School Development Plan 2015-16 . School Development Plan 2015-16 The Mission Statement and Aims of Our School Reviews of 2014-15 Key Priorities 2014-15 Dorset Data and FFT Aspire Governor Dashboard Analyses 2015-16 School Key Priorities Subject Action Plans and 2014-15 Reviews Self -Review Cycles Last Amended 06/03/2016 School Development Plan 2015-16 The Aims of Our School Our school pursues excellence in learning and teaching encouraging every child to seek and achieve their potential within a balanced and engaging curriculum. We provide high quality care and support. We promote wellbeing with individual rights and responsibilities at the centre of our school ethos. The aims for our school are: It is a place where the Christian faith is at the centre of everything and encompasses all aspects of school life. It is a place where a school community is established based on faith and trust. It is a place where all people are equally valued, where everyone is kind, considerate and caring. It is a place where children are happy to come to school to learn and reach their full potential. It is a place where children and adults work together in mutual respect. It is a place where children respect their own and others’ property. It is a place where children are encouraged to have pride in themselves, their work, their school and their local community. It is a place where children are encouraged to establish links with the wider community. It is a place where good relations between home and school are encouraged and appreciated. Last Amended 06/03/2016 School Development Plan 2015-16 Key Priority 1 2014-15. Continue to focus on achievement in mathematics across the school in terms of progress and attainment. Mid -Year Review February 2015 1. Aspirational targets have been set for Year 6 using the new FFT Aspire 20 figures. This means that we are challenging ourselves and our children to progress at a rate equivalent to the top 20% of schools nationally. 2. January 2015 Mock SATs data suggests that these figures are often individually challenging but as a cohort they are attainable. Personalised interventions will be in place to support our less able pupils and also pupils who have specific “gaps” in their learning e.g. analogue time 3. Miss Evans has visited Salway Ash and will be visiting other mixed age class settings to focus on providing quality provision across all abilities in Key Stage 1. 4. Mathletics has continued to be very popular with parents and pupils and the PTFA have once again agreed to match fund the annual subscription with the school budget. Mrs White’s availability in the ICT Suite has certainly improved the positive impact in lessons for pupils across Key Stage 2. End of Year Review July 2015 1. Our highly aspirational FFT 20 Targets were 94% Level 4+ and 63% Level 5+. Pre-reviews we missed these by 2 children for Level 4+ and 5 children for Level 5+ although we are “confident” that at least 1 review will be successful. Our published teacher assessments will show that in our professional opinion 88% of the cohort was Level 4+ and 38% Level 5+. 2. Our Year 2 assessments confirmed 100% Level 2C+, 88% Level 2B+ and 12% Level 3+ 3. Mathletics continues to be popular with parents and children alike and certainly engages all learners. 4. Mrs Greenham led a very successful maths open morning in June which enabled parents to observe quality teaching and learning in action in all 5 classrooms. The feedback has been very positive. It was agreed by all stakeholders that mathematics progress needs to remain as a Key Priority for 2015-16 and that extra support should be sought from the Local Authority. It was agreed that gender should be a key focus not only for data analysis but also for work scrutiny and lesson observations as there continues to be a trend for boys out-performing girls which has formed an important part of our Equality Action Plan work with the Curriculum Committee. Last Amended 06/03/2016 School Development Plan 2015-16 Key Priority 2 2014-15: To develop a broad and balanced curriculum which engages children across the school is in line with the new National Curriculum and supports pupil attainment and progress. Mid- Year Review February 2015 1. New curriculum map for Key Stage 2 has been published on school website. Very positive feedback from teachers on first term and a half of new topics. Resources are the main challenge in terms of time to prepare them… 2. Key Stage 1 curriculum information has been published in a new format on the school website. There is a mixture of curriculum coverage from the previous term alongside planning for the new term. 3. A Promoting British Values Statement has been published on the website after discussion with the Curriculum Committee, the FGB and the Salisbury Diocese 4. The staff team are still familiarising themselves with the new assessment world without levels and the Pyramid have produced an explanatory document for parents that will be personalised and uploaded onto our website as soon as possible. The focus is very much on assessment in English and maths initially. 5. The Curriculum Committee of the FGB have focussed on the challenges that the new curriculum presents to our staff team and are keen to support as much as possible. In order to acquire more first- hand experience of the new curriculum they will re-draft their Governor Visits template to include a section on links to the new curriculum and how they can best support the teachers with these links. End of Year Review July 2015 1. The new curriculum map continued to be very popular with staff and children alike. The new challenge is to re-design it for a 3 class KS2 structure from September 2015 in view of the increase in numbers throughout the school. 2. The KS1 curriculum information on the website proved difficult to keep updated and so the team will draw up a new statement for September 2015 and most importantly of all continue to keep parents informed through notices and posters in the classrooms themselves. 3. The staff team are now more familiar with the concept of assessment without levels but it is certainly still one of the major challenges to address. The publishing of data sheets with the annual written reports confirmed that the new curriculum objectives are pitched at a considerably higher attainment than the previous ones which led to a considerable amount of dialogue with concerned parents about the apparently slow rate of progress made in 201415. One positive aspect was that the teachers were able to use work in books as first hand evidence of real progress which was a great re-assurance for these parents and a good preparation for any future inspection. 