Type of financial statements: BS Check only if applicable: Large tax payers submitting balance sheets in Bucharest Branch Legal person: SC ALBALACT SA Address: locality of OIEJDEA, DN1 KM 391+600 Telephone 0258816424 Trade Register Number: J01/70/1991 Type of property: 34 – Limited Liability Companies Main activity (code and CAEN class title): 1051 – Operation of dairies and cheese making Fiscal identification number: 1755369 - lei – Form 10 BALANCE SHEET short form Form 10 F10 - page 1 -lei- as at 30.06.2011 Item name A A. FIXED ASSETS I. INTANGIBLE ASSETS (acc. 201+203+205+2071+208+233+234-280-2902933) II. TANGIBLE ASSETS (acc. 211 +212+213+214+223+224+231 +232-281 291 -2931) III. FINANCIAL ASSETS (acc. 261 +263+265+267* - 296*) LONG TERM ASSETS – TOTAL (lines 01 + 02 + 03) B. CURRENT ASSETS 1. INVENTORIES (acc. 301+321+302+322+303+323+/308+328+331+332+341+345+346 +/348+351+354+356+357+358+361+326+/-368+371+327+/-378+381+/-388391-392-393-394-395-396-397-398+4091-4428) II. RECEIVABLES (acc. 267* 296*+4092+411+413+418+425+4282+431**+437**+4382+441**+4424 +4428**+444**+445+446**+447**+4482+451**+453**+456**+4582+461+473**491 -495-496+5187) III. SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS (acc. 501+505+506+508+5113+5114-591595-596-598) IV CASH AT HAND AND IN BANKS (acc. 5112+512+531+532+541+542) CURRENT ASSETS - TOTAL (lines 05 + 06 + 07 + 08) C. EXPENSES IN ADVANCE (acc. 471) D. LIABILITIES: AMOUNTS PAYABLE WITHIN ONE YEAR (acc. 161+162+166+167+168169+269+401+403+404+405+408+419+421+423+424 +426+427+4281+431***+437***+4381+441***+4423+4428***+444***+446***+ 447***+4481 +451 ***+453*** +455+456***+457+4581 +462+473***+509+5186+519) E. NET CURRENT ASSETS/NET CURRENT LIABILITIES (lines 09 +10-1119) Line no. B Balance as at: 01.01.2011 30.06.2011 1 2 01 707104 722752 02 111112189 91806231 03 04 17977107 129796400 17972334 110501317 05 18967153 19648157 06 45174556 50847493 07 0 08 09 10 2417297 66559006 5151539 3082464 73578114 135870 11 77982326 65658440 12 -9271781 8055544 F. TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES (lines 04 + 12) G. AMOUNTS PAYABLE WITHIN MORE THAN ONE YEAR (ct.161+162+166+167+168169+269+401+403+404+405+408+419+421+423+424 +426+427+4281+431***+437***+4381+441***+4423+4428***+444***+446** *+ 447***+4481 +451 ***+453*** +455+456***+4581 +462+473***+509+5186+519) 13 120524619 118556861 14 29050270 26304660 H. PROVISIONS (acc. 151) I. DEFERRED INCOME (lines 17 + 18 + 21), of which: Subventions for investments (acc. 475) Income registered in advance (acc. 472) - total (lines 19+20), of which: Amounts to be retaken within one year (acc. 472*) Amounts to be retaken in more than one year (acc. 472*) Negative goodwill (acc. 2075) J. CAPITAL AND RESERVES I. CAPITAL (lines 23 + 24 + 25), of which: - Share capital issued and paid up (acc. 1012) - Share capital issued and not paid up (acc. 1011) - Utility assets (acc. 1015) II. CAPITAL PREMIUMS (acc. 104) III. REVALUATION RESERVES (acc. 105) IV. RESERVES (acc. 106) Own shares (acc. 109) Gains related to equity instruments (acc. 141) Losses related to equity instruments (acc. 149) V. PROFIT OR LOSS CARRIED FORWARD CREDIT BALANCE (acc. 117) DEBIT BALANCE (acc. 117) VI. PROFIT OR LOSS OF THE REPORTING PERIOD CREDIT BALANCE (acc. 121) DEBIT BALANCE (acc. 121) The distribution of profit (acc. 129) EQUITY - TOTAL (lines 22+26+27+28-29+30-31+32-33+34-35-36) Public assets (acc. 1016) CAPITAL - TOTAL (lines 37+38) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 208663 5347792 F10 - page 2 208663 4753370 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 65270887 65270887 65270887 65270887 13097837 6827280 12206253 7273556 32 275613 275613 580212 2263859 133935 85917894 87290168 85917894 87290168 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Control amount F10 : 18710701502 / 5218170836 *) Accounts to be distributed by the nature of the related items. **) Debit balances of the respective accounts. ***) Credit balances of the respective accounts. Line 06 - Amounts included on this line and taken over from account 267 are receivables related to financial leasing and similar agreements, as well as other long term receivables, due in less than 12 months. Trustee, First name and last name CIURTIN PETRU RAUL Prepared, First name and last name: DRAGOMIR DUMITRU Acting as: 11 - Financial Manager Signature: illegible Signature: illegible Unit seal: ALBALACT S.A. Stamp: Validated