Food and drinks unit

English unit Plan
Food and Drink
Submitted by:
Dhabia Al-Kuwari
Unit outline
Purpose of the unit………………………………
Lesson (1): Food and drinks vocabulary……………. (6-14)
Lesson (2): Reading (Making Sandwich)……………. (13-23)
Lesson (3): Likes and dislikes chart (Integrated with
Math)…………………………………………………. (24-30)
Lesson (4): Phonics………………………………… (31-38)
Lesson (5): Food to grow (Integrated with science)…. (39-43)
Lesson (6): Venn diagram with meals (Integrated with
Math)………………………………………………… (44-50)
Lesson (7): What is inside my fridge (Integrated with life
skills)………………………………………………… (51-54)
Lesson (8): Project (Making Food dictionary) (Integrated with
life skills)…………………………………………… (55-58)
Lesson (9): Food and drink race (Integrated with Practice
Exercise)……………………………………………… (59-64)
Table of Specification………………………………… (65)
Lesson (10): Unit Exam………………………………. (66-78)
Integration with other subject………………………… (79)
Description of learning experiences………………….. (80)
Bibliography………………………………………….. (81)
Overall purpose of unit:
This unit brings the child into the food and drink world, to let the
child identify and name the food and drink items. I think it is
important to children at this age to know the food vocabulary to
use it in the restaurant, grocery shop, or even in their house.
By the end of this unit, the children will be able to:
1. Identify and name items of food and drink.
2. Talk about their eating and drinking preferences.
3. Read and talk about a story about "The Sandwich".
4. Make a food dictionary.
5. Develop rhyming skills of ten words (cat, bat, mat, hat, rat, can,
pan, man, fan, van).
6. Identify some final sound in words (at, an) in ten words (cat, bat,
mat, hat, rat, can, pan, man, fan, van).
7. Identify that living things need food and drink to grow.
8. Identify differences and similarities between food associated
with breakfast, lunch, and dinner as daily meals.
9. Learn the alphabetical order.
1.1.2 Recognise, understand and use a range of approximately 100 additional highfrequency words for listening and speaking, using the recommended list, supplemented
with additional words linked to other class work, related to familiar themes.
1.3.1 Develop awareness of distinctive rhyming and alliterative patterns, and identify
some initial sounds (phonemes) in words.
1.3.2 Learn alphabet letter names and alphabetic order.
1.4.1 Extend, from Kindergarten, ability to participate in songs, rhymes and action games
using simple repetitive language with in-built or external repetition such as that found in
nursery rhymes, circle games.
1.4.3 Respond, with single-word or single-phrase answers, to yes no, either/or and simple
wh-type questions (where, when, what, who, how many) which elicit and check key
information as in 4.1 above:
• personal information;.
• information given in pictures, stories, descriptions and rhymes;
• information about simple events and situations.
1.6.3 Talk about likes and dislikes (things, people and activities) using the simple present
tense, in positive and negative statements, and yes/no questions.
1.8.1 Independently read and respond to information in labels, lists and captions which
contain familiar words in simple phrases or sentences.
1.6.1 Know that living organisms need food, water and air, that they are sensitive, and
that they grow and reproduce, and that it is these characteristics that distinguish them
from non-living things.
1.10.1 Collect a simple set of data, organise it and represent it in a pictogram in which the
symbol represents one unit.
1.10.4 Sort a set of common objects according to a single criterion, and represent them on
a diagram.
Children will be able to:
Children will be able to:
1-Recognize 22 words of food and drinks (sandwich, burger, milk, cola,
water, ice-cream, bread, meat, chicken, fish, hotdog, burger, pizza, apple,
orange, banana, juice, tea, lettuce, tomato, butter, cheese).
2-Read and respond to a list which contains 7 words of food or drinks.
3- Talk about likes and dislikes of food and drinks using the simple present
tense, in positive and negative statements, and yes/no questions.
4- Make a chart using happy and sad faces to represent likes and dislikes.
5- Use the meta-cognitive strategy in reading (connect to prior knowledge to
understand text).
6- Rearrange steps of making sandwich.
7- Develop rhyming skills of ten words (cat, bat, mat, hat, rat, can, pan, man,
fan, van).
8- Identify some final sound in words (at, an) in ten words (cat, bat, mat,
hat, rat, can, pan, man, fan, van).
9- Identify that living things need food and drink to grow.
10- Identify differences and similarities between food associated with
breakfast, lunch, and dinner as daily meals.
11- Represent meals by Venn diagram.
12- Learn how to order words in an alphabetical order.
Lesson (1): Food and drinks vocabulary
Intern: Dhabia Al-kuwari
Date: 18th of May 2008
Mentor Teacher: Latifa Al-Kuwari.
# of Students: 25
Grade Level: Grade 1.
Time Frame: 55
Instructional Objective: (Measurable)
Children will be able to:
1-Recognize 22 words of food and drinks (sandwich, burger, milk, cola,
water, ice-cream, bread, meat, chicken, fish, hotdog, burger, pizza, apple,
orange, banana, juice, tea, lettuce, tomato, butter, cheese).
2-Read and respond to a lists which contains 7 words of food or drinks.
Qatar Curriculum Standard
1.1.2 Recognise, understand and use a range of approximately 100 additional high-frequency words
for listening and speaking, using the recommended list, supplemented with additional words linked to
other class work, related to familiar themes.
• time of day: morning, afternoon, …
• meals: breakfast, lunch, …
• food and drink: fruit, water, …, hungry, thirsty, …, eat, buy, …
1.8.1Independently read and respond to information in labels, lists and captions which contain
familiar words in simple phrases or sentences.
1. 22 flash card (names of food and drink).
2. 22 pictures of food and drinks.
3. 22 real items of food and drinks.
4. Shopping trolley.
5. 22 small food and drink picture cards.
6. 22 small food and drinks names cards.
7. 3 worksheet (25each).
8. White board.
9. Video (food)
Activating Prior Knowledge / Focus: (10M)
Students will work in groups of twos to discover a letter. Each pair of students
will have a paper that has an empty square that has a magic letter. Students have
to color all the squares to see the letter. The letter will be written with a magic
color. Each paper will contain one letter from food and drinks (12 letters) that
introduce the name of the unit. Teacher will ask each group about their letters (F,
O, O, D, A, N, D, D, R, I, N, K) and will put them on the board but will be not
arranged. Then, will rearrange the unit topic with the help of students. Teacher
will state the objective for this lesson, "today we will recognize and understand
vocabulary related to this unit (Food and Drinks).