4. The Governors Visits template has been revised and adopted by the FGB to enable governors to more fully support and evaluate the teaching and learning taking place. Last Amended 06/03/2016 School Development Plan 2015-16 Dorset Data Pack and FFT Aspire Governor Dashboard Initial Analyses October 2015 Key Stage 1 1. How does attainment and pupil progress compare to the L.A. average? Attainment Reading-above at L2+, below at L2B+ and L3+ Writing-above at L2+ and L2B+, in line at L3+ Maths-above at L2+ and L2B+, below at L3+ Do we need to focus on more able pupils? Progress Reading-conversion to L2B+ and L3+ from Expected was below L.A., conversion from Exceeding to L3+ below L.A. Writing-conversion from Expected to L2B+ was in line with L.A., conversion from Exceeding to L3+ was below Maths-conversion to L2B+ from Expected was above L.A. conversion to L3+ from Expected was below L.A., conversion from Exceeding to L3+ above L.A. How does attainment and pupil progress at my school compare to the national average? Attainment Reading- below at L2B+ Writing-above at L2B+ Maths-above at L2B+ Average Point Score (R,W,M) in line with national average Progress Average Point Score (R,W,M) significantly below the national average 2. How are we performing in different subjects? Science At L2+ we are above the L.A. and national figures At L3+ we are significantly below the L.A. Do we need to focus on more able pupils-use of Cover Supervisor? 3. Do we have any under-performing groups of pupils? Pupil Premium (4 pupils) All 4 children attained L2+ in Reading, Writing and Maths-above L.A. 1 child attained L3+ in each area-above L.A. Females(7 pupils) As a group they achieved less well than the boys in terms of attainment and progress Last Amended 06/03/2016 School Development Plan 2015-16 4. How might the context of the school affect our performance? We need to be aware that in a large mixed age class we need to try and find quality time to challenge our more able Year 2 pupils using either the teacher, cover supervisor or another adult. We need to remember that Miss Evans was an NQT last year which probably made her less likely to take sensible “risks” in her classroom and more likely to focus on behaviour management. 5. How does pupil attendance compare to the national average? The cohort attendance was only 91.83% BUT this figure included two children who are no longer with us, one with 27.2% attendance and one with 89.75% attendance. 6. What were the strengths and weaknesses of our school? Relative Strength- Pupil Premium attainment Relative Weakness- L3+ attainment Key Stage 2 1. How does attainment and pupil progress compare to the L.A. average? Attainment Reading-in line at L4B+ and L5+ Writing-above at L4+ and significantly above at L5+ Spelling and Grammar-in line at L4B+, below at L5+ Maths-below at L4B+ and L5+ Expected Progress Reading was above L.A. Writing was above L.A. Maths was below L.A. More Than Expected Progress Reading was below L.A. Writing was significantly above L.A. Maths was in line with L.A. How does attainment and pupil progress compare to the national average? Attainment % Level 4+ (R,W, M) in line with national average Progress KS2 Progress (R,W,M) in line with national average 2. How are we performing in different subjects? Science At L4+ we are above the L.A. and the national averages. At L5+ we are below the L.A. Last Amended 06/03/2016 School Development Plan 2015-16 Progress from Year 2 to Year 6 is in line with the L.A. 3. Do we have any under-performing groups of pupils? Pupil Premium (2 pupils) Both pupils attained L4+ in reading and writing. One pupil attained Level 4+ in maths. Both pupils made expected progress in reading and more than expected progress in writing and one pupil made expected progress in maths Gender (8 males,7 females) In reading and writing, boys out-performed girls at L4B+ and girls outperformed boys at L5+. In Spelling and Grammar, girls out-performed boys at L4B+ and L5+. In maths, boys performed girls at L4B+ and L5+ In reading, a higher percentage of girls made expected progress but a higher percentage of boys made more than expected progress. In writing, boys and girls were almost identical in both progress measures. In maths, the boys outperformed girls in both progress measures. SEND (2 pupils) In all four areas, one pupil attained Level 4+. In reading, both pupils made expected progress. In writing, both made expected progress with one making more than expected maths, one pupil made expected progress. Lower Attainer(1 pupil) Our one pupil did not achieve L4+ in any area BUT made expected progress in reading, writing and maths. Middle Attainers (8 pupils) In reading and writing, they all attained Level 4B+ and in Spelling and Grammar and maths 75% attained Level 4B+. In reading they all made at least expected progress with 38% making more than expected progress, more than the L.A. average for this group. In writing they all made at least expected progress with 63% making more than expected progress, significantly higher than the L.A. average. In maths 75% made at least expected progress with 38% making more than expected progress-higher than the L.A. average. Upper Attainers(5 pupils) As a group, these pupils performed less well overall than the other groups particularly in maths. 100% attained L4+ in all areas. In reading 80% made expected progress. 0% made more than expected progress. In writing 100% made at least expected progress with 80% making more than expected progress. In maths 60% made expected progress (3 out of 5) with 20% making more than expected progress. 4. How might the context of the school affect our performance? As a school with a very good reputation for being fully inclusive we devote a lot of time, energy and resources towards our more vulnerable children. Even Last Amended 06/03/2016 School Development Plan 2015-16 with our well established ability groups our more able pupils may still not get the full challenge that they require. As a very popular school with many parental preferences we have experienced mixed age Key Stage 2 classes regularly of 30+ children. This has meant that Year 6 have not had as rigorous a programme of preparation for national assessments as children in other schools may have been offered. In 2015-16 we have divided our Key Stage, 2 children into 3 smaller classes with Year 6 only joined by a very small group of Year 5 pupils. This should enable us to support Year 6 more as they prepare for national assessments in May 2016. As a school committed to promoting locally based initial teacher training we have engaged with the Dorset SCITT Partnership over many years in Upper Key Stage 2 and this has meant a certain lack of consistency in teaching styles… This will no longer be the case as the SCITT Partnership has sadly closed. As a Gold Level Sports Mark School we are fully committed to promoting healthy competition for all of our children. This has sometimes meant that some of our children have missed lessons and we will do our best to ensure that this is not the case whenever possible. 