Cancer Diagnostics Data Project Diagnostic Imaging Dataset – Data Specification Since the previous version seen by the Project Board (1.7), the following changes have been made: Data item Patient Type NHS number status indicator Imaging code (NICIP) and/or Imaging code (SNOMED-CT) NHS Number, DoB, Ethnicity, Gender, Postcode, GP Practice Exam Multiplier Interventional Test Change Now a mandatory item Added Combined It is now mandatory to include one of these data items Removed Removed Name NHS DD Reference M/R/O Comments NHS number NHS number status Date of birth Ethnicity Patient gender Patient home postcode Patient registered GP practice Patient Type NHS NUMBER NHS NUMBER STATUS INDICATOR CODE PERSON BIRTH DATE ETHNIC CATEGORY PERSON GENDER CODE CURRENT POSTCODE OF USUAL ADDRESS M* R M* M* M* M* Patient-identifiable data GENERAL MEDICAL PRACTICE CODE (PATIENT REGISTRATION) M* Patient-identifiable data New DD data item: “PATIENT SOURCE SETTING TYPE (DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING)” M Referrer REFERRER CODE R Setting that the patient has come from: IP (overnight) / IP (day case) / OP / GP (direct access) / A&E / Other Healthcare Provider / Other Referring practitioner code Referring organisation Date of test request REFERRING ORGANISATION CODE R Referring organisation code New DD data item: “DIAGNOSTIC TEST REQUEST DATE” R Date test request received Imaging code (NICIP) or Imaging code (SNOMED-CT) New DD data item: “DIAGNOSTIC TEST REQUEST RECEIVED DATE” R New DD data item: “IMAGING CODE (NICIP)” or New DD data item: “IMAGING CODE (SNOMED-CT)” M Date of test Date test report issued Provider site code New DD data item: “DIAGNOSTIC TEST DATE” SERVICE REPORT ISSUE DATE M R SITE CODE (OF IMAGING) M Date the referrer made the referral request for a diagnostic imaging test Date the diagnostic imaging test provider received the referral request National Interim Clinical Imaging Procedure (NICIP) code – see: /supporting_information/clinical_coding/national_int erim_clinical_imaging_procedure_code_set.asp?s hownav=1 Date the diagnostic imaging test took place Date the diagnostic imaging test provider issued the test report 5-digit site-level code RIS accession number New DD data item: “RADIOLOGICAL ACCESSION NUMBER” M Unique record number for the imaging exam Patient-identifiable data Patient-identifiable data Patient-identifiable data Patient-identifiable data