form Registration no. with the professional body: F20 - page 1 - lei - PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT as at 30.06.2011 Form 20 Name of ratios Proceeds Line Proceeds relating to relating to the no. the prior reporting period 01.01.201006.30.2010 A 1. Net turnover (lines 02+03-04+05+06) Sold production (acc. 701+702+703+704+705+706+708) Income from the sale of goods (acc. 707) Trade rebates granted (acc. 709) Interest revenues of entities erased from the General Ledger who still have leasing agreements in operation (acc. 766* ) Income from operational subventions related to the net turnover (acc. 7411) 2. Income related to the cost of work in progress (acc. 711+712) Credit balance Debit balance 3. Production made by the entity for its own purposes and capitalized (acc. 721+ 722) 4. Other operating revenues (acc. 758+7417+7815) - of which, revenues from negative goodwill OPERATING REVENUES - TOTAL (lines 01+ 07 - 08 + 09 + 10) 5. a) Expenses with raw materials and consumables (acc. 601+602-7412) Other expenses with materials (acc. 603+604+606+608) b) Other expenses with third party suppliers (energy and water)(acc. 605-7413) c) Expenses with merchandise (acc. 607) Trade rebates received (acc. 609) 6. Personnel expenses (lines 19 +20), of which: a) Salaries and allowances (acc. 641+642+643+644-7414) b) Insurance and social protection expenses (acc. 645-7415) 7.a) Value adjustments regarding tangible and intangible long term assets (lines 22 - 23) a.1) Expenses (acc. 6811+6813) a.2) Revenues (acc. 7813) b) Value adjustments regarding current assets (lines 25 - 26) b.1) Expenses (acc. 654+6814) b.2) Revenues (acc. 754+7814) 8. Other operating expenses (lines 28 to 31) 8.1. Expenses for services provided by third parties (acc. 611+612+613+614+621+622+623+624 +625+626+627+6287416) 8.2. Expenses with other taxes, duties and similar obligations (acc. 635) 8.3. Other expenses (acc. 652+658) B 01 02 03 04 1 current reporting period 01.01.201106.30.2011 2 125070971 112445966 14865237 2240232 165869656 146845134 24361023 5336501 07 08 3434295 4243060 09 1628 10 11 879643 19569383 12 129386537 189682099 13 72155617 97541732 14 300894 1042149 15 2163895 2386560 16 17 18 19 20 11229429 37331 10953290 8492676 2460614 20483284 73279 13749872 10767464 2982408 21 6601027 5995126 22 23 24 25 26 27 6601027 5995126 19646700 2921 45754502 28 17982304 26842431 29 593208 555370 30 1071188 18356701 05 06 -2921 Refinancing interest expenses incurred by entities erased from the General Ledger who still have leasing agreements in operation (acc. 666*) Adjustments regarding provisions (acc. 33 - 34) - Expenses (acc. 6812) - Revenues (acc. 7812) OPERATING EXPENSES – TOTAL (lines 13 to 16 - 17 +18 + 21 + 24 + 27 + 32) OPERATING PROFIT OR LOSS: - Profit (lines 12 - 35) - Loss (lines 35 - 12) 9. Revenue from participation interests (acc. 7611+7613) - of which, income from affiliated entities 10. Revenue from investments and loans which are shown as long term assets (acc. 763) - of which, income from affiliated entities 11. Interest income (acc. 766*) - of which, income from affiliated entities Other financial income (acc. 762+764+765+767+768) FINANCIAL INCOME – TOTAL (lines 38 + 40 + 42 + 44) 12. Value adjustments regarding financial long term assets and investments held as current assets (lines 47 - 48) - Expenses (acc. 686) - Revenues (acc. 786) 13. Interest expenses (acc. 666*-7418) - of which, expenses in the relation with affiliated entities Other financial expenses (acc. 663+664+665+667+668) FINANCIAL EXPENSES – TOTAL (lines 46 + 49 + 51) FINANCIAL PROFIT OR LOSS: - Profit (lines 45 - 52) - Loss (lines 52 - 45) 14. CURRENT PROFIT OR LOSS: - Profit (lines 12 + 45 - 35 - 52) - Loss (lines 35 + 52 - 12 - 45) 15. Extraordinary revenues (acc. 771) 16. Extraordinary expenses (acc. 671) 17. PROFIT OR LOSS FROM EXTRAORDINARY ACTIVITIES: - Profit (lines 57 - 58) - Loss (lines 58 - 57) TOTAL REVENUES (lines 12 + 45 + 57) TOTAL EXPENSES (lines 35 + 52 + 58) GROSS PROFIT OR LOSS: - Profit (lines 61 - 62) - Loss (lines 62 - 61) 18. Profit tax (acc. 691) 19. Other taxes, not shown above (acc. 698) 20. NET PROFIT OR LOSS IN THE REPORTING PERIOD: - Profit (lines 63 - 64 - 65 - 66) - Loss (lines 64 + 65 + 66 - 63) 31 32 33 34 35 123013521 186877025 36 37 38 39 6373016 0 2805074 0 35652 30749 2538351 2574003 3484132 3514881 1068755 1073961 4925724 5994479 2617499 3691460 53 54 0 