
Modular Specifications Project Phase 2 - Direct
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
Direct Test Guide
Version 1.0c
February 2, 2012
Prepared by:
ONC Standards and Interoperability Test Team
Modular Specification Phase 2 Direct
Version 1.0c
Referenced Documents
Direct Transport and Security Specification SMTP and SMIME Requirements Traceability Matrix
Direct Message Conversion Specification XDR and XDM Requirements Traceability Matrix
Document Change History
August 25, 2011
October 26, 2011
November 1, 2011
November 8, 2011
November 10, 2011
November 18, 2011
January 13, 2012
February 2, 2012
February 2, 2012
Items Changed Since Previous Version
Initial draft based from Mod Spec P1
wrapper document and new validation
test package template.
Added Testing Prep, Testing Materials,
Summary of Specifications sections
Incorporated feedback from Test Team
Incorporated feedback from Spec Team,
added Section 2
Added Executive Summary
Reworked Test Environment and Test
Coverage sections, updated per feedback
Added section 6.2.6 which explains test
cases that are subflows of other test
Fixed referenced documents.
Clarified the description of the XDR
Testing Tool in Section 3.
Updated the test coverage in Section 4.
Updated Section 6 to reflect the latest
test packet structure and the assigned ID
blocks for test items.
Changed By
Testing Team
Testing Team
Testing Team
Testing Team
Testing Team
Testing Team
Testing Team
Testing Team
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Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................4
PROJECT BACKGROUND: MODULAR SPECIFICATION PHASE 2 ......................................................................5
2.1 Document Audience & Sections ...................................................................................................... 5
TEST ENVIRONMENT .........................................................................................................................6
3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Terminology .................................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Actors in the Test Environment - Mail ............................................................................................ 7
3.4 Actors in the Test Environment - Mail to/from XDR ....................................................................... 9
TEST COVERAGE OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................. 12
4.1 Key Test Scope Decisions .............................................................................................................. 12
4.1.1 Out of scope: Document payload .......................................................................................... 12
4.1.2 Out of scope: Mail – Certificate discovery and publication ................................................... 12
4.1.3 Out of scope: XDR-XDR messaging ........................................................................................ 12
4.1.4 Out of scope: Internal details of specific Mail deployment models ...................................... 12
4.2 Test Coverage Areas ...................................................................................................................... 13
4.2.1 Mail – Trust verification ......................................................................................................... 13
4.2.2 Mail – Basic messaging .......................................................................................................... 13
4.2.3 Mail - Signatures and encryption ........................................................................................... 13
4.2.4 Mail - XDM ............................................................................................................................. 14
4.2.5 Conversion: Mail to XDR ........................................................................................................ 14
4.2.6 Conversion: Mail - XDM to XDR ............................................................................................. 14
4.2.7 Conversion: XDR to Mail ........................................................................................................ 15
4.2.8 XD* ......................................................................................................................................... 15
4.3 Testing Roadmap........................................................................................................................... 15
4.3.1 Initial connectivity testing...................................................................................................... 16
4.3.2 Interoperability testing .......................................................................................................... 16
TESTING PREP ............................................................................................................................... 18
5.1 Stand Up Testing Tool ................................................................................................................... 18
5.2 Identify relevant Test Cases .......................................................................................................... 18
5.3 Compile Test Data ......................................................................................................................... 18
5.4 General Test Case Guidance.......................................................................................................... 18
TESTING MATERIALS ....................................................................................................................... 20
6.1 Test Packet Contents ..................................................................................................................... 20
6.2 Navigating the Test Cases Sheet ................................................................................................... 22
6.3 Test Data ....................................................................................................................................... 26
EXECUTING TESTING ....................................................................................................................... 27
7.1 Testing Steps ................................................................................................................................. 27
7.2 Analysis.......................................................................................................................................... 27
7.2.1 Prepare for Analysis ............................................................................................................... 27
7.2.2 Checklist Verification ............................................................................................................. 27
7.2.3 Reporting Test Case Outcomes .............................................................................................. 28
SUMMARY OF SPECIFICATIONS .......................................................................................................... 29
8.1 Spec Tree ....................................................................................................................................... 29
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8.2 Spec Summaries ............................................................................................................................ 31
9 APPENDIX A – GLOSSARY OF TERMS ................................................................................................... 38
Table of Figures
Figure 1: Actors for Mail (Direct messaging) ................................................................................................ 7
Figure 2: Example test environment: Mail sender only................................................................................. 8
Figure 3: Dual versions of the same System.................................................................................................. 8
Figure 4: Two different Systems .................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 5: System to Endpoint Simulator ........................................................................................................ 9
Figure 6: Actors for Conversion: Mail to/from XDR..................................................................................... 10
Figure 7: Example test environment: Mail + Mail to XDR ........................................................................... 10
Figure 8: Test Data Index – sample test Message description .................................................................... 18
Figure 9: Test Packet sheets ........................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 10: Test cases using XD* checklists .................................................................................................. 21
Figure 11: Test Cases Sheet - Columns ........................................................................................................ 22
Figure 12: Test Cases – System Under Test – Mail ...................................................................................... 24
Figure 13: Test Cases – System Under Test – Mail-XDR Conversion ........................................................... 24
Figure 14: Test Cases Sheet - Preconditions ................................................................................................ 25
Figure 15: Test Cases – multiple Testing Tools............................................................................................ 25
Figure 16: Test Cases Sheet – Test Steps verification steps ........................................................................ 25
Figure 17: Test Cases Sheet – Test Steps verification steps ........................................................................ 25
Figure 18: Test Cases Sheet – Test Data ID ................................................................................................. 26
Figure 19: Test Data Index – Test Data ID................................................................................................... 26
Figure 20: Checklist Sheet ........................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 21: Spec Tree .................................................................................................................................... 30
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1 Executive Summary
This Direct Test Guide is a companion artifact to the Direct Test Packets, which contain Test Cases, Test
Data, and inspection Checklists, and the Conformance Questionnaire. Together, the Test Guide and Test
Packets comprise a self-testing kit to enable implementers to verify conformance to the Direct
specifications. It is recommended that implementers review the Test Guide before examining the Test
The Test Guide includes project background information, an overview of our test coverage, and
instructions for identifying Testing Tools and executing Test Cases. A detailed walk-through of the Test
Packet artifacts is also provided.
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2 Project Background: Modular Specification Phase 2
This section provides an introduction to the Modular Specification Phase 2 project that drove the
production of the Direct Test Packet and this Testing Guide.
