 7. 1/3/7 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05278624 Genuine Article#: 635LF No. References: 39 Title: Supply chain coordination models for newsvendor-type products: Considering advertising effect and two production modes Author: Wang SD (REPRINT); Zhou YW Author Email Address: mswangsd@sina.com.cn; zyw 666@hotmail.com Corporate Source: Hefei Elect Engn Inst,Dept Math,Hefei 230037//Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Hefei Elect Engn Inst,Dept Math,Hefei 230037//Peoples R China/; Hefei Univ Technol,Sch Management,Hefei 230009//Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ Journal: COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING , 2010 , V 59 , N2 ( SEP ) , P 220-231 Publisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD , THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND ISSN: 0360-8352 Funding: We thank the Editor and the anonymous referees for their kindness and constructive comments on the earlier version of this paper. This research was supported in part by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 70771034, 70772029 and 70971041, a Foundation for the Author of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of PR China under Grant No. 200565, andProject for Social Science Study of Guangdong under Grant No. 08JDXM63003. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Natural Science Foundation of China -- 70771034; 70772029; 70971041 Foundation for the Author of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of PR China -200565 Project for Social Science Study of Guangdong -- 08JDXM63003 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 8. 1/3/8 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05275622 Genuine Article#: 631YD No. References: 29 Title: Social Groups and Housing Differentiation in China's Urban Villages: An Institutional Interpretation Author: He SJ; Liu YT (REPRINT); Wu FL; Webster C Author Email Address: ytliu@scut.edu.cn Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Architecture, State Key Lab Subtrop Bldg Sci,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Architecture, State Key Lab Subtrop Bldg Sci,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/; Sun Yat Sen Univ,Guangzhou 510275/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; Cardiff Univ,Cardiff/S Glam/Wales/ Journal: HOUSING STUDIES , 2010 , V 25 , N5 , P 671-691 Publisher: ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD , 4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OX14 4RN, OXFORDSHIRE, ENGLAND ISSN: 0267-3037 Publisher Item Identifier: 922985899 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1080/02673037.2010.483585 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 9. 1/3/9 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05271908 Genuine Article#: 629QI No. References: 40 Title: Coordinating ordering, pricing and advertising policies for a supply chain with random demand and two production modes Author: Wang SD (REPRINT); Zhou YW; Wang JP Author Email Address: mswangsd@sina.com.cn; zyw 666@hotmail.com Corporate Source: Hefei Elect Engn Inst,Dept Math,Hefei 230037//Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Hefei Elect Engn Inst,Dept Math,Hefei 230037//Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/; Hefei Univ Technol,Sch Management,Hefei 230009//Peoples R China/ Journal: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS , 2010 , V 126 , N2 ( AUG ) , P 168-180 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0925-5273 Funding: We thank the Editor and two anonymous referees for their kindness and constructive comments on the earlier version of this paper. This research was supported in part by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant nos. 70771034, 70772029, 70971041 and 70631003, a Foundation for the Author of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of PR China under Grant no. 200565, and Project for Social Science Study of Guangdong under Grant no. 08JDXM63003. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Natural Science Foundation of China -- 70771034; 70772029; 70971041; 70631003 National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of PR China -- 200565 Project for Social Science Study of Guangdong -- 08JDXM63003 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 10. 1/3/10 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05267665 Genuine Article#: 625QN No. References: 100 Title: Expectation, Motivation, and Attitude: A Tourist Behavioral Model Author: Hsu CHC (REPRINT); Cai LA; Li M Author Email Address: hmhsu@polyu.edu.hk Corporate Source: Hong Kong Polytech Univ,Sch Hotel & Tourism Management,Kowloon/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Hong Kong Polytech Univ,Sch Hotel & Tourism Management,Kowloon/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/; Purdue Univ,Purdue Tourism & Hosp Res Ctr,W Lafayette//IN/47907; S China Univ Technol ,Guangzhou//Peoples R China/ Journal: JOURNAL OF TRAVEL RESEARCH , 2010 , V 49 , N3 ( FEB ) , P 282-296 Publisher: SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC , 2455 TELLER RD, THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91320 USA ISSN: 0047-2875 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1177/0047287509349266 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) 11. 1/3/11 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05253817 Genuine Article#: 611RQ No. References: 25 Title: Robust least squares support vector machine based on recursive outlier elimination Author: Wen W (REPRINT); Hao ZF; Yang XW Author Email Address: wwen@gdut.edu.cn Corporate Source: Guangdong Univ Technol,Sch Comp,Guangzhou 510006/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Guangdong Univ Technol,Sch Comp,Guangzhou 510006/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Sch Math Sci,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ Journal: SOFT COMPUTING , 2010 , V 14 , N11 ( SEP ) , P 1241-1251 Publisher: SPRINGER , 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USA ISSN: 1432-7643 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/s00500-009-0535-9 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 12. 1/3/12 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05252662 Genuine Article#: 611XE No. References: 18 Title: Lipschitz continuity of the gradient of a one-parametric class of SOC merit functions Author: Chen JS (REPRINT); Pan SH Author Email Address: jschen@math.ntnu.edu.tw Corporate Source: Natl Taiwan Normal Univ,Dept Math,Taipei//Taiwan/ (REPRINT); Natl Taiwan Normal Univ,Dept Math,Taipei//Taiwan/; S China Univ Technol ,Sch Math Sci,Guangzhou/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: OPTIMIZATION , 2010 , V 59 , N5 , P 661-676 Publisher: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD , 4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OX14 4RN, OXON, ENGLAND ISSN: 0233-1934 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1080/02331930802180319 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 13. 1/3/13 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05252567 Genuine Article#: 610WE No. References: 22 Title: Controlling chaos in space-clamped FitzHugh-Nagumo neuron by adaptive passive method Author: Wei DQ (REPRINT); Luo XS; Zhang B; Qin YH Corporate Source: Guangxi Normal Univ,Coll Elect Engn,Guilin 541004//Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Guangxi Normal Univ,Coll Elect Engn,Guilin 541004//Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Power Elect Coll,Guangzhou 510640//Peoples R China/ Journal: NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS , 2010 , V 11 , N3 ( JUN ) , P 1752-1759 Publisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD , THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND ISSN: 1468-1218 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.nonrwa.2009.03.029 Funding: The authors would like to thank the editors and reviewers very much for their valuable suggestions for improving the quality of this paper. This workis supported by the Hi-tech research and development program of China (863) Grant No. 2007AA05Z229, the National Natural Science Foundation of PR China under grant nos. 10862001 and 70571017; Science Foundation of Guangdong Province Grant No. 8251064101000014. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: Hi-tech research and development program of China (863) -- 2007AA05Z229 National Natural Science Foundation of PR China -- 10862001; 70571017 Science Foundation of Guangdong Province -- 8251064101000014 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 14. 1/3/14 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05247938 Genuine Article#: 612FV No. References: 24 Title: Cost allocation model for optimizing supply chain inventory with controllable lead time Author: Ye F (REPRINT); Xu XJ Author Email Address: yefei@scut.edu.cn Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING , 2010 , V 59 , N1 ( AUG ) , P 93-99 Publisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD , THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND ISSN: 0360-8352 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.cie.2010.03.003 Funding: The authors would like to thank the anonymous referees for their very valuable and helpful suggestions. This research is supported by Natural ScienceFoundation of China (70872031, 70971042), Social Science Innovation Team Project of Guangdong Province Universities (08JDTDXM63002) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, SCUT (2009ZMO240). Funding Organization -- Grant Number: Natural Science Foundation of China -- 70872031; 70971042 Guangdong Province Universities -- 08JDTDXM63002 Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, SCUT -- 2009ZMO240 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 15. 1/3/15 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05246913 Genuine Article#: 611SJ No. References: 18 Title: An inventory model for deteriorating items under stock-dependent demand and two-level trade credit Author: Min J (REPRINT); Zhou YW; Zhao J Author Email Address: minjie@aiai.edu.cn Corporate Source: Anhui Univ Architecture,Dept Math & Phys,Hefei 230601/Anhui/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Anhui Univ Architecture,Dept Math & Phys,Hefei 230601/Anhui/Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; Hefei Univ Technol,Sch Management,Hefei 230009/Anhui/Peoples R China/ Journal: APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING , 2010 , V 34 , N11 ( NOV ) , P 3273-3285 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC , 360 PARK AVE SOUTH, NEW YORK, NY 10010-1710 USA ISSN: 0307-904X Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.apm.2010.02.019 Funding: The authors greatly appreciate the editor and the anonymous referees for their insightful comments and suggestions that have significantly improved the paper. The research has been supported by the Natural Science Foundationof China (70771034, 70971041, 70631003), The Ph.D. Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China (20060359007), the Provincial Key Project ofNatural Scientific Research of the Institutions of Higher Education in Anhui Province of China (KJ2010A063) and the 2010 annual Doctoral Science Foundation of Anhui University of Architecture of China. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: Natural Science Foundation of China -- 70771034; 70971041; 70631003 Foundation of Ministry of Education of China -- 20060359007 Institutions of Higher Education in Anhui Province of China -- KJ2010A063 Doctoral Science Foundation of Anhui University of Architecture of China Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 16. 1/3/16 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05245966 Genuine Article#: 609UE No. References: 25 Title: Experimental and kinetic modeling of oxygen-enriched air combustion of paper mill sludge Author: Liu K (REPRINT); Ma XQ; Xiao HM Author Email Address: kai041@126.com Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Elect Power Coll,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Elect Power Coll,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: WASTE MANAGEMENT , 2010 , V 30 , N7,SI ( JUL ) , P 1206-1211 Publisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD , THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND ISSN: 0956-053X Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.wasman.2010.03.019 Funding: This research was supported by the foundation item of Guangdong Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Technology (No. 2008A06301002). Funding Organization -- Grant Number: Guangdong Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Technology -- 2008A06301002 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 17. 1/3/17 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05245048 Genuine Article#: 609ZF No. References: 17 Title: A new relative radiometric consistency processing method for change detection based on wavelet transform and a low-pass filter Author: Sun KM (REPRINT); Sui HG; Li DR; Xu CA Author Email Address: kaiminsun@163.com Corporate Source: Wuhan Univ,State Key Lab Informat Engn Surveying Mapping & R,Wuhan 430079//Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Wuhan Univ,State Key Lab Informat Engn Surveying Mapping & R,Wuhan 430079//Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,State Key Lab Subtrop Bldg Sci,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES , 2010 , V 53 , ,1 ( MAY ) , P 7-14 Publisher: SCIENCE CHINA PRESS , 16 DONGHUANGCHENGGEN NORTH ST, BEIJING 100717, PEOPLES R CHINA ISSN: 1674-7321 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/s11431-010-3197-z Funding: This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40901211, 60602013), National Basic Research Program of China("973" Program)(Grant No. 2006CB701304), National High Technology Researchand Development Program of China ("863" Program) (Grant No. 2007AA120204) and LIESMARS Special Research Funding & Research Grant of State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science in South China University of Technology(Grant No. 2008KB12). Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Natural Science Foundation of China -- 40901211; 60602013 National Basic Research Program of China ("973" Program) -- 2006CB701304 National High Technology Research and Development Program of China -- 2007AA120204 State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science in South China University of Technology -- 2008KB12 LIESMARS Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 18. 