January - James Madison Crew

JMCBO Board Meeting
Tuesday, January 10, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 7PM at the Fire Station (Snow closed school facilities).
Board Members present:
Sue Colwell, Mike Hurst, Cindy Lawless, Ron Marx, Howard Springsteen, Marty Cammiso, Michael Peterson, Sonya
Kedzie, Janet Weiner, Debbie Wascom, , Cheryl Billingsley, Sue Colwell, Anne Driscoll,
Board Not Present: Marina Lyn Beckhard, Julie McAndrews, Christy Tetlow, Nancy Holliday, Phil Mottola,
Coaches present: Paul Allbright, Head Coach,
Others present: Bridgette Thomas, Penny Gibson
Congrats Meghan DeLage – USNA as rower too.
VASRA – New Treasurer, etc.
Ron travelling next week
Motion to appoint new appointee to Volunteer Coordinator role – Karen Fowkes
Approved unanimously
Coach Paul:
Attendance great. Yoga mats and resistance bands not showing up to support those activities.
Coaching staff doing well.
John, new coach, ramping up and relating to kids well.
Coaches’ bios are near ready.
A few ergs need repair – Paul contacting Glenn
Need additional Coxswains – especially for practice
Will try to recruit more
Current balance is above initial balance of this school year.
Current: $28K+
75 rowers & coxes as of today
Swim test in February will be scheduled soon
Forms, etc. are ready
Mentoring relationships will be established with assistance from rowers in January
Only a few rowers are behind on payments.
Spirit wear and uniforms are on track
Marty Cammiso will act as third reviewer of finances on a monthly basis as part of our effort to ensure
appropriate controls on finances.
Oars ordering tomorrow.
Senior blades are $35 each and have been ordered for seniors, coaches, and president
Vespoli repairs are underway – bear minimum requested due to scarce funds
Nick will repair Fitzgerald for $550.
Launch repair planned by certain parents.
Decals may be added to the back of many oars (in addition to fronts).
Steve DeLage may drive for us again to regattas this year.
Continuing efforts with Transportation office to secure bus transportation and drivers.
Erg Relay
12 ergs or so
5PM setup
15 chili preparers are signed up (and Colwells)
Entrance is free
$1 = 1 raffle and 1 taste
$5 = 5 raffle and 1 taste
$2K collected from sponsors
Donor recognition on Web site
Teams of 4 will row
Howard will thank sponsors, etc.
Spirit wear credit for various superlatives among teams
Sponsors and Friends in program
$450 spent on stickers
2|P age
Mike Hurst will MC with help from Marty
50/50 raffle earmarked to hospitality and hospitality trailer
Parent Name Tags
Spirit Wear order table
Mulch Sale Feb 2 Start –
Price increase $0.10
We will announce that there may be a limit on mulch available so sell early.
Boat Naming Contest – list will be narrowed by Sue and Paul
Volunteers being organized by Karen – will try to post ahead of kickoff meeting so people can be familiar
prior to signing up.
Action Requested: Committee heads requested to write short description of their committee to go
along with jobs for volunteer signup and send to Sue Colwell.
Will post this school year board minutes to Web site (June forward).
For Web site posting send to JMHSCrew@gmail.com
Sonya is taking over personnel from Howard soon.
Sonya will schedule Feb 17 or so for Coaches with Sonya, Ron, Sue, etc.
Motion to approve minutes of December 15 approved unanimously.
Thank you Debbie for holiday party.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm.