Teacher Strategies (35M) :
1. Teacher will introduce the picture of food by using a video that talks about
the names of food and drink, then will ask students what food and drinks did
they see in the video. Teacher will show students the pictures and names of
the food mentioned in the video and will introduce the rest of the words that
were not mentioned. Teacher will say these words and students have to
repeat them after her.
2. Teacher will give each group of students 22 picture cards of food and
drinks and 22 cards that have the name of these food and drinks. Students
have to match the picture cards of food and drink with their names. Teacher
will go around checking students' work and assessing it. Then will do the
same on the board with the help of students.
3. Teacher will ask students to answer worksheet (#1) after teacher will read
the instruction and work through examples with the students. They have to
match the pictures of food and drinks with their names, the one who finishes
has to rewrite the name of the food or drink in the same worksheet. Teacher
will be available to give any help and answer any questions from students.
4. Teacher will ask students to play a game (trolley dash game) in groups.
Teacher will give each group a shopping list in closed envelopes and as
groups they have to discuss the shopping list and choose one of them to go
shopping with the trolley. Groups will be worked one by one. Teacher will
give each group 5 minutes to discuss and 6 minutes to go shopping with the
trolley. Teacher will discuss each group's answer with all the class after each
group's turn by asking one student from the group to read the list and check
if they put it in the trolley or not .
Student Activities:
The first activity: (10M).
Students will work in pairs to match pictures of food and drinks with their
names. The pairs who will be finished have to put their hands on their heads
to let the teacher know that they finished and check their answers.
The second activity: (5M).
Students will do a worksheet (#1) that they have to match the word with its
pictures, the one who will be finished he has to rewrite the name of the food
or drink in the same worksheet .
The Third Activity: (20M).
Students will play a trolley dash game as groups. Each group will have a
shopping list in a closed envelop and as groups they have to discuss the shopping
list and choose one to go shopping with using the trolley. The list will have 7-8
words of food and drink words they studied (sandwich, burger, milk, cola, water,
ice-cream, bread, meat, chicken, fish, hotdog, burger, pizza, apple, orange,
banana, juice, tea, lettuce, tomato, butter, cheese). There will be real food and
drink items on a long table. Students will have 5 minutes to discuss what is wrote
in their list and the one who will go shopping have to know what is written their
by asking her groups. Then each group will have 6 minutes to do the shopping
and find out the food and drink that written in the list.
Modifications / Differentiation:
Teacher will give help to the students with special needs by being available
next to them when they are doing a worksheet or any other activity, and will
check all the students work and will be available to help all students if they
make mistakes.
For the worksheet teacher will bring two types of sheets with two different
levels moderate (#1) and low (#2). The two cases of special needs (one that
has difficulty in speech and the other has difficulty in achieving the task)
will take the low one, and the rest of class students will have the moderate
level worksheet.
Lesson Extension: (10M)
Teacher will give students a worksheet that is a game board and student will play
it in pairs. Each pair will have one dice. One of them has to begin first to throw
the dice. She will have to move according to the number that is thrown. If the
number is 3 for example she has to say the name of the food in picture no. 3.
Then it is the turn of the second one. The game will continue until they reach the
Closure: (10M).
Teacher will say “today we recognized and learned vocabulary related to this unit
(Food and Drinks)" Who can remember these words?. Teacher will restate the
vocabulary and will put the pictures of the food and drinks on the board. Then
will play "I spy" game with students about this pictures “I spy with my little eye
food or drink beginning with ------".
1. Teacher will assess the two groups work by checking their answers and
discussing it with all of the class.
2. Teacher will assess students by grading the worksheets to see if students
achieved the objective to recognize, understand and use 22 words of food
and drinks (sandwich, burger, milk, cola, water, ice-cream, bread, meat,
chicken, fish, hotdog, burger, pizza, apple, orange, banana, juice, tea, lettuce,
tomato, butter, cheese)
Worksheet #1(a)
Match the food and drink pictures with their names.
French fries
Worksheet #1(a) (Key answer)
Match the food and drink pictures with their names.
French fries
Worksheet #1(b)
Match the food and drink pictures with their names.
Worksheet #1(b) (Key answer)
Name :…………………………………
Match the food and drink pictures with their names.
Shopping List (Example)
Lesson (2): The Sandwich (Reading)
Intern: Dhabia Al-kuwari
Date: 19th of May 2008
Mentor Teacher: Latifa Al-Kuwari.
# of Students: 25
Grade Level: Grade 1.
Time Frame: 55
Instructional Objective: (Measurable)
Children will be able to:
1. Use the meta-cognitive strategy in reading (connect to prior knowledge to
understand text).
2. Rearrange steps of making sandwich.
Qatar Curriculum Standard
1.8.1 Independently read and respond to information in labels, lists and
captions which contain familiar words in simple phrases or sentences.
1. Big Book --- The Sandwich.
2. 25 copies of the book The Sandwich (copy for each student)
3. Whiteboard.
4. 25 Rearrange steps of making sandwich worksheets.
Activating Prior Knowledge / Focus: (10M)
Teacher will ask students what they had for dinner yesterday. Then, will make a
list of the foods they name. The teacher will ask about the sandwich if students
didn't mention it. The teacher will say, today we will read a book called The
Sandwich. First, we will use reading strategy of connecting prior knowledge to
understand text. Then, will rearrange steps of making sandwich.
Teacher Strategies (35M) :
 Introduce the Book
1. Teacher will show students the front and back covers of the book and read
the title with them. Then will ask what they might read about in a book
called The Sandwich. (Teacher will accept any answers students can
justify.) Then will ask what kind of food they see on the covers and
whether they are familiar with these foods.
2. Show students the title page. Discuss the information on the page (title of
book, author's name).
Teacher will model "connecting to prior knowledge" using the information
on the covers.
Think-aloud: When I look at the cover of this book, I see a picture of a
sandwich. We can make a cheese sandwich, chicken sandwich or meat
sandwich. We can add butter, lettuce or tomato to the sandwich. Thinking
about what I know might help me to read new words and better understand
what I read.
