CUPE 5111

CUPE 5111
Executive Meeting Minutes
September 4, 2013
North Battleford, Saskatchewan
Website: www.CUPE.5111
1. Call to order by Bruce Chubb. Attending were Bruce Chubb, Vickie AngellScheler, Donna Sarich, Tanya Demas, Linda Vancuren, Bernita Wilson, Genien
Spiller, Nancy Black and Marilyn Goll.
Regrets- Brian Manegre, Deb Haftner and CUPE Rep Anne Iwanchuk
Guest- Sheila Amendt
Approval of Agenda as amended –Motion #2013-116 M/S by Marilyn/Donna.
Approval of last minutes- Motion #2013-117 M/S by Tanya/Linda. Carried
Business Arising
4.1- List of stewards attending upcoming educational is correct and there are
plenty of seats available.
4.2- Travel was arranged for the Health Accord educational in Regina. Vickie
will email Kim at CUPE Saskatchewan and let her know who is attending
from the Local.
4.3- Stale dated cheques were discussed and most have cleared up to June.
4.4- Names of members attending the SFL Conference in Saskatoon will be Bruce
and Donna. Alternates are Linda, Marilyn and Nancy. Vickie will book
Branch Reports
Donna Sarich reported for Turtleford Branch
Marilyn Goll will inquire with the Provincial Workload Committee as to
workload educationals with mapping information.
Edam LPN vacant positions are being re classified to CCA's, so we have been
having meetings and discussions with management, staff, and MLA's as to why
we are loosing this classification in Edam. Nursing is having a workload issue
and therefore requesting a mapping, as management is unable to provide extra
hours at this time. Staff morel is dropping drastically. I held a union meeting in
the facility to discuss several issues in August. We still have no regular Facility
Manager, however one of the RN's is doing an office day once a week to give us
some structure. Management held a nursing meeting to discuss our issues and
concerns with workload and LPN's. Our rehab aide has never been orientated to
her position as of yet, requesting management to make that happen.
Maintenance workers have their own uniforms provided now, but must launder
them on their own. 3rd weekend premium concern not being bankable has been
Turtleford held a meeting with management in regards to scheduling. There are
workload issues in housekeeping do to shortage of relief staff.
St Walburg CCA's held a meeting with management and HR in which I attended
and several issues were discussed and dealt with.
P Hill received additional housekeeping relief staff.
Tanya Demas reported for Maidstone Branch
-nothing to report
Cut Knife (Gwen Kaye reported)
-Nikki and I attended an accommodation meeting with a member
-we have a union/management meeting scheduled for Sept. 12th hopefully we can
resolve some issues
-everyone is happy to have a manager in the building
-still working short staffed at times
-more talk around people retiring around the end of 2013
-glad to have Nikki on board
-I attended a meeting with a member on work performance issues
-I dealt with a couple Step 1 grievance meetings
-I am answering many questions around the contract progress
-the CEC is set to begin a soft opening on Sept. 3rd now. There are many
questions and issues with this new idea. There are lots of wrinkles to iron out.
-summer staffing still a huge issue in many departments
-CCA’s have had their much needed extra Evening person taken away so now
they are trying out new work hours to try to deal with the heavy workload. We
are approved to try the new hours for 6 weeks so we can all decide how it goes.
As long as we all work together it may work out.
-our summer students were a nice addition
Linda Vancuren reported for the Battlefords Branch
BDCC- One investigational meeting four members and management in regards to
a resident’s family having concerns. One meeting with member and
management regarding sick time usage.
RHL- Cheryl attended meeting with member regarding breach of TLR, which the
member received a verbal reprimand for not following TLR. Answered questions
around bargaining. Also kept up communication board with any info that was
passed on. There was a termination for member being AWOL from her rotation
for many days, member does not wish to grieve this as she says she is moving
away. East side bath girl changing hours of work from 07:00-15:30 to 10:0018:30 on temporary basis. Tub room on East side needs tracking lift to be aligned
with the tub properly and needs a new tub, manager says there is no funding
available for new tub.
