D’YOUVILLE COLLEGE BIOLOGY 659 - INTERMEDIATE PHYSIOLOGY I VISUAL SYSTEM, NEUROLOGY Lecture 14: Retina, Visual Pathways 1. Retina: (chapter 50) • organization: (fig. 50 – 1 & ppts. 1 & 2) - layers: 1) pigment layer (minimizes flair, stores vitamin A) 2) layer of rods and cones – outer segments (contain photosensitive pigment) and inner segments (contain mitochondria) of the photoreceptors 3) outer nuclear layer – cell bodies of rods & cones 4) outer plexiform layer – synaptic processes from photoreceptors with dendrites of bipolar cells and of horizontal cells 5) inner nuclear layer – bipolar and horizontal cells 6) inner plexiform layer – synaptic processes of bipolar cells + amacrine cells and dendrites of ganglion cells 7) ganglionic layer – cell bodies of ganglion cells 8) layer of optic nerve fibers contains axons of ganglion cells 9) inner limiting membrane - light (from lens) must pass through seven inner layers to reach outer segments of rods & cones – an arrangement that interferes with sharpness of the image (visual acuity) - fovea: small area in center of retina (directly behind lens); site of visual acuity; inner layers & blood capillaries are displaced permitting light to reach photoreceptors unobstructed (fig. 50 – 2 & ppt. 3); fovea is the center of the macula lutea & contains mostly cones with few rods, (except central fovea, which is exclusively cones) • rods & cones: (figs. 50 – 3, 50 – 4 & ppts. 4 to 6) - outer segment: contains photosensitive pigments (rhodopsin in rods, color pigments in cones); long & narrow (rod-shaped) in rods; wider & shorter (coneshaped) in cones; pigments are conjugated proteins, arrayed in a series of membrane layers (lamellae) of outer segments Bio 659 lec 14 - p. 2 - - distribution: rods more abundant peripherally; cones more abundant centrally; central fovea is exclusively cones; rods are 20x more numerous than cones Bio 659 lec 14 - p. 3 - • rhodopsin ‘bleaching’: rhodopsin (visual purple) is a conjugated protein (contains a derivative of vitamin A {cis retinal} linked to the protein scotopsin) - the pigment undergoes a rapid, stepwise conversion when it absorbs light energy; the cis retinal is converted to all-trans retinal, which pulls away from the protein; active rhodopsin (metarhodopsin) is formed when all-trans retinal separates from the protein (fig. 50 – 5 & ppts. 7 to 10) - all-trans retinal may be reconverted to cis retinal to combine with (scot)opsin and restore rhodopsin or it may be converted to a form of vitamin A - vitamin A is stored (in pigment epithelium) or converted to cis retinal - vitamin A deficiency leads to night blindness • transduction: transduction process involves a series of enzyme-catalyzed steps (G protein pathway), each step introducing amplification, which gives rods extreme visual sensitivity - active rhodopsin inhibits sodium leakage into the outer segment; concurrent sodium pump removal of sodium leads to a drop in membrane potential (hyperpolarization) (ppt. 11), which passes as a graded potential to the synaptic region of the rod cell - receptor potential (graded potential) is prolonged (> 1 sec.) and is proportional to the log of light intensity; these properties enable rods to respond to wide range of light intensities • transmission: in darkness, photoreceptors are depolarized, releasing an inhibitory neurotransmitter (likely glutamate) upon bipolar cells, which hyperpolarize (IPSP) and fail to excite ganglion cells - in light, hyperpolarization of photoreceptors permits bipolar cells to develop EPSPs, which can excite ganglion cells (ppt. 12) • cone pigments & color vision: three different types: red-sensitive, greensensitive & blue-sensitive (fig. 50 – 8 & ppt. 13) - transduction is similar to that for rhodopsin (proteins are photopsins combined with cis retinal) - three different pigments absorb at blue, green-yellow & orange-red regions of spectrum, corresponding with peak light sensitivities for the respective cone types; interpretation of colors depends on combined degrees of absorbance at a Bio 659 lec 14 - p. 4 - particular wavelength of light by different cones, e.g. orange light (580 nm.) excites redsensitive 99%, green-sensitive 42% & blue-sensitive not at all) (fig. 50 – 10 & ppt. 14) - much lower sensitivity than rods (1/30 to 1/300) Bio 659 lec 14 - p. 5 - • sensory adaptation (light adaptation & dark adaptation): - light adaptation results from depletion of light-sensitive pigments in rods and cones exposed to prolonged intense light; pupillary reflex (constriction) also contributes to this reduction of sensitivity to light - dark adaptation results from a buildup to saturation of the light-sensitive pigments exposed to prolonged poor illumination; pupillary reflex (dilation) also contributes increased sensitivity to light • sensitivity & acuity (ppt. 15): - sensitivity (discussed above) was seen to be a property of transduction by the photochemical systems, especially for rods, due to amplification steps - neural circuits for rods contribute to visual sensitivity