Have students preview the pictures on the covers and title page in the book
The Sandwich. Have them share how they connected with prior knowledge.
Have students read the book silently. Remind them to think about what they
already know about sandwiches and how they move in getting new
information as they read.
Teacher will read the book first, and then will ask students to read with her.
Teacher will discuss the book and the steps of making sandwich with students.
Then teacher will ask students to do (worksheet #1). They have to rearrange the
steps of making sandwich.
Student Activities:
The first activity: (20M).
Students will read the story silently for 5 minutes until the teacher says to
stop. The teacher will tell students to read more than one time until she said
stop. Then students will read aloud with the teacher.
The second activity: (10M).
Students will do a worksheet that they have to rearrange the steps of making
a sandwich and if someone finishes early she has to write down the steps.
Modifications / Differentiation:
Teacher will give help to the students with special needs, and will check all
the students work and will be available to help all students if they make
mistakes or have any questions.
Student with special needs (one that has difficulty in speech and the other
has difficulty in achieving the task) will be reading in pairs with students of
high achievement. The student with high achievement will read first then the
special need student will read with the help of the student with high
Lesson Extension: (10M)
Students have to color the book, meat (brown), lettuce (green), and the tomato
(red) and they can color the rest of the book if they want.
Closure: (10M).
Teacher will say “today we read a book" Then the teacher will ask some
questions about the discussion and what they read in the book. E.g.:
-What was the name of the book?
What type of sandwich was it?
What did they put in the sandwich first? And next? After that?...........
Tomorrow we will discuss your likes and dislikes and see if you liked all of these
types of food in the sandwich or not.
1. Teacher will assess students reading if they correctly read the words in the
2. Teacher will assess students by grading the worksheets and she will assess
their understanding of the steps of making a sandwich if they rearrange it
Worksheet (#1)
Reorder the steps of making a sandwich as mentioned in the story by
numbering the pictures below:
Worksheet (#1)
(Answer Key)
Reorder the steps of making a sandwich as mentioned in the story by
numbering the pictures below:
Lesson (3): Likes and Dislike.
Intern: Dhabia Al-kuwari
Date: 20th of May 2008
Mentor Teacher: Latifa Al-Kuwari.
# of Students: 25
Grade Level: Grade 1.
Time Frame: 55
Instructional Objective: (Measurable)
Children will be able to:
1. Talk about likes and dislikes of food and drink using the simple present
tense, in positive and negative statements, and yes/no questions.
2. Make a chart using happy and sad faces to represent likes and dislikes.
Qatar Curriculum Standard
1.4.3 Respond, with single-word or single-phrase answers, to yes no, either/or and simple wh-type
questions (where, when, what, who, how many) which elicit and check key information as in 4.1
• personal information; What’s your sister’s name? Nahed.
• information given in pictures, stories, descriptions and rhymes;
Is the cat hungry? Yes.
What are they doing? Sleeping.
• information about simple events and situations.
Is it morning or afternoon? Morning.
How many pencils are there? Four.
Where are they? On the table.
1.6.3 Talk about likes and dislikes (things, people and activities) using the simple present tense, in
positive and negative statements, and yes/no questions.
1.10.1Collect a simple set of data, organise it and represent it in a pictogram in which the symbol
represents one unit.
1. Food pictures.
2. Flash card (name of food and drink).
3. 25 copy of a worksheet.
4. Big chart.
5. Happy and sad faces stickers.
6. 10 mini-charts.
7- I like and I don't like Song
Activating Prior Knowledge / Focus: (10M)
Student will listen to a song about likes and dislikes. Then the teacher will
ask some students: What do you like to eat? Then, the teacher will say
"Today we will find out what type of food we all like".
Teacher Strategies (35M) :
Teacher will ask students:
- What type of food or drink do you like?
- What is type of food or drink that you do not like?
Put the picture of the items student mentioned them on board.
Teacher will give each group of students a group of food and drink pictures (E.g:
milk, chicken, sandwich, tomato, water, …..etc). Each student in the group will
choose one picture of food or drink they like. Then every student will talk about
the picture they had and will say " I like………" with the group member. Then,
teacher will ask everyone in class to say this sentence about the food they choose.
Teacher will choose 5 items and will represent them in a chart by asking students
if she likes these items or not. Then put a happy or sad face sticker on the chart
based on the student's response. Teacher will discuss the final results of the chart.
Teacher will give each group of students a group of food and drinks pictures.
Each student in the group will choose one picture of food or drink they don't like.
Then every student will talk about the picture they had and will say "I do not
like………" with the group member. Then, the teacher will ask everyone in class
to say this sentence about the food they chose.
Teacher will give each group of students a mini-chart and will ask them to choose
5 items of food or drink and ask each other if they like these items or not and
represent it in the chart by happy and sad faces. Teacher will discuss the final
results of the chart.
Student Activities:
The first activity: (10M).
Each group of students will have a group of food and drink pictures. Each student
in the group will choose one picture of food or drink they like. Then every
student will talk about the picture they had and will say " I like………" and all
the group members will listen. Then, teacher will ask everyone in class to say this
sentence about the items they chose.
The second activity: (10M).
Each group of students will have a group of food and drinks pictures. Each
student in the group will choose one picture of food or drink they don't like. Then
every student will talk about the picture they had and will say "I do not
like………" with the group member. Then, teacher will ask every one in class to
say this sentence about the items they choose.
The third activity: (10M).
Each group of students will have a mini chart and will ask them to choose 5 items
of food or drink and ask each other if they like these items or not and represent it
in the chart by happy and sad faces. Then teacher will represent their charts on
Modifications / Differentiation:
Teacher will give help to the students with special need, and will check all
the students work and will be available to help all students if they make
mistakes or have any questions.
Student with special need will be working in pairs with students of high
achievement to say the sentence "I like……." after the students with high
achievement will say it. Then the students with high achievement will work
with the students with special need to do their mini-chart.
Lesson Extension: (10M)
Teacher will ask students as groups to do a mini chart about 2 types of food that
we didn't mention in the lesson.
Closure: (10M).
Teacher will say “Today we identified the types of food and drink we like and do
not like ".
Student will listen to and sing a song about foods we like and try to put different
types of food in the song.