5. How does pupil attendance compare to the national average? The Year 6 attendance for 2014-15 was 96.2% with only one pupil attending less than 90% of the year’s sessions 6. What were the strengths and weaknesses of our school? The strengths indicated in our FFTAspire Dashboard are our Female readers and our Male writers. The relative weaknesses indicated are our higher attainers in reading and maths and our females in maths. These indicators have led the Subject Leader to undertake a gender based analysis of pupil’s feelings on mathematics generally which will form part of the evidence base for our L.A. Subject Review. Last Amended 06/03/2016 School Development Plan 2015-16 Key Priority 1 2015-16. Continue to focus on achievement in mathematics across the school in terms of progress and attainment to ensure that all available data is at least in line with the L.A. average. Key Strands Key Actions Lead Person Timescale To analyse all available data to agree priorities L.A. Data Packs RAISEonline FFT Aspire NE To agree aspirational targets for individuals and cohorts Predictions to Head Teacher Promote home learning Promote Mathletics programme. Maths Open Mornings including termly FoF practical sessions. Terms objectives on website Agree maths focus P.M. objectives Measure progress with a gender focus-books Last Amended 06/03/2016 Autumn 2015 Resources and costs Nil Monitoring and evaluation Summaries produced for FGB and staff NE Autumn 2015 Nil Predictions shared with FGB and staff NE LG Ongoing PTFA subsidise purchase of Mathletics subscription. Mathletics board in hall PTFA feedback in meetings. Parent log ins used successfully Teacher objectives NE Ongoing Support staff objectives AW Nil CPD Days 01.09.15 Support staff released Mid- year and end of year reviews of impact on achievement Scrutiny sessions LG 12.10.15 £100 supply approx Scrutiny evaluations in Monitoring File.Verbal School Development Plan 2015-16 and pupil questionnaires Update staff on national and local developments Track pupil progress through maths learning objectives with a focus on gender feedback from Subject Leader Maths Bulletins circulated LG NPQH Research LG Progress through objectives CPD including mastery LG NE Ongoing Ongoing paired with Salway Ash in age related groups and as Subject Leaders Nil-subject leader time/PPA Feedback to staff in Bulletin Nil-NPQH fees paid centrally Pupil Tracker used to maximum efficiency Nil-staff meetings Staff team confident with ongoing assessment against new objectives Praise postcards for mastery of objectives Explore range of strategies to potentially improve teaching and learning in all classrooms and progress of all groups L.A. Review led by Jennie Fellowes. Action Plan drawn up. NE C.P.D.Day 02.11.15 L.A. funded £850 Learning walks explore range of strategies used-observations, books and pupil interviews. Action Plan reviewed by Heidi Whitney Spring 2016 Embed “Using and Applying” across the curriculum LG to liaise with Jennie Fellowes re NPQH Project and then present to staff LG 02.11.15 Staff Meeting 16.11.15 Nil Pupil questionnaires and feedback. Analyses of standards Last Amended 06/03/2016 School Development Plan 2015-16 Key Priority 2 2015-16 To develop a broad and balanced curriculum which engages children across the school is in line with the new National Curriculum and supports pupil attainment and progress. Key Strands Key Actions Lead Person Timescale Resources and costs Nil-CPD Day and staff meetings Monitoring and evaluation Published on website. Design new curriculum Agree updated draft map two year cycles for Key Stage 2 and publish on website NE September 2015 Review our Curriculum Statement Agree with staff team and FGB and publish on website NE Planning and assessing pupils’ learning NE Ongoing Nil-Dedicated Do we have effective Headship/PPA/Staff systems in place? Meetings/Joint Feedback. Moderation with Salway Ash NE Ongoing Nil Feedback from parents September 2015 Nil-staff meetings and Dedicated Headship time Published on website Feedback Assessment reforms Pupil progress What progress are pupils making in different curriculum areas? Last Amended 06/03/2016 Monitor pupil and cohort progress through Pupil Tracker School Development Plan 2015-16 Key Priority 3 2015-16 To continue to develop existing outstanding practice in R.E. and Collective Worship in preparation for 2015-16 SIAMS Inspection Key Strands Key Actions Lead Person Timescale Resources and costs Continue to develop learners’ involvement in planning and leading worship More active participation in acts of Worship by our pupils through candle lighting, guiding our youngest pupils, leading responses and managing ICT. Groups of Year 6 pupils to lead elements of Thursday Worship each week. Ensure that every colleague knows their strengths and is enabled to exploit them regularly DI NE On going Candle lighters Continue to develop learners’ involvement in planning and leading worship Continue to explore the development of the distinctive Christian character of Parrett and Axe CEVA Primary School Ensure that aspects of gathering, engaging, responding and sending are evident in class based worship and reflected in class worship evaluation Explore and develop further the whole school approach to Last Amended 06/03/2016 Monitoring and evaluation Foundation Governors Worship Leaders SelfEvaluation DI Start September 2015 Nil Reverend Daniel Reflection Sheet in File NE On-going £200 initially for CPD Mrs Stott commence E.L.S.A. September 2015 with full support of staff Impact in school with our more vulnerable children emotionally monitored by Line Manager Corfe and Chesil to use class worship evaluations incorporating the 4 elements of Worship NE Introduced in September 2015 Nil Monitoring of Worship File by NE Observation by Foundation Governors Invite in Diocese speakers to lead our thoughts LG On-going. Derek Holloway booked for 22.09.15. Nil initially. Future use of R.E. budget to purchase Subject Leader to monitor progress across school. School Development Plan 2015-16 assessing progress in RE without levels. Develop an understanding of Christian concepts with staff and ensure that they are able to discuss progress through conceptual understanding as well as knowledge and skills Explore delegating the subject leadership of R.E to a different staff member to extend, distribute and strengthen leadership of R.E. as a core subject and to professionally develop their subject leadership role. Last Amended 06/03/2016 Derek Holloway input to Pyramid at our school. Reverend Jo to lead Spirituality focus Staff Meeting NE Explore the possibilities within our current staff structure and looking ahead to a future staff structure. NE Pyramid input from Beaminster School 21.10.15 Derek Holloway 22.09.15 Reverend Jo 05.10.15 resources On going Nil Mid -Year P.M. Reviews Spring Term 2016 Use of R.E. Budget to purchase concept based resources as shared with us on 22.09.15 Mr Barnes to lead KS2-KS3 Transition Project. Subject Leader to monitor learningobservations, books and pupils. Outcome of SIAMS Inspection in terms of R.E. leadership recommendations School Development Plan 2015-16 SUBJECT ACTION PLANS Actions to improve attainment Person in Art and D.T. Responsible To explore how DT is taught across KS2. Organise a whole school DT day. To look at DT in new curriculum in detail, focusing on any changes and create a document to support the curriculum coverage of DT in KS1 and KS2. Miss Blake Miss Blake Miss Blake Reviewed Art and D.T. Action Plan 2014-15 Last Amended 06/03/2016 Success Criteria Use time in KS2 classrooms in dedicated DT times such as Find out Fridays to talk with staff and children about activities. Plan, resource and carry out a whole school DT day in which children of all ages can work together to use multiple DT techniques. Develop a manageable format for checking and supporting curriculum coverage across the whole school Time Scale Costs Summer 2015 Nil- Cover for Miss Report provided for Blake staff and Curriculum provided Committee. by Cover Supervisors 02.12.14 Resourcesring fenced pot of £100 Ongoing 20142015. Time to do Format used by staff so and governors to provided evaluate current by Cover provision Supervisors Monitoring/Evaluation Brief report on successes and areas of development School Development