Michael A. Peterson, Secretary, JMCBO
James Madison Crew Boosters Organization, P.O. Box 1657, Vienna, VA 22183
Ron Marx, JMCBO President 2010-11
3|P age
Distributed Prior to Meeting
Agenda – JMCBO Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, January 11, 2011 (JMHS Library, 7-9 pm)
President’s Report (Ron Marx)
Congratulations: Megan Delage to USNA
Board Change: vote
Karen Fowkes to Volunteer Committee Chair
Brigid Thomas is possible candidate for OLOC rep
Highlights of VASRA meeting held 4 January 2011
On travel 18-23 Jan, so see Howard for Board actions
Head Coach’s Report (Coach Paul Allbright)
Winter Conditioning Progress Report
Committee/Officer Reports
Treasurer (Phil Mottola)
 Transactions update
 Status of insurance pay-off (Marina)
 Current balance
Membership (Cindy Lawless)
 Actual crew size: 74 – status of roster
 Current status of registration packages and
 OBC Scholarship Program for 2011
 Uniforms and Spirit Wear (Penny)
Personnel (Sonya Kedzie)
 Coach contracts for Spring water season
Secretary (Michael Peterson)
 Minutes of 15 December 2010 Board Meeting
 Update
Ergs (Glenn Burger)
 Second session of erg rentals ended 14 Nov
– all ergs returned?
Cox Liaison (Ron Marx)
VASRA training for varsity (optional) and
novice (mandatory) coxes is scheduled for
19 Feb ‘11, 9 am - 1 pm at TJ HS
Hospitality (Debbie Wascom)
Holiday Party held 15 December –
Thank You, Debbie!
Hospitality support to Erg Relays on 21 Jan
Hospitality support to general meeting on
10 February
Operations (Sue Colwell)
Ordered 16 new Concept 2 sweep oars
Found transport for new and replacement
V1’s from Vespoli to Sandy Run 20/21 Jan
Status of repairs to other shells at Vespoli
Status of repairs to Fitzgerald at Precision
Launch repairs / painting status
Transportation (Howard Springsteen)
 Update on FCPS bus transportation
Ways and Means (Marty Cammiso)
 Raffle # 2 ends 16 January (Marty)
 Erg Relays are 21 January (Mike / Janet)
 Boat-naming contest ended 12 Dec (Ron)
 Mulch sales begin 2 February (Marty)
Volunteers (Ron for Christy Tetlow)
 VASRA Volunteer Coordinator mtg 11 Jan 11
 Release of list of volunteer jobs – when?
Communications (Anne Driscoll)
4|P age
Reminder of Upcoming Meetings and Events
January 11 – VASRA Volunteer Coordinator Meeting (POC: Christy Tetlow, Karen Fowkes)
January 11 – 2nd dues payment ($300) is due (POC: Phil Mottola)
January 16 – Raffle # 2 tickets and money due (POC: Marty Cammiso)
January 21 – Erg Relay fundraiser at JMHS (POC: Mike Hurst)
January 22 – US Rowing coaching clinics at TJ HS (POC: Coach Paul)
January 26 – JMHS Spring coaches’ meeting, 5 pm at JMHS Warhawk Hall (POC: Coach Paul)
January 29 – Mid-Atlantic erg sprints, TC Williams HS, Alexandria (POC: Coach Paul)
February 2 – Mulch sales begin (POC: Marty Cammiso)
Tuesday, February 8 – JMCBO Board Meeting (7-9pm), JMHS Library (POC: Ron Marx)
February 10 – General meeting, safety video, & volunteer assignments fair at JMHS Warhawk Hall (POC: Ron Marx)
February 12 – VASRA lightweight measurements begin (POC: Coach Paul)
Mid-February – Initial organizational meeting of the OLOC (POC: TBD)
February 19 – VASRA cox clinic, 9 am – 1 pm at TJ HS (POC: Ron Marx)
21 February – Spring water season begins! (POC: Coach Paul)
James Madison Crew Boosters Organization, P.O. Box 1657, Vienna, VA 22183
Ron Marx, JMCBO President 2010-11
Written Report for January 11, 2011
JMCBO Board Meeting
Megan Delage has been accepted into the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, which includes a full scholarship, and she plans to row
for Navy Crew next Fall!
VASRA Board Meeting
On 4 January, Ron and Marina attended the VASRA Board meeting. Highlights are at the end of these notes.
Outstanding 2009-10 transaction: Request for remaining $2,175 for deductibles for other boats and damage to trailer sent to
insurance company on 30 September (Action: Marina)
2010-11 transactions and current balance
Current crew size of 74 consists of: 16 varsity boys, 23 varsity girls, 22 novice boys, and 13 novice girls. Welcome to new
additions: returning varsity Josh Luberda and novice Ali Queen. Roster status update, please. Date for swim test?
