KTVR KNOWLEDGE PARK FOR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY COIMBATORE – 641 019 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING SUBJECT CLASS SEMESTER : CLOUD COMPUTING : IV B.E (CSE) : VIII - EVEN SEMESTER (2011 - 2012) 2 Marks QA UNIT I 1. List out the advantages and disadvantages of cloud service development. Advantages of Cloud Service Development: One of the advantages of cloud development is that of economy of scale. The application can utilize the full resources of the cloud, if needed—without requiring a company to invest in similar physical resources. Instead of purchasing or licensing physical copies of software programs (one for each desktop), cloud applications are typically “rented,” priced on a per-user basis. All management activities are managed from a central location rather than from individual sites or workstations. For developers, it’s also easier to upgrade a cloud application than with traditional desktop software. Disadvantages of Cloud Service Development: Web-based applications have long been considered potential security risks. For this reason, many businesses prefer to keep their applications, data, and IT operations under their own control. There have been few instances of data loss with cloud-hosted applications and storage. Another potential disadvantage is what happens if the cloud computing host goes offline. 2. Classify Cloud Service Development Software as a service(SAAS) Infrastructure as a service(IAAS) / Hardware as a service(HAAS) Platform as a service(PAAS) Database as a service(DAAS) 3. Define Software as a service. With SaaS, a single application is delivered to thousands of users from the vendor’s servers. Customers don’t pay for owning the software; rather, they pay for using it. Users access an application via an API accessible over the web. 4. Define Platform as a service. The development environment is offered as a service. The developer uses the “building blocks” of the vendor’s development environment to create his own custom application. It’s kind of like creating an application using Legos; building the app is made easier by use of these predefined blocks of code, even if the resulting app is somewhat constrained by the types of code blocks available. 5. Define Hardware as a service. Hardware as a Service (HaaS) is the next form of service available in cloud computing. Where SaaS and PaaS are providing applications to customers, HaaS doesn’t. It simply offers the hardware so that your organization can put whatever they want onto it. Rather than purchase servers, software, racks, and having to pay for the datacenter space for them, the service provider rents those resources. 6. Define Database as a service. The idea behind DaaS is to avoid the complexity and cost of running your own database. The database can be integrated with your other services to provide more value and power. For instance, you can tie it in with calendars, email, and people to make your work more powerful. 7. Define Web service. A web service is an application that operates over a network—typically, over the Internet. Most typically, a web service is an API that can be accessed over the Internet. The service is then executed on a remote system that hosts the requested services. 8. What is meant by On Demand Computing? On-demand computing packages computer resources (processing, storage, and so forth) as a metered service similar to that of a public utility. In this model, customers pay for as much or as little processing and storage as they need. Clients of on-demand computing services essentially use these services as offsite virtual servers. Instead of investing in their own physical infrastructure, a company operates on a pay-as-you-go plan with a cloud services provider. 9. List out Cloud Service Development Tools. Amazon Google App Engine IBM Salesforce.com 10. Define Cloud Computing. The cloud is a large group of interconnected computers. These computers can be personal computers or network servers; they can be public or private. Example, Google hosts a cloud that consists of both smallish PCs and larger servers. Google’s cloud is a private one (that is, Google owns it) that is publicly accessible (by Google’s users). 11. What is not Cloud Computing? Cloud computing isn’t network computing. With network computing, applications/documents are hosted on a single company’s server and accessed over the company’s network. Cloud computing encompasses multiple companies, multiple servers, and multiple networks. Cloud computing also isn’t traditional outsourcing, where a company farms out (subcontracts) its computing services to an outside firm. While an outsourcing firm might host a company’s data or applications, those documents and programs are only accessible to the company’s employees via the company’s network, not to the entire world via the Internet. 12. List Six Key properties of cloud computing according to Google's perspective. Cloud computing is user-centric. Cloud computing is task-centric. Cloud computing is powerful. Cloud computing is accessible. Cloud computing is intelligent. Cloud computing is programmable. 13. List out some examples of Cloud Computing Application Google family of applications— Google Docs & Spreadsheets Google Calendar Gmail Picasa. 14. What is meant by Cloud Storage? With cloud storage, data is stored on multiple third-party servers, rather than on the dedicated servers used in traditional networked data storage. When storing data, the user sees a virtual server—that is, it appears as if the data is stored in a particular place with a specific name. But that place doesn’t exist in reality. In reality, the user’s data could be stored on any one or more of the computers used to create the cloud. 