1/3/18 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05242362 Genuine Article#: 610PK No. References: 16 Title: Newton Method for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems with Adaptive Time Stepping Author: Shen WS (REPRINT); Zhang CJ; Zhang J; Ma XQ Author Email Address: wshen@brockport.edu; czhanb@csr.uky.edu; jzhang@cs.uky.edu; epxqma@scut.edu.cn Corporate Source: SUNY Coll Brockport,Brockport//NY/14420 (REPRINT); SUNY Coll Brockport,Brockport//NY/14420; Univ Kentucky,Lexington//KY/40506; S China Univ Technol ,Guangzhou/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE , 2010 , V 16 , N6 , P 891-902 Publisher: GRAZ UNIV TECHNOLGOY, INST INFORMATION SYSTEMS COMPUTER MEDIA-IICM , INFFELDGASSE 16C, GRAZ, A-8010, AUSTRIA ISSN: 0948-695X Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 19. 1/3/19 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05240430 Genuine Article#: 609AI No. References: 23 Title: Effects of loading different metal ions on an activated carbon on the desorption activation energy of dichloromethane/trichloromethane Author: Xia QB (REPRINT); Li Z; Xiao LM; Zhang ZJ; Xi HX Author Email Address: qbxia@scut.edu.cn Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Chem & Chem Engn,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Chem & Chem Engn,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS , 2010 , V 179 , N1-3 ( JUL 15 ) , P 790-794 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0304-3894 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2010.03.073 Funding: This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (nos. 20936001, 20606012), and the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Natural Science Foundation of China -- 20936001; 20606012 Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 20. 1/3/20 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05240396 Genuine Article#: 609AI No. References: 31 Title: Modeling the oxidation kinetics of Fenton's process on the degradation of humic acid Author: Wu YY; Zhou SQ (REPRINT); Qin FH; Zheng K; Ye XY Author Email Address: fesqzhou@scut.edu.cn Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Guangzhou Higher Educ Mega Ctr,Guangzhou 510006/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Guangzhou Higher Educ Mega Ctr,Guangzhou 510006/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,State Key Lab Subtrop Bldg Sci,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Key Lab Environm Protect & Ecoremediat Guangdong, Guangzhou Higher Educ Mega Ctr,Guangzhou 510006/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS , 2010 , V 179 , N1-3 ( JUL 15 ) , P 533-539 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0304-3894 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2010.03.036 Funding: The authors are grateful to Professor Yingyuan Li from School of Foreign Languages, South China University of Technology for his help and would like to acknowledge assistance from staffs that provided full support to this study. The Ministry of Science and Technology of China is also acknowledged for their finanical support (2008BAE64805). In addition, the kind suggestions from the anonymous reviewers are greatly acknowledged. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: Ministry of Science and Technology of China -- 2008BAE64805 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) 21. 1/3/21 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05239243 Genuine Article#: 607SL No. References: 29 Title: A novel connector-knowledge-based approach for disassembly precedence constraint generation Author: Li JR; Wang QH (REPRINT); Huang P; Shen HZ Author Email Address: qinghui15@gmail.com Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Mech & Automot Engn,Guangzhou/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Mech & Automot Engn,Guangzhou/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY , 2010 , V 49 , N1-4 ( JUL ) , P 293-304 Publisher: SPRINGER LONDON LTD , 236 GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND ISSN: 0268-3768 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/s00170-009-2384-1 Funding: The authors acknowledge the financial support provided by the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (SRFDP), China, for projects no. 200805611093 and 200805611094. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (SRFDP), China -- 200805611093; 200805611094 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 22. 1/3/22 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05239235 Genuine Article#: 607SL No. References: 9 Title: Study on discrete form algorithm of cutter location surface in CNC milling of freeform surface Author: Xie J (REPRINT); Zhou RM; Zhang XF Author Email Address: jinxie@scut.edu.cn Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Mech & Automot Engn,Guangzhou 510640//Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Mech & Automot Engn,Guangzhou 510640//Peoples R China/; Guangdong Vocat Coll Mech & Elect Technol,Guangzhou 510515/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY , 2010 , V 49 , N1-4 ( JUL ) , P 195-200 Publisher: SPRINGER LONDON LTD , 236 GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND ISSN: 0268-3768 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/s00170-009-2369-0 Funding: The project was sponsored by SRF for ROCS and Guangdong Natural Science Doctorate Foundation of China (No. 401 05300140). Funding Organization -- Grant Number: SRF Guangdong Natural Science Doctorate Foundation of China -- 401 05300140 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 23. 1/3/23 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05239189 Genuine Article#: 609FO No. References: 30 Title: A risk tolerance model for portfolio adjusting problem with transaction costs based on possibilistic moments Author: Zhang WG (REPRINT); Zhang XL; Xu WJ Author Email Address: wgzhang@scut.edu.cn Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510641 /Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510641 /Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: INSURANCE MATHEMATICS & ECONOMICS , 2010 , V 46 , N3 ( JUN ) , P 493-499 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0167-6687 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.insmatheco.2010.01.007 Funding: We would like to thank editors and referees for their penetrating remarks and suggestions concerning the earlier version of this paper. This researchis supported by the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholarsof China (No. 70825005), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 70571024), NCET(06-0749), and the Humanities and Social Science Youth Foundation of the Ministry of Education of China (No. 07JC630059). Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China -- 70825005 National Natural Science Foundation of China -- 70571024 NCET -- 06-0749 Humanities and Social Science Youth Foundation of the Ministry of Education of China -07JC630059 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 24. 1/3/24 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05233059 Genuine Article#: 610JZ No. References: 11 Title: Co-combustion kinetics of sewage sludge with coal and coal gangue under different atmospheres Author: Xiao HM (REPRINT); Ma XQ; Liu K Author Email Address: xhanmin@sohu.com Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Elect Power Coll,Wushan Rd 381/Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Elect Power Coll,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT , 2010 , V 51 , N10 ( OCT ) , P 1976-1980 Publisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD , THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND ISSN: 0196-8904 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.enconman.2010.02.030 Funding: This work was supported by Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (China) Research Team (No. 003045) and the Doctorate Foundation of South China University of Technology. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (China) Research Team -- 003045 Doctorate Foundation of South China University of Technology Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 25. 1/3/25 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05233044 Genuine Article#: 610JZ No. References: 11 Title: Experimental investigation into the performance of heat pipe with micro grooves fabricated by Extrusion-ploughing process Author: Tang Y; Chen P; Wang XW (REPRINT) Author Email Address: jouney5@163.com Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Phys,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Phys,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Coll Mech Engn,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT , 2010 , V 51 , N10 ( OCT ) , P 1849-1854 Publisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD , THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND ISSN: 0196-8904 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.enconman.2010.01.001 Funding: The National Science Foundation Grand (50436010; 50375055) provided funding for this work. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Science Foundation -- 50436010; 50375055 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 26. 1/3/26 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05225003 Genuine Article#: 602XS No. References: 17 Title: Toward cleaner production of hot dip galvanizing industry in China Author: Kong G (REPRINT); White R Author Email Address: konggang@scut.edu.cn Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Mat Sci & Engn,381 Wushan Rd/Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Mat Sci & Engn,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; Int Zinc Assoc,B-1150 Brussels//Belgium/ Journal: JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION , 2010 , V 18 , N10-11 ( JUL ) , P 1092-1099 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCI LTD , THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLAND ISSN: 0959-6526 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2010.03.006 Funding: The authors are indebted to the many practicing galvanizers who gave information to assist in compiling this paper. In addition, CFC, ILZSG and IZA are thanked for technical and financial support. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: CFC ILZSG IZA Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 27. 1/3/27 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05224379 Genuine Article#: 604WH No. References: 50 Title: Poverty Concentration and Determinants in China's Urban Low-income Neighbourhoods and Social Groups Author: He SJ (REPRINT); Wu FL; Webster C; Liu YT Author Email Address: heshenj@mail.sysu.edu.cn; wuf@cardiff.ac.uk; Webster@cardiff.ac.uk; ytliu@scut.edu.cn Corporate Source: Sun Yat Sen Univ,Dept Urban & Reg Planning,Guangzhou 510275/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Sun Yat Sen Univ,Dept Urban & Reg Planning,Guangzhou 510275/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; Cardiff Univ,Sch City & Reg Planning,Cardiff CF10 3WA/S Glam/Wales/; S China Univ Technol ,Dept Urban Planning, Sch Architecture,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ Journal: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH , 2010 , V 34 , N2 , P 328-349 Publisher: WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC , COMMERCE PLACE, 350 MAIN ST, MALDEN 02148, MA USA ISSN: 0309-1317 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1111/j.1468-2427.2010.00907.x Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 28. 1/3/28 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05218518 Genuine Article#: 601DK No. References: 39 Title: Fuzzy logic-based approach for identifying the risk importance of human error Author: Li PC (REPRINT); Chen GH; Dai LC; Zhang L Author Email Address: lipengcheng0615@163.com Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Inst Safety Sci & Engn,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Inst Safety Sci & Engn,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; Univ S China,Human Factor Inst,Hengyang 421001/Hunan/Peoples R China/ Journal: SAFETY SCIENCE , 2010 , V 48 , N7 ( AUG ) , P 902-913 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0925-7535 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.ssci.2010.03.012 Funding: The paper was supported by National Natural Science Foundation Program of China (70873040). We would like to acknowledge and thank those who provide data and suggestions. The anonymous reviewers and the editor of this paper are also gratefully acknowledged for their constructive comments and suggestions. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Natural Science Foundation Program of China -- 70873040 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 29. 1/3/29 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05211993 Genuine Article#: 601MN No. References: 17 Title: Integral Sliding-Mode Direct Torque Control of Doubly-Fed Induction Generators Under Unbalanced Grid Voltage Author: Chen SZ (REPRINT); Cheung NC; Wong KC; Wu J Author Email Address: cszscut@126.com; norbert.cheung@polyu.edu.hk; eekcwong@polyu.edu.hk; epjiewu@scut.edu.cn Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Coll Elect Power,Guangzhou 510640//Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Coll Elect Power,Guangzhou 510640//Peoples R China/; Hong Kong Polytech Univ,Dept Elect Engn,Kowloon/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/ Journal: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION , 2010 , V 25 , N2 ( JUN ) , P 356-368 Publisher: IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC , 445 HOES LANE, PISCATAWAY, NJ 08855-4141 USA ISSN: 0885-8969 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TEC.2009.2036249 Funding: Manuscript received June 1, 2009; revised September 15, 2009; accepted October 30, 2009. Date of publication December 15, 2009; date of current version May 21, 2010. This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 60534040 and the National High Technology Research and Development of China under Project 863 Program 2007AA05Z244. The work of S. Z. Chen was supported by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University under Grant G-U497. Paper no. TEC-00218-2009. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Natural Science Foundation of China -- 60534040 National High Technology Research and Development of China -- 2007AA05Z244 Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- G-U497 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 30. 1/3/30 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05199821 Genuine Article#: 598LF No. References: 14 Title: Design Criterion for the Space-Curve Meshing Wheel Mechanism Based on Elastic Deformation of the Tines Author: Chen YZ (REPRINT); Hu Q; Sun LH Author Email Address: meyzchen@scut.edu.cn Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Mech & Automobile Engn,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Mech & Automobile Engn,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN , 2010 , V 132 , N5 ( MAY ) , Article Number: 054502 Publisher: ASME-AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENG , THREE PARK AVE, NEW YORK, NY 10016-5990 USA ISSN: 1050-0472 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1115/1.4001535 Funding: It is our pleasure to thank the anonymous reviewers and editors for their valuable comments and suggestions. This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 50775074), which is gratefully acknowledged. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Natural Science Foundation of China -- 50775074 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) 31. 1/3/31 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05198348 Genuine Article#: 598AJ No. References: 30 Title: Numerical comparisons of two effective methods for mixed complementarity problems Author: Chen JS (REPRINT); Pan SH; Yang CY Author Email Address: jschen@math.ntnu.edu.tw; shhpan@scut.edu.cn; yangcy@abel.math.ntnu.edu.tw Corporate Source: Natl Taiwan Normal Univ,Dept Math,Taipei 11677//Taiwan/ (REPRINT); Natl Taiwan Normal Univ,Dept Math,Taipei 11677//Taiwan/; S China Univ Technol ,Sch Math Sci,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS , 2010 , V 234 , N3 ( JUN 1 ) , P 667-683 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0377-0427 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.cam.2010.01.004 Funding: The first author's work is partially supported by National Science Council of Taiwan. The second author's work is supported by National Young NaturalScience Foundation (No. 10901058) and Guangdong Natural Science Foundation(No. 9251802902000001). Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Science Council of Taiwan National Young Natural Science Foundation -- 10901058 Guangdong Natural Science Foundation -- 9251802902000001 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 32. 1/3/32 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05198330 Genuine Article#: 598EW No. References: 22 Title: Portfolio adjusting optimization under credibility measures Author: Zhang XL; Zhang WG (REPRINT); Cai RC Author Email Address: wgzhang@scut.edu.cn Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Sch Engn & Comp Sci,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ Journal: JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS , 2010 , V 234 , N5 ( JUL 1 ) , P 1458-1465 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0377-0427 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.cam.2010.02.022 Funding: This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (70825005), NCET(06-0749), the Humanities and Social Science Youth Foundation of the Ministry of Education of China (No. 07JC630059) and the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province of China (No. 8451064101000358). Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Natural Science Foundation of China -- 70825005 NCET -- 06-0749 Ministry of Education of China -- 07JC630059 Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province of China -- 8451064101000358 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 33. 1/3/33 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05187225 Genuine Article#: 596CI No. References: 27 Title: Conditional diagnosability of alternating group networks Author: Zhou SM; Xiao WJ (REPRINT) Author Email Address: wjxiao@scut.edu.cn Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Software Engn,Guangzhou 510641 /Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Software Engn,Guangzhou 510641 /Guangdong/Peoples R China/; Fujian Normal Univ,Key Lab Network Secur & Cryptol,Fuzhou 350108/Fujian/Peoples R China/; Fujian Normal Univ,Coll Math & Comp Sci,Fuzhou 350108/Fujian/Peoples R China/ Journal: INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS , 2010 , V 110 , N10 ( APR 30 ) , P 403-409 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0020-0190 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.ipl.2010.03.010 Funding: This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (60973150), Guangdong Laboratory of Software and Applied Technology (2006B80407001), the Natural Science Founds of Fujian Province, under Grant Nos. 2008J0014 and 2008100208, and partly supported by the key project of Fujian Proviceservice to the western coast of the straits - Research of information technology based on mathematics. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: Natural Science Foundation of China -- 60973150 Guangdong Laboratory of Software and Applied Technology -- 2006B80407001 Natural Science Founds of Fujian Province -- 2008J0014; 2008100208 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 34. 1/3/34 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05165041 Genuine Article#: 585WK No. References: 29 Title: A multi-objective chaotic ant swarm optimization for environmental/economic dispatch Author: Cai JJ; Ma XQ; Li Q (REPRINT); Li LX; Peng HP Author Email Address: joanli97@hotmail.com Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,State Key Lab Subtrop Bldg Sci, Res Ctr Bldg Energy Efficiency,Guangzhou 510640//Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,State Key Lab Subtrop Bldg Sci, Res Ctr Bldg Energy Efficiency,Guangzhou 510640//Peoples R China/; Univ Tokyo,Sch Engn,Tokyo 1138656//Japan/; S China Univ Technol ,Elect Power Coll,Guangzhou 510640//Peoples R China/; Beijing Univ Posts & Telecommun,Informat Secur Ctr, State Key Lab Networking & Switching Technol,Beijing 100876//Peoples R China/ Journal: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS , 2010 , V 32 , N5 ( JUN ) , P 337-344 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCI LTD , THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLAND ISSN: 0142-0615 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2010.01.006 Funding: This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 60673098), the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (Grant No. 20070013005), the National Basic ResearchProgram of China (973 Program) (Grant No. 2007CB310704), the 111 Project (Grant No. B08004), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the Research Grant Council of Hong Kong (RGC) Joint Research Scheme(Grant No. 60731160626). Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Natural Science Foundation of China -- 60673098 Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education -- 20070013005 National Basic Research Program of China -- 2007CB310704 111 Project -- B08004 Research Grant Council of Hong Kong (RGC) -- 60731160626 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 35. 1/3/35 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05156699 Genuine Article#: 584RN No. References: 14 Title: Effects of different characteristic surfaces at initial stage of frost growth Author: Cai L (REPRINT); Hou PX; Wang RH; Zhang XS Author Email Address: cailiang@seu.edu.cn Corporate Source: Southeast Univ,Sch Energy & Environm,Nanjing 210096//Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Southeast Univ,Sch Energy & Environm,Nanjing 210096//Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Sch Automot Engn,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY , 2010 , V 17 , N2 ( APR ) , P 413-418 Publisher: JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIV TECHNOLOGY , EDITORIAL OFFICE, CHANGSHA, HUNAN 410083, PEOPLES R CHINA ISSN: 1005-9784 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/s11771-010-0061-z Funding: Project(50376052) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China; Project(307013) supported by the Key Project of Chinese Ministry of Education: Project(2008BAJ12B02) supported by the National Science and Technology Pillar Program in the 11th Five-Year Plan Period Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Natural Science Foundation of China -- 50376052 Chinese Ministry of Education -- 307013 National Science and Technology -- 2008BAJ12B02 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 36. 1/3/36 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05156684 Genuine Article#: 584RN No. References: 30 Title: Catalytic ozonation of phenol and oxalic acid with copper-loaded activated carbon Author: Rao YF; Luo HJ (REPRINT); Wei CH; Luo LF Author Email Address: luohj@scut.edu.cn Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Coll Environm Sci & Engn,Guangzhou 510006/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Coll Environm Sci & Engn,Guangzhou 510006/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; Knox Coll,Galesburg//IL/61401 Journal: JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY , 2010 , V 17 , N2 ( APR ) , P 300-306 Publisher: JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIV TECHNOLOGY , EDITORIAL OFFICE, CHANGSHA, HUNAN 410083, PEOPLES R CHINA ISSN: 1005-9784 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/s11771-010-0046-y Funding: Project(40973074) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Natural Science Foundation of China -- 40973074 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 37. 1/3/37 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05156213 Genuine Article#: 584TW No. References: 31 Title: Dynamic asset allocation with jump risk Author: Xu WD (REPRINT); Wu CF; Xu WJ; Li HY Author Email Address: xuweidong@sjtu.edu.cn; cfwu@sjtu.edu.cn; xuwj@scut.edu.cn; hongyi@baf.msmail.cuhk.edu.hk Corporate Source: Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ,Financial Engn Res Ctr,Shanghai 200052//Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ,Financial Engn Res Ctr,Shanghai 200052//Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/; Chinese Univ Hong Kong,Fac Business Adm,Shatin/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/ Journal: JOURNAL OF RISK , 2010 , V 12 , N3 ( SPR ) , P 29-44 Publisher: INCISIVE MEDIA , HAYMARKET HOUSE, 28-29 HAYMARKET, LONDON, SW1Y 4RX, ENGLAND ISSN: 1465-1211 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 38. 1/3/38 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05153374 Genuine Article#: 585JK No. References: 19 Title: Hardware-in-the-loop experimental study on a fractional order networked control system testbed Author: Bhambhani V; Han YD; Mukhopadhyay S; Luo Y; Chen YQ (REPRINT) Author Email Address: yqchen@ieee.org Corporate Source: Utah State Univ,Dept Elect & Comp Engn, CSOIS,Logan//UT/84322 (REPRINT) ; Utah State Univ,Dept Elect & Comp Engn, CSOIS,Logan//UT/84322; S China Univ Technol ,Dept Automat Sci & Technol,Guangzhou/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION , 2010 , V 15 , N9 ( SEP ) , P 2486-2496 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 1007-5704 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2009.10.010 Funding: Ying Luo is supported by the Ministry of Education of the PR China and China Scholarship Council (CSC). The authors acknowledge the benefits from theweekly Fractional Calculus Reading Group meeting at CSOIS (http://fractionalcalculus.googlepages.com/). Funding Organization -- Grant Number: Ministry of Education of the PR China China Scholarship Council (CSC) Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 39. 1/3/39 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05149370 Genuine Article#: 580BF No. References: 26 Title: The admissible portfolio selection problem with transaction costs and an improved PSO algorithm Author: Chen W; Zhang WG (REPRINT) Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/; Capital Univ Econ & Business,Sch Informat,Beijing 100070//Peoples R China/ Journal: PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS , 2010 , V 389 , N10 ( MAY 15 ) , P 2070-2076 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0378-4371 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.physa.2010.01.016 Funding: We would like to thank the Editor and referees for their valuable remarks and suggestions concerning the earlier version of this paper This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 70825005, 70571024), NCET (No. 06-0749), Beijing Municipal Education Commission Foundation of China (No SM200910038005), Funding Project for Academic Human Resources Development in Institutions of Higher Learning Under the Jurisdiction of Beijing Municipality (PHR2010). Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Natural Science Foundation of China -- 70825005; 70571024 NCET -- 06-0749 Beijing Municipal Education Commission Foundation of China -- SM200910038005 Academic Human Resources Development in Institutions of Higher Learning Under the Jurisdiction of Beijing Municipality -- PHR2010 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 40. 1/3/40 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05147227 Genuine Article#: 579LN No. References: 19 Title: A hyperchaotic system from the Rabinovich system Author: Liu YJ (REPRINT); Yang QG; Pang GP Author Email Address: liuyongjianmaths@126.com Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Math Sci,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Math Sci,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; Yulin Normal Univ,Dept Math & Computat Sci,Yulin 537000//Peoples R China/ Journal: JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS , 2010 , V 234 , N1 ( MAY 1 ) , P 101-113 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0377-0427 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.cam.2009.12.008 Funding: The authors wish to thank the reviewers for their constructive and pertinent suggestions for improving the presentation of the work. The first and second authors are partially supported by National Natural Science Foundationof China (No. 10871074), the first author is partially supported by the Doctorate Foundation of South China University of Technology and the Scientific Research Foundation of Guangxi Education Office of China (No. 2009). Thethird author is partially supported by the Sustentation Fund of the Elitists for Guangxi Universities (Document Number: [2008]40) and the Initiation Fund for the High-level Talents of Yulin Normal University. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Natural Science Foundation of China -- 10871074 Doctorate Foundation of South China University of Technology Scientific Research Foundation of Guangxi Education Office of China -- 2009 Sustentation Fund of the Elitists for Guangxi Universities -- [2008]40 Initiation Fund for the High-level Talents of Yulin Normal University Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® 41. 