1. Teacher will assess student's two sentences about likes and dislikes if they
correctly say it.
2. Teacher will assess students by grading the mini chart by discussing it with all
the class and ask each member about what do they like and will put one point for
each right answer.
Head Count
Group/ Table
The Food Song
Tune: Skip to My Lou
written by Mrs. Jones
I like salad, yes, I do,
I like salad, yes, I do,
I like salad, yes, I do,
And my tummy loves it, too.
I like strawberries, yes, I do,
I like strawberries, yes, I do,
I like strawberries, yes, I do,
And my tummy loves them, too.
I like rice, yes, I do,
I like rice, yes, I do,
I like rice, yes, I do,
And my tummy loves it, too.
I like sandwiches, yes, I do,
I like sandwiches, yes, I do,
I like sandwiches, yes, I do,
And my tummy loves them, too.
I like ice-cream, yes, I do,
I like ice-cream, yes, I do,
I like ice-cream, yes, I do,
And my tummy loves it, too.
I like apple, yes, I do,
I like apple, yes, I do,
I like apple, yes, I do,
And my tummy loves them, too.
Lesson (4): (Phonics)
Intern: Dhabia Al-kuwari
Date: 21st of May 2008
Mentor Teacher: Latifa Al-Kuwari.
# of Students: 25
Grade Level: Grade 1.
Time Frame: 55
Instructional Objective: (Measurable)
Children will be able to:
1. Develop rhyming skills of ten words (cat, bat, mat, hat, rat, can, pan,
man, fan, van).
2. Identify the final sounds (at, an) in ten words (cat, bat, mat, hat, rat, can,
pan, man, fan, van).
Qatar Curriculum Standard
1.3.1Develop awareness of distinctive rhyming and alliterative patterns, and identify some initial
sounds (phonemes) in words.
1. Ten pictures of (cat, bat, mat, hat, rat, can, pan, man, fan, van)
2. Ten flash cards of the words (cat, bat, mat, hat, rat, can, pan, man, fan,
3. Small cards have the following words (cat, bat, mat, hat, rat, can, pan,
man, fan, van)
4. 25 copies of 2 worksheets
5. 2 puppets
Activating Prior Knowledge / Focus: (10M)
Teacher will do a puppetry to introduce the topic. Two puppets are talking to
each other. One of them is an ESL learner and the second one is ENL
learner. The ESL learner will tell the other: I don't know a lot of English
words can you help me with that; I want to sing in English too. The other
one will say ok I'll be glad to do that. Then teacher will say today we will
study rhyming words and will identify some sounds in these words.
Teacher Strategies (35M):
Teacher will introduce the ten words one by one to students by showing students
the pictures one by one and asking them: What do you see in this picture?
Teacher will list the pictures with their names on board. Then will ask students to
listen well to her while she is saying these words to notice what these words have
in common. If students didn't notice anything then she will give them a hint
(listen to the sounds).
Teacher will give students the words on small cards and each group has to
classify the words according to the terminal sound in words (at or an). Teacher
will go around to check students answer then will say stop now and let's ask the
two puppets (an) and (at) to check if our answer is right or wrong. Teacher will
make a puppetry that represent (at) and (an). They will talk to each other about
what they have in their house "(at) have (cat, bat, mat, hat, rat, can, pan, man, fan,
van). Teacher will use two puppets to represent (at) and (an)". Teacher will tell
students to choose their favorite character and draw everything he said that is in
his house and write the names. Teacher will go around and see what students are
doing. Teacher will give students a worksheet to match the words that end with
(an) and the words that end with (at).
Student Activities:
The first activity: (10M).
Students will work in groups to classify words according to the terminal
sound in words (at or an).
The second activity:
Students will choose their favorite character and draw everything he said
that are in his house and write their names.
The third activity: (20M).
Students will do worksheet #1 to match the words that end with (an) and the
words that end with (at). The worksheet will have a lot of words that end with –at
or –an and in the middle of the paper there are two circles one has (at) and the
other circle has (an).
The fourth activity:
Students will do a "rhyming worm". They will use a ready worksheet that has the
worm. They will cut and paste. Then will read the rhyming word they have. The
rhyming worms show you the words that end with –an or –at and the picture of
this word.
Modifications / Differentiation:
Teacher will give help to the students with special needs, and will check all
the students work and will be available to help all students if they make
mistakes or have any questions.
Student with special need will be working in one groups and teacher will
give them more attention and will help them more.
Lesson Extension: (10M)
Teacher will let students play a game about rhyming in a website
( The game is to
click on the picture of objects that its name ends with (at) and another game that
is to click on the picture of objects that its name ends with (an).
Closure: (10M).
Teacher will do a puppetry. (an) and (at) will talk to students and ask them what
do we have in our house. So, today you studied rhyming and identified some
terminal sounds in ten words (cat, bat, mat, hat, rat, can, pan, man, fan, van).
1. Teacher will assess student performance with informal assessment by
asking them questions: e.g.: a. Does this word end with (an) or (at)?
b. Does this word rhyme with that word?
2. Teacher will assess students by grading the worksheets to assess their
understanding of the concept and if they understand rhyming and know how to
identify some terminal sounds in ten words (cat, bat, mat, hat, rat, can, pan, man,
fan, van).
Worksheet (#1)
Match each picture with its final sound.
Worksheet (#1)
(Answer Key)
Match each picture with its final sound.
Lesson (5): (Food to Grow)
Intern: Dhabia Al-kuwari
Date: 22nd of May 2008
Mentor Teacher: Latifa Al-Kuwari.
# of Students: 25
Grade Level: Grade 1.
Time Frame: 55
Instructional Objective: (Measurable)
Children will be able to:
1. Identify that living things need food and drink to grow.
Qatar Curriculum Standard
1.1.2 Recognise, understand and use a range of approximately 100 additional high-
frequency words for listening and speaking, using the recommended list, supplemented with
additional words linked to other class work, related to familiar themes.
1.4.1 Extend, from Kindergarten, ability to participate in songs, rhymes and action games using
simple repetitive language with in-built or external repetition such as that found in nursery rhymes,
circle games.
1.6.1 Know that living organisms need food, water and air, that they are sensitive, and that they
grow and reproduce, and that it is these characteristics that distinguish them from non-living things.