Plan 2015-16 Actions to improve attainment in Art and D.T. Continue to explore extra curricular opportunities Explore new whole school initiatives Person Responsible Time Scale Mr Evans Sessions attended by mix of all pupil groups-gender, On-going Pupil Premium Mr Evans Whole school actively involved in high quality opportunities Art and D.T. Action Plan 2015-16 Last Amended 06/03/2016 Success Criteria On-going Christmas Card design October 2015 Costs Monitoring/Evaluation PP children subsidizes Equality Objectives monitored by Curriculum Committee Feedback from all stakeholders School Development Plan 2015-16 Actions to improve attainment Person in English Responsible Meet with SEP to discuss the role of an English subject leader. Success Criteria Time Scale Miss Blake Mr Evans (to get in touch with SEP regarding visit) A more confident outlook of what constitutes a good subject leader. Miss Blake New subject leader has grasp of a)standards across the school b) presentation across the school c) marking and feedback across the school By Spring Half Term 2015 Miss Blake Clear picture of school data alongside Dorset and national averages. Clear idea of trends across the year groups. Summer 2015 at the latest Costs Monitoring/Evaluation Miss Blake to be able to complete a more focused action plan for support across the school. I am feeling much more confident in what I need to complete and focus on over the year with regards to English across the whole school. By Christmas 2014 Updated: January 2015 Joint subject scrutiny with individual teachers and children’s books. Look at data on Pupil Tracker for end of Spring term. Reviewed English Action Plan 2014 -15 Last Amended 06/03/2016 Nil-Cover for Miss Blake and other teachers provided by Cover Supervisors Nil-time for Miss Blake to do this provided by Cover Supervisors Teachers and Miss Blake to use new forms from SEP to complete scrutinies Report from subject leader for staff and Curriculum Committee School Development Plan 2015-16 Actions to improve attainment Person in English Responsible Whole school English Reading Megan Evans Megan Evans Writing Megan Evans English Action Plan 2015 -16 Last Amended 06/03/2016 Success Criteria Subject leader to do learning walk to focus on gaining understanding of whole school literacy structure. Hold week long whole school reading focus (Lion Witch and Wardrobe) Plan whole school writes (with possible link to Lion Witch and Wardrobe) to show whole school progression Time Scale Costs 28th Sept N/A Week beginning Feb 6th N/A TBC N/A Monitoring/Evaluation Meet with SEP Feedback given to staff members following learning walk Frequent meetings with other staff to keep up to date with assessment, tracking children Staff meeting discussion/evaluation Children to give feedback (verbally or formally) Discussions with staff, sharing of possible topics, shared assessment in staff meeting School Development Plan 2015-16 Actions to improve attainment in ICT E-Safety. Send out questionnaires to find out about the types of internet access pupils have at home. i.e. Facebook?, virtual worlds, online gaming, mobile phones, Skype etc… Person Responsible Success Criteria Mrs White Mrs Evans Completed questionnaires returned to provide a By end of better picture of what December 2014 our pupils are using at home Provide a session on internet safety in school for parents to coincide with e-safety lessons. Mrs White Mrs Dickinson Parents and children actively engaged in ESaftey at home and school By end of December 2014 To look into extending the network to include tablets. Mrs White Tablets in use in the classrooms September 2015 To review the new computing curriculum at the end of each term to see what could be improved or enhanced Mrs White meeting with other class teachers An enhanced computing curriculum December 2014 April 2015 July 2015 Reviewed Computing Action Plan 2014-15 Last Amended 06/03/2016 Time Scale Costs Monitoring/Evaluation Questionnaires were completed by children from Orange class through to Top Juniors. They provided a useful insight into what children were accessing at home. A session on internet awareness was provided and led by Mrs Hickman for Overtime parents to attend. Attendance was small but those parents who attended said that they found the information helpful. The PTFA and one family have kindly funded IPads for each teacher. Teachers are Cost of using them for assessment hardware primarily but they are also being used by some children with learning difficulties. Reviews are taking place on a half termly basis. It is generally recognised that pupils need more time devoted to improving their online research skills. School Development Plan 2015-16 Actions to improve attainment in ICT and Computing To use information gained from last year’s internet safety questionnaires to improve internet safety lessons. To continue to look into extending the network to include tablets/laptops in the classroom. To look into and set up new infrastructure to increase broadband speed and reliability across the school. Computing Action Plan 2015-16 Last Amended 06/03/2016 Person Responsible Success Criteria Time Scale Costs Children are more aware of their own safety and responsibilities when using the internet. By end of December 2015 Nil/use of planning time Mrs White Tablets/laptops for pupils in the classrooms. July 2016 Cost of hardware Mrs White Mrs Caile More reliable broadband connection, thereby increasing pace of lessons. April 2016 Cost of new broadband connection Mrs White Monitoring/Evaluation School Development Plan 2015-16 Actions to improve attainment In Geography Person Responsible Success Criteria To implement the new National Curriculum in Geography in KS2 Mrs Gillis Mrs Greenham Children will have been taught units from the new curriculum To attend training on the Global Learning Programme Mrs Gillis Mrs Gillis will have attended some training Mrs Gillis Global learning goals will have been taught To incorporate Global Learning goals within the teaching of Geography in the school Reviewed Geography Action Plan 2014-15 Last Amended 06/03/2016 Time Scale Summer Term 2015 Summer term 2015 Summer Term 2015 Costs Monitoring/Evaluation Evaluate the amount of the curriculum taught , and the New children’s learning through resources assessment to support One Geography unit taught the new in each KS2 classroom. No curriculum assessment tools in place as yet. Course assignments Training Course evaluation costs? Course attended and E-credits? completed successfully.certificate Autumn Term 2014 Teachers planning and children’s books will show some ‘global learning’ issues Global learning issues very successfully incorporated into the teaching of the Y3/4 geography unit (Physical / human world Geography) and into the KS2 worshipsbut not widespread across the school. Ongoing. School Development Plan 2015-16 Actions to improve attainment in Geography To incorporate Global Learning Goals within the teaching of Geography throughout the school To embed the teaching of British values within the Geography curriculum, when teaching about the UK in KS2 Person Responsible Mrs Gillis to lead Teachers will incorporate Global Learning Goals into their Geography planning July 2016 Mrs Gillis Y3/4 children will have some knowledge of British values. July 2016 To ensure that the complete 2014 NC for