SCH4U Exam Review: Organic, Structure and Electro Chemistry

SCH4U Exam Review: Organic, Structure and Electro Chemistry
Organic Chem:
 Know all functional groups & naming/drawing rules
 Know important reactions:
Halogenation (with Br2, Cl2)
Hydrogenation (with H2)
Hydrohalonation (with HBr, HCl)
Hydration (with H2O)
 Preparation:
 Hydrolysis:
 If an ester is reacted with an acid or base the ester
will split into it’s alcohol and carboxylic acid
Markovnikov’s Rule:
 When a hydrogen halide or water is added to an alkene or alkyne the
hydrogen atom will bond to the carbon atom within the multiple bond that
already has more hydrogen atoms.
Structure Chemistry:
 The Aufbau principle tells us that when building energy diagrams
we always start at the lowest energy level and then build up
 No two electrons can be put into the same orbital of equal energy
until one electron has been put into each of the equal energy
orbital – this is Hund’s Rule
 Electrons are spinning, they always go in opposite directions –
this is known as the Pauli Exclusion Principle.
 Energy Level diagrams
 Draw the energy level diagram and electron configuration for:
nitrogen ion
 VSEPR Theory:
o Know how to use the table!
What are the shapes of the following molecules:
Electro Chemistry:
 LEO the lion says GER
NO2¯(aq) + Al(s)  NH3(g) + AlO2¯(aq) (acidic solution, oxidation # method)
Cr2O72-(aq) + Cl-(aq) 
Cr3+(aq) + Cl2
CN-(aq) + MnO4-(aq)  CNO-(aq) + MnO2 (s)
(acidic solution, half-reaction
(basic solution)