1. Seed.
2. Plant.
3. Computer (flash video).
4. 25 worksheets.
5. Yarn
6. Glue
7. Kraft paper
8. Different magazines.
9. Song (I am a muslim).
Song (I look I see) CD // Bismillah (I am a muslim)
Harcourt (Health and Fitness) Teacher Edition page (8-9)
Activating Prior Knowledge / Focus: (10M):
Teacher will draw a plant, an animal, and a small girl then will ask about them
one by one what they need to live and grow.
1. What does the plant need to live and grow?
2. What do animals need to live and grow?
3. What does the human need to live and grow?
Students already studied that in science. After they answer teacher will show the
similarity between their need to grow (water, food, and air). Then teacher will say
"today we will identify that living things need food and drink to grow.
Teacher Strategies (35M) :
Teacher will show students a seed and a plant and will ask students: how do you
think this seed reaches this stage to become a plant? Teacher will discuss with
students how this seed grows into a plant and will show students a flash video
that shows when we give plant food (soil) and drink (water) it will grow. We too
as people need to eat and drink to grow.
Teacher will give students worksheet #1. They have to show the sequence of
growth from baby to teen by drawing lines to match numbers to pictures.
Teacher will show a picture of a child in different stages and will ask: How can
you tell that the boy is growing? (He is getting bigger). What do you think this
child needs to grow? (Food and drink)
Teacher will tell students that animals too need to eat and drink to grow. Teacher
will give students magazines with pictures of pets and other animals and will ask
students to work in a small group to make a scrapbook showing animals at
different stages of growth.
Student Activities:
The first activity: (10M).
Teacher will give students a worksheet. They have to show the sequence of
growth from baby to teen by drawing lines to match numbers to pictures.
The second activity: (20M).
Teacher will give students magazines with pictures of pets and other animals and will
ask students to work in a small group to make a scrapbook showing animals at different
stages of growth and to put a picture of the favorite food for these animals.
Modifications / Differentiation:
1. Teacher will give help to the students with special need, and will check all
the students work and will be available to help all students if they make
mistakes or have any questions.
2. Teacher will use bilingual language to simplify and make sure that
students understand the concept and vocabulary.
3. In the group work, the group will include the different levels of students,
where the higher level students will help the lower level students.
Lesson Extension: (10M)
Each child has to stand against a wall. Teacher will cut a length of yarn to
measure her height. Teacher will help children glue the yarn on Kraft paper to
show their height. Teacher will write each child's name and the date on the top of
his or her paper. Teacher will help children compare their bodies to the yarn to
see their growth.
Closure: (10M).
Teacher will ask students some questions: What do people, animals and plant
need to grow?. After students answer the question teacher will say “Today we
learned that people like animals and plant need food and drink to grow". The next
lesson will be about meals that help us to grow. Now we will listen to a song that
tells us that we need to eat and drink to grow. I want you to sing with me.
1. Teacher will assess the scrapbook that shows the sequence of growth for
animals to know if they understand the objective that people need food
and drink to grow as animals and plant.
2. Teacher will assess students by grading the worksheets and she will assess
their understanding of the sequence of growth to see if they understand the
objective that people need food and drink to grow as animals and plant.
Worksheet (#1)
Worksheet (#1)
(Answer Key)
Lesson (6): Meals
Intern: Dhabia Al-kuwari
Date: 25th of May 2008
Mentor Teacher: Latifa Al-Kuwari.
# of Students: 25
Grade Level: Grade 1.
Time Frame: 55
Instructional Objective: (Measurable)
Children will be able to:
1- Identify differences and similarities between food associated with
breakfast, lunch, and dinner as daily meals.
2- Represent meals by completing a Venn diagram.
Qatar Curriculum Standard
1.1.2 Recognise, understand and use a range of approximately 100 additional highfrequency words for listening and speaking, using the recommended list, supplemented
with additional words linked to other class work, related to familiar themes.
10.4 Sort a set of common objects according to a single criterion, and represent them on a diagram.
1. Computer.
2. pictures of food and drinks.
3. 25 worksheets (#1,#2).
4. White board.
5. Video.
Activating Prior Knowledge / Focus: (10M)
Teacher will ask students if they know what "monsters meals" are. Ask if they
think that breakfast, lunch and dinner are the same. Then the teacher will tell
students that today we will see a movie about monsters. And we will learn if
breakfast, lunch and dinner are the same. We will also learn if all our meals have
the same content or different content. Do we eat the same food at every meal?
Teacher Strategies (35M):
1. Teacher will show students a video (Pizza and Chips) that talks about a
monster and his food. Then the teacher will ask students what food and
drinks did they see in the video. Teacher will give each group some food
pictures and ask them what food the monster ate at each meal. What is the
similarity between them?
Teacher will discuss with students what happened in the film.
2. Teacher will give each group of students picture cards of food and drinks.
Each group will be asked to make a type of meal using the pictures. Then
teacher will represent their answers in a Venn diagram to show the
similarities and differences. Teacher will go around to check student's work
and assess it.
3. Teacher will ask students to answer a worksheet (#1) after the teacher
reads the instruction. They have to match the pictures of food and drinks
with meals.
4. Teacher will ask students to play a game in groups. Teacher will say a
name of food or drink and they have to write down in which meal it would
be eaten, breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Student Activities:
The first activity: (10M).
Teacher will give each group of students pictures cards of food and drinks. Each
group will be asked to do a type of meal.
The second activity: (20M).
Teacher will ask students to answer work sheet (#1) after the teacher reads
the instructions. They have to match the pictures of food and drinks with
The Third Activity: (5M).
Teacher will ask students to play a game in groups. Teacher will say a name
of food or drink and they have to write down it can be taken in which meal.
Modifications / Differentiation:
Teacher will give help to the students with special need, and will check all
the students work and will be available to help all students if they make
mistakes. For the worksheet teacher will bring two types of sheets with two
different levels moderate (#1) and low (#2). The two cases of special needs
will take the low one, and the rest of class students will have the moderate
level worksheet.
Lesson Extension: (10M)
Teacher will give students a honeycomb's worksheet that is a game board and
student will play it in pairs. Each pair will have one dice. One of them has to
begin first to through the dice. She will have to move according to the number
that will come out. If the number is 3 for example she has to say the name of the
food in picture no. 3. Then it is the turn of the second one. The game will be
going like that until they reach the end.