As for myself attended meeting with member in regards to being AWOL, this is
going to be grieved waiting for meeting with manager to do step one. Helped
member fill out fact sheet and set up meeting with manager to investigate and
possibly grieve the awarding of casual housekeeping position. Through the
meeting with manager came to discover that awarding of position was done
right and member had applied after posting was closed so there was no
grievance. I attended SEA training in Saskatoon. This training is about BILL85 that
provincial government has passed and it changes some of the Sask Employment
Act. This was very educational. Hope everyone had a good summer.
Bernita Wilson reported for the Battlefords Branch
Nancy Black reported for the Battlefords Branch
August has been quite a busy month for myself as I have been working on many
different issues as well as some that have been on-going.
-Duty to Accommodate seems to have topped the list. There has been a resolve to
the grievance of Failing to Accommodate, prior to Arbitration, to the members
satisfaction. This now continues, as a new accommodation is necessary. Trial
period was not successful in another department. CUPE, the Employer and
member have been working together to resolve.
-DTA, member has been successfully accommodated within the same
classification, into another department and facility.
-Not all accommodations go well. Although this one has been successful, the
member has chosen to resign from PNRHA against all efforts.
-Another DTA has ended due to medical conditions and a new accommodation
will be searched for.
-I attended a meeting with the employer regarding two consecutive AWOL’s of a
member and another for a disagreement between member and management.
Through discussion, these have been resolved.
-PPT posting in security SHNB. Successful applicant to PPT will continue with
TFT within the department at this time. PFT has now been posted within the
-Step one meeting was held concerning the reversion of vacation hours to sick
leave. This was resolved at this step.
-Met with HR concerning discipline of member being excessive in cause. A
request was made to change the letter and agreed to. I am awaiting new letter.
-A step 2 meeting was held with HR concerning sick leave denial due to
interpretation of medical certificate. HR is prepared to respond. I am waiting for
formal documentation.
-I had discussions with HR concerning the policy for set up time for educational.
-Member has sent inquiry for cancelled shifts. 48-hour notice was not given as per
C/A article 27.04 (h)
-Member that had been successful at obtaining a 4th relief position was requested
to put in resignation for another in order to accept. Within trial period of the new
classification, they would like to return to this previously held position despite
resignation. The union felt that despite this resignation, this member should still
be eligible to return.
-A serious incident occurrence has taken place within SHNB resulting in harm to
one of our members. OH&S has been notified and are presently looking into it.
-Answered questions concerning benefits, DIP for relief employees based on last
52 weeks of work (does not count approved LOA’s)
-Discussions around Bill 85 and how it will affect our members, and P3 of the
new SHNB facility, what could happen.
-I also attended another 3P session on the design of the Forensic Unit.
Nancy Black
SHNB - Leo B, Grant C, Joanne M, Tammy S - Nothing to report
Villa Pascal - Diane McD reported that the facility is looking into changing CCA
roto’s to 8hr shifts. I have requested all roto’s to be submitted to CUPE for
Marilyn Goll reported for Meadow Lake Branch
Labour management meeting was held at NPL Colette Laplante NPL shop
steward; Branch VP Marilyn Goll and President Brian Manegre attended.
Discussions around changes to the rotations in the nursing department as NPL
have been awarded a few more hours in Nursing. The 4-hour shifts will be gone
and they will change to 12-hour shifts at night, as it will be more beneficial.
Issues around scheduling of workers, LOA’s, sick call INS, protocol for all of
these issues were discussing.
Brian sent out scheduling rules to managers, as there is a discrepancy in the
calling in sick rules.
New rotations at NPL staff are asking that they have no more than 3 12’s in a row.
It is too tiring to do 4 in a row.
Meetings were held with management and HR with members at both facilities
NPL and the Meadow Lake Hospital.