1/3/41 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05146222 Genuine Article#: 580RO No. References: 25 Title: A rough set based data mining approach for house of quality analysis Author: Li JR (REPRINT); Wang QH Author Email Address: catherine.jrli@gmail.com Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Mech & Automot Engn,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Mech & Automot Engn,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ Journal: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH , 2010 , V 48 , N7 , P 2095-2107 Publisher: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD , 4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OX14 4RN, OXON, ENGLAND ISSN: 0020-7543 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1080/00207540802665907 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 42. 1/3/42 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05142283 Genuine Article#: 575QQ No. References: 22 Title: Heat transfer performance and exergetic optimization for solar receiver pipe Author: Lu JF; Ding J (REPRINT); Yang JP Author Email Address: liujf01@tsinghua.edu.cn Corporate Source: Sun Yat Sen Univ,Sch Engn,Guangzhou 510006/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Sun Yat Sen Univ,Sch Engn,Guangzhou 510006/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Key Lab Enhanced Heat Transfer & Energy Conservat, Minist Educ,Guangzhou 5106406/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: RENEWABLE ENERGY , 2010 , V 35 , N7 ( JUL ) , P 1477-1483 Publisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD , THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND ISSN: 0960-1481 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.renene.2009.09.002 Funding: This paper is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 50806084) and National High-tech R&D Program of China (863 Program) 2006AA05010503. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Natural Science Foundation of China -- 50806084 National High-tech R&D Program of China -- 2006AA05010503 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 43. 1/3/43 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05139501 Genuine Article#: 576OP No. References: 23 Title: Rules of thumb for assessing reductive dechlorination pathways of PCDDs in specific systems Author: Lu GN; Dang Z (REPRINT); Fennell DE; Huang WL; Li Z; Liu CQ Author Email Address: chzdang@scut.edu.cn; whuang@envsci.rutgers.edu Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Guangzhou Higher Educ Mega Ctr, Sch Environm Sci & Engn,Guangzhou 510006/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Guangzhou Higher Educ Mega Ctr, Sch Environm Sci & Engn,Guangzhou 510006/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; Rutgers State Univ,Dept Environm Sci,New Brunswick//NJ/08901; S China Univ Technol ,Sch Chem & Chem Engn,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; Guangzhou Higher Educ Mega Ctr,Minist Educ, Key Lab Pollut Control & Ecosyst Restorat Ind Clu,Guangzhou 510006/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; Chinese Acad Sci,Inst Geochem, State Key Lab Environm Geochem,Guiyang 550002//Peoples R China/ Journal: JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS , 2010 , V 177 , N1-3 ( MAY 15 ) , P 1145-1149 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0304-3894 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2009.12.051 Funding: The work was supported by the National Science Foundation of China (No. 40730741), the Guangdong Provincial Natural Science Foundation (No. 9351064101000001) and the Open Foundation of the State Key Lab of Environmental Geochemistry to ZD, the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No. 20090450864)and the Doctorate Foundation of SCUT to GNL. It was also partially funded by the US National Science Foundation with an SGER grant (BES-0636820) to WH, and the SERDP of the DoD with a grant to DEF. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Science Foundation of China -- 40730741 Guangdong Provincial Natural Science Foundation -- 9351064101000001 State Key Lab of Environmental Geochemistry China Postdoctoral Science Foundation -- 20090450864 SCUT US National Science Foundation -- BES-0636820 DoD Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 44. 1/3/44 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05139414 Genuine Article#: 576OP No. References: 47 Title: Enrichment of chlorobenzene and o-nitrochlorobenzene on biomimetic adsorbent prepared by poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) Author: Zhang XX; Wei CH (REPRINT); He QC; Ren Y Author Email Address: cechwei@scut.edu.cn Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Coll Environm Sci & Engn,Guangzhou 510006/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Coll Environm Sci & Engn,Guangzhou 510006/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Coll Chem & Chem Engn,Guangzhou 510640//Peoples R China/ Journal: JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS , 2010 , V 177 , N1-3 ( MAY 15 ) , P 508-515 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0304-3894 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2009.12.062 Funding: This research was supported by the Hi-Tech Research and Development Program of China (No. 2006AA06Z378), the Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 20777018 and 20977035), the National Key Technology R&D Program of China (No. 2008BAC32B06-1), and the Science and Technology Plan Project of Guangdong Province, China (No. 2007B030103011). We also thank Prof. L Ke for providing language help. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: Hi-Tech Research and Development Program of China -- 2006AA06Z378 Natural Science Foundation of China -- 20777018; 20977035 National Key Technology R&D Program of China -- 2008BAC32B06-1 Science and Technology Plan Project of Guangdong Province, China -- 2007B030103011 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 45. 1/3/45 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05129886 Genuine Article#: 573ME No. References: 34 Title: Effects of ultrasound intensities on a glycin-maltose model system - a means of promoting Maillard reaction Author: Guan YG; Wang J; Yu SJ (REPRINT); Xu XB; Zhu SM Author Email Address: lfshjyu@scut.edu.cn Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Coll Light Ind & Food Sci,Guangzhou 510640//Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Coll Light Ind & Food Sci,Guangzhou 510640//Peoples R China/ Journal: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2010 , V 45 , N4 ( APR ) , P 758-764 Publisher: WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC , COMMERCE PLACE, 350 MAIN ST, MALDEN 02148, MA USA ISSN: 0950-5423 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1111/j.1365-2621.2010.02194.x Funding: This research is supported by the Science Foundation for Province and Ministry CEEUSRO cooperation of Demonstration Base and Innovation Platform Construction of Guangdong Province, China (No. 2008A080403009). All authors appreciate the work of sentence modification in this paper by Professor Frank Huang (Advanced Food Technology, CA, USA) and He-Cheng Meng (South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China). Funding Organization -- Grant Number: Science Foundation for Province and Ministry CEEUSRO cooperation of Demonstration Base and Innovation Platform Construction of Guangdong Province, China -2008A080403009 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 46. 1/3/46 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05129880 Genuine Article#: 573ME No. References: 21 Title: In vitro haem solubility of red cell fraction of porcine blood under various treatments Author: Liu TX (REPRINT); Wang J; Zhao MM Author Email Address: txliu@scut.edu.cn Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Coll Light Ind & Food Engn,Wu Shan Rd/Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Coll Light Ind & Food Engn,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ Journal: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2010 , V 45 , N4 ( APR ) , P 719-725 Publisher: WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC , COMMERCE PLACE, 350 MAIN ST, MALDEN 02148, MA USA ISSN: 0950-5423 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1111/j.1365-2621.2010.02195.x Funding: This research was financially supported by the Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangdong Province (2005A20303003). Funding Organization -- Grant Number: Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangdong Province -- 2005A20303003 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 47. 1/3/47 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05125574 Genuine Article#: 571VR No. References: 45 Title: An Approach Applying SSM to Problem Situations of Interests conflicts: Interests-coordination SSM Author: Yang JM (REPRINT) Author Email Address: fbajyang@scut.edu.cn Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business,Guangzhou 510640//Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business,Guangzhou 510640//Peoples R China/ Journal: SYSTEMS RESEARCH AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE , 2010 , V 27 , N2,SI ( MAR-APR ) , P 171-189 Publisher: JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD , THE ATRIUM, SOUTHERN GATE, CHICHESTER PO19 8SQ, W SUSSEX, ENGLAND ISSN: 1092-7026 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1002/sres.1023 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 48. 1/3/48 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05122387 Genuine Article#: 569XE No. References: 37 Title: A method for partner selection of codevelopment alliances using individual and collaborative utilities Author: Feng B; Fan ZP (REPRINT); Ma J Author Email Address: neu fengbo@163.com; zpfan@mail.neu.edu.cn Corporate Source: Northeastern Univ,Sch Business Adm, Dept Management Sci & Engn,Shenyang 110004//Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Northeastern Univ,Sch Business Adm, Dept Management Sci & Engn,Shenyang 110004//Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm, Dept Decis Sci,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; City Univ Hong Kong,Dept Informat Syst,Kowloon/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/ Journal: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS , 2010 , V 124 , N1 ( MAR ) , P 159-170 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0925-5273 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2009.10.019 Funding: This work was partly supported by the National Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scientists of China (Project no. 70525002), National Natural Science Fund for Creative Research Groups of China (Project no. 70721001), and National Science Fund of China (Project nos. 70901027, 70871021 and90924016). Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scientists of China -- 70525002 National Natural Science Fund for Creative Research Groups of China -- 70721001 National Science Fund of China -- 70901027; 70871021; 90924016 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 49. 1/3/49 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05122090 Genuine Article#: 571PZ No. References: 18 Title: WATERMARKING CURVES FOR FINGERPRINTING DIGITAL MAPS Author: Im DH (REPRINT); Hu YJ; Lee HY; Lee HK Corporate Source: KT,Cent R&D Lab,Taejon//South Korea/ (REPRINT); KT,Cent R&D Lab,Taejon//South Korea/; S China Univ Technol ,Coll Automat Sci & Engn,Guangzhou/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; Kumoh Natl Inst Technol,Sch Comp & Sotware Engn,Gumi/Gyeongbuk/South Korea/; Korea Adv Inst Sci & Technol,Dept Elect Engn & Comp Sci,Taejon 305701//South Korea/ Journal: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE COMPUTING INFORMATION AND CONTROL , 2010 , V 6 , N3B,SI ( MAR ) , P 1257-1269 Publisher: ICIC INT , TOKAI UNIV, 9-1-1, TOROKU, KUMAMOTO, 862-8652, JAPAN ISSN: 1349-4198 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 50. 1/3/50 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05119930 Genuine Article#: 571GG No. References: 18 Title: Multiple solutions for quasilinear Schrodinger equations involving critical exponent Author: Wang YJ (REPRINT); Zhang YM; Shen YT Author Email Address: youjun3006@126.com; zhangym802@126.com Corporate Source: Tsinghua Univ,Dept Math Sci,Beijing 100084//Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Tsinghua Univ,Dept Math Sci,Beijing 100084//Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Dept Math,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION , 2010 , V 216 , N3 ( APR 1 ) , P 849-856 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC , 360 PARK AVE SOUTH, NEW YORK, NY 10010-1710 USA ISSN: 0096-3003 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.amc.2010.01.091 Funding: Rearch supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 10771074). Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Natural Science Foundation of China -- 10771074 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 51. 1/3/51 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05105072 Genuine Article#: 561WO No. References: 39 Title: Urban villages under China's rapid urbanization: Unregulated assets and transitional neighbourhoods Author: Liu YT (REPRINT); He SJ; Wu FL; Webster C Author Email Address: ytliu@scut.edu.cn; heshenj@mail.sysu.edu.cn; wuf@cardiff.ac.uk; webster@cardiff.ac.uk Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Architecture, State Key Lab Subtrop Bldg Sci,381 Wushan Rd/Guangzhou 510641 /Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Architecture, State Key Lab Subtrop Bldg Sci,Guangzhou 510641 /Guangdong/Peoples R China/; Sun Yat Sen Univ,Dept Urban & Reg Planning,Guangzhou 510275/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; Cardiff Univ,Sch City & Reg Planning,Cardiff CF10 3WA/S Glam/Wales/ Journal: HABITAT INTERNATIONAL , 2010 , V 34 , N2 ( APR ) , P 135-144 Publisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD , THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND ISSN: 0197-3975 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.habitatint.2009.08.003 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 52. 1/3/52 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05100017 Genuine Article#: 561CX No. References: 20 Title: Three-option evolutionary minority game on small-world network Author: Zhu CY; Quan HJ (REPRINT) Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Dept Phys,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Dept Phys,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ Journal: PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS , 2010 , V 389 , N8 ( APR 15 ) , P 1739-1744 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0378-4371 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.physa.2009.12.048 Funding: This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No 10704026). Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Natural Science Foundation of China -- 10704026 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 53. 