Closure: (10M).
Teacher will say “today we learned if all our meals are the same content or
different. Teacher will restate the vocabulary and will put the pictures of them on
the board. Then will play a game with students “I spy with my little eye
something beginning with ------and we can eat it in breakfast and lunch".
1. Teacher will assess the group work by checking their answers and discuss it
with the all of the class.
2. Teacher will assess students by grading the worksheets to see if students
understand the concept that each meal has different items of food and drink with
some similarities between them.
Worksheet #1
Match the food and drink items with the meal that suitable to eat them in.
Worksheet #1 (Key answer)
Match the food and drink items with the meal that suitable to eat them in.
Worksheet (#1)
Worksheet (#2)
Lesson (7): What is inside my fridge?
Intern: Dhabia Al-kuwari
Date: 26th of May 2008
Mentor Teacher: Latifa Al-Kuwari.
# of Students: 25
Grade Level: Grade 1.
Time Frame: 55
Instructional Objective: (Measurable)
Children will be able to:
1- Recognize 22 words of food and drinks (sandwich, burger, milk, cola,
water, ice-cream, bread, meat, chicken, fish, hotdog, burger, pizza, apple,
orange, banana, juice, tea, lettuce, tomato, butter, cheese)
3-Read and respond to a list which contains 15 words of food or drinks.
Qatar Curriculum Standard
1.1.2 Recognise, understand and use a range of approximately 100 additional highfrequency words for listening and speaking, using the recommended list, supplemented
with additional words linked to other class work, relate to familiar themes.
1.8.1 Independently read and respond to information in labels, lists and captions which contain
familiar words in simple phrases or sentences.
1. pictures of food and drinks.
2. small food and drink picture cards.
3. 25 worksheet.
4. White board.
Activating Prior Knowledge / Focus: (10M)
Teacher will ask students what can you see inside your fridge. Teacher will put
the pictures of food and drink students named on board and will review all the
words with them. Then Teacher will say today everyone will make his own fridge
and will put the food you like in your fridge.
Teacher Strategies (35M):
Teacher will review all the 22 words of food and drink with students.
Teacher will list the words on board with the pictures.
Teacher will do a big fridge as an example. Teacher will give each group of
students, pictures of food and drinks, and will ask them to think where do
they want to place them in the fridge. Then teacher will help students.
Then teacher will say this is the class fridge now I want to see your fridge.
Teacher will give each student a worksheet that has drawing of fridge and
small pictures of food and drink. Students have to cut and paste the pictures
in the fridge. Teacher will go around to check student's work and assess it.
Student Activities:
The first activity: (10M).
Teacher will give each group of students picture cards of food and drinks. Each
group will be asked to think where do they want to place them in the fridge.
The second activity: (20M).
Teacher will ask students to do their own fridge. Students have to cut and
paste the pictures in the fridge.
Modifications / Differentiation:
Teacher will give help to the students with special need, and will check all
the students work and will be available to help all students if they make
mistakes. The two cases of special needs will get more attention and will be
helped by the teacher while they are doing their fridges.
Teacher will ask students who finished early to color and decorate their
Lesson Extension: (10M)
Students will do one big fridge. Teacher will draw a big fridge on a big cartoon
board. Then will ask each student to draw, color and cut one type of food or drink
on a piece of paper. Then teacher will ask students to paste it on the big fridge
students can do more than one type of food and drink if they finished early.
Closure: (10M).
Teacher will say “today we made nice fridges; let's see some of yours and what
you put there".
Teacher will ask some students to come to the front of the class and tell their
friends what they put in their fridge. Then teacher will say tomorrow we will
do food dictionary.
1. Teacher will assess the fridge the students do, will check the place of food and
drink, and the neatness of the project.
Worksheet (#1)
Worksheet (#1) (Model)
Lesson (8): Food dictionary
Intern: Dhabia Al-kuwari
Date: 27th of May 2008
Mentor Teacher: Latifa Al-Kuwari.
# of Students: 25
Grade Level: Grade 1.
Time Frame: 55
Instructional Objective: (Measurable)
Children will be able to:
1- Recognize 22 words of food and drinks (sandwich, burger, milk, cola,
water, ice-cream, bread, meat, chicken, fish, hotdog, burger, pizza, apple,
orange, banana, juice, tea, lettuce, tomato, butter, cheese).
2- Learn how to order words in an alphabetical order.
Qatar Curriculum Standard
1.1.2 Recognise, understand and use a range of approximately 100 additional highfrequency words for listening and speaking, using the recommended list, supplemented
with additional words linked to other class work, related to familiar themes.
• time of day: morning, afternoon, …
• meals: breakfast, lunch, …
• food and drink: fruit, water, …, hungry, thirsty, …, eat, buy,
1.3.2 Learn alphabet letter names and alphabetic order.
1. Pictures of food and drinks.
2. Small food and drink picture cards.
3. 25 worksheet (#1, #2, & #3).
4. White board.
Activating Prior Knowledge / Focus: (10M)
Teacher will ask students what type of food and drink they put inside their fridge.
Teacher will put the pictures of food and drink students named on board and will
review all the words with them. Then Teacher will say today we will make a food
and drink dictionary.
Teacher Strategies (35M):
Teacher will review the alphabet with students. Students will do worksheet
(#1) that has letters in alphabetical order with missing letters. Students have
to write the missing letters. Then teacher will review all the 22 words of
food and drink with students. Teacher will list the words on board with the
Teacher will ask students: Who can give me a word of food or drink that
begins with the letter "A", then for "B" and "C", .. and so on. Teacher will do
two pages in front of students as an example.
Teacher will give each student a small empty dictionary with two worksheets
(#2 & 3) one has all the 26 letters and the second one has pictures of food
and drink. Students have to cut and paste the pictures in the dictionary in the
alphabetical order. Teacher will go around checking student's work and
assessing it.
Student Activities:
The first activity: (10M).
Students will do a worksheet that has letters in alphabetical order with
missing letters. Students have to write the missing letters.
The second activity: (20M).