The overall goal of the Modular Specification Phase 2 project is to extract the specifications currently
used in the Direct pilot implementation ( and develop implementable,
testable specifications along with a conformant test implementation and high quality Test Cases that can
be used to verify conformance.
Within this project are four collaborative workstreams and groups, working under direction from ONC:
1. The Specifications Team: Focused on converting the existing specifications into a matrix format,
designed to clearly delineate normative content into tracable and atomic requirements.
2. Test Implementation Team: Focused on standing up and expanding existing test
implementation code into a demonstration System.
3. Testing Team: Focused on creating vendor neutral Test Cases, data, and conformance checklists
to serve as a written test kit for verifying conformance and/or testing interoperability.
4. NIST Tools Team: Focused on utilizing and expanding existing and potential tools for executing
the test suite.
This document was produced by the Testing Team and reviewed by the entire Project Team, and
represents the main project deliverable of the Testing Team’s workstream.
Document Audience & Sections
The Test Packet is meant to act as a stand-alone and platform-neutral test kit that can be used to test
systems implementing the Direct specifications. It targets three main audiences:
A test team intending to perform an IV&V task,
A product vendor or developer for rolling into their internal testing process, or
A pilot System going through a pre-validation or self-attestation model for joining some kind of
exchange network.
This document does not refer to or contain actual execution scripts or assumptions on the physical
architecture of the test environment (such as the programming platform/framework, server
components, or testing tools used to simulate message exchange). It does assume some high-level
basics about aspects of the test environment, which are detailed below.
This document is intended to be used in tandem with the Test Packet, which contains the Test Cases,
Test Data, and inspection Checklists.
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3 Test Environment
This section describes the test environment in which the Test Cases are executed. It outlines the
components of the test environment, and some common variations of the testing platform.
The following core work components are required for completion of any Test Cases:
1. Set up a test platform to simulate the user or System activity to be tested.
2. Perform the steps to simulate the type of user or System activity.
3. Note the results at each step and compare them against expected results and communicate the
delta to the appropriate audience (development team, product owners, governing body, etc.).
It is important to note that many people (including professional testers) are familiar with systems using
heavy graphical user interfaces (GUIs) as opposed to messaging systems or integration programming,
which generally have very light (or no) interface. One of the key differences in testing between these
types of systems is the degree of emphasis on the three work areas defined above.
For most GUI-heavy Systems, the weight is firmly in #2 above: running test procedures or
scenarios, which generally have a 1-to-1 relationship to #3 (one step, one comparison to
expected results). As such, when testing a typical shopping cart application there might be a
dozen steps – and each step would have an expected result for comparison.
For testing message or integration-biased Systems, there might be a single logical task (“Send a
message from gateway 1 to gateway 2 with this structure.”), which then might have 100+
specific inspection tasks to follow.
In addition, in messaging-biased testing the tester often has to perform additional work in #1
(adjusting the test platform) to simulate a particular test. For example, to perform a basic
negative test in a shopping cart the tester might simply enter an incorrect credit card number. In
a messaging System, they might have significant work (programming or configuration) to
simulate a similar basic negative Test Case (such as leaving out an security header element).
The following terms are used in the test artifacts (additional terms are defined in Appendix A: Glossary
of Terms):
System, or SUT: in the context of a test case, the system under test.
Testing Tool, or TT: in the context of a test case, something that is capable of operating as the
control end of the message exchange with the system under test.
Mail: a shorthand for the primary mechanism for Direct messaging: RFC5322+S/MIME messages
over SMTP, including the MDN response.
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Mail+XDM: a shorthand for RFC5322+S/MIME messages over SMTP, containing XDM-compliant
XDR: a shorthand for a secondary mechanism for Direct messaging: SOAP+XDR messages over
HTTP, including the SOAP+XDR response.
Initiator: the initiator of a message exchange. In the context of the “push” protocols used in the
Direct project (Mail and XDR), this is equivalent to the Sender.
Receiver: the receiver of a message exchange.
Converter: receives messages from one implementation type, converts, and sends to another
implementation type. Although this is called out as a specific actor in test cases, it is not
required to be a distinct implementation component from the Initiator/Sender or the Receiver.
What is required is for the test subject to know where in their system conversion occurs – in
other words, which are native interfaces and which are converted interfaces.
Actors in the Test Environment - Mail
The test environment for Mail transactions is intentionally simplified, to accommodate different
deployment models (as shown in We begin by
abstracting two actors: a Mail sender and a Mail receiver.
Figure 1: Actors for Mail (Direct messaging)
The Mail sender (“source” in the Deployment Model terminology) aggregates all behavior expected of
the source in a black-box fashion, regardless of how that behavior is distributed among system
Locating the destination address
Locating and verifying the destination certificate
Signing and encrypting the message
Sending the SMTP-RFC5322-S/MIME message
Optionally sending XDM-compliant files
Likewise, the Mail receiver aggregates all behavior expected of the destination:
Receiving the SMTP-RFC5322-S/MIME message
Verifying the sender certificate
Verifying the signature and decrypting the message
Handling XDM-compliant files
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Internal behavior/messaging within the Mail sender and receiver (for example, between an email client
and a full service HISP) is not tested.
We create the test environment by mapping the System under test and one or more Testing Tools to
these actors, as appropriate. The physical systems or tools/code playing either side of this exchange are
often quite similar, and sometimes identical. How Testers fill the two roles depends on what they are
trying to accomplish with their testing. The architecture of the System and Testing Tools is not specified.
For example, assume a system under test that can only send Direct Mail, without XDM attachments.
First the tester would determine which test cases apply (this is explained in section 5.2). These test cases
would have a Test Focus of “Mail…” and a System Under Test of “Initiator”, meaning they test the
Initiator (i.e. the Mail Sender) in a Mail transaction. The abstract test environment would look like this
(we would still need to choose what physical system would play the role of the Testing Tool):
SUT: Mail
TT: Mail
Figure 2: Example test environment: Mail sender only
Since the Testing Tool role can be filled multiple ways, this leads to some common variants to the test
1. Dual versions of the same System. In this model, Testers set up two instances of the System
they want to test and then trigger a message from one System to the other. Depending on the
Test Case being executed, each instance is designated the role of Initiator (i.e. sender) or
Receiver. When the Systems are identical, the focus is almost entirely on conformance.
