CUPE 5111

CUPE 5111
Executive Meeting Minutes
December 10, 2014
North Battleford, Saskatchewan
Website: www.cupe.5111
Facebook: Cupe Fiveoneeleven
1. Call to order by Deb Haftner
Attending were Brian Manegre, Ann Iwanchuk, Bruce Chubb, Nancy Black,
Bernita Wilson, Linda Vancuren, Marilyn Goll, Donna Sarich, Tanya Demas,
Genien Spiller, Perry Turton.
Guests - Gord Campbell, President HCC & Tom Graham, President CUPE Sask
2. Approval of Agenda – Motion # 2014-116 M/S by Perry/Bruce. Carried
3. Approval of last minutes – Motion # 2014-117 M/S by Marilyn/ Bernita. Carried
4. Business Arising
4.1- Health Care Council AGM will be held in the Battlefords on June 2, 3 and
4th, 2015 at the Gold Ridge Center. We will provide entertainment. Block
hotel bookings will need to change.
4.2 A meeting with HR will take place Dec 10, 2014 concerning Article 27.03 a).
Attending will be, Brian, Genien, Bernita and Tanya.
4.3 Office Days/VP Days. If there is a need for an extra day due to the amount of
work in the branch, VPs can ask to have an extra day. Bruce needs to know
when this will be taken.
4.4 Update on Project Poinsettia. Larger plants have been provided in the rural
facilities. SHNB and BUH have been arranged for Dec 12th. Brian
has heard good feedback on the Radio advertisments.
5. Branch Reports
November Report
Attended attendance support meeting with BUH medical records member
Answered questions from BUH maintenance, directed employee to see Brian re:
mediation in this department, as Brian is looking after this.
Member moving from BUH to BMHC as casual, want s to know if can go back
with in 3 months. Can if not over 320 hours as different department.
Attended meeting with LPN attendance meeting.
Answered questions with driver regarding job description and duties. Employer
has right to direct the workforce.
SHNB, MOA questions regarding drivers and taking direction from driver’s
Told her to see her own manger and ask for direction from her manager who she
is responsible for.
Kelli attended meeting for accommodation/retirement employee to take notes for
me. Will be placed on dip till she retires.
Joyce took notes at housekeeping/laundry meeting
Joyce attended 2 meetings with member. Member received written discipline to
remain on file for 2 years. Does not wish to grieve. Member to move job in new
Attended meeting with BMHC member conflict with another member.
Met with driver regarding supervisor calling his Doctor, this is to be dealt with
with HR.
Attended meeting with Hopeview employees
Attended meeting with BMHC employee
Attended mandatory meeting with drivers.
Branch Report for November
By Nancy Black
This will be my last report as Battlefords Branch VP. I have taken an interim position of
CUPE 5111 Recording Secretary. In my place and also interim, elected into office on
Nov 17th, will be Perry Turton. Congratulations Perry! New contact information has been
posted within this branch.
Thank you to all the Facility Reps and Shop Stewards, past and present, that I have
worked with over the last 7 years, and that have done such a great job. I look forward to
continue working with you in my new role with CUPE 5111.
-Trial Period failure in the scheduling department was discussed with management.
Member had been given extra orientation days and an extension to the trial period. The
member will return to their FT CCA position.
-Meeting with management and HR concerning a member of the Trades dept. that is
required to obtain journeyman status to continue employment. It was suggested to
challenge the exam. Possible grievance.
-Meeting with Management and HR for Dangerous Occurrence. No disciplinary action
taken. Another similar Dangerous Occurrence from previous month has been closed as
well. No discipline.
-Closed file on an investigation that had taken place in the spring. No discipline.
-Possible settlement prior to arbitration for a grievance for vacation denial.
-Questions concerning who is responsible for the deductible on an insurance claim
regarding Prairie North vehicles. Deductibles are the responsibility of the employer.
-Several meetings and discussions with a member seeking a DTA. Employer is awaiting
medical documentation before proceeding.
-Many questions being asked about obtaining the flu shot, displaying private medical
information and wearing of masks. It is obvious that many members are not happy with
this policy. Union continues to question the employer regarding this.
-Contacted by a member seeking DTA. I suggested that they should discuss their
situation with their VP before doing anything further.
-Discussion with member at BMHC, department still unrested. Mediation has been
suggested in the past to no avail. Will make further attempts.
November Report 2014
Perry Turton Branch VP Battlefords
Hello to all of our members. I wish to thank everyone for such a warm welcome to our
executive board. I look forward to working as a cohesive group to further the
development and strength of our union and its membership. Since being elected into the
Branch VP position on November 17, I have had the opportunity to attend a special
Executive meeting called for November 20th. I was sworn in and introduced to the
attending Executive members.