15. What is meant by Cloud Services? Any web-based application or service offered via cloud computing is called a cloud service. Cloud services can include anything from calendar and contact applications to word processing and presentations. With a cloud service, the application itself is hosted in the cloud. 16. Who benefits from cloud computing? Collaborators. Road warriors. Cost Conscious user. Cost conscious IT departments User with increasing needs. 17. Who shouldn't use cloud computing? Security conscious Internet impaired Offline workers Anyone married to existing application. 18. What are the barriers to use and adopt web based applications? Technical issues. Business model issues Internet issues Security issues Compatibility issues Social issues 19. What are the three sizes of virtual server offered by Amazon? Small, which offers the equivalent of a system with 1.7GB of memory,160GB of storage, and one virtual 32-bit core processor. Large, which offers the equivalent of a system with 7.5GB of memory,850GB of storage, and two 64-bit virtual core processors. Extra large, which offers the equivalent of a system with 15GB of memory,1.7TB of storage, and four virtual 64-bit core processors. 20. List out the features of Google App Dynamic web serving Full support for all common web technologies Persistent storage with queries, sorting, and transactions Automatic scaling and load balancing APIs for authenticating users and sending email using Google Accounts. 21. What is blue cloud? IBM is targeting small- and medium-sized businesses with a suite of cloud-based ondemand services via its Blue Cloud initiative. Blue Cloud is a series of cloud computing offerings that enables enterprises to distribute their computing needs across a globally accessible resource grid. 22. List out the features of Sales.force.com. Salesforce provides its own Force.com API and developer’s toolkit. Pricing is on a per log-in basis. Supplementing Force.com is AppExchange, a directory of web-based applications. Developers can use AppExchange applications uploaded by others, share their own applications in the directory, or publish private applications accessible only by authorized companies or clients. UNIT-II 1.What is the use of web based scheduling? Everyone places their schedule in the cloud, which then enables the meeting’s organizer to easily see who’s available when. The cloud-based app finds the best time for all involved and schedules the meeting. Web-based scheduling programs schedule both in-person meetings and teleconferences with attendees from multiple locations. It allows to work with the schedules of people around the country and even in different firms. 2.List out some of the web based scheduling applications google calendar yahoo calendar www.appointmentquest.com www.hitappoint.com www.schedulebook.com 3.List the benefits of web based contact management Through web based contact management a large list of contacts from any location can be accessed. It allows to customize the program so that the user can be automatically flagged each day with a list of accounts to contact (and for what purposes). Some communication can even be automated, via the use of scheduled emails. The key is that everything is stored and managed in the cloud so that user and their sales manage can access important contact information from anywhere at any time. 4.List out web based contact management application hosted in the cloud. www.bigcontact.com www.highrisehq.com www.salesforce.com 5.List out some of the functions useful in the management of group projects in cloud The management of group projects is made easier with the use of a web-based project management application. Project members can log in from any location to access the project’s master file. they can add or delete tasks, mark tasks as complete, enter detailed billing information for individual tasks, and so forth. Many project management applications include additional functions useful in the management of group projects. These features may include group to-do lists, web-based file sharing, message boards, time and cost tracking, and so on. The most robust of these apps lets manage multiple project simultaneously; users can schedule their time across multiple projects and make sure they’re not doing two things at once. 6. What are the most popular web based project management applications? www.onproject.com www.projectinsight.com www.attask.com www.aceproject.com www.basecamphq.com www.copperproject.com estudiocalender- www.same-page.com/online-project-managementwww.vertabase.com www.wrike.com www.projects.zoho.com www.project-drive.net 7.How cloud computing is useful for collaborating on marketing materials? When it comes to creating marketing materials, the best approach is to use a combination of webbased applications. Web-based email facilitates communication between departments. we can also benefit from web-based project management applications. The marketing materials themselves can be created using web-based word processing applications. This puts the draft materials on the web, for everyone on the team to see, comment on. . 