Geography is covered within the schools two Mrs Gillis year cycle, now that there is a new 3 class structure in KS2 Subject Action Plan 2015-16 Geography Last Amended 06/03/2016 Success Criteria Time Scale The new organisation for the teaching of Geography in KS2 will cover all of the knowledge and skills outlined in the 2014 NC July 2016 Costs Monitoring/Evaluation Scrutinise teacher’s geography planning for examples of Global Learning Goals. Talk to children about global issues they have talked about in class. Y3/4 Geography planning will have Resources evidence that some for discussion / work teaching around British values of British will have been a part values? of the children’s learning. School’s curriculum will be crossreferenced with NC School Development Plan 2015-16 Actions to improve attainment in History Trial new Year 5 and 6 unit of work: Britain’s settlement by Anglo Saxons and Scots Trial new Year 3 and 4 unit of work: Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age Trial new Year 5 and 6 unit of work: The Viking and Anglo Saxon struggle for the Kingdom of England to the time of Edward the Confessor Person Responsible Time Scale Costs Monitoring/Evaluation Mrs Greenham Engaged teacher and learners. Range of work in topic books as evidence of learning Autumn 2014 Nil Mrs Gillis Engaged teacher and learners. Range of work in topic books as evidence of learning Spring 2015 Nil Mrs Greenham Reviewed History Action Plan 2014-15 Last Amended 06/03/2016 Success Criteria Engaged teacher and learners. Range of work in topic books as evidence of learning Summer 2015 Nil Selection of work. Feedback from teacher. Curriculum Committee. Now fully resourced, very engaging subject matter, children responded well to idea of “what happened next after the Romans” Good obvious links with geography/settlement – should we change this to be in same year? Or even covered in some way by history aspect. No primary sources of course. Selection of work. Feedback from teacher. Curriculum Committee. Very successful unit of work. Plenty of evidence in Topic Books. Children enjoyed the content and activities. Making and gathering of resources about the stone Age, and linking this to the ‘Local History Study’ the following term was time consuming Selection of work. Feedback from teacher. Curriculum Committee. Excellent natural follow on from Autumn term's topic. Lots of obvious art and drama opportunities. Very good opps for chronological understanding but of course no primary sources! School Development Plan 2015-16 Actions to improve attainment in History History Action Plan 2015-16 Last Amended 06/03/2016 Person Responsible Success Criteria Time Scale Costs Monitoring/Evaluation School Development Plan 2015-16 Actions to improve attainments of Vulnerable groups Embedding the ‘four part cycle’ or ‘graduated approach’ in school to ensure effective special needs provision (Assess Plan Do Review) Strengthen the involvement of parents and child in assessing needs and defining outcomes and inform them of support provided, teaching strategies and how they can contribute to progress at home. Update SEN policy in light of June 14 code of practise Person Responsible Success criteria Notes from meetings, Children’s questionnaires Mrs Gillis SEN ‘Assess and Plan’ meetings held with parents, children and staff members delivering a particular intervention Sept Review and Plan’ meetings held Jan / Feb Parent questionnaire end of summer term. Mrs Gillis Parents and children feel more informed and involved in IEP planning, use of resources, teaching strategies, etc, and in the ways that they can contribute at home. Mrs Gillis Complete the SEN information report Complete school’s contribution to the Local offer To provide training for class teachers to complete IEP’s for the children in their class who need them, in conjunction with the SEN TA Mrs Deinhardt Mr Evans / Mrs Gillis Mrs Gillis Reviewed Inclusion Action Plan 2014-15 Last Amended 06/03/2016 Time Scale Costs Monitoring/Evaluation Meetings successfully held with parents of SEND children. Staff taken through the ‘Assess Plan Do Review ‘approach, and the ‘Graduated Response’. Both are detailed in the SEND policy and will become embedded in school practise over time. Summer 2015 Parents involved through planning and review meetings. Often meetings held with parents and SD / FG to support parents in best meeting the needs of their child at home. Leaflets distributed –e.g. how to support a child with visual perceptual difficulties. Share updated policies with staff for feedback Updated SEN / Inclusion Policies Summer 2015 Report completed and published on School Website Autumn Term 2014 Links available to school’s local offer on school website Autumn term 2014 School local offer completed, published on Dorset For You website-link on the school web page. Summer Term 2014 Evaluation – are class teachers more engaged with the learning of the children they are responsible for when they are at support sessions? Are the targets on a child’s IEP also worked on in the classroom? Staff will write the IEP’s for the children that they teach the relevant subject to. Staff will know how to access IEP’s using Pupil Tracker School SEND policy has been through several updates over the year, finished version (September 2015) shared with staff – to be shared and agreed with governors. Report shared with staff for feedback before publishing on website SEND report completed, agreed with staff and published on the school website. Supply cover for meetings between class teachers and Mrs Deinhardt for IEP writing Some teachers were very engaged in the planning and review of targets set for their SEND children thus making it easier for them to meet the needs of the children in their class. School Development Plan 2015-16 Actions to improve attainments of Vulnerable groups For the school to become familiar with the new process of requesting and EHC plan To be able to write appropriate outcomes on a child’s Additional Support Plan. To support an unusually high percentage of SEND Y6 children through their end of KS2 SATS so that they can achieve their maximum potential To take part in university research project, investigating the effectiveness of mindfulness on the wellbeing of Y3/Y4 children. Inclusion Action Plan 2015-16 Last Amended 06/03/2016 Person Responsible Mrs Gillis Mrs Gillis Mrs Gillis Mr Evans Mrs Greenham Mrs Deinhardt Mrs Munro Mrs Gillis Success criteria Time Scale Costs Monitoring/Evaluation To have successfully applied for an EHC plan where the needs of a child demand one. Initiated by Spring 2015 Possible training costs? EHC plan requests made. To have Additional Support Plans for each SEND child with appropriate outcomes detailed on them. July 2016 Possible costs of CPD? Outcomes on Additional Support Plans assessed Nil Judged by the success of the children in their SAT’s and feedback from them – how well do they feel they were supported? What could have gone better for them? Possible cost of resources if the school decides to extend the project further. Research results analysed and conclusions distributed to the school community. Improved feelings of wellbeing in children – improved resilience, reduced anxiety etc. Creative timetabling, allowing more time for Y6 children but also meeting the needs of children lower down the school. Regular