1/3/53 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05099379 Genuine Article#: 563GZ No. References: 44 Title: A human gut microbial gene catalogue established by metagenomic sequencing Author: Qin JJ; Li RQ; Raes J; Arumugam M; Burgdorf KS; Manichanh C; Nielsen T; Pons N; Levenez F; Yamada T; Mende DR; Li JH; Xu JM; Li SC; Li DF; Cao JJ; Wang B; Liang HQ; Zheng HS; Xie YL; Tap J; Lepage P; Bertalan M; Batto JM; Hansen T; Le Paslier D; Linneberg A; Nielsen HB; Pelletier E; Renault P; Sicheritz-Ponten T; Turner K; Zhu HM; Yu C; Li ST; Jian M; Zhou Y; Li YR; Zhang XQ; Li SG; Qin N; Yang HM; Wang J (REPRINT); Brunak S; Dore J; Guarner F; Kristiansen K; Pedersen O; Parkhill J; Weissenbach J; Bork P; Ehrlich SD; Wang J Author Email Address: dusko.ehrlich@jouy.inra.fr; wangj@genomics.org.cn Corporate Author: MetaHIT Consortium Corporate Source: BGI Shenzhen,Shenzhen 518083//Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); BGI Shenzhen,Shenzhen 518083//Peoples R China/; European Mol Biol Lab,D-69117 Heidelberg//Germany/; Vrije Univ Brussel VIB,B-1050 Brussels//Belgium/; Hagedorn Res Inst,DK-2820 Copenhagen//Denmark/; Hosp Univ Val dHebron,Barcelona 08035//Spain/; INRA,F-78350 Jouy En Josas//France/; S China Univ Technol ,Sch Software Engn,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/; Shenzhen Univ,Sch Med, Genome Res Inst,Shenzhen 518000//Peoples R China/; Tech Univ Denmark,Ctr Biol Sequence Anal,DK-2800 Lyngby//Denmark/; CEA,F-91000 Evry//France/; Res Ctr Prevent & Hlth,DK-2600 Glostrup//Denmark/; Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst,Cambridge CB10 1SA//England/ ; Univ Copenhagen,Dept Biol,DK-2200 Copenhagen//Denmark/; Univ Aarhus,Fac Hlth Sci,DK-8000 Aarhus//Denmark/; Univ Copenhagen,Inst Biomed Sci,DK-8000 Aarhus//Denmark/ Journal: NATURE , 2010 , V 464 , N7285 ( MAR 4 ) , P 59-U70 Publisher: NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP , MACMILLAN BUILDING, 4 CRINAN ST, LONDON N1 9XW, ENGLAND ISSN: 0028-0836 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1038/nature08821 Funding: We are indebted to the faculty and staff of Beijing Genomics Institute at Shenzhen, whose names were not included in the author list, but who contributed to large-scale sequencing of this team work. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013): MetaHIT, grant agreement HEALTH-F4-2007-201052, the Ole Romer grant from the Danish Natural Science Research Council, the Solexa project (272-07-0196), the Shenzhen Municipal Government of China, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (30725008), the International Science and Technology Cooperation Project (0806), China (CXB200903110066A; ZYC200903240076A), the Danish Strategic Research Council grant no2106-07-0021 (Seqnet), and the Lundbeck Foundation Centre for Applied Medical Genomics in Personalised Disease Prediction, Prevention and Care. Ciberehd is funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain). We also thank X. Wang from the School of Biosciences and Bioengineering, South China University of Technology, for his coordination on the Innovative Program for Undergraduate Students in which J.L. and Y.X. joined. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: European Community -- HEALTH-F4-2007-201052 Danish Natural Science Research Council Solexa project -- 272-07-0196 Shenzhen Municipal Government of China National Natural Science Foundation of China -- 30725008 International Science and Technology Cooperation, China -- CXB200903110066A; ZYC200903240076A Danish Strategic Research Council -- 2106-07-0021 Lundbeck Foundation Centre for Applied Medical Genomics in Personalised Disease Prediction, Prevention and Care Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain) Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 54. 1/3/54 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05096661 Genuine Article#: 559QT No. References: 30 Title: Bio-Electro-Fenton Process Driven by Microbial Fuel Cell for Wastewater Treatment Author: Feng CH; Li FB (REPRINT); Mai HJ; Li XZ Author Email Address: cefbli@soil.gd.cn Corporate Source: Guangdong Inst Ecoenvironm & Soil Sci,Guangdong Key Lab Agr Environm Pollut Integrated,Guangzhou 510650/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Guangdong Inst Ecoenvironm & Soil Sci,Guangdong Key Lab Agr Environm Pollut Integrated,Guangzhou 510650/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Sch Chem & Chem Engn, Minist Educ, Key Lab Enhanced Heat Transfer & Energy Conservat,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; Hong Kong Polytech Univ,Dept Civil & Struct Engn,Hong Kong/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/ Journal: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 2010 , V 44 , N5 ( MAR 1 ) , P 1875-1880 Publisher: AMER CHEMICAL SOC , 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA ISSN: 0013-936X Digital Object Identifier: 10.1021/es9032925 Funding: The work was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of P. R. China (No. 40771105, 20577007 and 20803025) and the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, China (No. 8451064101000891). Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Natural Science Foundation of P. R. China -- 40771105; 20577007; 20803025 Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, China -- 8451064101000891 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 55. 1/3/55 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05095950 Genuine Article#: 559RJ No. References: 31 Title: Effects of dietary nickel on apoptosis of hemocytes of Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) larvae Author: Sun HX; Xia Q; Tang WC; Zhou Q; Zhang GR (REPRINT); Dang Z Author Email Address: zhanggr@mail.sysu.edu.cn Corporate Source: Sun Yat Sen Univ,State Key Lab Biol Control,Guangzhou 510275/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Sun Yat Sen Univ,State Key Lab Biol Control,Guangzhou 510275/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; Sun Yat Sen Univ,Inst Entomol,Guangzhou 510275/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Key Lab Pollut Control & Ecosyst Restorat Ind Clu, Minist Educ,Guangzhou 510006/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Sch Environm Sci & Engn,Guangzhou 510006/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; Zunyi Med Coll,Zhuhai 519041//Peoples R China/ Journal: CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN , 2010 , V 55 , N4-5 ( FEB ) , P 390-397 Publisher: SCIENCE PRESS , 16 DONGHUANGCHENGGEN NORTH ST, BEIJING 100717, PEOPLES R CHINA ISSN: 1001-6538 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/s11434-009-0726-x Funding: This work was supported by the National Key Basic Research and Development Program of China ( Grant No. 2006CB102001), National Natural Science Foundation of China ( Grant No. 30771458), Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China ( Grant No. 20070558029), Key Science and Technology Projects ofZhuhai City ( Grant No. PC20061049) and Doctoral Start-up Fund Research ofZunyi Medical College. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Key Basic Research and Development Program of China -- 2006CB102001 National Natural Science Foundation of China -- 30771458 Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China -- 20070558029 Key Science and Technology Projects of Zhuhai City -- PC20061049 Zunyi Medical College Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 56. 1/3/56 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05076811 Genuine Article#: 548SD No. References: 13 Title: A policy study examining the use of imported LNG for gas-fired power generation on the southeast coast of China Author: Li YJ (REPRINT); Bai FF Author Email Address: liyajun@scut.edu.cn Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Key Lab Heat Transfer Enhancement & Energy Conser, Minist Educ, Coll Chem & Chem Engn,Guangzhou/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Key Lab Heat Transfer Enhancement & Energy Conser, Minist Educ, Coll Chem & Chem Engn,Guangzhou/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: ENERGY POLICY , 2010 , V 38 , N2 ( FEB ) , P 896-901 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCI LTD , THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLAND ISSN: 0301-4215 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.enpol.2009.10.040 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 57. 1/3/57 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05075352 Genuine Article#: 547YL No. References: 30 Title: Evolutionary ultimatum game on complex networks under incomplete information Author: Bo XY (REPRINT); Yang JM Author Email Address: xianyubo@gmail.com Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510641 /Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510641 /Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS , 2010 , V 389 , N5 ( MAR 1 ) , P 1115-1123 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0378-4371 Funding: We are grateful to the anonymous referees for their constructive comments and suggestions which helped us to improve our manuscript greatly. This work is supported by NSFC (Grant Nos. 70673118 and 70773041). Funding Organization -- Grant Number: NSFC -- 70673118; 70773041 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 58. 1/3/58 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05075351 Genuine Article#: 547YL No. References: 23 Title: Other-regarding preference and the evolutionary prisoner's dilemma on complex networks Author: Bo XY (REPRINT) Author Email Address: xianyubo@gmail.com Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ Journal: PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS , 2010 , V 389 , N5 ( MAR 1 ) , P 1105-1114 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0378-4371 Funding: The author is supported by NSFC (Grant No. 70673118) Funding Organization -- Grant Number: NSFC -- 70673118 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 59. 1/3/59 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05073041 Genuine Article#: 545AV No. References: 32 Title: A possibilistic portfolio adjusting model with new added assets Author: Zhang WG (REPRINT); Xiao WL; Xu WJ Author Email Address: wgzhang@scut.edu.cn Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ Journal: ECONOMIC MODELLING , 2010 , V 27 , N1 ( JAN ) , P 208-213 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0264-9993 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.econmod.2009.08.008 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 60. 1/3/60 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05071354 Genuine Article#: 544XR No. References: 24 Title: A study of the spreading scheme for viral marketing based on a complex network model Author: Yang JM; Yao CZ; Ma WC; Chen GR (REPRINT) Author Email Address: eegchen@cityu.edu.hk Corporate Source: City Univ Hong Kong,Dept Elect Engn,Hong Kong/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); City Univ Hong Kong,Dept Elect Engn,Hong Kong/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS , 2010 , V 389 , N4 ( FEB 15 ) , P 859-870 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0378-4371 Funding: This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant 70773041). Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Natural Science Foundation of China -- 70773041 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved 61. 1/3/61 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05071352 Genuine Article#: 544XR No. References: 32 Title: Scaling and long range dependence in option pricing, IV: Pricing European options with transaction costs under the multifractional Black-Scholes model Author: Wang XT (REPRINT) Author Email Address: swa001@126.com Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Dept Math,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Dept Math,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS , 2010 , V 389 , N4 ( FEB 15 ) , P 789-796 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0378-4371 Funding: This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (10771075). Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Natural Science Foundation of China -- 10771075 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 62. 1/3/62 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05071105 Genuine Article#: 544NP No. References: 34 Title: A study of Greek letters of currency option under uncertainty environments Author: Xu WJ; Xu WD (REPRINT); Li HY; Zhang WG Author Email Address: xuwj@scut.edu.cn; xuweidong@sjtu.edu.cn; hongyi@baf.msmail.cuhk.edu.hk; wgzhang@scut.edu.cn Corporate Source: Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ,Financial Engn Res Ctr,Shanghai 200052//Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ,Financial Engn Res Ctr,Shanghai 200052//Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510641 /Guangdong/Peoples R China/; Chinese Univ Hong Kong,Fac Business Adm,Shatin/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/ Journal: MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING , 2010 , V 51 , N5-6 ( MAR ) , P 670-681 Publisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD , THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND ISSN: 0895-7177 Funding: The authors sincerely thank the anonymous referees for their helpful comments. Weijun Xu and Weiguo Zhang would like to acknowledge the financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China ( No. 70825005; No. 70801027), Humanities and Social Science Foundation of the Ministry of Education of China ( No. 07JC630059). Hongyi Li would like to acknowledge the financial support of a grant from the Center for Chinese Financial Development and Reform, University of Hong Kong. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Natural Science Foundation of China -- 70825005; 70801027 Humanities and Social Science Foundation of the Ministry of Education of China -07JC630059 Center for Chinese Financial Development and Reform, University of Hong Kong Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 63. 