I wish to thank Nancy Black for her efforts in passing over the role of Branch VP to me
and introducing me around the SHNB wards and also Villa Pascal. I know that she will
assist me in the information on currently existing files and working forward on current
files. We can’t ever look beyond the experience and knowledge of past history in
assisting positive results.
Issues dealt with:
Member issued letter of termination for exceeding work absence duration. They had
retired 2 years ago in their opinion so was no need to file a grievance. I will follow up
with HR on the paperwork for retirement.
Member is asking for duty to accommodate for health reasons. Working on possibilities
with HR.
One steward has resigned at SHNB for personal reasons. This leaves us with 2 open
positions for stewards at SHNB. I will contact members out there to see if we have a
viable candidate to represent our members. For the interim we have Leo Brennan as
facility rep, and Joanne Maloney as steward.
Diane MacDonald is still our sole steward at Villa Pascal and we are looking at
identifying a second person to learn and assist Diane with any issues or concerns. This
month has been a quiet month with no concerns or issues to report there.
There are no concerns or issues to report for the MHC at BUH.
Thank you again to all of our members for working at strengthening our presence and
performance showing why CUPE is such a great group of people and a family. Merry
Christmas to all of our members from My Family.
Perry Turton
Tanya Demas Reported for the Maidstone Branch
- Nothing to report
Cut Knife
-big staff meeting on Dec. 10th
-staff trying to keep things together
- not much to say seeing how there is no management to deal with things
-Attended a meeting with a member
-orientating new CCAs
-new CEC staff as ambulance staff are now included
-Christmas party at the bowling alley was a success
- not much to discuss are we are without a manager in the building however Neal has
been doing a great job.
Branch Report for Linda Vancuren
BDCC- Answered question from member who was denied Christmas off. Someone with
less seniority was given the day off. After investigating further found out that member
had not put in request during time when seniority ruled. This was resolved with member
finding a trade.
RHL- Attended meeting with member about her RTW and what is expected of her.
Attended meeting with member, D. Hnatiw, a TLR reminder and some new hints for
member to use on the floor. This was very beneficial for the member and good advice.
Went into room and put into practice proper and new techniques to help member.
Attended investigation meeting with member, manager, assistant manager, in regards
to report of member using inappropriate language to resident.
Meeting with member B. Manegre, L. Vancuren, D. Lecki, K. Day, and member, in
regards to member feeling bullied and harassed by co-workers.
Investigation meeting with member and management about complaints from other staff
that member was not doing night duties.
Attended meeting with member, HR, management, B. Manegre, L. Vancuren, as
member has filed harassment.
Attended meeting with member as Kelly Day is having meetings with NIC to reinforce
what is expected of the.
Attended a termination meeting with member as she did not pass probation.
Follow up attendance meeting with member
Meeting with new employee and management re English
Meeting with LPN and management review NIC policy
As for myself attended Step one meeting on members behalf with Laurie Dupuis
Talked with member via telephone about some issues she is having at work
Meeting with member, HR, Cheryl Collins, Kelly Day, B. Manegre, in regards to
harassment she filed
Attended meeting with member in regards to member feeling bullied and harassed at
Attended meeting with Bernita at BUH, and transportation, management to discuss
some issues with changes to work schedules, etc.
Covered CUPE office which led into answering many questions
Attended special meeting with rest of executive and table officers on November 20th.
Had numerous phone calls from members in regards to questions around the collective
Repectfully Submitted
Branch VP Linda Vancuren
Report for Oct, Lloydminster
Genien Spiller
Oct 1 executive meeting
Oct 2 - BBQ at Jubilee
Oct 3 - BBQ at lloydminster hospital
Oct 7 - Jubilee member disciplinary meeting (Megan and Stephanie attended)
Oct 15 - CUPE r/o done by Betty and Heather
Oct 20 - disciplinary meeting
Oct 20 - 3 accommodations meetings
Oct 22 - office day
Oct 23 - disciplinary meeting
Oct 24 - accommodation meeting
Oct 27 - disciplinary meeting jubilee
Oct 28 - Nov 1 - SFL Regina
Genien Spiller
November 12 – Accomodations meeting (Betty Megan, Memaber, Employer and HR)
November 13 – Vacation to LOA – grievance meeting. (Genien Betty, member, Employer and
November 19 – office day & meeting from maidstone member (Employer HR, Nancy & Myself)
November 20 – Special Executive meeting
November 21 – Disciplinary meeting
November 25 – Member grievance meeting – cancelling of LOAs
Turtleford Branch Report
Immunization/mask policy seem to be separating staff, driving moral down, public
refusing to wear masks stating " Absolutely ridiculous"
Poinsettias have been delivered to P. Hill, St. Walburg, Turtleford, and Edam
On going accommodations meetings in St Walburg and Edam
- accommodation still in progress
- Housekeeping meeting to determine routine and TPHD and new linen procedures
- Maintenance still supplying service to Turtleford
no postings for maintenance and dietary, Jill looking into it
- accommodation for an employee underway
- office staff send home early on stormy day with paid LO. other staff upset
P. Hill
Homecare grievance on mileage allowance is in abeyance while HR and payroll sort it
St Wal
- 12 hour roto for nursing to be trialed in new year
- ESP training for staff as no more paper scheduling will be available
- Lab has not had a posting for the position that is open. Awaiting a response from HR.
