the Earth Science Course Description

Earth Science
Course Description Sheet
Course Description:
Earth Science at West Point High School will be experience based. Each concept will focus on vocabulary
and laboratory activities. Students will learn important Earth Science concepts through identifying
vocabulary terms and performing laboratory activities.
Reference Text:
Earth Science. Feather/Snyder/Zike. Glencoe/McGraw/Hill
Required Materials:
3-Ring Binder
Colored Pencils
Suggested Materials:
Metric Ruler
The Grading Policy
Grading will be based on a point system. Each marking period may have between 1200 and 1500 points.
The benchmark exam will count 10% of each marking period
Grading Scale (%):
100-94 = A 93-87 = B 86-77 = C 76-70 = D 69- Below = F
1. Each Student is required to come to class prepared each and every day with all required materials.
2. Each student is required to participate in all class and laboratory activities.
3. The materials we use in the laboratory can be very expensive. If a student breaks or damages any lab
equipment or table as a result of carelessness, she/he is responsible for paying for it. A student will not be
permitted into the lab until each debt is paid.
4. Make-up laboratories may NOT be available, so it is imperative that a student NOT miss class on a lab
day. Alternate activities will be assigned, but students are still required to learn the material from the labs.
5. Failure to follow appropriate safety and behavioral guidelines will be grounds for removal of a student
from the lab activity; no credit for the lab will be awarded and the student’s grade will be adjusted
6. Lab partners will be assigned by the teacher. Lab partners will work together during laboratory
activities. Students will work individually on bell work, classwork, quizzes and test.
7. Classwork will be assigned regularly. It is to the student’s best advantage to complete this work on
his/her own. If they are unable to complete during the class time, it becomes homework due the following
class day. Late work will NOT be accepted after that unit’s test.
8. Tardiness and absenteeism will NOT be tolerated. It is the student’s responsibility to get to class each
day on time.
9. Be prepared with ALL materials. If you must come to class tardy, be sure to come with the appropriated
tardy slip in hand.
Contact Information (2014-2015):
Kenneth Newsome 843-3630 ext. 260 (wk)
Please Sign Both Copies and Return One Copy to Mr. Newsome:
Student: ______________________________________
Date: ________________
Parent/Guardian: ____________________________________ Date: _______________
Subject Guide for
Earth Science
Unit 1: Scientific Method and Investigation:
Chapter 1: The Nature of Science
Unit 2: Mapping the Earth:
Chapter 6: Views of Earth (Section 2 & 3)
Unit 3: Minerals and Rocks:
Chapter 2: Matter
Chapter 3: Minerals
Chapter 4: Rocks
Unit 4: Natural Resources
Chapter 5: Earth’s Energy and Mineral Resources
Unit 5: Geologic Processes and Plate Tectonics:
Chapter 10: Plate Tectonics (Chapter 6 Section 1)
Chapter 12: Volcanoes
Chapter 11: Earthquakes
Unit 6: Freshwater Processes:
Chapter 7: Weathering and Soil
Chapter 8: Erosional Forces
Chapter 9: Water Erosion and Deposition
Chapter 20: Our Impact on Land
Unit 7: Investigating Earth’s Historical Geology:
Chapter 13: Clues to Earth’s Past
Chapter 14: Geologic Time
Unit 8: Oceanography, Virginia Geology, and the Chesapeake Bay
Chapter 19: Oceanography
Chapter 18: Ocean Motion
Chapter 21: Our Impact on Water and Air
Unit 9: Meteorology:
Chapter 15: Atmosphere
Chapter 16: Weather
Chapter 17: Climate
Unit 10: Astronomy:
Chapter 22: Exploring Space
Chapter 23: The Sun-Earth-Moon System
Chapter 24: The Solar System
Chapter 25: Stars and Galaxies
Unit 11: SOL Prep
Review each unit for SOL Preparation