System A
SUT: Mail
System A
TT: Mail
Figure 3: Dual versions of the same System
2. Two different Systems. In this model, Testers set up two different Systems. For example, one TI
and another System based on or compatible with the specifications. The instance playing the
role of the Initiator versus the Receiver depends on the Test Case being executed. This type of
testing still contains conformance testing, but now includes interoperability as well.
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System A
SUT: Mail
TT: Mail
Figure 4: Two different Systems
3. A single System using a program to simulate an endpoint. This model is typically used to send a
message to the System. The easiest way to do this is to simply set up a second System (as in #1
or #2 above) and trigger a message from one to the other through its API. The problem with this
approach is when the Tester wants to do alternative flows or negative testing. Without
modifying the System being used as the Testing Tool, Testers often cannot do things like not
include a field or load it incorrectly. Some products get around this by continuing to expand the
Application Programming Interface (API) to allow Testers to modify these elements. But if/when
Testers cannot, they can create or use a program to simulate an endpoint entirely.
System A
SUT: Mail
TT: Mail
Figure 5: System to Endpoint Simulator
As shown in the Test Cases spreadsheet, there are base flows that are sent across the physical
environment through the roles previously described. The majority of this type of testing focuses on the
observable messages between these Systems. They are analyzed to determine both message
conformance as well as actual versus expected behavior. Actually sending messages and analyzing the
resultant messages (or faults) is the foundation of this test packet.
Actors in the Test Environment - Mail to/from XDR
When the system under test will be involved with conversion between Mail and XDR, there are
additional actors defined.
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Mail to
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XDR to
Figure 6: Actors for Conversion: Mail to/from XDR
The additional actors have the following behavior:
The Mail to XDR converter is responsible for all conversions needed to translate a Mail message to an
XDR message:
Transport conversion from SMTP to SOAP
Packaging conversion from RFC5322/MIME to XDR
Packaging conversion from XDM to XDR
Ensuring metadata conformance
The XDR to Mail converter is responsible for conversions in the opposite direction.
The XDR receiver is responsible for handling XDR messages that have been converted from Mail,
Handling Direct-specific SOAP headers
Handling full or minimal XDS metadata
The XDR sender is responsible for sending XDR messages that will be converted to Mail. Note that there
are no Direct-specific requirements for this actor, so there are no XDR to Mail test cases where the
System Under Test is the Initiator (i.e. XDR sender).
As with basic Mail messaging, the System under test and Testing Tool(s) will map to these actors, to
create the test environment. Let us look at an example: System A has the ability to send and receive
Mail messages, and also the ability to convert outgoing Mail messages to XDR messages, but not the
reverse. The physical test environment may look like the following:
System A
Mail sender/
System A
SUT: Mail
to XDR
TT: Mail
Figure 7: Example test environment: Mail + Mail to XDR
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In this example, the following test areas would be executed:
Mail Initiator tests: System A’s Mail sender would be the System under test, and a Test
Implementation capable of receiving Mail would be the Mail Testing Tool.
Mail Receiver tests: System A’s Mail receiver would be the System under test, and a Test
Implementation capable of sending Mail would be the Mail Testing Tool.
Mail to XDR tests: System A’s Mail sender would function as the Mail Testing Tool, System A’s
Mail to XDR converter would be the System under test, and a Test Implementation capable of
receiving converted XDR messages would be the XDR Testing Tool.
Note that the exact complement of tests to be executed is determined by a questionnaire, since there
are a number of conditional tests based on features implemented by the System. This questionnaire is
explained in section 5.2.
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4 Test Coverage Overview
This section gives an overview of the coverage of the Test Cases, grouped into logical test coverage
areas. The descriptions in this section serve as a high level guide to the more detailed Test Cases, test
data, and inspection Checklists contained in the Test Cases spreadsheet.
Note that in some cases we have chosen to add scope clarification in the form of key requirements or
clarification from the Spec Team before deciding if or how we will test a given functional area.
Key Test Scope Decisions
The following are key decisions made on the scope of testing.
Out of scope: Document payload
The Direct specifications are a messaging platform – they focus on transport, security, and the message
envelope – but do not specify the type or format of the actual files transferred (the “payload”). The
associated Test Cases were written to allow any valid payload to be used, which matches the intent of
the specifications to be flexible to a wide variety of possible payloads.
The only exception to this is the special case of XDM files sent to/from an XDR endpoint, which is
covered in the conversion areas.
Out of scope: Mail – Certificate discovery and publication
The current specifications do not include a deterministic mechanism for publishing and discovering
certificates, although using DNS to do so is specified as an optional method. As efforts are underway to
fill this gap, we have decided not to test this area thoroughly at this time (i.e. multiple variants and
positive and negative testing). Rather, we test this feature implicitly (i.e. positive testing, no explicit
variants), via our “Mail – Trust verification” tests, which require that systems have some way to obtain
Note: support for certificate discovery will be added in a future version.
Out of scope: XDR-XDR messaging
While the Direct messaging conversion matrix shows the possibility of an XDR-capable endpoint as the
sender and an XDR-capable endpoint as the receiver, the Direct project has defined its scope to require
a Mail link somewhere in the communication chain. XDR messaging with no conversion to/from Mail is
adequately tested by existing IHE testing artifacts or, in the case of the NwHIN exchange, Document
Submission artifacts.
Out of scope: Internal details of specific Mail deployment models
The Direct Deployment models wiki page shows a number of possible deployment models. While
variations in these models may be employed for interoperability testing (explained later in the
document), the models are non-normative examples, and their internal details (for example, messaging
between an email client and a full-service HISP) are not specified. For this reason, these details are not
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Test Coverage Areas
We have identified the following areas for test coverage. We approach each area with a coverage
philosophy that includes testing both success and failure variants, as well as verifying conformance of
any products of the test, such as messages.
In the test packet, the Test Cases and Checklists that primarily support a given test coverage area will list
that area in the “Test Focus” column. Note that some areas are not tested directly, but rather through
the test cases of some related area. The following test coverage areas are addressed:
Mail – Trust verification
As the security foundation for Direct messaging, certificates are tested thoroughly:
Systems under test: Initiator and Receiver
Variants of binding: address-bound and organization-bound
Variants of trust path: same cert, common trust anchor, etc.
