VALLEY SWIM ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MESSAGE Welcome to the 2014 Valley Swim Association League Championship Meet. The league meet will host over 1,700 swimmers competing in 82 events over two days. The two-day meet format is designed to create a competitive, fun, and spirited atmosphere for the swimmers, while enhancing the experience for parents who have work assignments spread out over two days. It also allows all swimmers to swim in three individual events plus relays. The VSA board serves as the governing body for the Valley Swim Association. As such, the board convenes meetings throughout the year to address issues involving league rules, swimmer eligibility, dual meet scheduling, logistics and format, and related budgeting issues. However, the most important and most time consuming aspect of the board’s duties is to plan and put on the League Championship Meet. This job alone requires countless hours of time by each board member who must coordinate their respective part of the meet. Please take a moment to thank the VSA board members below for their contribution this year to make all the league meets, and particularly the League Championship Meet, a success. TEAM Blackhawk Crow Canyon Danville Del Amigo Diablo Round Hill Sycamore VSA CONTACT Tony Fisher Mike Biondi Deborah Dailey Sean McCreary Don Wight Jenna Deboisblanc Shonda Layous MEET JOB Facilities Clerk of the Course Awards / Programs On Deck Hospitality, Vendors Computers S&T / Starters / Timers Meet Director / Announcers E-MAIL Each Valley Swim Association team owes its own success to the contributions of many more parents, who serve on team boards and volunteer in day-to-day and meet activities, as well as energetic capable and conscientious coaches. Thank you to all parents and coaches for making this season and the League Championship Meet a success. VALLEY SWIM ASSOCIATION 2014 LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP MEET Clark Memorial Swim Center at Heather Farms 1750 Heather Drive, Walnut Creek 94598 MEET LETTER CONTENTS Meet Schedule and Format Designated Team Areas and Pool Rules Parking Warm-up Times and Lane Assignments Timer/Recorder Lane Assignments Clerk of the Course Swimmer Check-In Procedures Swimmer Code of Conduct Scoring and Awards List of Food & Non-Food Vendors Facility Layout and Team Locations MEET SCHEDULE AND FORMAT The VSA League Championship Meet will be held at Heather Farms in Walnut Creek on Saturday and Sunday, August 2-3, 2014, starting at 8:30 am on Saturday and 9:00 am on Sunday. The meet will have a Trials / Finals format this year. The top 16 swimmers in each event will qualify for consolation finals (#9-16) and finals (#1-8). Trials events will have dual courses running on opposite sides of the pool. 6 & under girls and boys, 7/8 girls and boys, and 9/10 boys will swim at the east end of the pool both days. 9/10 girls, 11/12 girls and boys, 13/14 girls and boys and 15/18 girls and boys will swim at the west end of the pool both days. Finals events will run on a single course. Order of events is as follows: Saturday 7:15 am 8:15 am 8:30 am Warm-ups National Anthem First Races Begin Sunday 7:45 am 8:45 am 9:00 am Warm-ups National Anthem First Races Begin Schedule of Events Individual Medley (Timed Final) Freestyle Breaststroke Medley Relay (Timed Final) Schedule of Events Backstroke Butterfly Free Relay (Timed Final) Finals Finals Parent Relays - Mens & Womens (100 yards) Coaches Relay (200 yards) Awards Meet Format: VSA swimmers may swim three individual events including IM’s. Teams can enter A, B, C, and D medley and free relays in each event. Scoring Format: 4 swimmers per team maximum score points in each event. Only 1 relay team per swim team will score points in each event. Flyover starts will be used on all races (except backstroke). For trials events, the Clerk of the Course will be run for check in and lane placement for all swimmers 8 years and younger. 9/10's and up will check in at the Clerk of the Lane. For finals events, all age groups will check-in to the Clerk of the Course. A twitter feed under VSA 2014 will provide updates during the meet. More information to follow. Parents (Men and Women) 4 x 25 freestyle relays and Coaches 4 x 50 freestyle relays will be held prior to awards ceremony on Sunday. During the meet, the diving well will be available on the west side of the pool area. 9 and unders must be accompanied by an adult. DESIGNATED TEAM AREAS AND POOL RULES Each team will be assigned a team area inside the Heather Farms facility. Please set up in your team areas only. The VSA has strict maximum number guidelines that must be adhered to. Everyone is asked to police their