8.How cloud computing is useful for collaborating on budgets? Cloud computing offers a better approach by working on separate spreadsheets that are later consolidated by creating a single budget document for all departments on the web. Each department head enters his own budget data. The rolled-up budget is then created in real-time. When the user need to slash certain expenditures, those changes are immediately reflected in the sections or pages for each individual department. Online budgeting can be accomplished with a simple web-based spreadsheet, such as Google Spreadsheets ,etc... 9.How cloud computing is useful for collaborating on preparation of reports and expense reports? Collaborating on reports: With one of the applications like google docs or zoho writer, everyone contributing to the report can access the same master document, online and in real time. When someone from one department adds his section to the document, all the other staffers immediately see the update. The users can then work on their own sections of the report, logging in to the master document via their web browsers. When all the individual sections are complete, the project leader then looks at the document as a whole, editing for consistency and making sure that all appropriate data is included. Collaborating on Expense Reports: A better solution offered by web based application is that many companies have employees from any location can access the website to enter their expense. The web-based expense report gets electronically circulated to everyone who needs to approve it . Another benefit is that user can quickly and easily ensure that all employees follow the company’s rules and regulations by adding the own rulebase into the applications management console, and employees will have to follow the company’s policies when entering their expenses. Most popular web-based expense reporting applications include Concur, ExpensePoint, TimeConsultant. 10.How cloud computing is useful for collaborating on presentation? Cloud computing makes collaborating on presentations by creating a single presentation document. User need not worry about consolidating information from multiple documents as that the document is located in the cloud, any contributor can edit directly into the master document from any web browser. The project leader controls the look and feel of the presentation by applying a universal style or theme. The most-used web-based presentation program today is Google Presentations,Preezo,Zoho Show. UNIT III 1. What type of calendars can you create with google calendar? Personal calendar: like default calendar. Public calendar: accessed via the web. Friends’ calendar: can be imported from google calendar web pages. Holiday calendar: which add national holidays to a basic calendar. 2. What are the features of Apple mobileme calendar? The MobileMe Calendar is a web-based calendar that can be accessed from any computer connected to the Internet, Mac or Windows. The unique and potential feature that makes it more useful is that it can also be accessed from Apple’s iPhone, which makes it a truly mobile calendar. As with competing calendars, it allows MobileMe to daily in daily, weekly, or monthly modes. MobileMe allows to creates multiple calendars and display them all on the same screen, using different colors for each calendar. Synchronization of MobileMe calendars with Apple’s iCal and Microsoft Outlook calendars is possible. 3. List out the features of hunt calendar. Hunt Calendars (www.huntcal.com) offers event-based web calendars. Useful features include email reminders, notification of event conflicts, notification of new and updated events, and the like. The site lets to add web links and images to calendar events, which is fairly unique. It offers the ability to customize the color scheme and graphics to reflect the organization’s look and feel. This makes Hunt Calendars particularly attractive to businesses and community groups. 4. Which calendar is suitable for business use? Why? eStudio Calendar (www.same-page.com/calendar-software.html) is designed specifically for business use. There are three types of calendars in a single interface: a. Member Event calendar helps users manage their personal time, keep track of meetings with others, and so on. b. Team Event calendar is used to schedule activities for a group, as well as schedule facilities. c. Supervisor calendar provides reports to managers about business activities and schedules. In addition, eStudio Calendar can broadcast information about group activities (via email) and to schedule meetings. Information about company events can also be automatically published to specific website. 5 . What are the three types of e-studio calendar in a single interface? Member Event Calendar Team Event Calendar Supervisor Calendar 6. What are the three types of web based scheduling services? Schedulebook professionals- which is a business-oriented schedule/calendar/planning application. Schedulebook office- which schedules the use of any shared resources, such as company meeting rooms or even vacation homes. Schedulebook Aviation – which is used by the aviation industry to schedule aircraft, flight training, and similar services. 7. List out some of the websites for online scheduling www.jifflenow.com www.presdo.com www.diarised.com www.home.services.spaces.live.com/events/ www.windowsLiveevents.com www.schedulebook.com www.acuityscheduling.com www.appoinmentquest.com 8. Write the unique feature of ‘appointmentquest.com’? Appointmentquest also manage personnel , schedules and appointment calendars. It has a unique screen navigation model. It can be used as an internal scheduling system or be configured to allow customers to book appointments online. It will send reminders to the customers automatically. 