3420476 0 176579 55 56 57 58 2953540 0 2628495 0 59 60 61 62 0 0 131960540 129008000 0 0 193196980 190568485 63 64 65 66 2952540 0 534300 2628495 0 364636 67 68 2418240 0 2263859 0 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Control amount F20: *) Accounts to be distributed by the nature of the related items. Line 19 - this line includes collaborator rights, established according to the employment legislation, which are taken over from the debit turnover of account 621 „Collaborator expenses”, analytical account „Collaborators - individuals”. Trustee, First name and last name CIURTIN PETRU RAUL Prepared, First name and last name: RADOVICI ADRIAN Acting as: 11 - Financial Manager Signature: illegible Signature: illegible Unit seal: ALBALACT S.A. Stamp: Validated form Registration no. with the professional body: F30 - page 1 INFORMATIVE DATA as at Form 30 30.06.2011 I. Data regarding the result Line no. - lei - No. of units Amounts A Number of units registering profit Number of units registering loss B 01 02 II Data regarding overdue payments Line no. Total, of which: For the current activity For the investment activity B 1=2+3 2 3 A Overdue payments – total (lines 04+08+14 to 18+22), of which: Outstanding suppliers – total (lines 05 to 07), of which: -more than 30 days -more than 90 days -more than 1 year Overdue payments to the welfare budget – total (lines 09 to 13), of which: - Contributions to social welfare funds due by employers, employees and other assimilated persons - Contributions to social health insurance funds - Contribution to the supplementary pension fund - Contributions to the unemployment fund - Other social liabilities Overdue payments to the welfare budget and other funds Overdue payments to other creditors Taxes and duties to the state budget, not paid when due Taxes and duties to the local budgets, not paid when due Bank loans not repaid when due – total (lines 19 to 21), of which: - overdue by more than 30 days - overdue by more than 90 days - overdue by more than 1 year Outstanding interest III. Average number of employees A Average number of employees 1 2 1 0 2263859 0 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Line no. B 23 30.06.2010 30.06.2011 1 2 580 619 IV. Interests, equities and royalties paid A Gross income from interest paid by Romanian legal persons to non-resident natural persons, of which: - taxes due to the state budget Gross income from interest paid by Romanian legal persons to non-resident natural persons in EU member states, of which: - taxes due to the state budget Gross income from interest paid by Romanian legal persons to non-resident affiliated legal persons*), of which: - taxes due to the state budget Gross income from interest paid by Romanian legal persons to non-resident affiliated legal persons*) in EU member states, of which: - taxes due to the state budget Gross income from dividends paid by Romanian legal persons to non-resident persons, of which: - taxes due to the state budget Gross income from dividends paid by Romanian legal persons to non-resident affiliated legal persons*), of which: - taxes due to the state budget Income from royalties paid by Romanian legal persons to non-resident affiliated legal persons*) in EU Member States, of which: - taxes due to the state budget V. Restaurant tickets A The equivalent value of restaurant tickets granted to employees VI. Expenses incurred in the research - development activity **) A Research and development expenses, of which: - from public funds - from private funds VII. Innovation expenses ***) A Innovation expenses - total (lines 43 to 45), of which: - innovation expenses completed during the reporting period - innovation expenses in progress during the reporting period - innovation expenses abandoned during the reporting period VIII. Other information A Financial assets, gross amounts (lines 47 + 55), of which: Shares held in affiliated undertakings, participation interests, other long-term titles and Line no. Amounts (lei) B 1 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Line no. Amounts (lei) B 1 38 Line no. B 39 40 41 Line no. B 608674 30.06.2010 30.06.2011 1 2 30.06.2010 30.06.2011 1 2 30.06.2010 30.06.2011 1 2 42 43 44 45 Line no. B 46 17917102 17972334 47 17909272 17959905 bonds, gross amounts (lines 48 to 54), of which: - quoted shares issued by resident entities - unquoted shares issued by resident entities - shares issued