This school-based decision making council policy is designed to assist with the implementation and monitoring of homework procedures and practices for all students at Arlington Elementary School.
We believe that homework complements classroom learning and is beneficial and important in a student’s overall educational program. Research confirms that the amount of time devoted to learning is related to achievement in a subject.
Homework should provide students with the opportunity to apply information they have learned, and develop independence. Further, homework provides an opportunity for students to develop personal responsibility and study skills, including good organization, self-reliance, and time management. Finally, homework is an important tool for informing parents about current areas of study and student working levels.
Purposes of Homework
The purpose of homework should be clearly communicated to students and parents and should be able to:
Provide background for upcoming lessons and units of study (Previewing)
Provide opportunities for concept and skill development (Practice)
Extend classroom learning and/or provide practice in applying concepts initially learned in the classroom (Application)
Allow students to integrate skills in order to produce a product
Provide opportunities for enrichment or accelerated learning (Enrichment)
Provide opportunities to identify and to use resources, such as the library, the Internet, reference books, and other community resources
Homework should not be used as an extension of incomplete classwork
Homework should always be practice of “known” material
Guidelines and Procedures
1. Homework assignments are to be directly related to instructional objectives.
Homework should be assigned every night Monday through Thursday, and the following time guidelines should be used in planning homework:
Grades K-1: up to 35 minutes per night
(including spelling, reading, and basic math fact practice)
Grades 2-3: up to 60 minutes per night
(including spelling, reading, and basic math fact practice)
Grades 4-5: up to 95 minutes per night
(including spelling, reading, and basic math fact practice)
2. Realizing that some children work faster than others, homework should not exceed 30 minutes beyond these recommended guidelines. If your child is spending an inordinate amount of time doing homework, you should contact your child’s teacher to discuss the issue.
3. Additional classroom policies and procedures for submitting homework will be clearly communicated to students and parents each August by the grade level team.
4. Due dates and directions for completing homework assignments should be clearly communicated to students and parents. For students in grades 2-5, assignments should be recorded as given in the Arlington Student Agenda. This agenda should be checked daily for assignments.
5. Homework will not be assigned on designated religious holidays, when students will be absent due to religious observances, or when there is a schoolwide family night or performance.
6. Students may make up assignments missed which are due to absences.
District practice state s, “ Students shall be allowed the same number of days to complete make-up work as they were absent, plus one.” In order to alleviate a heavy workload during the school week, students will be able to turn in assignments through the following weekend and will need to turn in missing work on the following Monday or choose the district procedure (whichever provides more time). Students may turn in work sooner.
Major Projects for Students in Grades 3-5:
Major Projects include research reports, book reports, and other assignments teachers designate as major projects. Work on these projects may exceed the maximum minutes per night recommended above or may include weekend work.
No more than three major projects should be assigned during a nine-week grading period for students in grades 3-5.
Evaluation and Grading
Completed homework assignments will be reviewed and feedback will be provided to students. This feedback may include evaluations, an assigned grade, or teacher comments. Homework will be counted and graded as determined by the grade level team. Homework grades are modified based on students’ individual needs (i.e. IEP, 504 Plans).
To help develop a sense of responsibility, students are expected to turn work in on time. Students in grades K-2 who turn in late assignments on a consistent basis will receive any of the following based upon individual teacher discretion.
Missed reward/ activity
Communication with parents
Marked on report card
Students who turn in late assignments on a consistent basis in grades 3-5 will receive any of the following based upon individual teacher discretion.
Partial credit for the work
Missed reward/ activity
Communication with parents
In/After school detention
2011-2012 Arlington Homework Compact
Responsibilities of Staff:
Assign relevant and meaningful homework that reinforces classroom learning
Give clear instructions and make sure students understand the purpose
Give feedback and/or correct homework
Involve parents and contact them if a pattern of late or incomplete homework develops
Responsibilities of Parents:
Set a regular, uninterrupted study time each day
Establish a quiet, well-lit homework area for your child at home
Monitor student’s organization and daily list of assignments in their agenda
Initial your child’s agenda or homework daily to communicate your awareness of assignments
Help student work to find the answer, not just get it done
Be supportive when the student gets frustrated with difficult assignments
Contact teacher to stay well informed abou t the student’s learning process
Review assignments for legibility and neatness
Don’t do homework for your child; needs to be in student handwriting
(exception for IEP’s/504’s)
Responsibilities of Students:
Write down assignments in the “Arlington Student Agenda” (grades 2-5)
Be sure all assignments are clear; don’t be afraid to ask questions if necessary
Set aside a regular time for studying
Find a quiet, well-lit study area to do your homework
Work on homework independently whenever possible, so that it reflects your ability
Produce quality work
Make sure assignments are done according to the given instructions, completed and returned on time
Bring necessary books and supplies to and from school each day
Accept consequences for missing or incomplete homework
I/We have reviewed the Arlington Homework Policy with
Student's Name
________________________ ____________________
Student's Signature Date
________________________ ____________________
Parent's Signature Date
Date Adopted ___________________ Signature:_________________________
Council Chairperson