The Occoquan Boat Club (OBC) has a 2011 Scholarship Program, intended for high school students who are interested in Crew but
find the costs prohibitive.
More information, and a link to the application, are on our web site home page,
http://www.warhawkcrew.org/Home.aspx . The final deadline is 1 February. Applications must be signed by Coach Allbright and
Ron Marx beforehand.
Uniforms and Spirit Wear
- The Spirit Wear order form is complete, we are awaiting the last few art design adjustments. Spirit Wear Orders are due and will
be collected at the Erg Relays on 21 January. We may have a second spirit wear order after our general meeting on 10 February.
- We have received our order of 100 oval (4” x 6”) car stickers, which are available for purchase through Penny at $5 each.
- Uniforms have been ordered and the delivery date is 1 March. Tech shirts for the coaches have also been ordered.
- Jacket order, Penny is awaiting any final orders from the Coaches and will place the order tomorrow or the next day
- The Madison booster club has received “Warhawk Crew” car decals, which are now for sale through them.
Sue ordered 16 new Concept 2 sweep oars on 5 January for delivery by mid-February. This purchase is in our approved budget.
Sue and Coach Paul ordered a new Vespoli V1 ES 8+ racing shell on 8 December. Our new V1 is scheduled to be delivered to
Sandy Run from Vespoli (New Haven CT) on 20/21 January by Kirk Shipley (Whitman Head Coach), along with our replacement
Vespoli gave us estimates totaling approximately $9,000 for repairs to the 9 other shells at Vespoli. W e plan to spend
approximately $5,000 to make all of the structural (e.g., broken ribs, punctures, crushed honeycomb) repairs quoted. We cannot
afford most of the cosmetic (e.g., scratches, paint) repairs quoted. This $5,000 amount will exhaust our planned repair budget and
operating reserve, but these repairs are necessary for our student-athletes to row in safe and serviceable shells this season.
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Precision Rowing gave us an estimate of $1,275 for repairs to the Fitzgerald (2003 Millennium). We have authorized approximately
$550 to make the structural repairs quoted, but cannot afford most of the cosmetic repairs. These repairs are necessary for a safe
and serviceable shell that is currently our # 4 varsity boat.
Howard and Ron are following up with JMHS AD staff (John Lingenfelter, Meghan Punaro, and Kirsten Roberts) and Ms. Melody
Modell from the FCPS Office of Transportation about our request for two FCPS buses (one to be shared with Oakton HS Crew) to
take our student-athletes to Spring water practices. Alternative approaches are cost-prohibitive or otherwise not workable, so
Howard and Ron will persist to secure these buses.
Ways and Means
Raffle # 2 is ongoing and all raffle tickets and money are due to Marty by 16 January. The Grand Prize we are raffling is 2 Apple I
Pads (16 GB Wi-Fi), with a cash alternative of $750. We plan to hold the drawing (winner need not be present to win) for Raffle # 2
during the Erg Relays on 21 January.
Erg Relays – Friday, 21 January
We have 40 rowers registered for the Erg Relays and the coaches are making up the teams this weekend. To make things easy for
the Crew families, Janet will be coming to the parking lot at JMHS at the end of practice on Monday January 10th to collect
sponsorships from Erg Relay participants. She will be in the Silver Toyota Sienna minivan with license plate "Cure M & M". As you
know, Monday, 10 Jan, is the due date for getting donor names into the Event Program. Please make sure your rower gives her
one sealed envelope with their name on the outside and the proper forms filled out with the donor name, sponsorship level, etc.
Janet will accept sponsorship packets at her home Monday evening until 9:30 pm, address is 2024 Spring Branch Drive, Vienna VA
22181. Anything received later than that will not be listed in the program, but will still count toward winning the fundraising prizes.
We currently have one gold sponsor for the Erg Relays: Wealth Planning Concepts, LLC.