progress review meetings between staff and parents. Home support programmes Mindfulness sessions delivered twice a week to Kimmeridge and Durdle Door classes in the latter part of the Autumn term. Results of intervention shared with parents and staff. More extensive use of mindfulness throughout the school. Through -out the year Spring term 2016 School Development Plan 2015-16 Actions to improve attainment in maths Ensure twice termly coverage of maths investigation through FoF Provide opportunities for level moderation following new levelling guidelines Continue with maths questionnaires for children to determine any misconceptions and preferences to learning activities Continue embedding of Mathletics throughout school to enrich maths coverage. Creation of school Mathletics “leader board” in Hall Person Responsible LG LG LG LG and rest of staff Reviewed Maths Action Plan 2014-15 Last Amended 06/03/2016 Success Criteria Children will be able to apply maths through open ended problem solving – greater understanding. Staff will meet termly to share work and agree levels on a given year group Creation of questionnaires, circulation and analysis of information. questionnaires completed twice with results circulated in maths bulletin All children enjoy Mathletics and have a weekly chance to carry out problem solving maths in a different context. Continue to promote use at home. Time Scale Termly Costs - By end Spring Term Ongoing Ongoing Leader board by Spring term - Monitoring/Evaluation Feedback from staff and pupils. Fof Files Positive feedback from all stakeholders. Evidence in Files All staff will have greater confidence with levelling. Joint sessions with Salway Ash useful. Need more time to truly embed assessment without levels. Feedback from pupil interviews shared at staff meetings. Questionnaires a good source of evidence. Maths Open Morning questionnaires too. Feedback from parents and pupils. Monitor gender issues in terms of participation Mrs White deployment key to Mathletics success. School Development Plan 2015-16 Actions to improve attainment in maths Ensure twice termly coverage of maths investigation through FoF with invitations to parents to attend. Continue with maths questionnaires for children to determine any misconceptions and preferences to learning activitiesgender focus will be important Continue embedding of Mathletics throughout school to enrich maths coverage. Offer parental logins to encourage “Maths environment” at home to support school. Continue to support consolidation of new Maths Curriculum, tracking progress and monitoring learning Maths Action Plan 2015-16 Last Amended 06/03/2016 Person Responsible LG LG LG LG Success Criteria Children will be able to apply maths through open ended problem solving – greater practical understanding to aid mastery Creation of questionnaires, circulation and analysis of information. Questionnaires completed twice with results circulated in maths bulletin All children enjoy Mathletics and have a weekly chance to carry out problem solving maths in a different context to aid mastery Continue to promote use at home with parents through Newsletters… Rigorous collection of evidence of meeting objectives and of mastery. Use of “on the spot” Pupil Tracker updating by teachers and classroom support staff Time Scale Costs Twice termly. Mocktails planned for 16.10.15 Resources Ongoing. First session 13.10.15 Ongoing Leader Board by Spring term Ongoing Monitoring/Evaluation Feedback from staff and pupils. Fof Files Feedback from pupil interviews shared at staff meetings Annual fee – PTFA to match fundagreed at PTFA AGM in Sept 2015 PTFA to purchase more IPads if presented with evidence of their impact Ongoing Feedback from children and parents – review for PTFA. Improved progress for all groups of pupils in this key priority subject area. School Development Plan 2015-16 Actions to improve attainment in music Continue to raise enjoyment of singing across the school especially upper KS2. Provide Music Provision map for whole school. Continue to enrich music enjoyment through range of cross curricular activities Person Responsible LG LG LG Reviewed Music Action Plan 2014-15 Last Amended 06/03/2016 Success Criteria High standard of singing in Worship with all children engaged Submission of coverage for each class including FoFs. Ensembles playing in worship to celebrate achievement. FoF taster days, different genres of music etc. Time Scale Ongoing End of Spring Term Termly Costs - - Monitoring/Evaluation Adults leading Worship. Public Worships Positive experiences including Gospel Choir Feedback on planning from subject leader. Not achieved Observation of public performances. Choral Festival and Gospel Choir both great successes. MFA and other instumentalists put on a really good concert. School Development Plan 2015-16 Actions to improve attainment in music Person Responsible Continue to promote high quality LG singing in Worship Provide range of high-quality opportunities across the school Music Action Plan 2015-16 Last Amended 06/03/2016 NE Success Criteria Time Scale Positive feedback from all On-going stakeholders including Revd Daniel Positive feedback from all stakeholders Year 4 Musicianship Spring 2016 Costs Monitoring/Evaluation Worship Monitoring File Musicianship evaluations School Development Plan 2015-16 Actions to improve attainment in P.E. To continue to promote swimming throughout Key Stage 2 To be re-validated for Gold Kitemark To provide a visual progress check of pupils in athletics using the English Schools Athletics Association Award Scheme Person Responsible Mrs Harris Mr Evans Mrs Harris Reviewed P.E Action Plan 2014-15 Last Amended 06/03/2016 Success Criteria Time Scale All Year 6 children able to swim 25 metres unaided before they leave us. Children in all KS2 year groups to be enthusiastic swimmers. On-going Gold Level certificate awarded and displayed on Sport Notice Board 2013-14 awarded Autumn 2014. Working towards 2014-15 from then Children can see their individual progress and achievements Summer 2015 Costs Monitoring/Evaluation Sports Funding Increased participation in Galas. Feedback from stakeholders and from Beaminster Pool Positive feedback from all stakeholders. Pool booked for Friday p.m. 2015-16 Nil P.T.F.A.personalised certificates used instead Feedback on impact on school sport in general Re-awarded Gold Mark September 2015 Completion of charts. Children performing well in intra and inter school athletics events Very successful first year using new system School Development Plan 2015-16 Actions to improve attainment in P.E. To continue to promote swimming throughout Key Stage 2 To be re-validated for Gold Kitemark To introduce another sport/ after school club to extend children’s range of activities especially in KS1. P.E. Action Plan 2015-16 Last Amended 06/03/2016 Person Responsible Mrs Harris Mrs Harris Mr Evans Mrs Harris Success Criteria Time Scale Costs Monitoring/Evaluation All Year 6 children able to swim 25 metres unaided before they leave us in July 2016 Children in all KS2 year groups to be enthusiastic swimmers and enjoy swimming. On-going Sports Funding Increased participation in Galas. Especially Yr 4 Gala Feedback from stakeholders and from Beaminster Pool. First ever entry into Bridport Swimarathom October 2015 Gold Level certificate awarded and displayed