1/3/63 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05054639 Genuine Article#: 530KD No. References: 39 Title: A method for member selection of cross-functional teams using the individual and collaborative performances Author: Feng B; Jiang ZZ; Fan ZP (REPRINT); Fu N Author Email Address: neu fengbo@163.com; zpfan@mail.neu.edu.cn Corporate Source: Northeastern Univ,Sch Business Adm, Dept Management Sci & Engn,Shenyang 110004//Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Northeastern Univ,Sch Business Adm, Dept Management Sci & Engn,Shenyang 110004//Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm, Dept Decis Sci,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; Dublin City Univ,Sch Business,Dublin 9//Ireland/ Journal: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH , 2010 , V 203 , N3 ( JUN 16 ) , P 652-661 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0377-2217 Funding: This work was partly supported by the National Natural Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists of China (Project No. 70525002), National Natural Science Funds for Creative Research Groups of China (Project No. 70721001), National Natural Science Funds of China (Project Nos. 70901027 and 70801012) and China Postdoctoral Science Funds (Project No. 20080441087). Gratitude is also extended to Editor Roman Slowinski and the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Natural Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists of China -- 70525002 National Natural Science Funds for Creative Research Groups of China -- 70721001 National Natural Science Funds of China -- 70901027 ; 70801012 China Postdoctoral Science Funds -- 20080441087 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 64. 1/3/64 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05047894 Genuine Article#: 527NB No. References: 64 Title: A fuzzy linguistic method for evaluating collaboration satisfaction of NPD team using mutual-evaluation information Author: Fan ZP; Feng B (REPRINT); Suo WL Author Email Address: neu fengbo@163.com Corporate Source: Northeastern Univ,Sch Business Adm, Dept Management Sci & Engn,Shenyang 110004//Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Northeastern Univ,Sch Business Adm, Dept Management Sci & Engn,Shenyang 110004//Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm, Dept Decis Sci,Guangzhou 510640//Peoples R China/ Journal: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS , 2009 , V 122 , N2 ( DEC ) , P 547-557 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0925-5273 Funding: This work was partly supported by the National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholar of China (Project no. 70525002) and the National Science Foundation for Excellent Innovation Research Group of China (Project no. 70721001). Gratitude is also extended to the reviewers and the Editor for their valuable comments. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholar of China -- 70525002 National Science Foundation for Excellent Innovation Research Group of China -70721001 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 65. 1/3/65 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05045245 Genuine Article#: 526IX No. References: 26 Title: Scaling and long-range dependence in option pricing III: A fractional version of the Merton model with transaction costs Author: Wang XT (REPRINT); Yan HG; Tang MM; Zhu EH Author Email Address: swa001@126.com Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Dept Math,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Dept Math,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS , 2010 , V 389 , N3 ( FEB 1 ) , P 452-458 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0378-4371 Funding: This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (10771075). Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Natural Science Foundation of China -- 10771075 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 66. 1/3/66 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05045244 Genuine Article#: 526IX No. References: 24 Title: Scaling and long-range dependence in option pricing II: Pricing European option with transaction costs under the mixed Brownian-fractional Brownian model Author: Wang XT (REPRINT); Zhu EH; Tang MM; Yan HG Author Email Address: swa001@126.com Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Dept Math,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Dept Math,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS , 2010 , V 389 , N3 ( FEB 1 ) , P 445-451 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0378-4371 Funding: This work is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (1077 1075). Funding Organization -- Grant Number: Natural Science Foundation of China -- 1077 1075 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 67. 1/3/67 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05045243 Genuine Article#: 526IX No. References: 28 Title: Scaling and long-range dependence in option pricing I: Pricing European option with transaction costs under the fractional Black-Scholes model Author: Wang XT (REPRINT) Author Email Address: swa001@126.com Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Dept Math,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Dept Math,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS , 2010 , V 389 , N3 ( FEB 1 ) , P 438-444 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0378-4371 Funding: This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (10771075). Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Natural Science Foundation of China -- 10771075 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 68. 1/3/68 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05033025 Genuine Article#: 519JI No. References: 19 Title: Memory reconsolidation for natural language processing Author: Tu K; Cooper DG; Siegelmann HT (REPRINT) Author Email Address: hava@cs.umass.edu Corporate Source: Univ Massachusetts,BINDS Lab, Dept Comp Sci,140 Governors Dr/Amherst//MA/01003 (REPRINT); Univ Massachusetts,BINDS Lab, Dept Comp Sci,Amherst//MA/01003; S China Univ Technol ,Coll Comp Sci & Engn,Guangzhou 510640//Peoples R China/; Harvard Univ,Program Evolutionary Dynam,Cambridge//MA/02138 Journal: COGNITIVE NEURODYNAMICS , 2009 , V 3 , N4 ( DEC ) , P 365-372 Publisher: SPRINGER , VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 1871-4080 Funding: This work is supported by the ONR grant N000140910069 and partly by Chinese Scholarship Council. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: ONR -- N000140910069 Chinese Scholarship Council Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 69. 1/3/69 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05030228 Genuine Article#: 517GZ No. References: 57 Title: The effect of aligning organizational culture and business strategy with HR systems on firm performance in Chinese enterprises Author: Chow IHS (REPRINT); Liu SS Author Email Address: Irene@baf.msmail.cuhk.edu.hk Corporate Source: Chinese Univ Hong Kong,Dept Management,Hong Kong/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Chinese Univ Hong Kong,Dept Management,Hong Kong/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Dept Business Management, Sch Management,Guangzhou/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT , 2009 , V 20 , N11 , P 2292-2310 Publisher: ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD , 4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OX14 4RN, OXFORDSHIRE, ENGLAND ISSN: 0958-5192 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1080/09585190903239666 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 70. 1/3/70 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 05028966 Genuine Article#: 514YZ No. References: 47 Title: Fractional-moment Capital Asset Pricing model Author: Li H; Wu M; Wang XT (REPRINT) Author Email Address: swa001@126.com Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Dep Math,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Dep Math,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS , 2009 , V 42 , N1 ( OCT 15 ) , P 412-421 Publisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD , THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND ISSN: 0960-0779 Funding: Supported by Natural Science Foundation of China ( 10631040) and Nature Science Foundation of Guangdong Province ( 05006515). Funding Organization -- Grant Number: Natural Science Foundation of China -- 10631040 Nature Science Foundation of Guangdong Province -- 05006515 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 71. 1/3/71 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04992421 Genuine Article#: 489OE No. References: 27 Title: A multiple attributes decision making method using individual and collaborative attribute data in a fuzzy environment Author: Fan ZP; Feng B (REPRINT) Author Email Address: neu fengbo@163.com Corporate Source: Northeastern Univ,Sch Business Adm, Dept Management Sci & Engn,11 Wenhua Rd/Shenyang 110004//Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Northeastern Univ,Sch Business Adm, Dept Management Sci & Engn,Shenyang 110004//Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm, Dept Decis Sci,Guangzhou 510640//Peoples R China/ Journal: INFORMATION SCIENCES , 2009 , V 179 , N20 ( SEP 29 ) , P 3603-3618 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC , 360 PARK AVE SOUTH, NEW YORK, NY 10010-1710 USA ISSN: 0020-0255 Funding: This work was partly supported by the National Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists of China (Project No. 70525002) and the National Science Funds for Creative Research Groups of China (Project No. 70721001). Gratitude is also extended to the reviewers and the Editor Jaap Albertsma for their valuable comments. Funding Organization -- Grant Number: National Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists of China -- 70525002 National Science Funds for Creative Research Groups of China -- 70721001 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 72. 1/3/72 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04986198 Genuine Article#: 483SE No. References: 36 Title: Fractional-moment CAPM with loss aversion Author: Wu YH; Wang XT (REPRINT); Wu M Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Dep Math,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Dep Math,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS , 2009 , V 42 , N3 ( NOV 15 ) , P 1406-1414 Publisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD , THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND ISSN: 0960-0779 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 73. 1/3/73 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04982119 Genuine Article#: 478AK No. References: 35 Title: Property Rights Redistribution, Entitlement Failure and the Impoverishment of Landless Farmers in China Author: He SJ (REPRINT); Liu YT; Webster C; Wu FL Corporate Source: Sun Yat Sen Univ,Dept Urban & Reg Planning,Guangzhou 510275/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Sun Yat Sen Univ,Dept Urban & Reg Planning,Guangzhou 510275/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Sch Architecture,Guangzhou 510641 /Guangdong/Peoples R China/; Univ Cardiff,Sch City & Reg Planning,Cardiff CF10 3WA/S Glam/Wales/ Journal: URBAN STUDIES , 2009 , V 46 , N9 ( AUG ) , P 1925-1949 Publisher: SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD , 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON EC1Y 1SP, ENGLAND ISSN: 0042-0980 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 74. 1/3/74 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04975558 Genuine Article#: 474KQ No. References: 25 Title: Analyzing Two-Settlement Electricity Market Equilibrium by Coevolutionary Computation Approach Author: Zhang SX (REPRINT); Chung CY; Wong KP; Chen H Corporate Source: Hong Kong Polytech Univ,Dept Elect Engn, CIARLab,Hong Kong/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Hong Kong Polytech Univ,Dept Elect Engn, CIARLab,Hong Kong/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/; Univ Western Australia,Sch EECE,Perth/WA 6009/Australia/; S China Univ Technol ,Dept Elect & Elect Engn,Guangzhou/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS , 2009 , V 24 , N3 ( AUG ) , P 1155-1164 Publisher: IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC , 445 HOES LANE, PISCATAWAY, NJ 08855 USA ISSN: 0885-8950 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 75. 1/3/75 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04942546 Genuine Article#: 449UW No. References: 40 Title: A jump-diffusion model for option pricing under fuzzy environments Author: Xu WD; Wu CF; Xu WJ (REPRINT); Li HY Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,381 Wushan Rd/Guangzhou 510641 /Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510641 /Guangdong/Peoples R China/; Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ,Financial Engn Res Ctr,Shanghai 200052//Peoples R China/; Chinese Univ Hong Kong,Fac Business Adm,Shatin/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/ Journal: INSURANCE MATHEMATICS & ECONOMICS , 2009 , V 44 , N3 ( JUN ) , P 337-344 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0167-6687 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 76. 1/3/76 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04938196 Genuine Article#: 446RE No. References: 19 Title: Manufacturer-buyer coordination for newsvendor-type-products with two ordering opportunities and partial backorders Author: Zhou YW (REPRINT); Wang SD Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Ghangzhou 510641 /Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Ghangzhou 510641 /Guangdong/Peoples R China/; Hefei Univ Technol,Inst Logist & Supply Chain Management,Hefei 230009/Anhui/Peoples R China/; Hefei Elect Engn Inst,Dept Math,Hefei 230037/Anhui/Peoples R China/ Journal: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH , 2009 , V 198 , N3 ( NOV 1 ) , P 958-974 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0377-2217 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 77. 1/3/77 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04934928 Genuine Article#: 445WX No. References: 41 Title: Moral Schemas and Business Practices: The Ethics of Guangzhou Migrant Marketers Author: Leung ASM (REPRINT); Liu XY; Liu SS Corporate Source: Hong Kong Baptist Univ,Sch Business, Dept Management,Kowloon Tong/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Hong Kong Baptist Univ,Sch Business, Dept Management,Kowloon Tong/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Guangzhou/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS , 2009 , V 88 , ,1 ( APR ) , P 11-23 Publisher: SPRINGER , VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0167-4544 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 78. 1/3/78 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04909519 Genuine Article#: 427MG No. References: 17 Title: Group multi-attribute decision model to partner selection in the formation of virtual enterprise under incomplete information Author: Ye F (REPRINT); Li YN Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS , 2009 , V 36 , N5 ( JUL ) , P 9350-9357 Publisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD , THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND ISSN: 0957-4174 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 79. 