9. How cloud computing helps for planning and task management? Planning and task application manage everything from simple to-do list to complex group task all over the internet and collaboratively with users. Sharing to-do list is important for families, community groups and businesses. It is web based . So user can access their list anywhere at any time. User can publish their list via RSS. so that family and co-workers can get instant updates. User can arrange reminders via email, instant messaging, or text message to their mobile phone. Web based calendar also included in some of the list managers. The task manager and scheduler both utilize drag and drop editing, and user can share and assign task and projects to a group of people via the web. 10. What are the web based planning and task management application apps? www.iprioratize.com www.blablalist.com www.hiveminder.com www.rememberthemilk.com www.tadalist.com www.tudulist.com www.taskthis.darthopo.com www.vitalist.com www.tracelife.com www.voo2do.com www.hitask.com www.planner.zoho.co 11. What do you mean by planning in the cloud? Cloud computing offers many advantages: User can add and view the things they need to do wherever they are from any inter- connected computer. Because of the web based nature of cloud computing user can have their to do list with them . User can collaborate on task and to-do list .It may reduce the complexity of managing a large team project ,because user can access the list independently via the web. Cloud computing makes the user more organized. (ie) it provide a tools that can enhance user productivity. 12. What is the use of hosting web based event management apps in the cloud? Event management apps include a facilities scheduling module. This module ties into the event host's systems, giving complete power over room or hall scheduling. It include a web-based registration module, where attendees can sign up for the event. 13. Four different applications offered by 123sign up: Event manager Association manager Training manager Member directory 14. Modules present in conference.com: Appointment manager Credit card manager Email manager Export manager Hotel manager Lead track manager Profile manager Registration manager Survey manager Travel manager 15. Conference.com interlocking event management module: 16. Tools present in cvent’s event management system: Event registration Email marketing Secure online payment processing Housing and travel mangement Contact management Budget management Custom Event Website Event workflow management Event Calendar On-site Functionality Event Reporting 17. How do you manage events with cloud computing? Event management is a process-intensive endeavor. There’s so much involved in managing event the smallest event, it really benefits from the power of cloud computing.Here’s the thing: Even a small event has beaucoup number of individual pieces and parts, all of which can benefit from behind-the-scenes computing horsepower. It’s seldom cost-effective, however, to purchase the hardware and software to manage these events; you might use the same software applications to manage a 25-person seminar as you do to manage a 1,000-person trade show, even though the 25-person seminar brings in less revenue. 18. What are the ondemand business apps offered by salesforce.com? Sales Force Automation, which includes activity management, channel and territory management, forecasting, mobile access, email templates, and real-time analytics that help companies increase sales productivity and grow revenues Service & Support, a customer service solution for enterprise call centers. Partners, a partner relationship management application that enables Collaboration and partnership with channel partners Marketing, which includes tools to execute, manage, and analyze the results of multichannel marketing campaigns Content, which enables companies to share documents and other content across the organization Ideas, which helps a company build online communities with their Customers, partners, and employees Analytics, which offers real-time reporting, calculations, and dashboards to help improve decision making and resource allocation 19. List out the 3 editions of salesboom.com Enterprise Edition, for larger organizations. Includes inventory management, product management, accounting, and human resources management solutions. Professional Edition, for medium-sized businesses. Includes marketing automation, sales force automation, and customer service and support Solutions. Team Edition, for small businesses. Includes sales force automation, contact management, and customer service and support solutions. 20. What are the 3 different editions in zohoCRM? Free Edition (for up to three users), Professional edition Enterprise Edition. 21. List out the modules present in Zoho CRM The application includes the following modules: Sales & Marketing, which integrates sales with campaigns, leads, sales pipeline, and forecasts Inventory Management, which provides a complete integrated inventory management system Customer Support & Service, which employs cases and solutions to integrate the customer support process with sales data Reports & Dashboards, which help you analyze sales and marketing trends and key metrics . 22. What are the advantages of managing projects online? The advantages of using a web-based project management application are, If our projects involve participants and resources that aren’t all based out of the same location. Users need not worry about versioning as the latest versions are always updated in the cloud. Users can access files from any Internet-connected computer using any web browser. When everything takes place on the web, it’s a lot easier for team members to talk to each other. This, in turn, facilitates group collaboration which is what large projects are all about. 23. How web based word processors work? Microsoft Word is a software program that is installed on our computer’s hard disk. Web-based word processors, in contrast, are hosted in the cloud, not on your hard drives are the documents you create with these applications. And these web-based applications mimic the key features of Microsoft Word, so you don’t give up much in the way of functionality. 