YUBA COUNTY LIBRARY LOCAL HISTORY ARCHIVES RESEARCH / OBITUARY REQUEST (Please fill this form out and submit via mail or email. Requests will not be completed until this form has been received by the Librarian. Mail to Local History Archives, 303 Second Street, Marysville, CA 95901. Email to gzurakowski@co.yuba.ca.us ) NAME: PHONE: EMAIL ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: PREFERENCES: ___Mail ___Email SEARCH TOPIC: Death Date: Marriage Date: Other information: TYPE INITIALS IN LINE AREA TO INDICATE ACCEPTANCE OF THESE SERVICES. ___BROWSE NEWSPAPERS if exact date of article is not known. Cost first 30 minutes free; additional time $10 per hour. ___SURVEY OF COLLECTION so that I have a list of articles, book chapters, etc., on my topic. Cost first 30 minutes free; additional time $10 per hour. Once list has been provided, you can then choose which items to have photocopies made of. Pricing will be provided with the list of resources. Wait time can be up to 15 days. ___SURVEY OF ADDITIONAL RESOURCES including Assessor Rolls, Block ownership books, Military lists, Great Registers, etc. Cost first 30 minutes free; additional time $10 per hour. Once a list has been provided, you can choose which items to have transcripts or photocopies made of. Pricing will be provided with the list of resources. Wait time can be up to 15 days.