Aeneid II.588-620

Aeneid II.588-620
Talia iactabam, et furiata mente ferebar:
I was uttering such things, and I was being borne along with an enraged mind:
cum mihi se, non ante oculis tam clara, videndam
When herself to me, not so clear to my eyes before, to be seen
obtulit et pura per noctem in luce refulsit
she offered and shone through the night in pure light
alma parens, confessa deam, qualisque videri
my nurturing parent, having revealed the goddess, and of what sort and of
what size she is accustomed to be seen
NOTE: alma parens is the subject of obtulit and refulsit
caelicolis et quanta solet, dextraque prehensum
to the heaven dwellers and of what size she is accustomed, and (me) having
been seized with her right hand
continuit, roseoque haec insuper addidit ore:
She checked, and she added these things in addition from her rosy mouth:
“Nate, quis indomitas tantus dolor excitat iras?
“Son, what so great grief arouses unrestrained angers?
Quid furis? aut quonam nostri tibi cura recessit?
(at) what/why are you raging? Or to where has your care for us withdrawn?
Non prius aspicies, ubi fessum aetate parentem
Will you not see first, where you have left your parent tired from age
liqueris Anchisen; superet coniunxne Creüsa,
Anchises; whether your wife, Creusa survives,
Ascaniusque puer? Quos omnes undique Graiae
And your boy, Ascanius? Around all of whom Greek troops on all sides
circum errant acies, et, ni mea cura resistat,
Wander, and, unless my care resisted,
600 iam flammae tulerint inimicus et hauserit ensis.
Now flames would have borne (them away) and the hostile sword would have
drained (them).
Non tibi Tyndaridis facies invisa Lacaenae
Not by you is the hated face of the Lacaenean daughter of Tyndarus
culpatusve Paris: divom inclementia, divom,
or is Paris to be hated: the mercilessness of the gods, of the gods,
has evertit opes sternitque a culmine Troiam.
overturns these riches and lays low Troy from its height.
Aspice—namque omnem, quae nunc obducta tuenti
Look—for I shall remove every cloud, which having been drawn over,
mortalis hebetat visus tibi et umida circum
watching, now dulls mortal sights, and damp darkens around (you);
caligat, nubem eripiam; tu ne qua parentis
You do not fear the orders of your parent
iussa time, neu praeceptis parere recusa:—
Nor decline to obey the instructions:--
hic, ubi disiectas moles avolsaque saxis
Here, where the scattered structures (acc.) and the rocks (acc.) torn from rocks
saxa vides mixtoque undantem pulvere fumum,
You see, and the smoke swelling with dust mixed in,
Neptunus muros magnoque emota tridenti
Neptune the walls and the foundations having been moved by his great trident
fundamenta quatit, totamque a sedibus urbem
He shakes, and he overthrows the entire city from its seats/foundations;
eruit; hic Iuno Scaeas saevissima portas
here most cruel Juno first holds the Scaean gates
prima tenet, sociumque furens a navibus agmen
and raging she calls an allied army/troop from the ships
ferro accincta vocat.
Cinched/girded with iron (i.e. clad with a sword).
Iam summas arces Tritonia, respice, Pallas
Now Tritonian Pallas the highest citadels (acc.), look back,
insedit, nimbo effulgens et Gorgone saeva.
occupies, flashing/gleaming from a cloud and with a cruel Gorgon (i.e. her
Ipse pater Danais animos viresque secundas
Father himself spirits (acc.) and favorable strength (acc.) to the Greeks
sufficit, ipse deos in Dardana suscitat arma.
supplies, he himself stirs the gods against Trojan weapons. (in + acc can mean
Eripe, nate, fugam, finemque impone labori.
Seize, son, the (opportunity for) flight, and place a limit on your task.
620 Nusquam
abero, et tutum patrio te limine sistam.”
Nowhere will I be absent, and I will set you, safe, on your ancestral threshold.”