The Erg Relays will also feature a Chili Contest and a 50/50 Raffle. We promised the JMHS community 20 different types of chili at
the Erg Relays and so far 5 have registered to bring a batch. Please sign up today by emailing me at weiner.janet@epa.gov. We
will need 5 to 10 volunteers to help out at the Erg Relays, so parents if you can join us, please email Janet as well. Information
about the erg relay is on the web site. Please contact Janet if you have any questions.
Boat –naming Contest – ended 12 December. Students submitted 69 names, of which 59 are crew-related and family-friendly.
We currently have six shells to receive names:
New 2010 ES V1 8+ (ordered); 2009 ES V1 4+ (purchased last year); 2008 EM V1 8+ (girls called it the "V2");
2008 EM V1 8+ (replacement for totaled shell); 2003 DS Millenium 8+ (bought from W-L, currently Fitzgerald); and
1999 DL Millenium 8+ (bought from West Springfield, currently Intrepid)
Winners (first to submit a winning name) to get $100 credit each towards fundraising commitment (no cash value, not transferable)
- Selection Plan: at general meeting on 10 Feb 11; $1/vote for any name with highest # selected.
Mulch sales begin on 2 February.
Foster’s Grille - Madison Mondays at Foster’s Grille continue all day the first Monday of every month.
Christy Tetlow and Karen Fowkes plan to attend the VASRA Volunteer Coordinator Meeting on 11 January 2011. Christy and
Marina Beckhard have already scrubbed our JMCBO volunteer needs. We plan to use MySignUp.com (http://www.mysignup.com/ )
to fill VASRA and JMCBO volunteer needs. When the sign-up lists are ready, we'll decide whether to 'go live' immediately or wait
until the 10 February general meeting (discussion topic).
Our new communications committee consists of Anne Driscoll (Howard’s wife), Chris Voigt, and Eileen Doughty. Welcome and
thank you! Our new website has received positive reviews by users, and we continue to enrich its content. Interested members
who are information technology (IT) savvy and interested in joining this committee or helping with projects such as the weekly photo
line-ups should contact Anne, Chris, or Eileen.
Coach Charlotte Morris is back in town and we are thrilled to have her at Winter conditioning practices. Howard is transitioning
Personnel responsibilities to Sonya, and she will be completing the Spring water contracts for our coaches over the next month.
Many thanks to Debbie Wascom for hosting our Holiday Party and Board meeting on 15 December at her home again this year!
Hospitality support is planned for the Erg Relays fundraiser on 21 January and for the general membership meeting on 10 February.
Notes from VASRA Board Meeting on 4 January 2011
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- Reminder: US Rowing organizational dues were due 31 December for the 2011 calendar year – US Rowing membership is
mandatory to participate in VASRA-sponsored regattas (action: Phil)
- Volunteer Coordinator meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 11 January, 7:30 pm at TJ HS cafeteria (action: Christy and Karen)
- Clubs must nominate a representative to the Occoquan Local Organizing Committee (OLOC) by 1 February. The OLOC Chair
and Occoquan Regatta Director for this year is is Ryz Obuchowicz, ryzrow@verizon.net . Ryz plans an initial OLOC meeting in
mid-February. (action: Ron)
- Next VASRA Board meeting is Tuesday, 1 February, 7:30 pm at TJ HS cafeteria (action: Ron and Marina)
- Lightweight measurements begin 12 February (action: Coach Paul)
- Cox clinic is scheduled for 19 February, 9 am – 1 pm at TJ HS cafeteria (action: Ron)
- Team pictures and team biographies are due to the VASRA Programs POC (Cheryl Garner) by 1 March (action: Janet)
- Trophies from last season are due to be returned at the VASRA Board meeting on 1 March (action: Ron and Marina)
- Estimated rower entry fees are due to Virginia Scholastic Rowing Association (VASRA) by 18 March (paper invoice provided)
Invoice for estimated fees (based on 80 crew size) for Madison Crew is $2,100 (action: Phil)
- A new VASRA Treasurer was elected: Mark Peterson. All checks should continue to be paid to the VASRA PO Box. (action:
- The VASRA website is back on-line with limited content. VASRA welcomes pictures and other content inputs (action: Anne)
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