Variants of certificates: cert extensions
Verification of certificate path
Negative testing: rejected messaging for variants of trust failure (e.g. expired/revoked certs,
trust path cannot be established)
Mail – Basic messaging
In this test coverage area, we explore the Mail messaging common to all SMTP + S/MIME
Systems under test: Initiator and Receiver
Nominal sender and receiver cases for all Mail messaging areas
Note that because all tests are system-level, these nominal cases also cover the nominal
cases for other Mail-related areas: certificate lookup, trust verification, and signatures
and encryption.
Variants of Internet Mail Format: mail headers – CC, BCC, etc.
Variants of MIME: attachments, content type, transfer encodings, etc.
Verification of message conformance: Mail message, MDN response
Negative testing
Applicant as Receiver returns failure MDN in case of invalid incoming message
Applicant as Initiator handles failure MDN or no MDN returned by Receiver (no
requirements for this, so this is considered informative testing)
Mail - Signatures and encryption
In this test coverage area, we explore the way that security is implemented in Mail messages using
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Systems under test: Initiator and Receiver
Variants of signatures and algorithms
Variants of encryption
Negative testing
Invalid signature algorithms, unencrypted messages, corrupt signatures, etc.
Mail - XDM
This test area covers initiating and receiving in the XDM format across the basic Mail transport only.
Conversion to/from XDR transport is addressed separately.
Systems under test: Initiator and Receiver
Variants of MIME: attachments besides XDM, multiple XDM attachments
Variants of XDM content: multiple submission sets, minimal/full metadata
Verification of Message conformance: XDM structure and format
Negative testing: none
Conversion: Mail to XDR
This test area covers sending from the Mail transport and converting to the SOAP-XDR transport.
Systems under test: Converter and Receiver (Initiator does not have functionality specific to this
Variants of Internet Mail Format: Mail headers – CC, BCC, etc.
Variants of MIME: attachments, content type, document encoding.
Variants of XDS content: minimal metadata
Verification of Message conformance: Direct-specific XDR message, XDR message, XDS metadata
– Direct-specific requirements
Verification of metadata conversion
Negative testing: converter’s ability to handle SOAP faults or XDR error responses
Conversion: Mail - XDM to XDR
This test area covers sending from the Mail transport and converting to the SOAP-XDR transport, where
the sending system has the ability to construct XDM formatted content.
Systems under test: Converter and Receiver (Initiator does not have functionality specific to this
Variants of MIME: attachments, content type
Variants of XDM: number of submission sets
Variants of XDS content: minimal/full metadata
Variants of network architecture: number of SOAP endpoints
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Verification of message conformance: Direct-specific XDR message, XDR message, XDS metadata
– Direct-specific requirements
Verification of metadata conversion
Negative testing: none
Conversion: XDR to Mail
This test area covers sending from the SOAP-XDR transport and converting to the Mail transport.
Systems under test: Converter (Initiator does not have functionality specific to this transaction,
and Receiver of XDM is covered in area Mail – XDM)
Variants of MIME: attachments, content type: multipart
Variants of Direct: Direct addressing block
Variants of XDM: number of submission sets
Variants of XDR: folders, document links, references to existing objects
Verification of Message conformance: Mail Message, XDS metadata – Direct-specific
Verification of Message conformance: XDM structure and format
Verification of metadata conversion
Negative testing: none
This test area covers the underlying IHE XD* specifications: XDR/XDS/XDM. Because these specifications
are used in a number of other contexts (e.g. NwHIN Query for Documents), we have created modular
testing artifacts that may be reused in multiple testing contexts. The following is not the entire test
coverage available in this test area. Rather, it is the test coverage utilized in the context of Direct testing.
Systems under test: Converter
Verification of message conformance: XDR message
Verification of message conformance: XDS metadata, in the context of XDR, XDM, and
Metadata-Limited Document Sources
Test cases: none (in other words, all test cases utilizing XD* functionality are Direct-specific)
Testing Roadmap
While the Test Cases can be executed in any order, Testers may find that there is an advantage to
executing them within a larger roadmap, building up from simple messaging to interoperability:
First, perform initial connectivity testing of each of the supported transports.
Next, perform functional testing by executing each of the applicable Test Cases against a single
complement of Testing Tools.
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Finally, perform interoperability testing by repeating some or all of the Test Cases against other
systems acting in the role of the Testing Tool, varying the implementations and deployment
models of these other systems.
The first and last steps are outlined below.
Initial connectivity testing
Initial connectivity testing simply means exercising a subset of end-to-end test cases that exercise the
key functionality of the system. We have categorized each test case by “flow” as follows:
Basic success: this is a nominal “happy path” case, which tests the most simple and/or common
way to exercise the functionality.
Variant success: these are the tests that exercise all the variations in functionality, and still
expect a successful result.
Error: these are the tests that ensure the system under test can detect and/or handle error
conditions appropriately.
While testers may decide what constitutes initial connectivity differently, a good starting point would be
to exercise all Basic success cases that apply to the system under test.
Interoperability testing
The conformance Test Cases that accompany this Guide can be used to test interoperability between
systems using the following approach:
Test your system according to your business use cases and expected partners
Test your system against different deployment models
Test your system against different implementations (i.e. based on different COTS products)
First, determine the business use case(s) that require the systems to communicate. Interoperability
encompasses a spectrum of communication capabilities and the level of interoperability required by a
use case depends on its goals. For example, sending a PDF from one system to another for a human
being to print out and act on requires a less intensive level of system interoperability than sending a
medical record that is to be parsed by the receiving system, automatically analyzed for certain
conditions, then used to trigger clinical decisions affecting the well-being of the patient involved.
Based on the level of interoperability required for each use case, determine the corresponding technical
capabilities that must be expressed to demonstrate interoperability. Use the accompanying Test Cases
to create test scenarios that demonstrate those technical capabilities. Two disparate systems that
execute these scenarios successfully can be said to be interoperable at the required level.
Data exchange partners may use the accompanying Test Cases to set up their own test beds. These can
be used to vet the systems of new partners. Such test beds will be most effective if they host a set of
systems representative of those in production.
Second, test your system against systems built around different deployment models, as available. There
are a number of such models identified on the Direct Project’s Deployment Models wiki page.
Finally, test your system against different implementations, as available. For example, test against a
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system that is built from different components than yours: using different email clients, email servers,
messaging stacks, etc.
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5 Testing Prep
This section describes the steps that must be taken in preparation for executing Test Cases. A Tester
must stand up a Testing Tool, identify relevant Test Cases, and compile Test Data for use in the Test
Stand Up Testing Tool
The first step in preparing for testing is to stand up a Testing Tool as described in section 3.2. In some
Test Cases multiple Testing Tools are used.