Teacher will give each student pictures cards of food and drinks and letters. Each
student will be asked to cut and paste the pictures in the dictionary in the
alphabetical order
Modifications / Differentiation:
Teacher will give help to the students with special need, and will check all
the students work and will be available to help all students if they make
mistakes. The two cases of special needs will get more attention and will be
helped by the teacher.
Lesson Extension: (10M)
Teacher will ask students to do a big dictionary to put it in the class. Teacher will
ask give each student a letter and will ask them to draw and color a food or drink
that begins with the letter they have in A4 paper. After they finished teacher (with
students help) will reorder their paper in alphabetically order and will paste them
together to make a big dictionary.
Closure: (10M).
Teacher will say “today we made nice dictionaries. Let's see some of your work
and what you put there".
Teacher will ask some students to come in front of the class and tell their
friends what they put in their dictionary.
1. Teacher will assess the fridge the students made and, will check the order
of letters, and the neatness of the project to see if students understand the
concept. If they recognize, understand and use 22 words of food and
drinks (sandwich, burger, milk, cola, water, ice-cream, bread, meat,
chicken, fish, hotdog, burger, pizza, apple, orange, banana, juice, tea,
lettuce, tomato, butter, cheese) and learn how to order words in an
alphabetical order.
2. Teacher will assess students by grading the worksheets to see if students learn
how to order words in an alphabetical order.
Worksheet (#1)
Worksheet (#1)
(Answer Key)
Worksheet (#2)
Worksheet (#3)
Dictionary (Model)
Lesson (9): Food and Drinks Race
Intern: Dhabia Al-kuwari
Date: 28th of May 2008
Mentor Teacher: Latifa Al-Kuwari.
# of Students: 25
Grade Level: Grade 1.
Time Frame: 55
Instructional Objective: (Measurable)
Children will be able to:
1-Recognize 22 words of food and drinks (sandwich, burger, milk, cola,
water, ice-cream, bread, meat, chicken, fish, hotdog, burger, pizza, apple,
orange, banana, juice, tea, lettuce, tomato, butter, cheese).
2- Identify differences and similarities between food associated with
breakfast, lunch, and dinner as daily meals.
3- Develop rhyming skills using ten words (cat, bat, mat, hat, rat, can, pan,
man, fan, van).
4-Identify some final sound (at, an) in ten words (cat, bat, mat, hat, rat, can,
pan, man, fan, van).
Qatar Curriculum Standard
1.1.2 Recognise, understand and use a range of approximately 100 additional
high-frequency words for listening and speaking, using the recommended
list, supplemented with additional words linked to other class work, related
to familiar themes.
1.8.1 Independently read and respond to information in labels, lists and captions
which contain familiar words in simple phrases or sentences.
1.4.3 Respond, with single-word or single-phrase answers, to yes no, either/or
and simple wh-type questions (where, when, what, who, how many) which
elicit and check key information as in 4.1 above:
• personal information;
• information given in pictures, stories, descriptions and rhymes;
• information about simple events and situations.
1.3.1 Develop awareness of distinctive rhyming and alliterative patterns, and
identify some initial sounds (phonemes) in words.
1. 22 flash card (names of food and drink).
2. 22 pictures of food and drinks.
3. 50 real items of food and drinks.
4. Shopping trolley.
5. Words that has (at) and (an).
6. Items that their names end with (at) and (an).
8. Whiteboard.
Activating Prior Knowledge / Focus: (10M)
Students will work in groups of two's to solve a puzzle that contains one letter
from food and drinks (12 letters) that introduces the name of the unit. Teacher
will ask each group about their letters. Then, will rearrange the unit topic with the
help of students. Teacher will let students as pairs saying the letter loudly e.g.: (F,
O, O, D, a, n, d, D, R, I, N, K). Then teacher will ask them to say (Food and
Drink). Then teacher will state the objective for this lesson, "today we will play
food and drink races. We will have a lot of games to play. Let we start.
Teacher Strategies (35M) :
Teacher will put the name of 22 food and drinks items under cones and 22 food
and drinks names on a board. Students will work in 3 groups and students play
one by one to see what is the name of the food or drink that is under the cone and
match it to the food or drink picture on the board. Then put it in a basket for their
groups. Teacher will check the groups' answers, state the right answer and count a
point for every right answer.
Teacher will ask students to work in 3 groups. Teacher will put the name of the
three meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) in 3 baskets. Then will give each group a
set of cards contains food names. Students have to stand at a distance; one student
at a time from each group will choose a name of food and will run and put it in
the basket that contains the name of meals that these items of food can be eaten in
it. The group's cards will be in a different color to find out the similarities of food
items that can be taken in different meals. After that, teacher will check student's
answers, state the right answer and give point for the right answers.
Students will play a "trolley dash game" as groups. Each group will be asked to
find words that end with (at) or (an) in a closed envelop. As groups they have to
discuss the items and choose one to collect from the trolley. They will have 5
minutes to discuss and 6 minutes to collect. Groups will work altogether to
collect the items. Teacher will check the groups' answers, state the right answer
and count a point for every right answer.
Finally teacher will count the final point for each group and the group with the
highest points will win a prize.
Student Activities:
The first activity: (10M).
Teacher will put the name of 22 food and drinks items under cones and 22 food
and drinks names on a board. Students will work in 3 groups and students play
one by one to see what is the name of the food or drink that is under the cone and
match it to the food or drink picture on the board. Then put it in a basket for their
The second activity: (20M).
Teacher will ask students to work in 3 groups. Teacher will put the name of the
three meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) in 3 baskets. Then will give each group a
set of cards contains food names. Students have to stand at a distance; one student
at a time from each group will choose a name of food and will run and put it in
the basket that contains the name of meals that these items of food can be eaten in
it. The group's cards will be in a different color to find out the similarities of food
items that can be taken in different meals.
The Third Activity: (5M).
Students will play a "trolley dash game" as groups. Each group will be asked to
find words that end with (at) or (an) in a closed envelop. As groups they have to
discuss the items and choose one to collect from the trolley. They will have 5
minutes to discuss and 6 minutes to collect. Groups will work in one time.
Modifications / Differentiation:
Teacher will give help to the students with special need, and will check all
the students work and will be available to help all students if they make
Teacher will include in these games few new words of food and drink and
for rhyming to differentiate the high level students.
