Lesson 7 - All About Me PowerPoint Internet

Desktop Publishing
Student Instructions
Online Class - Fall 2003
Ms. Cheryl Darce, Instructor
Desktop Publishing
Lesson 7: All About Me
Create a PowerPoint Slide Show Presentation containing 10 slides about you. Use the
information below as your guide for the information to include on each slide.
Slide #1 – Title Slide – “All About (Student’s Name). May include a picture of yourself with the
digital camera.
Slide #2 – Parents and Siblings – Name of parents and brothers and sisters.
Slide #3 – Childhood – Date Born and Where/Schools Attended/ Interesting Facts/Etc.
Slide #4 – What Was Happening! – list at least 4 things that happened in the world when you were a
child. News Events, TV Shows, Games, Toys, Foods, Fashions, etc. (good website
Slide #5 – Me Today – Current Age and Grade (possible picture of yourself instead of one on the title
Slide #6 – Favorite Things – Color/Foods/Music/Classes/Etc.
Slide #7 – Favorite Internet Sites – List the sites (at least 3) and create a hyperlink to at least one of the
websites. (To make a hyperlink – type the address, highlight the address, click on Slide Show on the
Menu Bar, choose Action Settings, click on Hyperlink To, click on the down arrow and choose URL,
type in website address and click OK, click OK to close the final box.)
Slide #8 – My Future Plans – What do you want to do when you finish high school/How do you see
yourself in 10 years, 20 years.
Slide #9 – Something You Don’t Know About Me – list at least one thing that I do not know about
Slide #10 – Name Slide – Meaning of your name see the following web site:
http:www2.parentsoup.com/babynames/dictionary or if you cannot find your name tell me who named
you and why did they choose that particular name.
***Must include at least***
1. One picture with the digital camera
2. Three clip art graphics (Scanned Pictures can also be used)
3. One slide with at least one WordArt
4. One slide with at least one AutoShape
5. All slides must have at least three or more animation effects
6. Slides must have a background design
E-Mail the final document to the Instructor
Desktop Publishing - OnLine Class Lesson Plans
Lesson 7: All About Me
Curriculum Area:
Grade Levels:
Louisiana Framework:
ELA-2-H2 using language, concepts, and ideas that show an awareness of the intended audience
and/or purpose (e.g., classroom, real-life, workplace) in developing complex compositions; (1, 2, 4)
ELA-3-H2 using the grammatical and mechanical conventions of standard English; (1, 4, 5)
ELA-5-H4 using available technology to produce, revise, and publish a variety of works; (1, 3, 4,)
Technology Strategies:
9-12-C Demonstrate knowledge and skills of Internet use and other resources consistent with
acceptable use policies including the legal consequences of plagiarism and the need for authenticity in
student work through an understanding of copyright issues. (5)
9-12-E Explain and use advanced terminology, tools, and concepts associated with software
applications, telecommunications, and emerging technologies. (1,3)
9-12-G Refine knowledge and enhance skills in keyboarding, word processing, desktop publishing,
spreadsheets, databases, multimedia, and telecommunications in preparing and presenting classroom
projects. (3,6)
9-12-J Use appropriate technology to locate, retrieve, organize, analyze, evaluate, and communicate
information for problem solving and decision making. (1,2,4)
9-12-K Evaluate the usage of technology and the processes involved during and upon completion of
individual and group projects. (2,5)
Learner Objectives:
The learner will be able to:
create and edit a slide presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint.
enhance a PowerPoint slide presentation with backgrounds, clip art/graphics, sound, WordArt,
AutoShapes, animation effects, and transitions
save and print a PowerPoint slide presentation in different formats.
use a digital camera and insert a picture into a PowerPoint presentation.
All About Me Instruction Sheet
Technology Connection:
Microsoft PowerPoint
Digital Camera
Lesson Procedures:
A. Motivation:
1. In this new project you will be learning some new things about your classmates. The new
project is entitled "All About Me." You will use Microsoft PowerPoint to create a slide
show about you! I am providing an instruction sheet as a guide for what information to
include on each slide of the presentation. Make sure that you read all of the instructions
carefully. When you have completed your presentation, you will print a copy to be turned
in and then we will be presenting the slide show presentations to the class on the Smart
B. Lesson Procedure: (At the computer):
1. Open up Microsoft PowerPoint.
2. Using the Student Instruction Sheet create a Slide Show Presentation consisting of at least
10 slides. The instruction sheet lists the information that each slide is to contain. (See
Student Instruction Sheet)
3. Students must also include the following in the presentation:
1 picture with the digital camera
3 clip art graphics (Scanned Pictures can also be used)
One slide with at least one Text Art
d. One slide with at least one AutoShape
All slides must have at least one or more animation effects
Slides must have a background design
Review with students the following: (have students pull out PowerPoint Guide Handout)
a. how to insert new slides into a presentation
b. how to insert clip art in a slide
c. how to insert a WordArt
d. how to add an AutoShape to a slide
e. how to add animation effects
how to add a background
C. Digital Camera
1. Pair students together and show each pair how to use the Digital Camera. The students
then proceed to take a picture of each other reinforcing the directions of how to use a
Digital Camera.
2. Show one student from each group how to insert the digital picture into a slide show. Have
that student then instruct the partner.
D. Scanner
1. Allow student to bring pictures from home to scan and insert into his/her slide presentation.
Teach the first student how to use the scanner and insert the picture into the slide
presentation and then have them instruct the second student. The second student instructs
the third and so on. (Again this helps to reinforce the learning and frees the teacher to help
students with other problems.)
E. Proofread, Save, and Print the PowerPoint Slide Presentation
1. Make sure to remind students to proofread, spell check, and save his/her work.
2. Optional methods for Printing
Slides can be printed out 1 per page or as Handouts with 3 slides per page. Method
depends upon the teacher.
F. Oral Presentation
1. Have students orally present their PowerPoint Slide Show Presentation with the use of a
Projector and/or Smart Board. Option: Peer grading.
Rubric showing grading scale for Lesson 7
Final Project
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