Identify relevant Test Cases
A Conformance Questionnaire is included with this Test Packet to assist Testers with identifying which
Test Cases you will need to execute. The Questionnaire elicits information about the System
implementation type as well as which optional functionality is supported and this information is mapped
to the Test Case IDs found in the Test Case spreadsheet.
Use the Questionnaire to determine which Test Cases are Required or Optional for your system.
Compile Test Data
Each Test Case references test data or message(s) that reside in the Test Case spreadsheet, in the Test
Data Index sheet. These sheets provide examples and descriptions of the test data or messages that will
be transmitted during the test. The Tester should use the reference numbers provided in each Test Case
to trace to correct test data or message description, and compile their own test data and messages
based on these descriptions. See Section 6.3 for more on these reference numbers.
Figure 8: Test Data Index – sample test Message description
General Test Case Guidance
The Direct specifications include requirements that indicate varying degrees of conformance precision,
such as MAY, SHOULD, or MUST. The following guidance provides some insight into how the Test Cases
were written to address these variants.
1. Test Cases may be based on a function that MAY be or SHOULD be implemented, rather than a
function that MUST be implemented. This is reflected directly in the test optionality (i.e.
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required, optional, or conditional). If your System supports the requirement, do execute those
test cases. If your System does not support the requirement, you may want to make a note of
this when recording your testing outcomes (see Section 7.2.3).
2. Some of the requirements delineated in the RTM are not testable, either because they are
operational requirements levied on the STA, or because they legislate activities in back-end
Example: RTM Requirement 10. “An organization that maintains Organizational
Certificates MUST vouch for the identity of all Direct Addresses at the Health Domain
Name tied to the certificate(s).”
3. There are some requirements in the RTM that dictate an action, but the method is not specified,
or sample methods are suggested. In some instances, there are Test Cases that test the
recommended method, although any method may be used. Elsewhere, Test Cases test the end
to end behavior that is expected, without specifying the method.
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6 Testing Materials
This Section serves as a guide to each Test Packet artifact, which contains the Test Cases, Test Data
instructions, and message verification tools. The Test Cases sheet is your starting point and the Test
Steps contained in each Test Case will direct you to the appropriate Test Data and verification tools.
There are two test packets:
 Mod_Spec_P2_Transport_and_Security_Test_Package: this contains testing materials for the
basic Mail transactions, including sending and receiving XDM-compliant attachments.
 Mod_Spec_P2_XD_Test_Package: this contains testing materials for Mail-XDR conversion
The structure of each packet is nearly identical and is detailed below.
Test Packet Contents
Each Test Packet contains sheets (tabs) that include Test Cases, Test Data, and verification and Checklist
tools. Following is a description of each of these sheets.
Figure 9: Test Packet sheets
Each test packet starts with the following common sheets:
 Revision History: Cover Sheet with document history.
 Test Cases: Test Cases for all implementation types. Serves as a step-by-step guide for executing
Test Cases. Each Test Case directs the Tester to test data in the Test Data Index or XDR Test
Messages that is used for that Test Case. Each Test Case also directs the Tester to the
appropriate checklists for conformance verification.
 Test Data Index: Detailed descriptions of the test data utilized by the Test Cases. Users should
compile test data based on this Index.
Following this are verification checklists. The Mail related checklists are:
 RFC5322 Checklist: Checklist for verifying conformance of an RFC5322 Message.
 Certificate Checklist: Checklist for verifying conformance of x.509 certificates.
 MDN Checklist: Checklist for verifying conformance of an MDN.
The tests for both XDM attachments to Mail messages and Mail-XDR conversions use a number of
additional checklists that cover IHE XD* areas, for example XDS, XDM and XDR, and converted messages.
The following diagram shows the way these XD* checklists relate, and how they are referenced by test
cases. We have introduced the idea of the “context” in which a checklist is used. Think of a context as a
variable you can pass into a checklist that dictates some aspect of how it is executed.
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Verify XDM files converted
from XDR messages
Test cases:
Mail - XDM
Verify sending
and receiving
XDM Zip Files in
Direct messages
- Verify XDR requests
converted from Mail
- Use minimal metadata
- Verify XDR requests
converted from Mail+XDM
- Context is test-casespecific; depends on XDM
Verify XDM files
XDM Zip File Checklist
Verify an XDM Zip File
Contexts: none
- Verify
- Use DDSM for XDS
Metadata Checklist
Test cases:
Conversion: XDR to Mail
Verify converting XDR
messages to Direct Mail
Test cases:
Conversion: Mail to XDR
Verify converting Direct
Mail messages to XDR
Test cases:
Conversion: Mail - XDM
to XDR
Verify converting Direct
Mail messages with XDM
Zip Files to XDR
Direct XDR Request Checklist
Verify a Direct XDR request message
that has been converted from Mail
- Minimal metadata
- Full metadata
- Verify XDR Request
- If minimal metadata, use
PRDSML for XDS Metadata
Checklist; if full use PRDS
XDR Request Checklist
Verify an XDR request
Contexts: none
- Verify rim:RegistryObjectList
- Use PRDS unless overridden
XDS Metadata Checklist
Verify a collection of XDS metadata in a
- PRDS: Provide and Register Document Set-b
- PRDSML: Provide and Register Document Set-b,
Metadata Limited Document Source actor
- DDSM: Distribute Document Set on Media
- RSQR: Registry Stored Query response
Figure 10: Test cases using XD* checklists
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Navigating the Test Cases Sheet
The Test Cases sheet is the Tester’s starting point for preparing and executing Test Cases. Each Test Case
contains the following columns. Use the steps below to navigate through the Test Cases and Test Data.
Figure 11: Test Cases Sheet - Columns
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Test Cases Sheet Columns
A unique prefix to be used for a group of test cases. Combined with the
ID, this yields a unique identifier. Note: the Prefix+ID identification
scheme is also used to identify specific checks within Checklist sheets.
Unique number (within the prefix) for the Test Case (or Checklist
check). Numbers are assigned in blocks which correspond to an area in
the test package, which assists in quickly finding a given test item
traced from an RTM.
Note that within a given block, the ID is only used for identification and
traceability; it has no inherent meaning. For example, consecutive
numbering of a group of test cases should not be assumed.