on Sport Notice Board 2014-15 awarded Autumn 2015. Working towards 2015-16 from then Nil Feedback on impact on school sport in general. Summer 2016 Range of children performing well in intra and inter school events Sports and gaining in confidence. Funding or October 2015 Investigating parental gymnastics after school contributions club and all day fencing experience leading to a club Children participating in different sports and activities. School Development Plan 2015-16 Actions to improve attainment in PSHE. To monitor SRE coverage across the whole school. Monitor continuing use of SEAL resources across the school. Use of SEAL Worship resources. Person Responsible Mrs Munro Mrs Munro To cover some aspects of PSHE through FoF activities. To support Mrs Hickman in her work with planned behaviour / Nurture Groups. Successful coverage of planned curriculum. Use of resources monitored and notes made about future needs. Mrs Munro Links with New Curriculum areas + Find Out Fridays. Mrs Munro (as required by Mrs Hickman.) Time / resources provided as required. Reviewed P.S.H.E. Action Plan 2014 -15 Last Amended 06/03/2016 Success Criteria Time Scale Costs Monitoring/Evaluation Suitability of resources? Opinions of stake holders? Life Link into SEAL plans. Summer Education Staff meeting with Life Term Van visit, Ed Van staff. Training for 2015. resources Head and PSHE Gov. if Discussions with whole necessary. staff. SRE on new NC2014 Science long term plans. Review of resources. Discussions with staff. Items needed to extend / update Rainbow SEAL? On- going. Continued use of SEAL, LJ PSHE covered mostly through FoF. Record of FoF sessions and relevant focus. Discussions with staff. On- going. Impact of the New Curriculum? Record of FoF activities and links to NC2014. Evaluation of impact, feedback from Mrs H. Feedback given to Mrs On- going. Gillis(Inclusion Leader). Successful impact observed. School Development Plan 2015-16 Actions to improve attainment in PSHE. Create a plan using current SRE resources to enable staff to cover the appropriate material. To monitor SRE coverage across the whole school, through the Science curriculum. Collate the resources available in Rainbow SEAL for SRE sessions. Continue to cover some aspects of PSHE and Citizenship through FoF activities. P.S.H.E. Action Plan 2015-16 Last Amended 06/03/2016 Person Responsible Success Criteria Time Scale Mrs Munro Plan presented to staff, KS1 and KS2. Plan matched to Science curriculum. Autumn Term 2015. Nil Mrs Munro Successful coverage of planned curriculum. Use of resources monitored and notes made about future needs. Ongoing. Nil Mrs Munro Staff reminded of resources available. Mrs Munro Links with New Curriculum areas + Find Out Fridays. Autumn Term 2015 Ongoing. Costs Nil Nil Monitoring/Evaluation Discussions with staff. Resources needed to extend / update? Feedback from staff. Extra timetabled SRE sessions needed? Staff discussions. Use of resources? What else is needed? Record of FoF sessions and relevant focus. Discussions with staff. Impact of the New Curriculum? School Development Plan 2015-16 Actions to improve attainment in RE Focus on KS1 and Foundation Stage RE lesson provision to include NQT September 2014. Person Responsible Success Criteria Time Scale LG Time spent with relevant teachers to help with planning conventions followed within the KS1/foundation stage setting. On-going throughout Nil year Improve links and children’s relationship with The Church to LG/rest of develop own spiritual self and teaching deepen understanding of the role staff that the Church plays in our school. LG/NE Raise “Church School” physical presence. Children will have a positive and active relationship with the local church, developing links with in school learning. Children can enjoy termly work shop type sessions in the Church. Etched church school logo on entrance door. School creed canvas in main hall. ME Last Amended 06/03/2016 Prayer tree in main hall, improved reflection area. Mural with religious theme on hall wall. Monitoring/Evaluation Still needs to be a priority for 2015-16 when Miss Evans in second year of career with more “risk space” Very positive relationship with Reverend Daniel Ongoing Nil Liquid Easter example of successful use of church-really positive impact £55 Church school logos in place after much practical challenge! £15 School Creed proudly in place Children can make regular visits to the Church outside planned services. Reviewed R.E. Action Plan 2014-15 Costs Ongoing over 201415 TBC £20 Reflection Area in corner of Hall- need to develop its use Wonderful mural painted by NQT, Miss Evans School Development Plan 2015-16 Actions to improve attainment in Person RE Responsible Success Criteria Time Scale Costs Monitoring/Evaluation Focus on KS1 and Foundation Stage RE lesson provision to include Miss Evans in second year of career Time spent with relevant teachers to help with planning conventions followed within the KS1/Foundation Stage setting. Ongoing. Visit each term. Supply M6 X 3 Termly visits to classrooms with brief “report” Develop existing links with The Church with a focus on our children’s relationship with The Church. Develop their persona spirituality and deepen their understanding of the role that The Church plays in our school. LG Children will have a positive and active relationship with the local church, developing links fully supported by in-school learning. LG Children can make regular visits to the Church outside planned services. LG Raise “Church School” physical presence. Children can enjoy termly work shop type sessions in the Church. School Creed on display in each classroom. Christian focal point display in each classroom. Prayer “bank” for children to add to and to draw on R.E. Action Plan 2015-16 Last Amended 06/03/2016 Ongoing. Termly N/A “workshops” in church End of Autumn Term at latest TBC Feedback from staff, children, local community and clergy. All children confident with School Creed. Prayer Bank used in day to day school life School Development Plan 2015-16 Actions to improve attainment in Science. Continue monitoring of pupil books. Discussions with pupils. Lesson observations. Person Responsible Success Criteria Mrs Munro Rolling programme of monitoring / discussions KS1 / KS2. Mrs Munro Changes and purchases made as appropriate to allow use of New Curriculum Science. Continue focus on Science APP. Link to ongoing assessment scheme, explore resources / training to cover gaps and Mrs Munro monitor using new Pupil Tracker system. Increased staff confidence. Upload data into Pupil Tracker. Monitor progress and raise areas / pupils of concern. Weak areas strengthened. Follow New Curriculum 2014 across the whole school, noting any resource implications or required changes to proposed Long Term Plans. Application for grant from NSEW for Science Week activities. Celebration of Science Week in March. Mrs Munro Celebration of Science Week through Find Out Fridays. Costs Monitoring/Evaluation Evidence in subject leader file. Supply lesson taught with Supply LJ. Accompanied TJ to Ongoing. cover. Forensic Science at PPA Beaminster School. Ongoing discussions with staff and pupils. Monitor changes as they are met over the 2 year rolling programme. Funding Resources purchased. Staff for discussions – no major Ongoing. additional problems apart from