art 7 - Fertile

7th Grade Art
Ms. Messick
Telephone: 945-6933 ext. 161
Schedule: 1st hour-Prep
2nd hour-9:18- 10:03-Grade 7, American History
3rd hour-10:06-10:51-Senior High; Art I, Art II, Art III
4th hour-10:54-11:39- Grade 7, Art
5th hour-12:09-12:54- Senior High; Art I, Art II, Art III
6th hour-12:57-1:42 – Grade 7, Art
7th hour- 1:45- 2:30 – Study Hall
8th hour- 2:33- 3:18- Elementary Art
Course Description: In this class we will study and create art that is found in the United States. A wide range of
art periods will be covered and you will have the opportunity to use a variety of mediums. Students will also
learn vocabulary related to the art world and how to discuss and analyze artwork.
Course Requirements/ Materials: Notebook, Pencil, other project materials will be supplied. Course
assignments include daily work, writing assignments, group activities, tests, class participation in discussion,
projects, and a final exam.
Students’ progress in the course will be evaluated based upon formal and informal assessment techniques as
discussed under course requirements and grading.
Instructional Strategies:
Instructional strategies include; lecture and notes, class discussion, small group activities, and a research
Student Responsibilities:
It is your responsibility to be: punctual, prepared, productive, respectful and safe
If you choose to break a rule...
1.Warning from teacher
2.Meeting with teacher outside of class
3.Detention referral
4.Meeting with Principal and Teacher, call to Parents
*Classroom disruptions- student removed immediately from class
Accountability for Assignments:
All assignments must be turned in on time, unless previous arrangements have been made with the
instructor. Deductions will be given for late work
- Three days late- project grade drops one letter grade, tests drop ½ credit
- Four days late - No credit
- Cheating will not be tolerated-Automatic zero
Cheating includes but is not limited to copying others’ work, exchanging answers, using the
teacher’s key, plagiarism, or using a cheat sheet. Any of these will result in a loss of credit.
Make-up work
- If you are absent, it is your responsibility to pick up any make-up work.. It is also your
responsibility to turn in your make-up work within 2 days.
- All tests must be made up within 2 weeks.
Grading System:
A+ = 97-100
A = 93-96
A- = 90-92
B+ = 87-89
B = 83-86
B- = 80-82
C+ = 77-79
C =73-76
C- = 70- 72
D+ = 67-69
D- = 60-62
Grades will be determined on a total points system, which will include projects and tests/quizzes.
If You Have A Disability: Any accommodations or modifications will be coordinated with the special education
case manager.
Class Schedule (Subject to Change):
Week 1
Topics and Standards Addressed
Class Expectations and Consequences, Pretest & Notes-Elements of
Arts, 2pt Perspective, Creating Texture with Line. Create Art
portfolio and vocabulary grid. I,D, 1,2,3,4,5 II, D, 1 & 2
Week 2
Perspective Drawing,
Artists Revising Artwork
Revising Artwork, Shading, Creating emphasis with color, Grading
with a Rubric, Test on Definition of Elements, Writing an artist
statement II, D, 1 & 2
Week 3
Andy Warhol –pop art
Pretest on digital/pop art Vocabulary, Presentation on Andy Warhol
and his artwork, Analyze characteristics of art style II, D, 1 & 2
Week 4
photoshop Andy Warhol
Class review of vocabulary, Rubric of clay sculpture and test on
digital/pop art vocabulary and Post Test on Elements vocabulary. II,
D, 1 & 2
Week 5
James Audubon- Grid
Pretest on Grid System vocabulary, Presentation on James Audubon
and use of the grid system, Practice grid drawing II, D, 1 & 2
Week 6
Grid system
Select picture, Working on drawing, Rubric for drawing, Shading
with pencil, Test on Grid System Vocabulary Post Test of Pop Art
Vocabulary II, D, 1 & 2
Week 7
South West American
Pottery- Maria Martinez
Pretest on ceramics vocabulary, Video on Maria Martinez,
construction of clay mug with cylinder, Rubric for mug project II,
D, 1 & 2
Week 8
Working on mug, Test on ceramics vocabulary, Post Test on Grid
System Vocabulary II, D, 1 & 2
Week 9
Pretest on Automata vocabulary, Presentation on automata, divide
into partners and begin project, Rubric on project II, D, 1 & 2
Week 10
Work on project and presentation. Test on automata vocabulary and
Post Test on pottery vocabulary II, D, 1 & 2
Week 11 Abstract Sculpture
Pretest on abstract vocabulary, presentation on American abstract
art, rubric for assignment II, D, 1 & 2
Week 12 Abstract Sculpture
Work on project, mentor project with elementary class II, D, 1 & 2
Week 13 Abstract Sculpture
Work on project, mentor project with elementary class, Test on
abstract vocabulary, Post Test on automat vocabulary II, D, 1 & 2
Week 14 Public Sculpture
Pretest on Public Sculpture vocabulary, Presentation of public
sculpture, Class project, enlarging with the grid system II, D, 1 & 2
Week 15 Public Sculpture
Group sculpture, Review vocabulary II, D, 1 & 2
Week 16 Public Sculpture
Group sculpture, Test public sculpture vocabulary, Post Test
abstract sculpture II, D, 1 & 2
Week 17 Glazing
Week 18
Cleaning Art Room, Review for Semester Final, Semester Final
Academic Honesty
Cheating will not be tolerated-Automatic zero
- Cheating includes but is not limited to copying others’ work, exchanging answers, using the
teacher’s key, plagiarism, or using a cheat sheet. Any of these will result in a loss of credit.
Minnesota Standards
Grades 6 Through 8 Standards. 2003
Artistic Interpretation
I.The student will understand and use artistic processes to analyze and interpret a variety of works in at least
two of the three arts areas required to be offered by a school from the following: dance, music, theater, and
visual arts.
D. VISUAL ARTS. The student will:
1. understand how the following components of visual arts are used to convey meaning:
a. elements, including color, line, shape, form, texture, and space;
b. principles, such as repetition, contrast, or balance;
c. vocabulary;
d. styles, such as abstract or impressionist; and
e. structures, such as two dimensional or three dimensional;
2. understand the connection between a visual art work, its purpose, and its cultural and historical contexts;
3. understand how the principles and vocabulary of visual art are similar to and different from other arts
areas, such as dance, music, or theater;
4. communicate a personal reaction to works in visual art using the components of visual art; and
5. use criteria to evaluate works of visual art.
Artistic Creativity and Performance
II.The student will understand and use artistic processes to create and perform in at least two of the three arts
areas required to be offered by a school from the following: dance, music, theater, and visual arts.
D. VISUAL ARTS. The student will:
1. understand the following components of visual art:
a. elements, including color, line, shape, form, texture, and space;
b. principles, such as repetition, contrast, or balance;
c. vocabulary;
d. styles, such as abstract or impressionist; and
e. structures, such as two dimensional or three dimensional;
2. understand technical skills of visual arts, such as selecting and using tools and techniques of the
3. understand how audience and occasion affect artistic choices in creation of visual art;
4. use artistic processes to create in a variety of visual art contexts;
5. express and communicate ideas using the components of visual arts;
6. generate ideas for artistic expression in visual arts;
7. make and explain artistic choices in creating visual art; and
8. use feedback to revise artistic expression in visual art.
Conceptual Framework
Educating for success in an environment of learning, respect and responsibility