issue 6 - 10th October 2014

Ysgol Treowen,
SY16 1NJ
(01686) 627569
Issue No. 6
10th October 2014
You will have received notification from our Governing Body that arrangements have now been put in place for the new
year. I’d like to congratulate Mrs Turner and Mrs Williams on their appointments as acting Headteacher and acting
Deputy Headteacher. The strong teaching staff have been a huge part of our developments over recent years and have led
many changes and initiatives within our school. I’m delighted that both Mrs Turner and Mrs Williams will now form an
effective partnership to lead Treowen into the next phase of our journey.
We will be in a position to announce who will be teaching Mrs Turner’s class within the next two weeks. 
Last year’s collection was sent to the orphan
As we talk, over 20 of Treowen’s finest football
children in Romania and what a great present to
fanatics are on their way down to the promised
open on Christmas morning.
land to support Wales as they start the group
It’s that time of year again when we try and do our bit to support
stages of their Euro qualifiers against Bosnia. If
and help the children in other countries enjoy Christmas by filling
you want to catch them on TV, they’ll be
behind the goals, to the left of the TV cameras
I’ve attached forms to this newsletter and if anyone has got any
(live on Sky Sports) 
shoeboxes filled up for this great cause, could you please send them
in by Friday 14th November.
On Tuesday, all Junior children will be
Class Achievers
heading ‘due North’ to Gregynog Hall
Another ‘GRET’ week this week. Children continue to work well.
where they will be taking part in the
Congratulations to the winners from each class who continue to
Newtown Schools Orienteering
set a really high standard of work.
Class N: Tyler and Cerys
Having attended for the past few years, it is always a great Class 1: Joel and Lilly-Ro
event and will certainly prepare the children with the right
Class 2: Lacy
navigating skills for when they go to High School!!
Class 3: Adina
Class 4: Bethany
Late ‘Winners’: Dosbarth N
Attendance ‘Winners’: Dosbarth N a 1 (100%)
(**please note, these dates are updated every
week and may change**)
Friday 3rd – Class 4 Assembly
Tuesday 7th – Class 4 visit from Childline UK
Monday 13th – Urdd Football Comp; Latham Park
Tuesday 14th – Orienteering Yrs 3-6; Gregynog, 1pm – 3pm
Thursday 23rd – Harvest Festival; 9.30am
27th – 31st Oct – Half Term
Wednesday 29th – BINGO!!!
Monday 3rd November – Parents’ Evening
Friday 14th – Class 3 Assembly
Friday 14th – Autumn Fayre
Friday 14th – Children In Need ‘Superheroes’!!!
Monday 17th – Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Collection
Wednesday 3rd December – Horrible Histories; Theatr Hafren
Tuesday 16th – Christmas Concert
Wednesday 17th – Christmas Party
Wednesday 17th – Bethshan Carol Singing
Thursday 18th – Christmas Dinner
Friday 19th – Break up for Christmas!!!
Tubs 4 Tablets – ONLY AT TESCO!
We have registered to start collecting
tokens available on Flora Tubs (exclusive
to Tesco). If any of you do purchase any of
these, please send in your tokens to school.
For every 50 we collect, we receive a
FREE Samsung Tablet!!
Extended Literacy at NHS
On Wednesday, a group of Year 6 children
visited Newtown High School for extra Literacy
lessons. Here, they mixed IT with music and
English and worked with children from other schools on
various projects – writing articles for this month’s Cyfle
We have an excellent relationship with Newtown High
School and this event certainly went a long way in preparing
the children for their next steps.
I’m pleased to say though that they are still in Treowen as
we don’t want to lose them just yet! 
GRÊT – Growing Reaching Êxcellence Together
School Closures – SNOW Text Alerts!!
The weather for the past few weeks has been unreliable to say the least – both wet and dry!!
Typically, (and only in Wales) our wet weather is now expected to be followed by a ‘Cold-Snap’ in the next few weeks!
I just want to remind you of the procedures if the school was forced to close due to ‘extreme weather conditions’.
Firstly, I will strive to make a decision as early as possible on any given morning (by 8 o’clock at the latest) after talking
with staff and taking into consideration all Health and Safety matters. Only in the very extreme cases will the school
You are able to find out whether the school is open or closed by phoning the school office in the morning or, if the lines
are busy you can also find out on our school Facebook page, the news section of the school website, Powys County Council website or on Radio Hafren 756kHz. You can
also register for ‘Text Alerts’ from Powys County Council.
The likelihood is that we’ll always be open , but I just want you to be prepared for just in case.
Dosbarth N: We’ve had another busy week in class ‘N, we’ve been using ‘One less’ in our
Numeracy this week, we are continuing to learn new sounds, Miss Williams is very pleased with our
Phonics. We are learning a new skill in PE- we have been practicing our underarm throw and will
continue this next week! After reading ‘The FunnyBones’ we created our own skeletenons which look
fab!  We made shopping lists and went shopping to Tesco’s to buy ingredients for Smoothies! We
made healthy foods on the pc and had great fun making delicous healthy smoothies. Have a fab weekend  See
you on Monday.
Dosbarth 3:
In maths this week we have focused on length and measurement. In groups add, subtract and multiply we
have been measuring accurately to the nearest half cm and starting to convert measurements. In groups
divide and equals, we have started measuring the perimeter and area of rectangles. We have started reading
George’s Marvellous Medicine this week which is really making us laugh! We are helping George to create
a medicine to sort out his problem with his Grandma. In topic this week, we have been using our newspapers to create our
own versions of Kyffin Williams’ paintings. They look great so far. We have also looked in more detail at Snowdon and have
started creating visitor leaflets.
Dosbarth 4: (gan Bethany)
This week in Dosbarth 4 Mrs Williams has had a video message from an African man named
Victor (aka Mrs Williams’ voice and avatar on Morpho!) Victor has asked Dosbarth 4 to write a
report on Gumboot dancing for the tourist board of South Africa and we have made a start on
Eight more able and talented students in dosbarth 4 went to the high school for a Literacy day this week
(Bethany, Katy, Amber, Ethan, Ella, Connor, Taylor and Megan). We had an interesting day and wrote news
articles for the high school’s Cyfle newsletter.
Yesterday two visitors from Africa came to Dosbarth 4 to talk all about Uganda. It was really inspiring and we all
asked lots of questions and found out lots about life there – food, school, transport, clothes and so much more.
Thank you Bethan and Horris!
On Tuesday Childline came to talk to Dosbarth 4 to talk about different sorts of abuse and how children should
properly be treated and what to do if we are worried about anything.
Librarian Report (gan Ella a Destiny)
Destiny: Bethany likes a book called “A Poem For Every Day Of The Year”. The poems in this book
are by loads of different people and chosen by Gaby Morgan. Guess what? It has365 poems in it.
It has lots of different poems and Bethany likes the longer ones with lots of detail. My favourite is
a poem called Busy Day, it starts like this:
Pop in; Pop out; Pop over the road;
Pop out for a walk; Pop in for a talk
Pop down to the shop; Can’t stop
Got to pop.
Ella: Neeve loves the Horrid Henry books and one of her favourites is “Moody Margaret’s school”. She loves all of the
illustrations by Tony Ross and also love the style of writing, which is very humorous. We have a lot of Horrid Henry
books in the library for lots of different ages (full length books and early readers). Why not try one?
GRÊT – Growing Reaching Êxcellence Together