1/3/79 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04909354 Genuine Article#: 425NV No. References: 21 Title: The analysis on energy and environmental impacts of microalgae-based fuel methanol in China Author: Liu J (REPRINT); Ma XQ Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Elect Power Coll,381 Wushan Rd/Guangzhou 510540/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Elect Power Coll,Guangzhou 510540/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: ENERGY POLICY , 2009 , V 37 , N4 ( APR ) , P 1479-1488 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCI LTD , THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLAND ISSN: 0301-4215 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 80. 1/3/80 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04908643 Genuine Article#: 429AR No. References: 34 Title: SUPPLY CHAIN COORDINATION WITH CVaR CRITERION Author: Yang L (REPRINT); Xu MH; Yu G; Zhang HQ Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Econ & Commerce,Guangzhou 510006/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Econ & Commerce,Guangzhou 510006/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; Tsinghua Univ,Sch Econ & Management,Beijing 100084//Peoples R China/; Wuhan Univ,Sch Econ & Management,Wuhan 430072/Hubei/Peoples R China/; Univ Texas Austin,Dept Management Sci & Informat Syst,Austin//TX/78712; Chinese Acad Sci,Acad Math & Syst Sci,Beijing 100080//Peoples R China/ Journal: ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH , 2009 , V 26 , N1 ( FEB ) , P 135-160 Publisher: WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD , 5 TOH TUCK LINK, SINGAPORE 596224, SINGAPORE ISSN: 0217-5959 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) 81. 1/3/81 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04893241 Genuine Article#: 414TJ No. References: 38 Title: On weighted lower and upper possibilistic means and variances of fuzzy numbers and its application in decision Author: Zhang WG (REPRINT); Xiao WL Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510641 /Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510641 /Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS , 2009 , V 18 , N3 ( MAR ) , P 311-330 Publisher: SPRINGER LONDON LTD , ASHBOURNE HOUSE, THE GUILDWAY, OLD PORTSMOUTH ROAD, ARTINGTON GU3 1LP, GUILDFORD, ENGLAND ISSN: 0219-1377 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 82. 1/3/82 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04892479 Genuine Article#: 415FN No. References: 40 Title: An Aggregation Approach to Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction Author: Tan MC (REPRINT); Wong SC; Xu JM; Guan ZR; Zhang P Corporate Source: Jinan Univ,Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Dept Math,Guangzhou 510632/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Jinan Univ,Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Dept Math,Guangzhou 510632/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; Univ Hong Kong,Dept Civil Engn,Hong Kong/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Coll Traff & Commun,Ghangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/; Shanghai Univ,Shanghai Inst Appl Math & Mech,Shanghai 200072//Peoples R China/ Journal: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS , 2009 , V 10 , N1 ( MAR ) , P 60-69 Publisher: IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC , 445 HOES LANE, PISCATAWAY, NJ 08855 USA ISSN: 1524-9050 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 83. 1/3/83 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04864327 Genuine Article#: 400TV No. References: 37 Title: Two-echelon supply chain coordination through the unified number of annual orders Author: Zhou YW (REPRINT) Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Ghangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Ghangzhou 510640/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS , 2009 , V 117 , N1 ( JAN ) , P 162-173 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0925-5273 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 84. 1/3/84 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04854195 Genuine Article#: 395LV No. References: 68 Title: Integrated Model for the Stressors and Stresses of Construction Project Managers in Hong Kong Author: Leung MY (REPRINT); Chan YS; Yu JY Corporate Source: City Univ Hong Kong,Dept Bldg & Construct,Tat Chee Ave/Kowloon Tong/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); City Univ Hong Kong,Dept Bldg & Construct,Kowloon Tong/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Dept Econ,Guangzhou/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE , 2009 , V 135 , N2 ( FEB ) , P 126-134 Publisher: ASCE-AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS , 1801 ALEXANDER BELL DR, RESTON, VA 20191-4400 USA ISSN: 0733-9364 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 85. 1/3/85 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04844234 Genuine Article#: 390QF No. References: 36 Title: Equity warrants pricing model under Fractional Brownian motion and an empirical study Author: Zhang WG (REPRINT); Xiao WL; He CX Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510641 /Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Guangzhou 510641 /Guangdong/Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Dept Appl Math,Guangzhou 510641 /Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS , 2009 , V 36 , N2,2 ( MAR ) , P 3056-3065 Publisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD , THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND ISSN: 0957-4174 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 86. 1/3/86 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04824678 Genuine Article#: 377BH No. References: 76 Title: THE MAKING OF THE NEW URBAN POOR IN TRANSITIONAL CHINA: MARKET VERSUS INSTITUTIONALLY BASED EXCLUSION Author: Liu YT (REPRINT); Wu FL; He SJ Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,State Key Lab Subtrop Bldg Sci, Sch Architecture,Ghangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,State Key Lab Subtrop Bldg Sci, Sch Architecture,Ghangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/; Cardiff Univ,Sch City & Reg Planning,Cardiff/S Glam/Wales/; Sun Yat Sen Univ,Dept Urban & Reg Planning,Guangzhou//Peoples R China/ Journal: URBAN GEOGRAPHY , 2008 , V 29 , N8 ( NOV-DEC ) , P 811-834 Publisher: BELLWETHER PUBL LTD , 8640 GUILFORD RD, STE 200, COLUMBIA, MD 21046 USA ISSN: 0272-3638 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 87. 1/3/87 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04821916 Genuine Article#: 377AA No. References: 48 Title: STRATEGIC HRM IN CHINA: CONFIGURATIONS AND COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Author: Chow IH (REPRINT); Huang JC; Liu S Corporate Source: Chinese Univ Hong Kong,Dept Management,Room 316,KK Leung Bldg/Shatin/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Chinese Univ Hong Kong,Dept Management,Shatin/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/; Soochow Univ,Dept Business Adm,Taipei//Taiwan/; S China Univ Technol ,Coll Business Adm,Guangzhou/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT , 2008 , V 47 , N4 ( WIN ) , P 687-706 Publisher: JOHN WILEY & SONS INC , 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA ISSN: 0090-4848 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 88. 1/3/88 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04818386 Genuine Article#: 372XX No. References: 55 Title: Demystifying Moderate Variables of the Interrelationships among Affective Commitment, Job Performance, and Job Satisfaction of Construction Professionals Author: Leung MY (REPRINT); Chen DY; Yu JY Corporate Source: City Univ Hong Kong,Dept Bldg & Construct,Tat Chee Ave/Kowloon Tong/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); City Univ Hong Kong,Dept Bldg & Construct,Kowloon Tong/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/; SW Univ Finance & Econ,Sch Econ Informat Engn,Chengdu//Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Univ Mega Ctr, Sch Econ & Commerce,Guangzhou/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE , 2008 , V 134 , N12 ( DEC ) , P 963-971 Publisher: ASCE-AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS , 1801 ALEXANDER BELL DR, RESTON, VA 20191-4400 USA ISSN: 0733-9364 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 89. 1/3/89 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04805390 Genuine Article#: 361QS No. References: 28 Title: The Regulation of Digital Rights Management in China Author: Xie HJ (REPRINT) Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Intellectual Property,Guangzhou/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Intellectual Property,Guangzhou/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: IIC-INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND COMPETITION LAW , 2008 , V 39 , N6 , P 662-679 Publisher: VERLAG C H BECK , WILHELMSTRASSE 9, D-80801 MUNCHEN, GERMANY ISSN: 0018-9855 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 90. 1/3/90 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04788913 Genuine Article#: 350XH No. References: 36 Title: The role of post-training self-efficacy in customers' use of self service technologies Author: Zhao XY; Mattila AS (REPRINT); Tao LSE Corporate Source: Penn State Univ,Sch Hospitality Management,University Pk//PA/16802 (REPRINT); Penn State Univ,Sch Hospitality Management,University Pk//PA/16802; S China Univ Technol ,Sch Tourism & Hotel Management,Guangzhou/Guangdong/Peoples R China/; Iowa State Univ,Dept Apparel Educ Studies & Hospitality Managemen,Ames//IN/ Journal: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SERVICE INDUSTRY MANAGEMENT , 2008 , V 19 , N3-4 , P 492-505 Publisher: EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED , HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND ISSN: 0956-4233 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) 91. 1/3/91 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04749317 Genuine Article#: 325CN No. References: 35 Title: Poverty incidence and concentration in different social groups in urban China, a case study of Nanjing Author: He SJ (REPRINT); Liu YT; Wu FL; Webster C Corporate Source: Cardiff Univ,Sch City & Reg Planning,Cardiff CF10 3WA//Wales/ (REPRINT) ; Cardiff Univ,Sch City & Reg Planning,Cardiff CF10 3WA//Wales/; S China Univ Technol ,Sch Architecture, State Key Lab Subtrop Bldg Sci,Ghangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ Journal: CITIES , 2008 , V 25 , N3 ( JUN ) , P 121-132 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCI LTD , THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLAND ISSN: 0264-2751 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 92. 1/3/92 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04713084 Genuine Article#: 296YX No. References: 23 Title: Quantity discount and handling-charge reduction schemes for a manufacturer supplying numerous heterogeneous retailers Author: Lau AHL; Lau HS (REPRINT); Zhou YW Corporate Source: City Univ Hong Kong,Dept Management Sci,Kowloon//Peoples R China/ (REPRINT) ; City Univ Hong Kong,Dept Management Sci,Kowloon//Peoples R China/; Univ Hong Kong,Sch Business,Hong Kong//Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business,Guangdong 510640//Peoples R China/ Journal: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS , 2008 , V 113 , N1 ( MAY ) , P 425-445 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0925-5273 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 93. 1/3/93 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04692015 Genuine Article#: 281GJ No. References: 16 Title: The effects of behavioral and structural assumptions in artificial stock market Author: Liu XH (REPRINT); Gregor S; Yang JM Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Ghangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Ghangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/; Shandong Econ Univ,Sch Informat Management,Jinan 250014//Peoples R China/; Australian Natl Univ,Coll Business & Econ,Canberra/ACT 0200/Australia/ Journal: PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS , 2008 , V 387 , N11 ( APR 15 ) , P 2535-2546 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0378-4371 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 94. 1/3/94 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04685090 Genuine Article#: 274YQ No. References: 18 Title: Strategic human resource management, institutionalization, and employment modes: An empirical study in China Author: Li J (REPRINT); Lam K; Sun JJM; Liu SXY Corporate Source: Hong Kong Baptist Univ,Sch Business, Dept Management,Kowloon/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Hong Kong Baptist Univ,Sch Business, Dept Management,Kowloon/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/; Chinese Univ Hong Kong,Sch Sccountancy,Hong Kong/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/; Renmin Univ China,Sch Labor & Human Resources,Beijing//Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Guangdong//Peoples R China/ Journal: STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL , 2008 , V 29 , N3 ( MAR ) , P 337-342 Publisher: JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD , THE ATRIUM, SOUTHERN GATE, CHICHESTER PO19 8SQ, W SUSSEX, ENGLAND ISSN: 0143-2095 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 95. 1/3/95 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04660527 Genuine Article#: 253VX No. References: 97 Title: Tourism development of World Heritage Sites in China: A geographic perspective Author: Li M (REPRINT); Wu B; Cai L Corporate Source: Purdue Univ,Purdue Tourism & Hospital Res Ctr,W Lafayette//IN/47907 (REPRINT); Purdue Univ,Purdue Tourism & Hospital Res Ctr,W Lafayette//IN/47907; Peking Univ,E China Normal Univ, Ctr Recreat & Tourism Res,Beijing//Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Guangzhou/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: TOURISM MANAGEMENT , 2008 , V 29 , N2 ( APR ) , P 308-319 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCI LTD , THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLAND ISSN: 0261-5177 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 96. 1/3/96 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04652590 Genuine Article#: 252GD No. References: 53 Title: Urban pauperization under China's social exclusion: A case study of Nanjing Author: Liu YT (REPRINT); He SJ; Wu FL Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,State Key Lab Subtrop Bldg Sci,Ghangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,State Key Lab Subtrop Bldg Sci,Ghangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/; Cardiff Univ,Cardiff/S Glam/Wales/ Journal: JOURNAL OF URBAN AFFAIRS , 2008 , V 30 , N1 , P 21-36 Publisher: BLACKWELL PUBLISHING , 9600 GARSINGTON RD, OXFORD OX4 2ZG, OXON, ENGLAND ISSN: 0735-2166 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 97. 