Found Object Sculptures

Found Object Sculptures
8th grade 3D ART
Instructor: Janay Davis
End Of Year Project – Semester Exam Grade
Objective: Employ found objects to create a sculpture “in the round”…that is
visually interesting and meets the guidelines required for the project.
Tasks: Find objects which you consider significant, and then put them
together in a unique way – taking them to a higher level of visual
understanding. Create an original, visually interesting sculpture in which the
design as a whole is more interesting than the elements that create the
The piece should display an understanding of Form, Space, Content, and
careful construction.
Found Objects: are objects that have been created for a purpose other than
art, and are usually everyday, easily recognized objects. Their meaning in
everyday life is usually derived from their context in which we use them. By
altering the objects’ context, or their form we can modify their meaning and
The Found Objects can be (but are not limited to):
Household items
Wood pieces
Pieces of glass
Aluminum cans
Challenges: Could you create artwork that could shed different light on what
everyone sees as mundane objects?
Could you create artwork that makes you as an artist make a statement about
something important to you?
1. Must be found objects – laying around the house, in an old barn, at a
junk yard…. Many places you can get FREE stuff to build projects.
2. Try to learn something new – welding, sewing, painting with spray paint
or any other type of paint, bending metal, using a jigsaw, ANYTHNG!
3. Make it mean something to you – or make a statement about something
you care for or are interested in.
4. Keep a Log of what you do – can be a picture log with a written log, or
just written.
5. Keep up with the time you have spent on doing things in this log : such
as – How long you searched the garage, shop or junk yard for the object
needed to begin your project.
6. Keep up with how long it takes you to paint, wire, or nail, or even weld
or sew things together.
7. Keep a log of things that failed in the process of creating this sculpture.
Did the glue work the first time, or did you have to use a different type
of glue? Things such as this show your struggles along with the
successes of what you created.
8. Try to solve problems on your own first. Then ask for help from an adult.
If parents or family are not able to help, I will gladly guide you the best I
can as a TEACHER – not someone doing the project for you…
9. Make the final piece of art NEAT and CLEAN for presentation.
Completed means taking all things into consideration – especially final
appearance of your sculpture. Take care in making it presentable – not
just thrown together.
Due Date will be posted on my web site when we
(as a class) decide.