Module Prefix Block Start
Block End
Area in Test
Direct T&S:
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Test Focus
Test Steps
Additional Info/Comments
Underlying Spec
Test Data IDs
February 2, 2012
test cases
except Mail Trust
Direct XD Test
Direct XDR
MDN Checklist
Direct T&S:
Mail - Trust
test cases
XDR Request
XDS metadata
XDM Zip File
Area of functionality being tested.
The type of flow being tested. Can be one of: Basic success, Variant
success, or Error.
Whether the System under test is the message Initiator, Receiver, or
Converter from one implementation type to another.
Implementation type of the Source of the end-to-end message. This can
be one of these types: Mail, Mail+XDM, or XDR (see Terminology
Implementation type of the Destination of the end-to-end message. .
For conversion test cases, this will be different from the Source.
Brief description of what is being tested.
Test execution steps. May also contain Preconditions, reference to Test
Data, reference to Checklists and other verification instructions.
Indicates whether this Test Case is Required or Conditional for Systems
that support the functionality under test.
Additional information, descriptions, context.
Traceability to the RTM
Traceability to the underlying specification
Reference to the Test Data artifact to be used for the Test Case. The
Test Data descriptions reside in the Test Data Index and are referenced
by these unique IDs.
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By using the Questionnaire, you should already know the Test Cases that apply to your
system. The SUT (System Under Test) column identifies the role/actor in the transaction
(roles/actors are explained in section 3) that is being tested in each test case. The other
actors in the transaction will be represented by Testing Tools. For example, in a basic Mail
transaction test case, if SUT is I (Initiator), it is testing the Mail Sender. The Mail Receiver is a
Testing Tool.
Figure 12: Test Cases – System Under Test – Mail
In the XD conversion test packet, you will also need to look at the Source and Dest columns
to understand the specific conversion and thus the role of the SUT. For example, if SUT is R,
Source is Mail, and Dest is XDR, then the System under Test is the XDR Receiver in a Mail to
XDR conversion. Both the Mail Sender and Mail to XDR Converter actors are considered
Testing Tools.
Figure 13: Test Cases – System Under Test – Mail-XDR Conversion
Look in the Test Data ID column for the ID that references the test data or message to be
used for this Test Case, per Section 6.2.7 below.
In some Test Cases, the Test Steps column defines Preconditions for the Test Data, System
or Testing Tool.
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Figure 14: Test Cases Sheet - Preconditions
Some Test Cases require the use of two or more Testing Tools.
Figure 15: Test Cases – multiple Testing Tools
Following the test execution steps, the Test Steps column directs the Tester to verify test
outcomes through visual inspection or verification against a Checklist. This may include
several steps.
Figure 16: Test Cases Sheet – Test Steps verification steps
Some of the test cases are “Subflows” of another “basic flow” test case. These subflows
replace a step in the basic flow but then refer back to the basic flow for any remaining steps.
In the following case, Step 1 of DTS 8 would be replaced with Step 1 of this Test Case. After
step one, the test case would resume with Step 2 of DTS 8.
Figure 17: Test Cases Sheet – Test Steps verification steps
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Test Data
In each Test Case, Test Data IDs are provided for the Test Data and Messages to be used for
that Test Case. These IDs reference the Test Data Index sheet as indicated.
The Tester will use the descriptions provided in the Test Data Index to compile their own
Test Data and Messages for executing the Test Case.
Figure 18: Test Cases Sheet – Test Data ID
Figure 19: Test Data Index – Test Data ID
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7 Executing Testing
Once you have completed the Testing Prep activities and are familiar with the contents of the Test
Packet, you are ready to execute Test Cases. This section provides step by step instructions for executing
Test Cases and conducting analysis of the resulting messages / outcomes.
Testing Steps
After completing the testing prep activities described in section 5, the Tester must execute the following
steps once for each Test Case.
1. Define which of your two endpoint nodes will act as the Initiator or Receiver for the case being
run. If required, identify additional Testing Tools as instructed by the Test Case.
2. Compile the correct Test Data or Message(s) for the Test Case being run, as described in Section
3. Configure the System, Testing Tool, and Test Data to meet Preconditions, if required by the Test
4. Execute the test by following the Test Steps.
5. Collect logs or messages from the System or Testing Tool endpoint(s).
6. Perform verification inspection and analysis as directed by the Test Steps.
Prepare for Analysis
After each Test Case has been executed, use the appropriate Checklist or the Converted Messages tab to
verify conformance of the Message, as directed by the Test Case.
1. Extract the Messages from the server logs.
2. For XML messages (i.e. SOAP envelopes containing XDR requests/responses), open the
Messages using an editor that renders XML correctly.
3. As directed by the Test Case, use the appropriate Checklist to verify that each of the elements in
the Message conforms to the inspections in the checklist. Or, for converted messages, check the
Message against the elements in the Converted Messages tab.
Checklist Verification
To use the Checklist, follow these basic steps:
1. Element: Use the path provided in XPath notation or plain text in the "Element" column to
navigate to the appropriate message element.
2. Verify Presence: Use this column to confirm that all required or conditionally required elements
are present. If the value in the column is:
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"R" - the element is required and must be present in the message.
"R2" - if known, the element is required and must be present in the message.
"C" - the element is conditional and must be present if the message meets the
conditions specified.
"O" - the element is optional and may be present. If present, it must conform to the
checks listed in the checklist.
3. Multiple Possible: Some elements may be repeated multiple times in the message. If this is
allowed, it will be noted with an “X” in the "Multiple Possible" column. In those cases, each
instance of the element must pass the checks listed in the Checklist for the element.
4. Additional Verification, Description, Example: Visually inspect the message element to confirm
that it meets each of the checks listed in this column.
5. RTM: For traceability, reference to the RTM requirement(s) and underlying specifications are
provided for each line item.
Figure 20: Checklist Sheet
Reporting Test Case Outcomes
It is recommended that Testers record the outcomes of the Test Cases that were executed. A suggested
method is to record the Test Case ID, the log file names, and any relevant notes for each Test Case in a
single report. Notes might include discrepancies in expected outcomes, failures, optional functionality
not supported, etc.
To resolve discrepancies in expected outcomes, a Tester might submit a question to the appropriate
specification body or to the maintainers of the test package, or modify the System(s) under test and
then rerun the Test Case.
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8 Summary of Specifications
This section contains an introduction to the Direct specifications and the underlying specifications that
are incorporated by them. All of the Test Cases provide traceability to both the RTM and underlying
Spec Tree
The following graphic represents all of the specifications that are included in the Direct specs.