resources? quantity of material to be covered! Electricity in LJ/TJ similar, TJ need extension activities. Data on Pupil Tracker. On- going. Discussions with staff. Reduction of gaps. Continue Feedback termly record sheets of APP in termly coverage. staff Coverage monitored, need meetings. to explore new technique for ‘life without levels’. Use of grant if successful. Reviewed Science Action Plan 2014 -15 Last Amended 06/03/2016 Time Scale March 2015 Grant from NSEW. Successful Science Week activities. Record in FoF evidence file. Successful grant application, record of FoF activities . School Development Plan 2015-16 Actions to improve attainment in Science. Continue monitoring of pupil books. Discussions with pupils. Lesson observations. Change 2 year Long Term Plans to allow for new 3 class structure (3/4, 4/5, 5/6). Monitor skills and knowledge being acquired by all pupils to ensure there are no ‘gaps’ due to new group organisation. Application for grant from NSEW for Science Week activities. Celebration of Science Week in March Science Action Plan 2015-16 Last Amended 06/03/2016 Person Responsible Success Criteria Time Scale Costs Monitoring/Evaluation Mrs Munro Rolling programme of monitoring / discussions KS1 / KS2. Ongoing. PPA Evidence in subject leader file. Mrs Munro Appropriate coverage of the curriculum for all pupils. Ongoing. Nil Ensure all units are covered. Nil INSET session (Sep) to gauge staff feelings about using SPTO or other methods to track progress. Ongoing discussions with staff. Pupil comments on new groups? Grant from NSEW. Successful Science Week activities. Record in FoF evidence file. Mrs Munro Each pupil will have a record of units covered and skills and knowledge acquired. SPTO or ?? Ongoing. Use of grant if successful. Mrs Munro Celebration of Science Week through Find Out Fridays. March 2016 School Development Plan 2015-16 Actions to improve attainment in Collective Worship Trial the “Together in Worship” Planning and Record Sheets Continue to promote the use of the local church by the school community Continue to promote Worship through singing and music Person Responsible Success Criteria All Worship Leaders Record of the wide range of Worship taking place in school. Consistent pattern to Worship themes not dependant on individuals being available On-going Nil Staff team and Revd Daniel Children experience the church as a place of Worship and as a place On-going of local interest. Nil Mrs Greenham Revd Daniel Mrs Hickman All Worships enhanced by quality singing and music. Extra -Curricular club established in school to promote these values. Nil Reviewed Worship Action Plan 2014-15 Last Amended 06/03/2016 Time Scale On-going Costs Monitoring/Evaluation Feedback over the year by range of stakeholders. Worship File Very positive feedback from all Worship leaders. Feedback from all sections of community. Every class had at least one visit to the church to meet Revd Daniel. Harvest Service, 2 Nativity Services Carol Service, Easter activities and Leavers Service in church. Challenge continues to be car parking for evening events Singing Club established with regular voluntary help. Orange Class joined KS2 for Worship on Thursdays-increased impact in whole school settings. School Development Plan 2015-16 Actions to improve attainment in Worship Collective worship has a strong focus on the person of Jesus Christ. Person Responsible DI Some class based reflection areas to be developed with the support of Foundation Governors DI alongside the development of a new outside area Evaluations to have a particular focus on evidence of impact during acts of worship and following them. Worship Action Plan 2015-16 Last Amended 06/03/2016 NE Success Criteria Our children really understand the central position he occupies in the Christian faith. Our children use these areas as appropriate as part of their day to day life at school Evaluations in File confirm that Worship has a positive impact on life both in school and at home Time Scale On-going On-going On-going Costs Monitoring/Evaluation Nil SIAMS Inspection. Monitoring by Head and Foundation Governors T.B.C. Informal monitoring by Head Teacher and Foundation Governors Nil Monitoring of Worship and of reflection sessions led by Reverend Daniel PARRETT AND AXE CE VA PRIMARY SCHOOL ANNUAL CYCLE OF SCHOOL SELF REVIEW AND TARGET SETTING 2015-16 SEPTEMBER Assessment, data, targetsetting, tracking progress, recording and reporting Performance Management All historical Pupil Tracker data to be imported and analysed. Review for Teaching Staff 2014-15 objectives. 02.09.15 Plan new objectives for 2015-16 PM Summary Report OCTOBER DECEMBER Individual progress and targets reviewed. Spelling Assessments to be analysed diagnostically Teaching staff lesson observations focussing on agreed objectives. S.D.P. key priorities agreed and costed in detail Subject Leader visits to all classrooms in support of Key Priorities Complete and send Baseline Assessment. SEP Bespoke Visit with Literacy focus 01.10.15 School Development Planning 2014-15 Subject Action Plans evaluated and 201516 Plans agreed School SelfReview Confirm new I.E.P.s. Plan for second year of new National Curriculum-SDP Key Priority for second year-3 classes in KS2 Major School Events Maasai Warriors visit 30.09.15 Book Fair Sept 2016 new entrants Open Morning 20.10.15 Harvest Week Safeguarding L.A.Powerpoint circulated to all staff Impact of Serious Case Review circulated too. Year 3 and 6 visit to Streetwise 02.10.15 Last Amended 06/03/2016 NOVEMBER Non- teaching staff P.M. to include observations in class Headteacher P.M. with Mrs Patterson room School Development Plan 2015-16 JANUARY Individual progress and targets reviewed. Cohort predictions adjusted. Mock SATs Week 18.01.16 FEBRUARY Mid -Year Review of teachers progress towards objectives Lesson observations by Headteacher and Senior T.A. All stakeholders audit progress of SDP. Key priorities. Pyramid CPD 04.01.16 CPD Day to start L.A. Maths Review 02.11.15 SEF CPD 17.11.1518.11.15 Parent Consultations w.c.23.11.15 Octagon Theatre 16.12.15 L.A.Audit to be completed by 31.12.15 Life Education Van 05.02.16 PARRETT AND AXE CE VA PRIMARY SCHOOL ANNUAL CYCLE OF SCHOOL SELF REVIEW AND TARGET SETTING 2015-16 MARCH Assessment, data, targetsetting, tracking progress, recording and reporting Performance Management APRIL MAY Individual progress and targets reviewed. K.S 2 SAT Week w.c.09.05.16 Cohort predictions adjusted. K.S. 1 Assessments Review of S.D.P. by all stakeholders. School SelfReview Review IEPs Major School Events Parent Consultations Dance Festival 11.03.16 Music Festival Easter Service Safeguarding Last Amended 06/03/2016 2016-17 budget ratified by FGB C.P.D. Assessment Day 06.06.16 Long term homework projects set for Key Stage 2 Pyramid swimming Gala Review 2015-16 Action Plan Phonics Screening JULY Pupil Tracker updated and progress reviewed against targets set. Transfer meetings with next teachers Annual reports to parents. Lesson observations focussed on P.M. objectives Review of progress of all staff towards objectives. School Improvement Planning JUNE School Development Plan 2015-16 Year 5 Outdoor Education 07.06.16 End of year review of S.D.P. by all stakeholders Consult on 2016-17 S.D.P. Moving up days 04.07.16 and 05.07.16 AUGUST School Development Plan 2015-16 Last Amended 06/03/2016