ENTER THIS WATER WORD SEARCH & YOU COULD WIN A “WATER WISE” HAMPER Search through this maze of letters for the WATER WORDS that appear in the list below. The words are written forwards, backwards, diagonally, up & down. Please encircle each word that you find. Once you have found all the words you will find 9 letters that are not encircled. These make up two words. Please write these two words in the spaces provided in order to enter the competition. FROG GROW GERM CLOUD FISH LIFE C P L O E R A D N U I O N L G C E E R I M U P O WET SEED RIVER SEA DAM DRINK ICE RAIN SPRING NATURE PAY TEST DROP H 20 OCEAN BATH SUN WADE T D W A S H C E A N W U N E S E A I T S T T O I C W E V A A E E R R C D P E W I V A S F F V E A E I G E C P R S P R I N S H E P O N L L U T E W POND RESPECT TAP WASTE PIPE VAAL I N R H2 N I T M A A P A A L E K T N G I D R A D RESERVOIR PURIFICATION POLLUTE CLEANING WASHING CONSERVATION G O R F T Y H T A B O E (Produced by the Water Wise Education Team, Water Treatment Technology Division) N L I F E R E R U T A N WATER WORD SEARCH COMPETITION ENTRY FORM Please post this entry form to: RAND WATER, c/o The Water Wise Education Team, P.O. Box 1127, Johannesburg, 2000 Name:_______________________________________________________________ Postal Address: _______________________________________________________ Postal Code: ___________ Telephone Number: ____________________________ The words left in the Water Word Search are: ___________ _____________ GOOD LUCK!!!