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Direct Transport and
Security RTM
Applicability Statement
for Secure Health
XDR and XDM for
Direct Messaging
WS Addressing Core
RFC 1034 - Domain
Names - Concepts and
RFC 2045 - MIME
RFC 4648 - Base16,
Base32, and Base64
Data Encodings
RFC 768 - User
Datagram Protocol
RFC 5321 - Simple
Mail Transfer Protocol
RFC 2046 -MIME
Media Types
RFC 3370 Cryptographic Message
Syntax (CMS)
RFC 3798 - Message
RFC 4510 - Lightweight
Directory Access
Protocol (LDAP) Tech
Specs Road Map
RFC 5280 - X.509
Internet Public Key
Certifi cate Revocation
List (CRL) Profi le
RFC 5751 - Secure/
Multipupose Internet
Mail Extensions (S/
MIME) Version 3.2
RFC 2560 - X.509
Internet Public Key
Infrastructure: Online
Certifi cate Status
Protocol (OCSP)
RFC 5322 - Internet
Message Format
IHE ITI Vol 1 - Section 15, 16, E, J, K
RFC 3565 - Use of
Advanced Encryption
Standard (AES)
Encryption Algorithm in
Cryptographic Message
Syntax (CMS)
RFC 4034 - Resource
Records for the DNS
Security Extensions
Vol 2b Section 3.32
Vol 2x - Appendix T and V
4.1 XDS Metadata
Media Formats,
Annex F, R, V, W
RFC 4398 - Storing
Certifi cates in the
Domain Name System
DICOM PS 3.10 Media Storage
XHTML 1.0 and
(Dec 2000)
ebRIM v3.0
ZIP format
RFC 3798 Message
RFC 5321 - Simple
Mail Transfer Protocol
RFC 5322 - Internet
Message Format
RFC 5652 Cryptographic Message
Syntax (CMS)
Figure 21: Spec Tree
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Spec Summaries
All of the specifications incorporated by the Direct specs are provided below. The reference number
refers to the spec tree in section 8.1.
Ref #
Spec Summaries
Summary & Notes
Direct Transport and Security
This document describes how to use SMTP, S/MIME,
Requirements and Traceability
and X.509 certificates to securely transport health
Matrix (RTM)
information over the Internet. Participants in exchange
http://modularspecs.siframework.o are identified using standard e-mail addresses
associated with X.509 certificates. The data is packaged
using standard MIME content types. Authentication and
privacy are obtained by using Cryptographic Message
Syntax (S/MIME), and confirmation delivery is
accomplished using encrypted and signed Message
Disposition Notification. Optionally, certificate discovery
of endpoints is accomplished through the use of the
DNS. Advice is given for specific processing for ensuring
security and trust validation on behalf of the ultimate
message originator or receiver.
Applicability Statement for Secure
Health Transport
This document is intended as an applicability statement
providing constrained conformance guidance on the
interoperable use of a set of RFCs describing methods
for achieving security, privacy, data integrity,
authentication of sender and receiver, and confirmation
of delivery consistent with the data transport needs for
health information exchange.
This document describes the following REQUIRED
capabilities of a Security/Trust Agent (STA), which is a
Message Transfer Agent, Message Submission Agent or
Message User Agent supporting security and trust for a
transaction conforming to this specification:
• Use of Domain Names, Addresses, and Associated
• Signed and encrypted Internet Message Format
• Message Disposition Notification
• Trust Verification
This document also describes the following OPTIONAL
components of a transaction conforming to this
Certificate Discovery Through the DNS
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XDR and XDM for Direct Messaging
This specification addresses use of XDR and XDM zipped
packages in e-mail in the context of directed messaging
to fulfill the key user stories of the Direct Project.
This specification defines:
1. Use of XD* Metadata with XDR and XDM in the
context of directed messaging
2. Additional attributes for XDR and XDM in the context
of directed messaging
3. Issues of conversion when endpoints using IHE XDR or
XDM specifications interact with endpoints utilizing
SMTP for delivering healthcare content.
RFC 1034
RFC 2045
This RFC introduces domain style names, their use for
Internet mail and host address support, and the
protocols and servers used to implement domain name
This is the first of a set of documents, collectively called
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME), that
redefine the format of messages to allow for
1. textual message bodies in character sets other than
2. an extensible set of different formats for non-textual
message bodies,
3. multi-part message bodies, and
4. textual header information in character sets other
than US-ASCII.
This initial document specifies the various headers used
to describe the structure of MIME messages.
RFC 3370
RFC 3798
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Note: To best understand this RFC, read the introduction
and read the article.
Pay special attention to the "multipart" section as every
Direct message needs to be multipart in order to be
signed per RTM requirement 40.
This document describes the conventions for using
several cryptographic algorithms with the Cryptographic
Message Syntax (CMS). The CMS is used to digitally sign,
digest, authenticate, or encrypt arbitrary message
Message Disposition Notifications are messages that are
returned to the sender of the original message as a sort
of acknowledgement of the receipt of the message. This
spec defines the format and syntax of these MDN
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RFC 4510
RFC 5280
RFC 5751
RFC 768
RFC 2046
RFC 2560
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The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an
Internet protocol for accessing distributed directory
services that act in accordance with X.500 data and
service models. This document provides a road map of
the LDAP Technical Specification.
This memo profiles the X.509 v3 certificate and X.509 v2
certificate revocation list (CRL) for use in the Internet.
An overview of this approach and model is provided as
an introduction. The X.509 v3 certificate format is
described in detail, with additional information
regarding the format and semantics of Internet name
forms. Standard certificate extensions are described and
two Internet-specific extensions are defined. A set of
required certificate extensions is specified. The X.509 v2
CRL format is described in detail along with standard
and Internet-specific extensions. An algorithm for X.509
certification path validation is described.
This document describes a protocol for adding
cryptographic signature and encryption services to
MIME data. This specification defines how to create a
MIME body part that has been cryptographically
enhanced according to the Cryptographic Message
Syntax (CMS) RFC 5652 , which is derived from PKCS #7
[PKCS-7]. This specification also defines the
application/pkcs7-mime media type that can be used to
transport those body parts. This document also
discusses how to use the multipart/signed media type
defined in [MIME-SECURE] to transport S/MIME signed
messages. multipart/signed is used in conjunction with
the application/pkcs7-signature media type, which is
used to transport a detached S/MIME signature.