24. What are the benefits of online word processors? Documents can be accessed wherever we are, from any PC. We’ll never discover that the document you need is located on your office PC when you’re at home or away. Can easily share our documents with other. We can’t lose your work theoretically. Everything we do is saved on the web. Web-based applications are free as in it costs zero dollars, unlike the ever increasingly expensive Microsoft Office suite. Being free makes it easy to take for a test drive, and even easier to add to our bag of applications. These cloud services can perform nearly all of Word’s basic functions, which makes them perfect for corporate and small business environments. 25. Who should not use web based word processors? Security conscious users Power users Anyone who wants to create sophisticated printouts. Anyone working on sensitive document Anyone who needs to work when not connected to the Internet. 26. Who are the users of web based word processors? Beginning users Casual users Anyone who wants access to their documents from multiple locations. Anyone who needs to share their documents with others. Anyone who needs to edit their documents in a collaborative environment 27. List out most popular web based word processors. www.docs.gogle.com www.buzzword.acrobat.com www.ajaxwrite.com www.docly.com www.glidedigital.com www.inetword.com www.kbdocs.com www.peepel.com www.thinkfree.com www.writeboard.com www.writer.zoho.com 28. What are the benefits of online spread sheets? o These spreadsheets can be accessed from any Internet-connected computer, not just the computer we originally created the spreadsheet with. These spreadsheets are still accessible if we have a computer problem or hard disk crash. o we can easily share our spreadsheets with others—enabling work-group collaboration with users in other locations. 29. Who should not use web based spread sheets? Power users. Security conscious users. Anyone who wants to create sophisticated printouts. Anyone who wants to create sophisticated printouts. Anyone working on sensitive documents. Anyone who needs to work when not connected to the Internet. 30. Who are the users of web based spread sheets? Beginning users. Casual users. Anyone who wants access to spreadsheets from multiple locations. Anyone who needs to share spreadsheets with others. Anyone who needs to edit spreadsheets in a collaborative environment. 31. List out most popular web based spread sheets. www.spreadsheets.google.com www.editgrid.com www.eXpressocorp.com www.Glidedigital.com www.NumSum.com www.PeepelWebSheet.com www.Sheetster.com www.ThinkFreeCalc.com www.Sheet.Zoho.com 32. What are the most popular web based office suites? Glide Business (www.glidedigital.com) Google Docs (docs.google.com) Peepel Online Office (www.peepel.com) ThinkFree My Office (www.thinkfree.com) WebEx Web Office (www.weboffice.com) Zoho Office (office.zoho.com) UNIT IV 1. List 3 main categories of communication tools. There are three main categories of communication tools: web email services, instant messaging services and web conferencing tools Groups located anywhere in the world can use these tools to communicate with other group members and further their collaboration on group projects. 2. List out most popular web mail services Gmail : www.gmail.com Yahoo! Mail : www.ymail.com Windows Live Hotmail : www.hotmail.com Apple MobileMe Mail : www.me.com OtherWeb Mail Services AOL Mail : mail.aol.com BisString : www.bigstring.com Excite Mail : mail.excite.com FlashMail : www.flashmail.com GMX Mail : www.gmx.com Inbox.com : www.inbox.com Lycos Mail : mail.lycos.com Mail.com : www.mail.com Zoho Mail : zoho.mail.com 3. Give the significance of Apple mobileme mail. As part of its Mobile Me suite of applications, Apple offers Mobile Me Mail(www.me.com).The unique feature of Mobile Me Mail is that it’s not limited to just computer users; Emails can be send and received from Apple iPhone or iPod touch, via Wi-Fi Internet or cellular network. 4. What are the advantages of instant messaging services? Messages are send real time and responses are instantaneous. a. It is quick to use and free to set up. b. Files/pictures can be sent in instant Messaging services. c. It is possible to talk to many people at once. d. Instant Messaging system allows people to talk to each other from different conntries,allowing friends to keep in touch if one of them moves away. 5. List out most popular messaging services. 1.Google Talk -Voice chat -Text chat 2.AOL instant messaging 3.MSN messenger 4.Twitter 5.Facebook 6.Trillian 7.Meebo 8.Pidgin 9.Adium 10.Digsby 6. What are the most common features of web conferencing services? Slide show presentations - where images are presented to the audience and markup tools and a remote mouse pointer are used to engage the audience while the presenter discusses slide content. Live or Streaming video - where full motion webcam, digital video camera or multi-media files are pushed to the audience. VoIP (Real time audio communication through the computer via use of headphones and speakers) Web tours - where URLs, data from forms, cookies, scripts and session data can be pushed to other participants enabling them to be pushed though web based logons, clicks, etc. This type of feature works well when demonstrating websites where users themselves can also participate. Meeting Recording - where presentation activity is recorded on the client side or server side for later viewing and/or distribution. Whiteboard with annotation (allowing the presenter and/or attendees to highlight or mark items on the slide presentation. Or, simply make notes on a blank whiteboard.) Text chat - For live question and answer sessions, limited to the people connected to the meeting. Text chat may be public (echo'ed to all participants) or private (between 2 participants). 