Roll No.__________________ 16 March, 2015 Sarhad University, Peshawar (Distance Education) Paper : Logistic Management-MGT535 Examination: Final, Fall 2014 Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35) Time Allowed : 3 hours NOTE: Q.1 is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from the remaining. All questions carry equal marks. Phones and other electronic gadgets are not allowed. Q1: Give short answers to the following. a) Bonded warehouse b) How logistics and customer service interfaces c) Explain various types of flows in logistics d) List barriers to logistical integration e) Reverse logistics f) Inbound and outbound logistics g) Consolidation Q2. What are the similarities and differences between procurement, manufacturing support and physical distribution? Q3. What are the forces that drove logistics to supply chain management? Why is there the need for Supply Chain Management? Q4. Explain various contemporary modes of transportation. What modes of transportation are best suited for large, low-value shipments? Why? Q.5 What is global logistics? Discuss the issues and challenges of global logistics and supply chain management. Q.6 What advantages a customer gets through an integrated logistics service? Explain with an example. Q7. Describe the various forms of logistics information. What are the different levels of information functionality on which you will build logistics integration? Q8: Discuss the prime objectives of integrated logistics with reference to each of the following. a) Rapid response b) Minimum inventory c) Minimum variance d) Quality Logistic Management-MGT535-Fall-2014 Page 1 of 1