IB English God of Small Things Comprehension Quiz

The God of Small Things Comprehension Quiz
Name: __________________________________
Rahel is Estha’s
A) Aunt
B) Brother
C) Sister
D) Uncle
Who, in the novel, chooses to stop speaking? ________________________________
The Ipe family line is part of which religion? _________________________________
What is the setting (state and country) of this novel? ________________________________
Pappachi discovers, but is not given credit for, discovering a new species of what? _______________________
Chacko and Velutha belong to which political organization? ____________________________
What type of dancing is featured in this novel?
A) Jazz
B) Bharata Natayam
C) Kathakali
D) Tap
Who falls in love with Father Mulligan but never is able to consummate this love?
A) Mammachi
B) Baby Kochamma
C) Margaret
D) Rahel
Which of the following characters go(es) through a divorce?
A) Chacko
B) Rahel
C) A and B
D) Neither A nor B
Objective Part: 50%
Written Part: 50%
10) What is the name of the child who comes to visit Ayemenem from London and never leaves?
11) Who beats his wife mercilessly with a brass vase?
A) Baba
B) E. John Ipe
C) Larry McCaslin
D) Pappachi
12) How does Velutha die?
13) What movie has the family gone to see when Estha is molested in the theater?
14) What is the narrative perspective of this novel? __________________________________________
15) Mammachi and Chacko run a factory. What does it produce? _______________________________________________
Thought Piece: Roy’s novel bursts with artistry and technique. Choose what you think is one important
writing technique that Arundhati Roy uses in The God of Small Things. Describe what it is, provide at
least two examples of its use and explain why this technique is important in the writing of this story.