7. What is a web conference tool? In a world where we now communicate and collaborate mainly via the Internet, it’s important to have the right tool available. Not only do you need something that is dependable and works properly, but you also want a tool that is easy for all of your collaborators to use. Having a lot of features is nice, but if the people you’re trying to communicate with can’t figure out how to join you, more than likely you’ll end up alone! 8. List out most popul ar web conferencing tools. 1.WebEx 2.Tinychat 3.Yugma 4.Twiddla 5.Sync.in 6.Vyew 9. What is best way to talk in online? Why? There are multiple ways to communicate online. The following are some of the best way of talking online. E-mail Instant messaging Web conferencing E-mail: Email is better than instant messaging for communicating longer, more complex, and more formal messages. Instant messaging: Instant messaging is ideal for very short, very immediate messages. In fact, most instant messaging systems limit the length of the messages you can send through their systems. If we want to compare each method of online communication with its offline equivalent, email is the online version of written letters and instant messaging is the online version of paging. Web conferencing: Web conferencing tool is the online equivalent of a group meeting. It’s not a one-to-one communication, but rather a one-to-many presentation or many-to-many conversation. Web conferencing is a way to facilitate communications among all the members of the group even if the group is spread out between a dozen or more locations. 10. What value do the social network hold for business? Social networks connect people at low cost; this can be beneficial for entrepreneurs and small businesses looking to expand their contact bases. These networks often act as a customer relationship management tool for companies selling products and services. Companies can also use social networks for advertising in the form of banners and text ads. Since businesses operate globally, social networks can make it easier to keep in touch with contacts around the world 11. What value do the social network hold for community group? Social network groups are especially useful for community groups. We get enough functionality to keep everyone in touch with each other, at no cost to anyone involved. No IT support is necessary, nor do we have to lease web hosting space; the social network site maintains all the servers and technology. And, of course, all of these sites are easy to join and easy to use. 12. What value do the social networks hold for family? Social network makes the family easily re-connect and strengthen family bonds. No matter what computer experience one have, it’ll easily help the family build and secure it's history and memories. We can share important dates and events on the family calendar. Post photo galleries in minutes. Upload streaming videos of family to share online with relatives in complete privacy. Publish a weekly family news digest that keeping all the family members up to date on the latest content that has been added to the family website. Get everybody on the same page by sharing comments on various family videos and family news 13. What are the collaborative features of facebook? Facebook is a social networking website. It consists of many features such as. 1. Chat 2. Listen with friends (such as music) 3. Deals( online coupons from local businesses) 4. Facebook live 5. Like(give positive feedback) 6. Messages and inbox 7. Networks, groups and “like” pages 8. News feed 9. Notifications 10. Phone 11. Uploaded photos and videos 12. Poke 13. Status updates 14. Timeline view 15. Posted webpages 16. Questions 17.Voice calling 18. video calling 19. Subscribe(to follow public updates) 20. Facebook credits(a virtual currency to buy gifts) 14. List out most popular social networks. 1. www.facebook.com 2. www.myspace.com 3. groups.google.com 4. groups.yahoo.com 15. What is online groupware? A social network group probably won't suffice for large businesses. What you need instead is a collection of web-based collaborative tools that help your team members not only communicate with each other but also manage their group projects. This type of solution is commonly known as Groupware and when it's based in the cloud it's called online groupware. Groupware is a collaboration software for workgroups. Online groupware does away with the physical constraints of traditional groupware, letting members from throughout an organization, in any location, access group assets. 16. What are the tools available for online groupware in common? Online groupware includes some or all of the following tools: File and documentation uploading and sharing Web calendar Task/project manager Message boards Text-based chat rooms/instant messaging Wiki-like collaborative pages Blogs. 17. List out some of the most popular online groupware application Airset ContactOffice Google Sites Huddle Nexo OpenTeams ProjectSpaces TeamSpace : www.airset.com : www.contactoffice.com : sites.google.com : www.huddle.net : www.mexo.com : www.openteams.com : www.projectspaces.com : www.teamspace.com 18. What is a blog? Blog is a short form for Web log. A blog is a kind of online journal that its author updates frequently with the new musings and information. The blog post may include text, digital photos, blue-prints and other graphics as well as audio and video files 19. What is a blog in terms of organization? A blog is a collection of individual posts or messages. The posts are arranged in reverse chronological order, with the new post at the top which makes it easy to keep track of the latest developments. The older posts are relegated to the blog archives which are generally accessible via a link in the sidebar column and at the end of each post we can find a link to comments where the blog readers can register their own personal comments about any given post. 20. How do you collaborate via blogs? A blog need not be the work of a single author it can include posts from multiple contributors as well as comments on each of those posts. This makes a blog useful for keeping track of group project. We can create a blog and host it in the web or the company's server and assign membership to your team members so that they can initiate new posts and comment on other's posts. 21. List out some of the blog hosting communities. www.Blogger.com www.TypePad.com www.WordPress.com 22. What is wiki? Wiki is a collection of web pages where any users can contribute or modify content. The first Wiki was WikiWikiWeb, a website founded in 1995 to facilitate the exchange of ideas between computer programmers. Wikis enables all users not only to write new articles, but also to comment on and edit existing articles 23. What is the use of wikis? 1. Anyone can edit. 2. Easy to use and learn. 3. Wikis are instantaneous so there is no need to wait for a publisher to create new edition. 4) No need to install HTML authoring Tools. 5) Minimal Training may be needed. 6) Wikis can work wonders as project management tools UNIT V 1. What is cloud storage? Cloud storage involves exactly storing the data with a cloud service provider rather than on a local system. The data stored on the cloud, hosted on third party servers, can be accessed via an Internet link. Hosting companies operate large data centres, and people who require their data to be hosted buy or lease storage capacity from them. The data center operators virtualize the resources according to the requirements and expose them as storage pools, which the customers can themselves use to store files or data objects. The resource may span across multiple servers. 2. What are the primary benefits of using cloud storage? Data stored on a cloud can be accessed from any location via the internet. This makes it especially appealing to road warriors. Workers don’t need to use the same computer to access data nor do they have to carry around physical storage devices. Cloud is secure form accidential erasure or hardware crashes because it is duplicated across multiple physical machines. Virtual resources in the cloud are typically cheaper than dedicated physical resources. Cloud storage providers balance server loads and move data among various datacenters, ensuring that information is stored close—and thereby available quickly—to where it is used. 3. What are the risks of storing data in the cloud? Large enterprises might have difficulty with vendors like Google or Amazon, because they are forced to rewrite solutions for their applications and there is a lack of portability. The biggest deal-breakers when it comes to cloud storage seem to be price and reliability. This is where you have to get your vendor to ensure you’re getting a good deal with quality service. 4. What are the features of online file storage and sharing services? Sync Folders, Schedule Offsite Backups View / Edit Documents and Pictures Online Photo Slideshows, Video and Audio Streaming Secure Online storage services employ robust security measures such as SSL encryption when files are transferred, password-protected accounts and multi-level security. Offer Ample Storage Space at reasonable price Ease of Use Help&Support Troubleshooting and technical resources are available, including tutorials, FAQs, user manuals and community forums. Easy accessibility that helps to view and share files from anywhere, anytime. 5. List out most popular on line file storage services. Amazon S3 Egnyte www.egnyte.com ElephantDrive www.elephantdrive.com Microsoft Office Live Workspace workspace.office.live.com Mosso www.mosso.com myDataBus www.mydatabus.com Nirvanix www.nirvanix.com steekR www.steekr.com Windows Live SkyDrive skydrive.live.com 6. Compare elephant drive and sky drive Elephant Drive: ElephantDrive (www.elephantdrive.com) is a user-friendly online file-storage service. They offer three different versions of different-sized users: Home Edition, Pro Edition, and Pro Plus Edition. Each edition has different storage and transfer limits. The Home Edition is priced at an affordable $9.95/month. Sky Drive: Windows Live SkyDrive (skydrive.live.com) differs from Office Live Online in that you can use it to store any type of file, not just Office files. We get 5GB of free storage,and can easily share the uploaded files with others who authorize via shared or public folders. It’s quick and easy, ideal for home or small business users—including those who want to collaborate over the web with other users. 7. What is an online bookmarking service? What is the use of it? Web-based book marking service lets us to share notes and favorite websites with friends and colleagues. It works like this, visit a website and decide what we want to bookmark it or share it with others. Instead of saving the book marks and favourites on single computer web based service saves the bookmark and notes to the cloud; we can then email the link to friends, or access it at later time. So called notebook sites work in much the same fashion, but with random text notes we may take on any subject. Just upload your notes to the site,and then access them or share them via the web. Some of the book marking services are: BlinkList www.blinklist.com ClipClip www.clipclip.org 8. List out most popular online bookmarking services. BlinkList www.blinklist.com ClipClip www.clipclip.org Clipmarks www.clipmarks.com del.icio.us del.icio.us Feedmarker www.feedmarker.com SharedCopy www.sharedcopy.com Tageasy www.tageasy.com Yahoo! MyWeb myweb.yahoo.com 9. Compare online photo editing with desktop photo editing Online Photo Editing Desktop Photo Editing Software installation is not necessary. Software installation is necessary. Sharing