own areas for trash. Garbage cans will be provided throughout the pool and school complex. All trash including recycling can be dispensed of in the same trash containers. Recyclables will be separated out later. There will be no seating or camping (remaining in the same spot for long periods of time) on the pool deck or around the pool. This area is only for getting into position for and watching an upcoming race. Please respect all roped/taped-off areas as those are for meet workers and volunteers. NO Alcohol will be permitted at the Heather Farms facility. Violation of this Rule will result in the Teams Disqualification from the Meet. Swimmers are not permitted to have gum in the pool, as it clogs the filtration system. No animals are permitted inside the pool complex for a variety of reasons. Please be cautious in and around the locker rooms, as they will see a lot of traffic and floors can become slippery. Report any locker room service issues to the pool staff. The bathrooms inside the pool area will be available for our use. In addition, there will be clean Port-aPotties stationed around the pool area. Teams may not set up before 8:00pm on Friday, August 1. Tents may be left overnight at your own risk. There will be a special banner this year for swimmers to sign when they pop their times. This is a great photo opportunity. The banner will be located on the wall between the locker rooms behind the blocks. PARKING WARM-UP TIMES AND LANE ASSIGNMENTS The pool will be available for warm ups between 7:15 and 8:15 AM on Saturday and between 7:45 and 8:45 AM on Sunday. Warm-up lane assignments are based on the number of swimmers on the original roster. During the meet, the diving well will be available on the west side of the pool area. Swimmers who are 9 years old and younger must be accompanied by an adult. Saturday 7:15 – 7:45 AM and Sunday 8:15 – 8:45 AM West end of Pool Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Lane 5 Lane 6 Lane 7 Lane 8 Sycamore Sycamore Sycamore Sycamore Danville Danville Danville Danville East end of Pool Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Lane 5 Lane 6 Lane 7 Lane 8 Round Round Round Round Round Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Saturday 7:45 – 8:15 AM and Sunday 7:45 – 8:15 AM West end of Pool Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Lane 5 Lane 6 Lane 7 Lane 8 Crow Canyon Crow Canyon Crow Canyon Crow Canyon Del Amigo Del Amigo Del Amigo Del Amigo East end of Pool Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Lane 5 Lane 6 Lane 7 Lane 8 Diablo Diablo Diablo Diablo Blackhawk Blackhawk Blackhawk Blackhawk TIMER / RECORDER ASSIGNMENTS Timer Lane Assignments Saturday and Sunday (assignments for both days unless specified) Timer Lanes - East end (younger kids) Head Timers: DAPA (Saturday), Round Hill (Sunday) Lane Timers all Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sycamore, Del Amigo Danville, Diablo Round Hill, Sycamore Diablo, Danville Round Hill, Del Amigo Round Hill, Sycamore Round Hill, Danville (sat) Del Amigo, Round Hill (sun) Del Amigo, Round Hill Timer Lanes - West end (older kids) Head Timers: Danville (Saturday), Danville(Sunday) Lane Timers all Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Round Hill, Sycamore Round Hill, Del Amigo (sat) Del Amigo, Diablo (sun) Blackhawk, Del Amigo Sycamore, Round Hill Del Amigo, Diablo Round Hill, Danville Danville, Diablo Round Hill, Del Amigo Recorder Lane Assignments Recorder Lanes – East End Lane Recorders all Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Round Hill Blackhawk Del Amigo Round Hill Sycamore Diablo Sycamore Diablo Recorder Lanes – West End Lane Recorders all Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Danville Del Amigo Sat, Blackhawk Sun Round Hill Diablo Round Hill Sycamore Sycamore Danville CLERK OF THE COURSE Team shepherds, parents or swimmers themselves will check into the Clerk of the Course (COC) when the announcer calls an event. For events with many heats, the COC will be checking swimmers in by heat grouping (e.g., Event #25, Heats 1 through 6 check-in followed by the check-in for Heats 7 through 15). In addition to periodic announcements and a Twitter feed, a white board will be posted at the entrance to the COC advising swimmers which event(s) and heat(s) are being checked-in. Each team will have a designated check in line at the COC. Please have the team shepherds line the swimmers in the appropriate line. Heats that are currently being seated will be noted on a whiteboard on either side of the COC. Swimmers’ hands will be marked at the COC. Please do not mark your swimmer’s hand, as this will slow the check in process. Once inside the COC, 6&U and 7/8 swimmers will be given an assigned seat. Swimmers will be moved from the COC to the starting blocks area as a group. Once in the area of the blocks, swimmers will be given a final check by the Recorder assigned to each lane. 9/10 and older swimmers must show up at seats located behind the lane in which they will be swimming. The seats will be arranged immediately behind the timers/recorder. 