Discussion on CCA’s who have not completed their course in the 2 years and
extensions that they can apply for.
Member from Loon Lake in Maintenance had resigned his position and then was
rehires again as a casual. He gets a new start date as being rehired gives seniority
from that time for ward.
Discrepancies regarding mandatory courses and whether or not they will be paid.
All mandatory courses, that employees are told to have, should be paid by
employer. Anything that MUST be completed by employees by a dead line is
mandatory and is paid time to take it. If employees have taken it and have not
been paid file a grievance, as it is paid time. Some were paying and others were
Activity director has resigned from NPL and is now working at the clinic.
Step one grievance was filed with Shelly Wasyliw at NPL for member who was
given written letter on file.
Step one grievance was filed with Jeff Renaud for member who was not a casual
employee and being called prior to letter of offer.
Many facilities are facing workload and forms have been filled out in many cases.
There are more who need to fill them out but have not been dong so.
NPL Nursing has filled out many. Working short not replacing staff.
Goodsoil as well not replacing staff in nursing.
Dietary staffing issues continue in the Region.
Genien Spiller reported for Lloydminster Branch
6. President’s Report
1. Brian wanted to change dates for steward training in November but Executive
stated they wanted the dates to stay the same.
2. Discussion around field hours for new PPT position in Meadow Lake.
Questions still need to be answered.
3. Chamber of Commerce discussion around our Local attaining a business
4. The Executive had a discussion regarding the Turtleford lab and loss of a .61
supernumerary position. Lab meeting for Maidstone and Turtleford will be
held. Tanya explained that there are differences regarding which area is the
5. Report about SEA (Saskatchewan Employment Act) training.
6. Executive made decision to share some of our extra CA’s with Local 5999.
7. Council
a) Brian asked the Branch VP’s to get information of LPN’s working in
the facilities/departments their managers names and any policies that are
specific to LPN duties.
b) Laundry petition is available and we need to make sure that our members
are signing these.
c) We are in need of a person to sit on the provincial tech committee for this
d) Brian asked if the Executive wants to send anyone to the Meeting of the
leaders (workplace fairness) put on by the CLC to be held at the Heritage
Inn in Saskatoon on Sept 11, 2013 Motion 2013-118 M/S by
Tanya/Bernita to send two members to this. Carried Donna and Marilyn
will attend.
7. New Business
7.1- Motion #2013-119 M/S by Marilyn/Donna to transfer $10,000.00 into our
travel account. Carried
7.2- Tanya has a grievance in abeyance regarding consistency in paid
7.3- Office coverage for Oct and Nov is as follows Oct 4 Bernita, Oct 7 Vickie, Oct
9 Ex Mtg, Oct 11 Donna, Oct 14 Stat, Oct 16 Nancy, Oct 18 Marilyn, Oct 21
Linda, Oct 23 Donna, Oct 25 Tanya, Oct 28 Linda, Oct 30 Bernita, Nov 1
Genien, Nov 4 Marilyn, Nov 6 Vickie, Nov 8 Nancy, Nov 11 Stat, Nov 13
Deb, Nov 15 Genien, Nov 18 Linda, Nov 20 Vickie, Nov 22 Donna, Nov 25
Nancy, Nov 27 Bernita, Nov 29 Tanya
7.5- Request for variable hours approved by Executive.
8. Treasurer’s Report- Bruce moved his report Motion #2013-120 seconded by
Marilyn. Carried
9. Grievance Report – Discussed issues that the Branch VP’s had regarding
grievances. Full report next meeting.
10. Committee Reports – None at this time
10. Correspondence as presented
Motion #2013-121 M/S by Bernita/Donna to donate a jacket to the SFL silent
auction. Money earned goes to the SFL Kids Camp. Carried
12. Date of next meeting will be Oct 9, 2013.
13. Meeting adjourned. Motion #2013-122 M/S by Tanya/Linda. Carried