Submitted by Donna Sarich Branch VP
Meadow Lake Branch Report for December 10,2014.
Received CUPE 5111 pocket calendars, posters, minutes to distribute and post
Waiting for meeting with management
Information on the family illness leave sent.
Loon Lake
2 new employees hired for the kitchen one Colleen Cowan and Al Davidson who
has resigned already
Meredith is doing laundry without a posting. (This will be checked into, as this is
to be on the list to be changed to an ES/laundry position.)
Meredith now has a position in Laundry Perm Part time as of December 12,2014.
She has resigned her perm part time ES position and is casual only in ES .
New CCA Tannis Elliot
Employee from the kitchen has taken an LOA as she does not have the flu shot
and cannot stand wearing the mask for long periods of time, this will leave dietary
short (
Employee from maintenance also has not taken the flu shot and will have to wear
the mask.
NPL Meadow Lake and Meadow Lake Hospital
Meetings with management and HR to resolve grievances /discuss /issues with
scheduling/not available.
Not available was a grievance, which ended up not being a grievance as the
member had put in for vacation payout in February 2014 for days in December,
which were then scheduled and given to her as vacation. Prior to that not available
had gone in and management denied at present time. We discuss being not
available during holiday time as many casuals are doing it and there is no one to
work and full time staff are not allowed vacation or there is overtime scheduled.
Need clarification on NOT Available.
Where and how it should be applied.
What is union stand on it? Grievance will be with drawn due to the information.
Missed cook shift was discuss and believe resolved (No letter yet.) Senior in the
department not called for overtime. Miss understanding that TPH /seniority is
first. (Awaiting a letter of resolve from management)
Posted and confirmed schedules in paper for employees in all departments.
Argument is they have access to ESP. No this is not appropriate we all need to
have paper schedules 28 days in advance. NPL not now MLH does not have. All
employees do not have access to computers and they are also very slow. If power
is out then what? (NO RESOLVE will take back)
Met with member re the time being removed from employee by scheduler 17
minutes when the employee was 7 minutes late. And she noticed. Scheduler was
late and employee confronted her about being late. Lori Graupe said no it is not
right that she did this taking time away from any employee. Told the employee to
fill out inquiry form and send it in to Lori Graupe.
Meeting with upset member problems in department not being looked after.
Informed manager of department/HR.
Meeting with manager, HR department educaton/learing skills, workload and
how to deal with it, team work, interdepartmental relationships.
Sent posters, calendars and collective agreement an as well as minutes for posting
to all facilities.
Member applied for time off using earned time, Became ill and has sick note to
stay home other than to go for walk to strengthen muscles. Asked to have TE put
back into bank and use sick time was refused because it is like vacation. I have
asked Shayla to continue getting all the information and fact sheet done and have
put it into abeyance with Lori Graupe until we have discussion.
Member at NPL has been off work on dip and then was told to do WCB due to a
return to work that did not work .WCB claim denied and now we have went to
disability with the information.
Posting of positions for dietary aides were apparently not done correctly. 2
members claim the postings were for permanent and then were awarded as temps.
They both signed the letters. I have asked for job postings but have not received
them. Lisa does not get them. I asked Nancy for the number the employee gave
me but did not find it. The employee who was on disability at the time had been
working in a perm part time prior to this, (she thought that is what she had)
applied for this larger one and got it. She was also casual and when she thought
she had almost full time perm she resigned the casual position and now as a result
has nothing. We are all looking for postings and in the mean time I have told her
to apply to anything that comes up in dietary aide. Not sure what to do at this
She should still be able to get disability as the forms and continuation papers were
all in place.
Issues with still not enough workers in the dietary departments in the Branch.
NPL. Cooks and dietary aides schedules are awful and so much overtime. Dietary
aide started at NPL and quit too heavy and too much work. Cook perm part time
quit too much work. Need to look at the scheduling of the work they need to file
grievances. They are doing trades to help fix the problem.
Meeting with members re Xmas collective agreement hours of work /working.
Employees shall be scheduled either Xmas or New years alternatively
Attended a special executive meeting.
Carla V attended the aboriginal conference in Prince Albert. She enjoyed it very
much and brought back some posters t put up. Thanks for sending her.