9/10 and older swimmers will need to ensure they arrive to the blocks on time. For Finals, all age groups (6 and under through 15/18) must check-in at the Clerk of the Course. The COC will not wait for late swimmers. COC Do’s and Don’ts: DO NOT mark swimmer’s hands with event/heat/lanes. This will be done at the COC. Any markings should be limited to the last name and age group on the swimmers right shoulder. DO keep tabs on which events/heats are being checked-in. Listen for the announcements. DO NOT attempt to enter the COC areas once your swimmer has been checked-in. The COC systems work best when the only ones inside the ropes are clerks and swimmers. DO NOT “hover” around the COC areas while your swimmer moves up in seats toward the starting blocks. Unnecessary congestion makes the check-in process more difficult for clerks and swimmers. SWIMMER CHECK-IN PROCEDURES Teams should arrange their own system of communication with their swimmers and Coaches to validate arrival at the League Championship Meet. Parents need to be familiar with the procedure for marking their swimmers’ shoulder and hands before checking them into the clerk of the course. Please only write on the back of the hand if your swimmer is a 9/10 or older. The Clerk of the Course does not want anyone's hands in the 8 & under age groups to be written on prior to check in. Each 9/10 and older swimmer must have the following written on their hands: Back of Left Hand- relay info Age Group Event #, MR and or FR, Heat – Lane, Stroke (BK, BR, FL, FR) Back of Right Hand-individual info Event #, Stroke, Heat - Lane Event #, Stroke, Heat – Lane Event #, Stroke, Heat – Lane Event #, Stroke, Heat - Lane Each swimmer should have the following written on their right shoulder: Team name Last name, followed by full first name Age Example: Crow Canyon Harmon, Ken 11/12 For your convenience, you can follow our seating progress throughout the day on twitter. SWIMMER CODE OF CONDUCT Swim for the enjoyment of swimming. Obey the rules of swimming. Be generous when you win. Be generous when you lose. Criticizing, name calling, taunting, physical abuse, use of abusive language or gestures will not be tolerated. Treat opponents and teammates with respect. Respect and accept the decisions of judgment officials with grace. Accept seriously the responsibility of representing your team and the VSA League. Swimmers should be free of all alcohol, tobacco and drugs at all VSA meets. SCORING AND AWARDS Scoring: 1st – 16th place score points in the individual events. maximum of four swimmers per VSA Rule 37. In individual events, each team may score a 1st – 8th place (Finals): If a swimmer scratches (does not show) in the Finals heat, points will be forfeited for the team. No swimmers move up from 9th-16th place to replace a scratched swimmer. 9th – 16th place (Consolation heat): 17th and 18th place swimmers will be designated as alternates and can swim/score points if a 916th place swimmer scratches. 1st – 7th place score points in relay events, each team may score one relay team per VSA Rule 39. Individual Events Place 1st 2nd Points 18 16 3rd 14 4th 13 5th 12 6th 11 7th 10 Relay Events Place 1st 2nd Points 36 32 3rd 28 4th 26 5th 24 6th 22 7th 20 8th 9 Individual Awards 1st – 8th Place Medals 9th – 16th Place Double Ribbons 17th -24th Place Single Ribbons 25th Place and above Participant Ribbons 9th 8 10th 7 11th 6 12th 5 13th 4 14th 3 15th 2 16th 1 Relay Awards 1st – 8th Place Medals 9th – 16th Place Ribbons ** New this year: 12 and under – Heat Winner Ribbons – handed out as the swimmer leaves the pool. Trophies/Plaques: Trophies: League Meet Champions - 1st – 3rd Place VSA League Most Improved VSA League Best Spirit Plaques: Individual High-Point Award (for each age group for boys and girls) Outstanding Relay Team (boys and girls based on times relative to meet records) Record Breakers – ordered as needed and delivered after the meet FOOD VENDORS Brittany’s Crepes Glen’s Shaved Ice Juice Zone Ofa’s Island BBQ Ruggie’s Restaurant Elegance Catering Taqueria Los Gallos OTHER VENDORS Helping Hands (aka “Mystic”: Massage, Hair Beads, Tattoos, YoYo Balloons) Lo-Swim (Women’s swimsuits) Sports Basement (Swim gear) Zeolios (Sunscreen) Northwest Designs of California (T-shirts) FACILITY LAYOUT AND TEAM LOCATIONS