by resident entities - bonds issued by resident entities - shares issued by collective placement bodies (including SIFs) issued by resident entities - shares issued by non-resident entities - bonds issued by non-resident entities Long term receivables, gross amounts (lines 56 + 57), of which: - long term receivables in lei and expressed in lei, whose settlement is performed based on the exchange rate of a foreign currency (from acc. 267) - long term receivables in foreign currencies (from acc. 267) Trade receivables, advances paid to suppliers and other similar accounts, gross amounts (acc. 4092 + 411 + 413 + 418), of which -foreign trade receivables, advances paid to suppliers and other similar accounts, gross amounts (acc. 4092 + 411 + 413 + 418), of which Personnel receivables and similar accounts (acc. 425 + 4282) Receivables related to the welfare and state budgets (acc. 431 + 437 + 4382 + 441 + 4424 + 4428 + 444 + 445 + 446 + 447 + 4482),(line 62 to 66) of which: - receivables related to social insurances budged (acc. 431+437+4382) - receivables related to state budget (acc. 441+4424+4428+444+446) - grants receivable (acc.445) - special funds - taxes and similar liabilities (acc. 447) - other receivables related to state budget (acc.4482) Receivables of the entity in relation to its affiliated entities (acc. 451) Other receivables (acc. 453 + 456 + 4582 + 461 + 471 + 473)(line 69 to 70) of which: - transaction with associates, shareholders amounts receivable related to capital, transaction related to joint operations (acc. 453+456+4582) - other receivables related to natural and legal persons other than receivables relating to public institutions (state institutions) (acc. 461+acc.471+acc.473) Interest receivable (acc. 5187), of which: - from non residents Short term investments, gross amounts (acc. 501 + 505 + 506 + from acc. 508) (lines 74 to 80), of which: - quoted shares issued by resident entities - unquoted shares issued by resident entities - social parts issued by residents - liabilities issued by residents - shares issued by collective placement bodies (including SIFs) resident in Romania - shares issued by non-resident entities - liabilities issued by residents 48 49 50 51 17909272 17959905 52 53 54 55 7830 12429 56 7830 12429 57 30957583 55045814 58 59 302738 60 94804 522 61 367963 52770 62 0 63 304357 64 63606 52636 65 66 134 67 68 50686 165194 50686 165194 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Other values receivable (acc. 5113 + 5114) Cash at hand in lei and in foreign currencies (lines 83 + 84), of which: - in lei (acc. 5311) - in foreign currencies (acc. 5314) Bank accounts in lei and in foreign currencies (lines 86 + 87), of which: - in lei (acc. 5121) - in foreign currencies (acc. 5124) Other bank accounts in lei and in foreign currencies (lines 89 + 90), of which: - amounts pending settlement, L/Cs and other values to be collected, in lei (acc. 5112 + 5125 + 5411) - amounts pending settlement and foreign currency L/Cs (acc. 5125 + 5412) Liabilities (lines 92 + 95 + 98 + 101 + 104 + 107 + 110 + 113 + 116 + 119 + 122 + 123 + 126 + 128 + 129 + 134 + 135 + 136 + 141), of which: Borrowings from the issuance of bonds, in gross amounts (acc. 161)(lines 93 + 94), of which: -in lei - in foreign currencies Accrued interest on debenture loans (acc.1681)(lines 96+97), of which: -in lei - in foreign currencies Short term domestic bank loans (acc. 5191 + 5192 + 5197), (lines 99 + 100), of which: -in lei - in foreign currencies Short term domestic bank loans and interest thereon (acc. 5198) (lines 102 + 103), of which: -in lei - in foreign currencies Short term foreign bank loans (acc. 5193+ 5194 + 5195) (lines 105 + 106), of which: -in lei - in foreign currencies Short term foreign bank loans and interest thereon (acc. 5198) (lines 108 + 109), of which: -in lei - in foreign currencies Long term bank loans (acc. 1621 + 1622 + 1627) (lines 111 + 112), of which: -in lei - in foreign currencies Long term bank loans and interest thereon (acc. 1682) (lines 114 + 115), of which: -in lei - in foreign currencies Long term foreign bank loans (acc. 1623 + 1624 + 1625) (lines 117 + 118), of which: -in lei - in foreign currencies Long term foreign bank loans and interest thereon (acc. 1682) (lines 120 + 121), of which: -in lei - in foreign currencies Loans from the state treasury (acc. 1626 + from acc. 1682) Other borrowings and interest thereon (acc. 166 + 167 + 1685 + 1686 + 1687) (lines 124 + 125), of which: 81 82 77500 65108 83 84 69974 7526 62877 2231 85 2415742 2428533 86 87 2406012 9730 2402165 26368 88 328540 507395 89 328540 507395 91 85897568 91971338 92 0 93 94 0 90 95 96 97 98 22457897 19180743 99 100 22457897 19180743 110 29645967 22815342 111 112 29645967 22815342 14038542 12534247 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 - in lei and expressed in lei, whose settlement is performed based on the exchange rate of a foreign currency - in foreign currencies Trade payables, advances received from clients and other similar accounts, gross amounts (acc. 401 + 403 + 404 + 405 + 408 + 419) - foreign trade payables, advances received from foreign clients and other similar accounts, gross amounts (from acc. 401 + from acc. 403 + from acc. 404 +from acc. 405 + from acc. 408 + from acc. 419) Personnel liabilities and similar accounts (acc. 421 + 423 + 424 + 426 + 427 + 4281) Liabilities related to the welfare and state budgets (acc. 431 + 437 + 4381 + 441 + 4423 + 4428 + 444 + 446 + 447 + 4481)(lines 130 to 133) of which: - liabilities related to the welfare (acc.431 + 437 + 4381) - debts and claims with the state budget (acc.441 + 4423 + 444 + 446) - special funds – Special funds - taxes and similar liabilities (acc. 447) - other liabilities related to state budgets (acc. 4481) Liabilities of the entity in relation to its affiliated entities (acc. 451) Amounts due to shareholders/associates (acc. 455) Other liabilities (acc. 453 + 456 + 457 + 4581 + 462 + 472 + 473 + 269 + 509) line (137 to 140) of which: - transaction with associates, shareholders amounts receivable related to capital, transaction related to joint operations (acc. 453+456+4581) - other receivables related to natural and legal persons other than receivables relating to public institutions (state institutions) (acc. 462+acc.472+acc.473) - grants not recognized as incomes (acc. 472) - amounts payable in relation with financial assets and short-term investments (acc. 269 + 509) Interest payable (acc. 5186) Share capital issued and paid up (acc. 1012)(line 143 to 146), of which: - quoted shares 2) - unquoted shares 3) - social parts - share capital issued and paid up by nonresident entities (from acc. 1012) Patents and licenses (from acc. 205) IX. Information on collaborator expenses A Collaborator expenses (acc. 621) 124 14038542 12534247 126 16963033 33444313 127 16963033 4985869 128 763812 962930 129 1964625 2955221 130 642181 739752 131 1322444 2189784 0 25685 135 3563 3563 136 60129 74979 137 20378 20378 138 39751 54601 142 65270887 65270887 143 144 145 65270887 65270887 125 132 133 134 139 140 141 146 147 Line no. B 30.06.2010 30.06.2011 1 2 148 Control amount F30 : 974360318 / 5218170836 *) For the capacity of “affiliated legal entities” please also take into account the provisions of art. 7 para (1) point 21 of Law no. 571/2003 regarding the Fiscal Code, as subsequently amended and completed. **) Fill in with expenses incurred in the research development activity, namely fundamental research, applied research, technological development and innovation, established as per the provisions of Government Ordinance no. 57/ 2002 regarding scientific research and technological development, approved as amended and completed by Law no.324/ 2003, as subsequently amended and completed. ***) Innovation expenses are determined according to the Regulation (EC) no. 1450/ 2004 of the Commission of 13.08.2004 for the implementation of Decision no. 1608/2003/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council regarding the production and development of European statistics on innovation, published in the Official Journal of the European Union series L no. 267/ 14.08.2004. 1) Grants related to the existing incomes in account 472 shall not be included in "Other receivables related to natural and legal persons, other than receivables relating to public institutions (state institutions)". 2) Securities conferring ownership of companies, which are not negotiable and tradable under the law. 3) Securities conferring ownership of companies, which are not traded. Trustee, First name and last name CIURTIN PETRU RAUL Prepared, First name and last name: RADOVICI ADRIAN Acting as: 11 - Financial Manager Signature: illegible Signature: illegible Unit seal: ALBALACT S.A. Stamp: Validated form Registration no. with the professional body: