aug 7 UBC animal care technicians vote to join CUPE

AUGUST 7, 2013.
UBC animal care technicians vote to join CUPE
VANCOUVER—The 91 lab assistants and research assistants employed by Animal
Care Services at the University of British Columbia have voted to join CUPE Local 116.
“CUPE 116 is excited to welcome these new members to our growing local,” said
Colleen Garbe, President of CUPE Local 116. “I am committed to working with these
new members to make sure their voices are heard.”
The lab assistants and research assistants at UBC join over 2,000 CUPE 116 members
and another 4,000 CUPE members across all departments on campus.
“These workers will now have access to a wide array of resources offered by the largest
union in Canada, including a fair and transparent process for grievances and far more
health and safety protection,” said Garbe.
The Canadian Union of Public Employees represents more than 85,000 public sector
workers across BC.
-30For more information, please contact:
Ian Boyko, Communications Representative, 604-291-1940 ext. 262