Attended the Executive meeting and Labor management meeting.
Thanks to the Facility Reps and the shop stewards for dong the work they do to
support the members in our facilities. I would like to take this opportunity to wish
everyone a safe and happy holiday a special Thanks to all those who are working
over the holidays. Beat wishes to all for a happy Healthy New Year.
Marilyn Goll
6. President’s Report
1. Discussions about Summer Students. They should not be doing our jobs.
They should be supernumerary and not replacing our members. Our
members also need to be informed of this. Brian will do an e-mail to the
Motion #2014-122 M/S by Donna/Genien to have Summer students and
senior assist programs continue. Carried
2. Senior Assists
3. Vacation memos from employer being distributed again. The collective
agreement is silent on carryover of hours. Continue with our practice as
per previous memos.
4. CUPE SASK- Bring names to the next exec. Meeting March 4 - 6
5. DTA Workshop Regina Jan 14th, will put on hold. Tabled to next meeting.
6. Motion 2014-123 M/S by Bernita/Marilyn to send the 4 table officers, if
they choose, to the PNRHA Semi-Annual review. Carried
7. K-Bro linen. Information distributed.
8. SASWH Annual Conference on March 25th, 2015. Donna and Marilyn
will attend as in the past.
9. L/M issues. Agenda and last minutes distributed to all.
a) 3S Health - Transcription, they are working towards being the employer.
Meetings will be set up in the new year once final direction is known.
Other departments, such as Materials Management, and Laundry, is still
on the back burner for now.
b) Mac Committee, we will be setting up meetings in the new year for
training and getting them active in signing petitions in preparations of the
coming election. Tom Graham is here to discuss our next steps to keep the
new SHNB P3 debate going on. Senior Centers, Health Accord petitions.
c) Tracking needs to be done when staff are not being replaced. We need all
departments reporting workload when working short. This will show the
effects of the premium reduction which results in bonuses for senior
d) Could we send someone to a focus group for a women’s research group, to
see what impact LEAN has had on them?
Ann will get more information on this.
e) LTC/Homecare meeting in Regina. Council would like 6 members from
each local. Different departments. Brian asks executive to bring names to
our next executive meeting.
f) Replacement needed for Employment Strategy. Tabled for next exec
7. New Busines
7.1 Motion 2014-118 by Marilyn/Genien to split the cost for lunch at mediation.
7.2- Discussion was had on the Multisite, Housekeeping Supervisor position.
We will follow C/A. Including other centers, family health center. BDCC is
technically a different community. We will follow the language.
7.3- HR Recruitment Errors. Not listed on members LOO. Discussion was had on
the employer error.
7.4 National Human Rights Conference, do we want to send anyone?
Motion 2014-119 by Donna/Bernita to send 4 people to the Human Rights
Conference. Carried
Linda, Bernita, Donna and Angelina will attend. Marilyn and Perry will be
7.5 SFL/CLC Annual Spring School. Received and filed
7.6 Motion 2014-120 by Bruce/Deb to continue support of the Hospital Activity
Book for Children. Carried
7.7 Motion 2014-121 by by Brian/Donna to send Donna and Marilyn to SASWH
Annual Conference & AGM. Carried
Gord Campbell gave the executive a briefing on the last HCC meeting. Thanks to Local
5111 for all their help and support over the year. A lot of good work has been done this
Tom Graham special guest was here to discuss the P3 SHNB. What is our next step?
Brian, would like to make presentations to city councils in North Battleford and
Battleford, and possibly the chamber of commerce. He will set up meetings with Bernita
and Linda. $10,000,000 added for furnishings, the community should be informed of this.
To many, this is unknown. Who will do the fundraising? CUPE will develop a
presentation for the province with SHNB part of it in the new year.
Tom will send a letter to the editor and can arrange for BBQs in some of the smaller
communities. CUPE Sask will provide the supplies.
Ideas were discussed for the CUPE 5111 MAC/PAC
8. Bruce moved his report Motion #2014-124 seconded by Nancy. Carried
Discussion was had about the office lease and property for sale. Bruce can get
more info if requested.
Trustees will be in in Feb.
Discussions concerning workload officers. Who are area officers? Tabled
9. Grievance Report
Resolution to Grievance # 2011-126
Motion #2014-125 M/S by Marilyn/Bruce to move grievance # 2013-13 on to
arbitration. Carried
Motion #2014-126 M/S by Marilyn/Perry to move grievance #s 2014-21, 22 & 23
all be moved to arbitration. Carried
10. Committee Reports.
LPN Committee continues to meet. Scope of practice continues. Media concerns
have quietened.
11. Correspondence
SFL Summer Camp Registration forms.
12. Date of next meeting Jan 7th, 2015
13. Meeting adjourned Motion #2014-127 M/S by Bruce/Perry. Carried