Lesson Extension: (10M)
Teacher will give students a worksheet that is a game board and student will play
it as paired work. Each pair will have one dice. One of them has to begin first to
throw the dice. She will have to move according to the number that is thrown. If
the number is 3 for example she has to cut and paste the picture of the food in
space no. 3. Then it is the turn of the second one. The game will be going like
that until they reach the end. The group who will reach the end will get points.
Closure: (10M).
Teacher will put a list of food and drink on the white board and will ask each
student to choose one type of food and one type of drink then will ask them as
groups to run from a far distance one by one and search in a feely bag what they
will choose. After all of them finished the teacher will announce the winning
group, but this time there is no points, the food and drink they get is their prize.
1. Teacher will assess the group work by checking their answers and
discussing it with all of the class and score it to be sure that students
achieve all the concepts that been taught.
1-Recognize, understand and use 22 words of food and drinks (sandwich,
burger, milk, cola, water, ice-cream, bread, meat, chicken, fish, hotdog,
burger, pizza, apple, orange, banana, juice, tea, lettuce, tomato, butter,
2- Identify differences and similarities between food associated with
breakfast, lunch, and dinner as daily meals.
3- Develop rhyming skills using ten words (cat, bat, mat, hat, rat, can, pan,
man, fan, van).
4-Identify some terminal sound in words (at, an) in ten words (cat, bat, mat,
hat, rat, can, pan, man, fan, van).
Worksheet (#1)
Worksheet (#2)
Table of specifications
Rearrange steps of making
Recognize 22 words of
food and drinks
Identify some final sound
in words (at, an) in ten
Identify that living things
need food and drink to
Identify differences and
similarities between food
associated to breakfast,
lunch and dinner as daily
Develop rhyming of ten
Total number of items
Lesson (10): Unit Assessment
Intern: Dhabia Al-kuwari
Date: 29th of May 2008
Mentor Teacher: Latifa Al-Kuwari.
# of Students: 25
Grade Level: Grade 1.
Time Frame: 55
Instructional Objective: (Measurable)
Children will be able to:
1-Recognize 22 words of food and drinks (sandwich, burger, milk, cola, water, ice-cream,
bread, meat, chicken, fish, hotdog, burger, pizza, apple, orange, banana, juice, tea, lettuce,
tomato, butter, cheese).
2-rearrange steps of making sandwich.
3- Identify differences and similarities between food associated to breakfast, lunch, and
dinner as daily meals.
4- Develop rhyming of ten words (cat, bat, mat, hat, rat, can, pan, man, fan, van).
5-Identify some final sound in words (at, an) in ten words (cat, bat, mat, hat, rat, can, pan,
man, fan, van).
6- Identify that living things need food and drink to grow.
Qatar Curriculum Standard
1.1.2 Recognise, understand and use a range of approximately 100 additional highfrequency words for listening and speaking, using the recommended list, supplemented
with additional words linked to other class work, related to familiar themes.
1.8.1 Independently read and respond to information in labels, lists and captions which
contain familiar words in simple phrases or sentences.
1.4.3 Respond, with single-word or single-phrase answers, to yes no, either/or and simple
wh-type questions (where, when, what, who, how many).
1.3.1 Develop awareness of distinctive rhyming and alliterative patterns, and identify
some initial sounds (phonemes) in words.
1.6.1 Know that living organisms need food, water and air, that they are sensitive, and that they grow
and reproduce, and that it is these characteristics that distinguish them from non-living thing
Unit Exam
Question No. 1:
The Sandwich
Let's make a sandwich.
Get some bread.
Put some butter on the bread.
Put some lettuce on the butter.
Put some tomatoes on the lettuce.
Put some meat on the tomatoes.
Put some bread on the meat.
Now take a big bite.
Read the story above. Reorder the steps of making sandwich as
mentioned in the story by numbering the pictures below.
Question No.2:
Match the food and drink pictures with their names:
Match the food and drink pictures with their names.
French fries
Question No.3:
Match each picture with its final sound.
Question No.5:
What did this child need to grow?
Question No. 6:
Match the food and drink items with the meal that suitable
to eat them in.
Match the food and drink items with the meal that suitable to eat them in.
Unit Exam
(Answer Key)
Question No. 1:
The Sandwich
Let's make a sandwich.
Get some bread.
Put some butter on the bread.
Put some lettuce on the butter.
Put some tomatoes on the lettuce.
Put some meat on the tomatoes.
Put some bread on the meat.
Now take a big bite.
Read the story above. Reorder the steps of making sandwich as
mentioned in the story by numbering the pictures below.
( 3
( 6
Question No.2:
Match the food and drink pictures with their names:
Match the food and drink pictures with their names.
French fries
Question No.3:
Match each picture with its final sound.
Question No.5:
What did this child need to grow?
Question No. 6:
Match the food and drink items with the meal that suitable
to eat them in.
Match the food and drink items with the meal that suitable to eat them in.
Integration with Other School Subjects
This unit might be integrated with four subjects: Math, Science, Life
skills and Practice exercise.
Integrated with Math lessons in three ways, one way is to represent
meals by Venn diagram to show the food and drink that can be taken in
the three meals. The second way, making a chart using happy and sad
faces to represent likes and dislikes which is a way of data handling in
Math. The third way is to take the measurement of children length from
time to time to show the changes that represent growth.
Integrated with Science lesson to show the relation between eating and
drinking and growing up.
This unit can be integrated with life skills lessons, in two ways. First,
by letting students make their own fridge which include their food and
drink preferences. And a second way is to make a mini food and drink
dictionary that is useful in teaching children to put words in
alphabetical order and food and drink dictionary.
Integration with Physical Exercise will make students feel fun and
challenged while they are studying and reviewing the unit.
a. Description of learning experiences:
I include in this unit a lot of learning experiences like group work
and individual work. I include a lot of games and fun in this unit
and I used a lot of technology methods to be interactive and make
students engaged in the lessons. I used different type of technology.
I include movies, and songs in this unit to engage students and have
fun while they are studying. There a lot of project that related to
this unit, these will make students concentrate more in the concept
and engaged while they are in task.
b. Bibliography:
4. fast20%food/fast20%food.htm
11. Song (I look I see) CD // Bismillah (I am a muslim)
13. Harcourt (Health and Fitness) Teacher Edition page (8-9)