Friday December 3 RESEARCH AND YOUNG PEOPLE BEING AND BEAUTY – AN ADOLESCENT PERSPECTIVE Leo B. Hendry1 This paper considers young peoples’ identity development in the light of rapid social and technological change, and proposes that the development of a clear-cut identity during the transitions towards adulthood is difficult in modern society because values, role models and accepted behaviours are varied and even at times contradictory. In this state of societal flux one constant in adult society appears to be the ‘worship’ of beauty and its associated characteristics. How does this cultural emphasis impinge on young people as they grow up? The paper attempts to answer this question in relation to adolescents’ views on self-identity and attractiveness, and concludes by discussing aspects of young peoples’ roles in adult society. Department of Psychology, University of Glamorgan, Wales Emeritus Professor, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, U.K. 1