This User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is defined to make
available a datagram mode of packet-switched
computer communication in the environment of an
interconnected set of computer networks. This
protocol provides a procedure for application
programs to send messages to other programs with a
minimum of protocol mechanism.
This is the second of a set of documents, collectively
called Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)
(see RFC 2045, above). This second document defines
the general structure of the MIME media typing System
and defines an initial set of media types.
This document specifies a protocol useful in determining
the current revocation status of a digital certificate
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RFC 3565
RFC 4034
RFC 4398
RFC 5321
RFC 5322
without requiring CRLs.
This document specifies the conventions for using
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) content encryption
algorithm with the Cryptographic Message Syntax [CMS]
enveloped-data and encrypted-data content types.
This document is part of a family of documents that
describe the DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC). The
DNS Security Extensions are a collection of resource
records and protocol modifications that provide source
authentication for the DNS. This document defines the
public key (DNSKEY), delegation signer (DS), resource
record digital signature (RRSIG), and authenticated
denial of existence (NSEC) resource records. The
purpose and format of each resource record is described
in detail, and an example of each resource record is
Note: This RFC assumes knowledge of RFCs 4033, 4035,
1034, 1035, 2181, 2308
Cryptographic public keys are frequently published, and
their authenticity is demonstrated by certificates. A
CERT resource record (RR) is defined so that such
certificates and related certificate revocation lists can be
stored in the Domain Name System (DNS).
This document is a specification of the basic protocol for
Internet electronic mail transport. It consolidates,
updates, and clarifies several previous documents,
making all or parts of most of them obsolete. It covers
the SMTP extension mechanisms and best practices for
the contemporary Internet, but does not provide details
about particular extensions. Although SMTP was
designed as a mail transport and delivery protocol, this
specification also contains information that is important
to its use as a "mail submission" protocol for "split-UA"
(User Agent) mail reading Systems and mobile
This document specifies the Internet Message Format
(IMF), a syntax for text messages that are sent between
computer users, within the framework of "electronic
mail" messages.
Notes: This specification specifies all of the header fields
in an internet message.
Also, the way this specification differs from RFC2045
(MIME Messages) is that it doesn't allow any other
content types other
than text. You can't use this for images, documents, etc.
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Version 1.0c
RFC 5652
This document describes the Cryptographic Message
Syntax (CMS). This syntax is used to digitally sign, digest,
authenticate, or encrypt arbitrary message content.
Notes: This RFC describes the format and content of the
encrypted MIME part and / or the signed MIME-part.
These parts contain information like algorithm, keys,
certificates, etc. This information is used in RFC 5751
(S/MIME). S/MIME explains how to use CMS in an
RFC5322 message.
Vol 1 – sec 15, 16, E, J, K
Vol 1: Section 1 of Volume 1 describes the general
nature, purpose and function of the Technical
Framework. Section 2 introduces the concept of IHE
Integration Profiles that make up the Technical
Section 3 and the subsequent sections of this volume
provide detailed documentation on each integration
profile, including the IT Infrastructure problem it is
intended to address and the IHE actors and transactions
it comprises.
The appendices following the main body of the
document provide a summary list of the actors and
transactions, detailed discussion of specific issues
related to the integration profiles and a glossary of
terms and acronyms used.
Direct Transport and Security: Only deals with Zip file
attachments to email.
Vol 2b – Sec 3.32
Volumes 2a, 2b, and 2x of the IT Infrastructure Technical
Framework provide detailed technical descriptions of
each IHE transaction used in the IT Infrastructure
Integration Profiles. Volume 3 contains content
specification and specifications used by multiple
transactions. These volumes are consistent and can be
used in conjunction with the Integration Profiles of
other IHE domains.
Vol 2x – Appx T and V
Notes: The Direct RTM req 52 changes the MDN return
Vol 3 – Sec 4.1
Section 4.1 includes mapping of XDS concepts to ebRS
and ebRIM semantics, metadata definitions, XDS
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Registry Adaptor.
Annex F, R, V, W
Media formats
This specification defines the Second Edition of XHTML
1.0, a reformulation of HTML 4 as an XML 1.0
application, and three DTDs corresponding to the ones
defined by HTML 4. The semantics of the elements and
their attributes are defined in the W3C
Recommendation for HTML 4. These semantics provide
the foundation for future extensibility of XHTML.
Compatibility with existing HTML user agents is possible
by following a small set of guidelines.
The XHTML Basic document type includes the minimal
set of modules required to be an XHTML host language
document type, and in addition it includes images,
forms, basic tables, and object support. It is designed for
Web clients that do not support the full set of XHTML
features; for example, Web clients such as mobile
phones, PDAs, pagers, and set top boxes. The document
type is rich enough for content authoring.
ebRIM v3.0
ZIP Format
RFC 3798
WS Addressing Core 1.0
RFC 4648
February 2, 2012
This document defines the types of metadata and
content that can be stored in an ebXML Registry.
Base 16, 32 and 64 encoding.
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RFC 5321
RFC 5322
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9 Appendix A – Glossary of Terms
A brief list of terms referred to in this document or within the associated Test Cases follows.
Glossary of Terms
Inspection criteria for verifying conformance of a Message to the
specifications. May contain data/fields, formats, values,
required/optional, etc.
Implementation Type
Characterization of the type of Direct messages a System can create
and receive.
Test Implementation (TI)
A benchmark System used to provide a definitive interpretation of the
specifications. It is developed in concert with specifications and the
test suite to collectively prove that the specifications are
implementable and clear.
Requirements Traceability
Matrix (RTM)
The document that correlates the requirements, Test Cases, and
functionality of a System. In this project’s context, it also contains a
flattened version of the requirements in one place (not merely a table
showing relationships).
The person (or automated tool) looking at the resultant message from
an execution script, often performing inspections according to an
associated conformance checklist. The Test Steps direct the Reviewer
through the necessary inspection steps.
System being tested by a Test Case.
Test Case
One logical path through a System and/or Testing Tool pair. The Test
Case includes a description of its test goal(s), Testing Steps, test data,
and verification steps.
The person (or automated tool) executing the Test Case.
Testing Tool
An endpoint that is capable of operating as the control end of the
message exchange specified by a given Test Case, where the “System”
is the side being tested. The Testing Tool can be a copy of the System
under test, a separate System, or any other endpoint simulator.
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