Informative/Visual Aid Speech

Informative/Visual Aid Speech
“Show and Tell”
Communication Applications
Mrs. Rapp
Objective of Assignment:
To organize, research and present an informative speech incorporating
technology and visual aids.
Five Components:
Written Outline
Oral Presentation
Visual Aids
Criteria for Topic Choice:
The topic should help us to learn more about you and the things you
value or enjoy doing. Select something that is important and
interesting to you – a skill that you know, an activity you participate in,
or a hobby that you enjoy, a topic you’re interested in, the history of
something, a charity you support, a trip you’ve taken, an experience
you’ve had, another place where you have lived, etc. Don’t pick a
“whatever” topic.
Topics are on a first come, first served basis.
Duplicating topics in the same class will not occur. In other words,
two students in the same class may not sign up to do “Referee
Signals”, or “Playing the Bass Guitar”, etc. When in doubt, ask Mrs.
a. Explain and show a particular concept or thing.
Example: a collection of items, a favorite vacation, a culture, a
hobby, a charity you support,etc.
b. Explain and demonstrate a process or technique.
Example: How to play a musical instrument, how to swing a golf
club, karate techniques, etc.
c. Discuss a particular topic.
Example:A Decade in History, Favorite Music Group, etc.
Topic choice cannot be FOOD related. No food preparation topics!!! Sorry 
(Exception – if the food is a part of your culture that you are speaking about.)
1. Research – after you have selected and narrowed your subject
you will need to research.
Sources Page/Works Cited – quiz grade
In addition to your being an expert on your subject you are required
to have three additional sources of information to include in your
Suggested sources:
Data Bases – ProQuest, Gale, etc.
1. Complete Sources Page while doing research.
2. Use research in your speech and cite sources.
Due date: ___________________________________________
2. Written Outline – Major grade
Template provided - complete
Due date: ______________________
Topic cannot be changed after outline is turned in.
Make a copy of your outline for practice purposes.
Make your note cards before turning in.
3. Oral Presentation
Time Requirement
Min. 4 – Max. 7 minutes
Penalty points for under or over time
Set up time – maximum 3 min. w/o penalty
Use Oral Presentation Skills
Speaker Order will be determined prior to due date
Note cards - You may use a maximum of 3 note cards for
this speech. You may have 50 key words on each note
4. Visual Aids/Technology: Visual aids are an integral part of this
speech (30% of your grade) – they are required!!! Visual aids add
reality to your speech and they reinforce your ideas. It also makes
your speech more interesting.
To meet the visual aid requirement:
1. A Power Point or Slide Show Presentation - Required
 A minimum of 5 purposeful slides is expected.
( Title slide does not count.)
 Guidelines for ppt will be discussed in class.
Powerpoints/Slide Shows are to be saved on your own thumb
drive. My email cannot handle the load of student’s power points.
They fill up my inbox and I can’t receive anything else. Please DO
NOT email your presentation or I will have to delete it. Sorry 
2. Choose two other types of visual aids to meet your
Actual Equipment
Video Clips*
Dressing for the Speech
Others approved by Rapp
(Music/Audio may be used in your speech but it does not meet the visual aid requirement.)
*Note on Video Clips – If you choose to use video clips as visual
aids the maximum time limit is 1:30 for the video clip. This 1:30
does not count as a part of the minimum speaking time
requirement. However, you must adhere to the 7 minute speech
maximum when including video clips. The only exception to the
1:30 max. is when a speaker is doing live narration through the
duration of the tape. A link to your video clip can be included in
your power point but you must make sure that the CISD filter will
allow it to be accessed. Do not assume it will be accessible.
You MUST check it ahead of time.
The video clip will count as your second visual aid even though it is
included in your power point.
** Technology Check – You, the speaker are responsible for
coming in and checking your equipment and it’s compatibility before
you deliver your speech – either before school, after school,
advisory, or before the tardy bell. You will not be allowed to do
so between speeches. Compatibility is always an issue with our
technology. I have both Star Office and Word on my computer. Do
not assume however that your PPT will work without trying it first.
(FYI - Windows Vista does not work on my computer.)
Remember “P5” – Prior Planning Prevents Poor