through convergent circuitry that maximizes summation (as many as 300 rods may excite one ganglion cell) - acuity (associated with fovea) is also promoted by neural circuitry of cones in central retina – one-for-one circuits from cone to bipolar to ganglion cell ensure point-to-point discrimination of detail • lateral inhibition: photoreceptors synapse (glutamate) with bipolar cells (vertical path) & with horizontal cells (horizontal path), which are inhibitory - lateral inhibition circuits prevent spread of excitation, heightening contrast & sharpening excitation signals; depolarizing bipolar cells & adjacent hyperpolarizing bipolar cells provide more refined lateral inhibition; some amacrine cells may also contribute to lateral inhibition • ganglion cells: axons of these cells form optic nerve; they transmit via action potentials whereas most other cells of retinal pathways transmit via graded potentials - W cells transmit from rods largely from periphery of retina & are likely responsible for visual sensitivity signals to brain; slower transmission (A fibers) - X cells transmit mainly from cones (responsible for acuity and color vision) (A fibers) - Y cells transmit from wide areas of retina (believed responsible for rapid changes in visual image) (A fibers) Bio 659 lec 14 - p. 6 - - tonic signal (resting frequency of APs) characterizes ganglion cell activity; excitation – increased signal strength, inhibition – decreased signal strength Bio 659 lec 14 2. - p. 7 - Neural pathways: • optic chiasma & optic tracts (fig. 51 – 1 & ppt. 16): optic nerves converge to meet in midline at optic chiasma (anterior to diencephalon of brain); each optic nerve carries entire retinal signals from one eye - at optic chiasma, nerve fibers from each lateral retina continue to same side of brain (ipsilateral distribution) whereas fibers from medial retina cross over to opposite side (contralateral distribution) - redistribution of fibers constitutes optic tracts, which carry signals for visual field of opposite side (e.g. right optic tract ‘sees’ left visual field) - optic tract fibers pass to lateral geniculate area of thalamus • thalamus: (new system) optic tract fibers synapse with second order cells in lateral geniculate body of thalamus; point-for-point fidelity of retinal signals is maintained (e.g., neural layers of lateral geniculate area process inputs from lateral retina of one eye separately from those of medial retina of the other eye) and inhibitory signals from visual cortex and from reticular areas of midbrain control what information is passed onward • visual cortex (fig. 51 – 2 & ppts. 17 & 18): fibers from thalamus follow optic radiation (geniculocalcarine tract) to visual cortex in the occipital lobe - primary visual cortex straddles a prominent fissure (calcarine fissure) of medial side of occipital lobe; six layers emulate organization of somatosensory cortex with layer IV receiving input from optic radiation - alternating columns of neurons (striate cortex) process information from each eye, comparing information (facilitates stereopsis) - layers I – III and V – VI appear to play a role in color interpretation (facilitated by specific cortical regions called 'color blobs') as well as relaying signals to other areas of brain (fig. 51 - 4 & ppt. 19) - macular region of retina (contains fovea) occupies largest portion of cortical area with peripheral retina occupying progressively less Bio 659 lec 14 - p. 8 - - secondary visual cortex surrounds primary on all sides except medial side; interpretation of three dimensional aspects and objects within the visual field (moving or stationary) are analyzed in superior-anterior area (near somatosensory association area); visual detail and color are analyzed in anterior-lateral area (fig. 51 – 3 & ppt. 20) • midbrain & eye movements (old system): - fibers from cortex communicate with hypothalamic nuclei, midbrain nuclei (area of superior colliculus) and nuclei of ventral lateral thalamus - cranial nerves III, IV & VI control the muscles responsible for eye movements (fig. 51 – 7 & ppt. 21) - extrinsic muscles: rectus muscles (superior, inferior & medial) and inferior oblique (cranial n. III); superior oblique (cranial n. IV); lateral rectus (cranial n. VI) contribute to movements of eye in different directions (ppt. 22) - various brainstem nuclei receive input from primary and secondary cortices to control oculomotor system, e.g., secondary cortical fibers to the midbrain (superior colliculus) are responsible for involuntary fixation of the eyes upon a component of the visual field (fig. 51 - 8 & ppt. 23) • neural control of accommodation & pupillary reflex: visual signals to the brainstem activate the autonomic nerves to ciliary & iris muscles; neural pathway for accommodation is not clearly understood but pupillary reflex is known to involve parasympathetic fibers via cranial nerve III to the ciliary ganglion (constricts pupil) & sympathetic fibers via upper thoracic nerves to superior cervical ganglion (dilates pupil) (ppt. 24)