of photos is possible. Sharing of photos is not possible. Creation of Discussion forum is possible. Not possible to create any forums. Eg: Picture2life, Picnik, Phixr Eg: Picasa, Photo Viewer, Image Editor 10. List out the editing options available in adobe photo express. The Photoshop Express editing window offers a variety of different editing options, grouped as follows: Basics. Crop, rotate, auto correct, exposure, red-eye removal, touchup (a blur effect to remove scratches and blemishes), and color saturation control Tuning. White balance, highlight, fill light, sharpen, and soft focus Effects. Pop color, change hue, black & white, tint, sketch, and distort 11. List out some of the online photo editing applications. Adobe Photoshop Express www.photoshop.com/express/ FotoFlexer www.fotoflexer.com Picnik www.picnik.com Picture2Life www.picture2life.com Pikifix www.pikifix.com Preloadr www.preloadr.com Phixr www.phixr.com Pixenate www.pixenate.com Snipshot www.snipshot.com 12. Write a note of Apple Mobile Me gallery. We can upload photos from our computer or iPhone to the MobileMe Gallery, which can then be viewed by anyone we invite. It’s a great way to get photos on and off your iPhone, and view photos when we’re on the go. MobileMe Gallery organizes our photos into easy-to view photo albums. The entire MobileMe suite is priced at $99 per year, and includes 20GB of total storage. 13. What is the significance of Flickr? Flickr creates a home page for each photographer. From here, viewers can click a photo to view it full screen,or choose to view all photos as an onscreen slideshow. Uploading photos to Flickr is as easy as clicking a few links Flickr’s free accounts let you upload 100MB of photos each month Flickr is the site’s community, expressed via comments on particular photos and a large number of topic-specific photo groups. The groups not only display photos from group members but also include discussion forums where members can talk about the topic at hand. 14. List out some of the online photo sharing applications. Apple MobileMe Gallery www.me.com dotPhoto www.dotphoto.com DPHOTO www.dphoto.com Flickr www.flickr.com Fotki www.fotki.com MyPhotoAlbum www.myphotoalbum.com Photobucket www.photobucket.com Picasa Web Albums picasaweb.google.com Pixagogo www.pixagogo.com PictureTrail www.picturetrail.com SmugMug www.smugmug.com WebShots www.webshots.com 15. What is a web based desktop? A web-based desktop, or web-top, is essentially a virtual computer desktop displayed inside a web browser, delivered over any Internet connection. A web desktop has a graphical user interface (GUI) like Windows or the Mac OS, and often comes complete with one or more productivity applications. The web-top and all its apps, as well as your personal preferences for how the desktop looks, are stored in the cloud, and you access it over the web. 16. What kind of apps come with a typical webtop? Apps includes basics such as a web browser, email program, web calendar, and maybe even instant messaging client. In many instances, the application suite also includes a word processor and spreadsheet, and maybe even a presentation program. In other words, all the apps you need to be functional in the office or on the road are included. 17. What are the benefits of web based desktops? Benefit of a web-based desktop is that user can get their own personalized computing environment that follows them around from computer to computer—or even to compatible cell phones and handhelds. All user have to do is log on to their desktop from any web browser, and everything user do—all your apps and files—is right there, same as it was the last you left them. And it’s all completely personalized with the colors backgrounds, and order user specify 18. List out some of the web based desktops a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. ajaxWindows Deskjump Desktoptwo eyeOS g.ho.st Glide Nivio StartForce YouOS www.ajaxwindows.com www.deskjump.com www.desktoptwo.com www.eyeos.org g.ho.st www.glidedigital.com www.nivio.com www.startforce.com www.youos.com 19. What is idisk? iDisk is a file hosting service offered by Apple to all MobileMe members that enables them to store their digital photos, movies and personal files online so they can be accessed remotely. With a standard subscription, MobileMe users receive a 20 GB iDisk. iDisk integrates with Mac OS X, appearing as a network drive. Mac OS X v10.3 through v10.6 can cache updates to an iDisk volume while offline and synchronize updates later. Any WebDAV client can also access an iDisk volume 20. What is g.ho.st? The initials stand for “globally hosted operating system,” which is exactly what g.ho.st is. (And the URL mirrors the name—yes, it’s actually g.ho.st.) You get 5GB of online file storage, FTP access, instant messaging, a web browser, and an email client. Productivity apps are courtesy of Zoho and include Zoho Writer and Zoho Sheets. 21. Compare YouOS and GlideOS. GlideOS The Glide OS(www.glidedigital.com)., includes a word processor (Write), spreadsheet (Crunch), presentation program (Present), photo editor, calendar, email client, media player, virtual online hard drive,and more. YouOS Our final web-based desktop is YouOS (www.youos.com), which is a simpler desktop than some of the others.The desktop contains a simple text editor, file manager, web browser,chat/instant messaging client, and sticky note app. Not a lot of customizationis possible. For what it’s worth, the company bills YouOS as an “application community,” where developers can create their own YouOS apps or widgets. 22. What are the applications provided by Mobileme? Pg No.243 Mail (email) Contacts (contact management) Calendar (calendar and scheduling) Gallery (photo gallery and sharing) iDisk (online file storage).