1/3/97 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04617529 Genuine Article#: 226AJ No. References: 11 Title: Strategic behavior and equilibrium in experimental oligopolistic electricity markets Author: Chen HY (REPRINT); Wang XF Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Elect Engn,Ghangzhou 510640//Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Elect Engn,Ghangzhou 510640//Peoples R China/; Xian Jiaotong Univ,Sch Elect Engn,Xian 710049//Peoples R China/ Journal: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS , 2007 , V 22 , N4 ( NOV ) , P 1707-1716 Publisher: IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC , 445 HOES LANE, PISCATAWAY, NJ 08855 USA ISSN: 0885-8950 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 98. 1/3/98 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04575125 Genuine Article#: 190RQ No. References: 59 Title: A model of senior tourism motivations - Anecdotes from Beijing and Shanghai Author: Hsu CHC (REPRINT); Cai LAP; Wong KKF Corporate Source: Hong Kong Polytech Univ,Sch Hotel & Tourism Management,Kowloon/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Hong Kong Polytech Univ,Sch Hotel & Tourism Management,Kowloon/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/; Purdue Univ,Purdue Tourism & Hosp Res Ctr,W Lafayette//IN/47907; S China Univ Technol ,Guangzhou/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: TOURISM MANAGEMENT , 2007 , V 28 , N5 ( OCT ) , P 1262-1273 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCI LTD , THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLAND ISSN: 0261-5177 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 99. 1/3/99 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04575122 Genuine Article#: 190RQ No. References: 73 Title: An investigation of the moderating effects of organizational commitment on the relationships between work-family conflict and job satisfaction among hospitality employees in India Author: Namasivayma K (REPRINT); Zhao XY Corporate Source: Penn State Univ,Sch Hosp Management,201 Mateer Bldg/University Pk//PA/16802 (REPRINT); Penn State Univ,Sch Hosp Management,University Pk//PA/16802; S China Univ Technol ,Sch Hosp & Tourism Management,Ghangzhou 510640//Peoples R China/ Journal: TOURISM MANAGEMENT , 2007 , V 28 , N5 ( OCT ) , P 1212-1223 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCI LTD , THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLAND ISSN: 0261-5177 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 100. 1/3/100 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04549426 Genuine Article#: 171NC No. References: 41 Title: Possibilistic mean-variance models and efficient frontiers for portfolio selection problem Author: Zhang WG (REPRINT); Wang YL; Chen ZP; Nie ZK Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Ghangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Adm,Ghangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/; Xian Jiaotong Univ,Sch Management,Xian 710049/Shaanxi/Peoples R China/; Xian Jiaotong Univ,Fac Sci,Xian 710049/Shaanxi/Peoples R China/ Journal: INFORMATION SCIENCES , 2007 , V 177 , N13 ( JUL 1 ) , P 2787-2801 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC , 360 PARK AVE SOUTH, NEW YORK, NY 10010-1710 USA ISSN: 0020-0255 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) 101. 1/3/101 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04512614 Genuine Article#: 145ET No. References: 7 Title: Global scope assessment: A novel method and its application to the Chinese paper industry Author: Wang XW (REPRINT); Hua B Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,State Minist Educ, Key Lab Enhanced Heat Transfer & Energy Conversat,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,State Minist Educ, Key Lab Enhanced Heat Transfer & Energy Conversat,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Dept Appl Phys,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ Journal: ENERGY POLICY , 2007 , V 35 , N3 ( MAR ) , P 1610-1615 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCI LTD , THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLAND ISSN: 0301-4215 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 102. 1/3/102 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04507961 Genuine Article#: 142RR No. References: 17 Title: The influence of heated or cooled seats on the acceptable ambient temperature range Author: Zhang YF (REPRINT); Wyon DP; Fang L; Melikov AK Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Dept Architecture,Guangzhou 510640//Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Dept Architecture,Guangzhou 510640//Peoples R China/; Tech Univ Denmark,Dept Mech Engn,DK-2800 Lyngby//Denmark/ Journal: ERGONOMICS , 2007 , V 50 , N4 ( APR ) , P 586-600 Publisher: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD , 4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OX14 4RN, OXON, ENGLAND ISSN: 0014-0139 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 103. 1/3/103 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04484927 Genuine Article#: 132DB No. References: 9 Title: A comparison of forecasting models of the volatility in Shenzhen stock market Author: Pang SL (REPRINT); Deng FQ; Wang YM Corporate Source: Jinan Univ,Dept Math,Guangzhou 510632//Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Jinan Univ,Dept Math,Guangzhou 510632//Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Sch Automat Sci & Engn,Ghangzhou 510640//Peoples R China/; Zhongshan Univ,Sch Math,Ghangzhou 510275//Peoples R China/; Zhongshan Univ,Lingnan Coll,Ghangzhou 510275//Peoples R China/ Journal: ACTA MATHEMATICA SCIENTIA , 2007 , V 27 , N1 ( JAN ) , P 125-136 Publisher: SPRINGER , VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0252-9602 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 104. 1/3/104 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04347283 Genuine Article#: 030OI No. References: 19 Title: Unidirectional floating of information: A case study of polylogue in a commercial colloquium Author: Lu JT (REPRINT) Author Email Address: antonylu@sohu.com Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Shi Pai Rd/Guangzhou/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Guangzhou/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: JOURNAL OF PRAGMATICS , 2006 , V 38 , N4 ( APR ) , P 475-489 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV , PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0378-2166 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 105. 1/3/105 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04344450 Genuine Article#: 027ST No. References: 82 Title: An institutional analysis of the new product development process of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan Author: Siu WS (REPRINT); Lin TL; Fang WC; Liu ZC Author Email Address: wssiu@hkbu.edu.hk; tingling@mail.ntpu.edu.tw; fang@mail.ntpu.edu.tw; bmzcliu@scut.edu.cn Corporate Source: Hong Kong Baptist Univ,Dept Marketing,Kowloon/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Hong Kong Baptist Univ,Dept Marketing,Kowloon/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/; Natl Taiwan Univ,Dept Business Adm,Taipei 10764//Taiwan/; S China Univ Technol ,Dept Business Tehcnol,Ghangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ Journal: INDUSTRIAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT , 2006 , V 35 , N3 ( APR ) , P 323-335 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC , 360 PARK AVE SOUTH, NEW YORK, NY 10010-1710 USA ISSN: 0019-8501 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. 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All rts. reserv. 04324241 Genuine Article#: 014KI No. References: 37 Title: Transmission investment and expansion planning in a restructured electricity market Author: Wu FF; Zheng FL; Wen FS (REPRINT) Author Email Address: fswen@eee.hku.hk Corporate Source: Univ Hong Kong,Ctr Elect Energy Syst,Pokfulam Rd/Hong Kong/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Univ Hong Kong,Ctr Elect Energy Syst,Hong Kong/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/; Tsing Hua Univ,Grad Sch Shenzhen, Tsinghua HKU Power Syst Res Inst,Shenzhen 518055//Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Coll Elect Engn,Ghangzhou 510640//Peoples R China/ Journal: ENERGY , 2006 , V 31 , N6-7 ( MAY-JUN ) , P 954-966 Publisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD , THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND ISSN: 0360-5442 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 107. 1/3/107 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04285585 Genuine Article#: 984BD No. References: 68 Title: Marketing in Chinese small and medium enterprises (SMEs): The state of the art in a Chinese socialist economy Author: Siu WS (REPRINT); Liu ZC Author Email Address: wssiu@hkbu.edu.hk; bmzcliu@scut.edu.cn Corporate Source: Hong Kong Baptist Univ,Dept Mkt,Hong Kong/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); Hong Kong Baptist Univ,Dept Mkt,Hong Kong/Hong Kong/Peoples R China/; S China Univ Technol ,Fac Business Adm,Guangzhou/Guangdong/Peoples R China/ Journal: SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS , 2005 , V 25 , N4 ( NOV ) , P 333-346 Publisher: SPRINGER , VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS ISSN: 0921-898X Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 108. 1/3/108 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04189487 Genuine Article#: 884WS No. References: 0 Title: Personalized telecommunication design: Investigation of metaphor Author: Xu X; Wan JP Corporate Source: S China Univ Tech ,Dept Appl Phys,Guangzhou//Peoples R China/; S China Univ Tech ,Coll Management Sci & Eng,Guangzhou//Peoples R China/ Journal: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY , 2004 , V 39 , N5-6,S ( OCT-DEC ) , P 496-496 Publisher: PSYCHOLOGY PRESS , 27 CHURCH RD, HOVE BN3 2FA, EAST SUSSEX, ENGLAND ISSN: 0020-7594 Language: English Document Type: Meeting Abstract Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 109. 1/3/109 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04189357 Genuine Article#: 884WS No. References: 0 Title: Research on mindbugs of software process Author: Wan JP; Huang WM Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Sch Business Management,Guangzhou//Peoples R China/; Four Middle Sch Chonghua,Guangzhou//Peoples R China/ Journal: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY , 2004 , V 39 , N5-6,S ( OCT-DEC ) , P 483-483 Publisher: PSYCHOLOGY PRESS , 27 CHURCH RD, HOVE BN3 2FA, EAST SUSSEX, ENGLAND ISSN: 0020-7594 Language: English Document Type: Meeting Abstract Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 110. 1/3/110 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 04004129 Genuine Article#: 763CT No. References: 30 Title: Consumer patronage of ethnic portals Author: Dou WY (REPRINT); Yoo B; Ma LY Corporate Source: Univ Nevada,Las Vegas//NV/89154 (REPRINT); Univ Nevada,Las Vegas//NV/89154; Hofstra Univ,Hempstead//NY/; S China Univ Technol ,Guang Zhou//Peoples R China/ Journal: INTERNATIONAL MARKETING REVIEW , 2003 , V 20 , N6 , P 661-677 Publisher: EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED , 60/62 TOLLER LANE, BRADFORD BD8 9BY, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND ISSN: 0265-1335 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) 111. 1/3/111 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 03773340 Genuine Article#: 559XE No. References: 14 Title: Universal behaviors of generalized EZ model for crowding and information transmission in financial markets Author: Deng WJ (REPRINT) Corporate Source: S China Univ Technol ,Dept Phys,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ (REPRINT); S China Univ Technol ,Dept Phys,Guangzhou 510641 //Peoples R China/ Journal: ACTA PHYSICA SINICA , 2002 , V 51 , N6 ( JUN ) , P 1171-1174 Publisher: CHINESE PHYSICAL SOC , P O BOX 603, BEIJING 100080, PEOPLES R CHINA ISSN: 1000-3290 Language: Chinese Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 112. 1/3/112 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 03323681 Genuine Article#: 193CZ No. References: 13 Title: Basic equations, theory and principle of computational stock market (I) - Basic equations Author: Yun TQ (REPRINT) Corporate Source: S CHINA UNIV TECHNOL ,DEPT MECH/GUANGZHOU 510641 //PEOPLES R CHINA/ (REPRINT) Journal: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS-ENGLISH EDITION , 1999 , V 20 , N2 ( FEB ) , P 154-162 Publisher: SHANGHAI UNIV , 149 YANCHANG RD, SHANGHAI 200072, PEOPLES R CHINA ISSN: 0253-4827 Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 113. 1/3/113 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 03318773 Genuine Article#: 188HH No. References: 21 Title: Modeling level of urban taxi services using neural network Author: Xu JM (REPRINT); Wong SC; Yang H; Tong CO Corporate Source: S CHINA UNIV TECHNOL ,SCH TRAFF & COMMUN/GUANGZHOU 510641 //PEOPLES R CHINA/ (REPRINT) Journal: JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING-ASCE , 1999 , V 125 , N3 ( MAY-JUN ) , P 216-223 Publisher: ASCE-AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS , 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017-2398 ISSN: 0733-947X Language: English Document Type: Article ( ABSTRACT AVAILABLE ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 114. 1/3/114 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 02508252 Genuine Article#: LK911 No. References: 14 Title: INTERCALATION OF COBALT PHTHALOCYANINE INTO THE LAYERED HOST MATERIAL ANTIMONY HYDROGEN PHOSPHATE HSB(PO4)2 - IN-SITU SYNTHESIS OF GUEST MOLECULES Author: HUDSON MJ; LOCKE WJ; MITCHELL PCH; HU XM Corporate Source: UNIV READING,DEPT CHEM,BOX 224/READING RG6 2AD/BERKS/ENGLAND/; S CHINA UNIV TECHNOL ,DEPT CHEM/CANTON 510641 //PEOPLES R CHINA/ Journal: SOLID STATE IONICS , 1993 , V 61 , N1-3 ( MAY ) , P 131-137 ISSN: 0167-2738 Language: ENGLISH Document Type: ARTICLE ( Abstract Available ) Social SciSearch(R) (Dialog® File 7): (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 115. 1/3/115 DIALOG(R)File 7:Social SciSearch(R) (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rts. reserv. 02071166 Genuine Article#: CG789 No. References: 24 Title: THE PROTECTION OF CHINA ANCIENT-CITIES FROM FLOOD DAMAGE Author: WU QZ Corporate Source: S CHINA UNIV SCI & ENGN,DEPT ARCHITECTURE/GUANGZHOU 510641 //PEOPLES R CHINA/ Journal: DISASTERS , 1989 , V 13 , N3 , P 193-227 Language: ENGLISH Document Type: ARTICLE Estimated Costs for Command Search session: 07dec10 20:45:45 User311087 Session C2842.3 $0.00 0.099 Hrs FileHold $0.00 Estimated cost FileHold $5.19 0.018 Hrs File7 $937.25 115 Type(s) in Format 3 $0.00 10 Type(s) in Format 6 $0.00 10 Type(s) in Format 8 $937.25 135 Types $942.44 Estimated cost File7 $1.87 INTERNET $944.31 Estimated cost this search $944.37 Estimated total session cost 0.117 Hrs.